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us: Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences    (to begin 2025-07-01)

Bentley University; Waltham, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
We seek candidates to add to our strengths in analytics, statistics, data science, and machine learning. An additional ability and willingness to teach in the areas of actuarial science, quantitative finance, and applied mathematics at the undergraduate level is also attractive. Providing a stimulat...      Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Statistics, Data Analytics, Data Science, or a closely related discipline by the time of appointment. Criteria for selection include evidence of (a) excellent teaching ability, (b) producing high-quality research, and (c) an ability to build research connections with ...

ch: Digital Forensic and Electronic Discovery Examiner - Associate/Senior Associate

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Schweiz
As a technologist in our Forensics Technology team, you'll get expert training and the opportunity to work across a range of disciplines, including: Data discovery - using powerful technology to find and review unstructured data sets including emails, documents, social media, voice, and video data;...      Technical qualifications such as a Bachelor's and/or Master's degree in computer science, information technology, digital forensics, and related fields; Prior experience in Digital Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Network Security, Computer Science, Infrastructure, and/or Data Analytics including ad...

lu: Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in the APSIA team at SnT

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The two successful candidates will be selected with complementary knowledge contributing to the research goals of the APSIA group. The APSIA Group specializes in the design and analysis of secure systems: Cryptographic Protocols; Post-Quantum Cryptography; Quantum Cryptographic Protocols; Cryptogra...      PhD degree in Computer Science, Theoretical Physics, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or related fields; Strong mathematical and/or algorithmic CS background; Knowledge on quantum-safe algorithms is considered a bonus; Good skills in programming, especially PQ cryptography development, i...

us: Senior Data Scientist, Safety Evaluation

Waymo; Mountain View, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Develop safety evaluation frameworks that are critical to ML model improvements; Design and implement robust data analysis pipelines and validation frameworks; Develop and apply statistical methods and ML models to analyze historical/simulation data and assess safety performance; Collaborate with cr...      PhD in a quantitative field (IE Statistics, Mathematics, Physics); 3+ years of industry experience solving large-scale complex problems; Proven expertise using advanced statistical methods (e.g., ML models, hypothesis testing, causal analysis); Ability to interpret and work with data in the presence...

us: Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Runtime & Optimization, Machine Learning Platform

Waymo; Mountain View, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Collaborate with ML practitioners to understand their models and modify model architectures to run faster on the car; Build tools to benchmark and analyze workloads; Build tools to improve model latency and quality; Build tools to productize deep learning models for onboard and offboard deployment      BS in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related field; 5+ years of industry experience; C++ programming skills; Passion for developing and optimizing ML software stacks for modern architectures (framework, runtime library, ML compiler, efficient deep learning)

us: Senior ML Compiler Engineer, Compute

Waymo; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Analyze the performance characteristics of code generated by our production grade compiler, and design and implement optimizations to improve that performance; Design and implement compiler support for novel features of our high-performance architecture; Work closely with hardware architects to unde...      PhD degree in Computer Science/Electrical Engineering and 1+ years of industry experience; 3+ years of industry and/or academic experience working on compilers for parallel architectures

de: Mathematiker:in/Aktuar:in für die Rolle Produktentwickler:in (m/w/d)

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Deutschland
Du designst und entwickelst Produktlösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Altersvorsorgeprodukte; Dabei arbeitest du eng mit Produktmanager: innen zusammen und schaffst es die vielen verschiedenen Stakeholder: innen (Kund: innen, Vertrieb, Aktuariat, Risikomanagement, Marketing, Recht) optimal einzube...      Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der (Versicherungs-/Wirtschafts-)Mathematik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Weiterqualifizierung; Du hast erste oder gerne auch mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einem vergleichbaren Aufgabengebiet; Idealerweise hast du eine Ausbildung zum Aktu...

de: Physiker/Mathematiker/Naturwissenschaftler als Berater im Bereich Datenintegration (m/w/d)

Senacor Technologies AG; Deutschland
An diesen Themen arbeitest du typischerweise: An der Schnittstelle zwischen Fachbereich und IT analysierst du die Anforderungen des Kunden, gestaltest Lösungen und setzt diese gemeinsam mit deinem Team um; Schnell eignest du dir ein tiefes fachliches Verständnis der zu integrierenden Daten an, mo...      Sehr guter Hochschulabschluss im Bereich Mathematik, Physik, Naturwissenschaften oder (Wirtschafts-)Informatik; Neugierde und Interesse an der Arbeit mit grossen Datenmengen und komplexen Modellen; Überdurchschnittliches Abstraktionsvermögen, analytische Denkweise und Teamgeist

de: Consultant Künstliche Intelligenz/Artificial Intelligence Energy (m/w/d)

Sopra Steria SE; Hamburg, Deutschland
Du analysierst fachliche und technische Anforderungen und entwickelst Konzepte und Prototypen im Bereich Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz inklusive Datenaufbereitung und Auswertung; Im Themenfeld Sensorik (Internet of Things, Video- und Spracherkennung usw.) findest Du praktische Einsatzbere...      Abgeschlossenes Studium der (Wirtschafts-) Informatik, -Mathematik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung; Du besitzt erste Erfahrungen im Bereich Artificial Intelligence und Data Science durch Studienveranstaltungen, studentische Tätigkeiten oder erste Berufserfahrung; Du ka...

il, uk: Software Engineer, Machine Learning

Meta; Tel Aviv, London, Israel, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Play a critical role in setting the direction and goals for a sizable team, in terms of project impact, ML system design, and ML excellence; Adapt standard machine learning methods to best exploit modern parallel environments (e.g., distributed clusters, multicore SMP, and GPU); Re-evaluate the trad...      Masters degree or PhD in Computer Science or a related technical field; Experience in one or more of the following areas: machine learning, recommendation systems, pattern recognition, data mining, artificial intelligence, or related technical field; Experience with developing machine learning mode...

de: Senior Consultant (w/m/d) OT/IoT - Cyber Security

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG); Deutschland
Du begleitest unsere Mandanten und Mandantinnen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur Abwehr von Cyber-Bedrohungen für die Produktion im OT- und IoT-Umfeld; Du führst OT- und IoT Assessments/Penetrationstests für Produktion und IoT-Geräte durch; Du entwickelst Cyber Security Strat...      Senior Consultant (w/m/d) Cyber Security wirst Du bei uns mit einem erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Naturwissenschaften oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang wie Ingenieurwesen, Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Physik oder Mathematik verbunden mit einer Passio...

us: Director, Biostatistics & Data Analytics

PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Director, Biostatistics & Data Analytics will provide statistical and programming expertise to the development of clinical study designs and in performing data analysis, providing data interpretation and graphical/summary outputs, and contributing to clinical publications and regulatory subm...      Masters in Statistics/Biostatistics with 5+ years of directly relevant experience required; Strong R programming skills are required; Experienced in SAS preferred; Experience required in oncology therapeutic area; Prior experience supporting a BLA or NDA filing and representing biostatistics in inte...

us: Biostatistics Director

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Biostatistics Director is a very senior biostatistician who provides technical statistical leadership to the biostatistics function and has a major influence on the technical capabilities of the department. May act as a global statistical lead, representing Data Science in Core Teams (CMT or Dev...      MS. or Ph.D. in statistics or equivalent degree/experience; Minimum of 10-15 years’ experience in applying statistical methods in biomedical research, extensive pharmaceutical

us: Senior Statistical Programmer

IQVIA; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
As a Senior Statistical Programmer, you will be given access to cutting-edge, in-house technology and opportunities to work on global projects across a variety of therapeutic areas. You will plan and coordinate the development of integrated programming solutions, serving the full spectrum of statist...      Bachelors or Masters’ in Computer Science, Mathematics or equivalent; 5+ years Statistical Programming experience within the Life-Science industry; Experience in SAS® Base, and good knowledge of SAS® graph and SAS® Macros; Excellent knowledge of CDISC standards (SDTM and ADaM); Excellent applic...

uk: Senior Statistical Programmer I

Abbott; Witney, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Providing programming support to clinical studies and R&D product development; Supporting, developing and validating software using the System Life Cycle (SLC); Establishing systems for data access, reporting and analysis; Support the development of other junior programmers in the team      You are likely to have a BSc (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Statistics or Computing. As you will be working closely with colleagues from R&D, clinical, data management and regulatory affairs, this role will be office-based long-term, reflecting our collaborative style and ways of working

worldwide: Didn't find what you’re looking for? Browse more than 9000 institutions worldwide

www.acad.jobs; Worldwide
Here you find a list of all institutions (universities and companies) with direct links to their jobs site. This is to our knowledge the most comprehensive global list you will find. Additionally, you will find many jobs that are currently not advertised at www.acad.jobs or elsewise. This is useful,...      If you are working in an institution that wants to be listed and if you are in charge, please contact us. Please contact us if a link is broken

ch: Junior Berater Vorsorge (Mensch)   

Libera AG; Zürich, Schweiz
Lösen von verschiedenen Aufgaben rund um die berufliche Vorsorge von der Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung; Versicherungsmathematische Berechnungen und Analysen; Konzeption und Ausgestaltung von Versicherungsplänen; Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden; Bestreben nach fachlicher Weiterbildung; Entwicklung der eig...      Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Wirtschafts- oder Ingenieurwissenschaften; Programmierkenntnisse (C-Sharp oder andere objektorientierte Programmiersprache von Vorteil); Stilsicheres Deutsch, Fremdsprachenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil (E/F)

lu: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Quantum Computing

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Research activities in quantum information sciences: Perform fundamental research in quantum computing: Quantum error correction and/or quantum algorithm design. Ideal candidate would be able to collaborate with the group members to design and analyze novel quantum computing algorithms for beyond ...      A PhD degree in a relevant discipline with a focus on quantum computing; International experience is desirable; Sound publication track record in relevant international conferences and top journals of the field; Strong programming skills to prototype developed quantum computing algorithms/quantum co...

de: Praktikant (m/w/d) Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik im Bereich Angebots- und Beratungssoftware

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung a.G.; Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
Du unterstützt uns bei der konzeptionellen Weiterentwicklung unseres Tarifrechners und weiteren Online-Tools. Ziel ist es neue Produkte technisch in den Tarifrechner zu integrieren und dabei für den Anwender die Nutzung angenehm und effizient zu gestalten; Bei der Erstellung der Vorgaben für die ...      Fortgeschrittenes Studium der Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik/Informatik oder vergleichbarer Studiengang

de: Mathematiker:in/Aktuar:in (m|w|d) für die Rolle Produktentwickler:in

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Deutschland
Du designst und entwickelst Produktlösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf biometrische Absicherungen (Berufsunfähigkeit, Risikoleben, Sterbegeld); Dabei arbeitest du eng mit Produktmanagern zusammen und schaffst es die vielen verschiedenen Stakeholder (Kunden, Vertrieb, Aktuariat, Risiko- und Leistungsf...      Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der (Versicherungs-/Wirtschafts-)Mathematik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Weiterqualifizierung; Du hast mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einem vergleichbaren Aufgabengebiet; Wünschenswert ist eine begonnene oder abgeschlossene Ausbildung zu...

de: Softwarearchitekt (m/w/d)

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Deutschland
Du designst und entwickelst die IT-Plattformen der LV 1871 rund um Cloudtechnologien wie Docker und Kubernetes; Du nutzt Continous Delivery und entwickelst die Softwarearchitektur auf Basis von Rest-Services mit agilen Methoden kontinuierlich weiter; Gemeinsam mit dem Team führst du neue Technologi...      Du hast ein naturwissenschaftliches oder technisches Studium (im Idealfall Informatik) oder eine vergleichbare IT-Ausbildung erfolgreich absolviert; Du bringst Berufserfahrung als Softwarearchitekt/-entwickler mit - am besten im Umfeld komplexer IT-Infrastrukturen; Du bist fit in Java/REST, Cloudinf...

us: Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Indiana University (IU); Indianapolis, Indiana, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Successful candidates will conduct research on semiparametric and Bayesian nonparametric methods in measurement error, missing data, and functional data. The developed methods will be applied to studies of wearable device; based measures of physical activity and self-reported measures of dietary int...      The minimum requirement is a PhD in biostatistics, statistics, data science, or other quantitative fields

ie: Sr. Data Scientist

Pinterest; Dublin, Irland
Protect users on Pinterest from bad actors and problematic trends; Analyze intelligence sources to scope problems and identify monitoring strategies; Prototype proactive detection and monitoring solutions; Partner closely with Product Managers, Engineers, Policy and Operations to devise and execute ...      4+ years of experience working with/analyzing data; Technical background or relevant work experience in Trust & Safety, Fraud, Spam, Investigations, or Cyber; Proficiency in SQL and at least one programming language (Python or R); Basic knowledge of machine learning lifecycle and experience with...

us: Faculty – Statistics/Program Director

Nova Southeastern University (NSU); Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Teaches five (5) courses or activity equivalents in mathematics and statistics courses per year in various formats as necessary (on-campus days, on-campus evenings, off-campus, online, etc.); Participates in curriculum and/or program development, as assigned; Be accessible to students, according to ...      Doctoral Degree

de: Mathematiker

Dittrich & Partner Consulting GmbH (DPC); Augsburg, Solingen, Deutschland
Bei uns startest Du in einem jungen, dynamischen Team mit spannenden versicherungsmathematischen Projekten in das Berufsleben; Vielfältige Aufgabengebiete, auch in den Bereichen Data Science und Analytics, bieten Dir Abwechslung und helfen beim Aufbau einer breitgefächerten Berufserfahrung; Wir f...      Den Hochschulabschluss in Mathematik hast Du (bald) in der Tasche; Versicherungsmathematik interessiert Dich brennend. (Lebens-)versicherungsmathematisches Wissen hast Du Dir vielleicht schon angeeignet. Auch für Analytics und IT kannst Du Dich begeistern; Programmierkenntnisse in APL, Python, R, C...

jp: Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan
High Performance Big Data Research Team at RIKEN R-CCS researches and develops system software for large-scale HPC (High Performance Computing) systems such as the Supercomputer Fugaku. Especially, we study state-of-the-art techniques for convergence of HPC, AI and Big data technologies as well as f...      Applicants must have a Ph.D. or expect to receive a Ph.D. before the date of appointment. In general, those who earned a doctorate within the past 5 years will be appointed as Postdoctoral Researchers, and those who earned a doctorate more than 5 years ago will be appointed as Research Scientists. T...

de: Data Scientist (m/w/d)

Oskar Böttcher GmbH; Berlin, Deutschland
Konzeption, Umsetzung und Ownership von Data Science Projekten insbesondere in Themenbereichen des E-Commerce, Logistik und Pricing; Bearbeitung von Aufgaben aus dem kompletten Data-Science-Lifecycle: Von Proof of Concept, über Minimal Viable Product bis hin Deployment in Produktionsumgebungen; In...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Mathematik, der Statistik, der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik, Naturwissenschaften oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengänge; Programmkenntnisse: Python oder eine vergleichbare Programmiersprache; Grundlegende Kenntnisse in SQL; Erfahrungen in der Implementierung und...

hk: Global Quantitative Strategies

Citadel; Hongkong
Quantitative Researchers (QRs) specialize in a variety of areas, including but not limited to: using sophisticated data analysis skills to build predictive models, driving construction of a complex multi asset portfolio by utilizing large scale portfolio optimization techniques, and developing soph...      Advanced degree in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or a related field; Proven ability to conduct innovative and impactful research focused on solving real-world problems; Strong mathematical and statistical modeling skills (e.g., time-series and cross-sectional analys...

ca: Associate Biostatistics Director

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.; Markham, Ontario, Kanada
Participates in project teams for clinical development programs and/or lifecycle management of marketed products; Provides strategic statistical input to the project teams and is a major contributor to the project/product level strategy (for example, CDP, CMP, go/no go approach, OCs ); Ensures that ...      PhD or M.S. in Biostatistics, Statistics or related scientific field; 6+ years (9+ years for MS) of experience in applying statistical methods in biomedical research, Pharma, CRO, Academia or Healthcare industry or in providing statistical direction in these areas

us: Computational Postdoctoral Scholar

Gladstone Institutes; San Francisco, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to develop novel algorithmic architecture to leverage large-scale experimental genomics datasets to build artificial intelligence with a fundamental understanding of biological systems. The postdoctoral fellow will have access to large-scale experim...      PhD in a computational field with experience in deep learning and/or network inference methods; Advanced competency in Python and Bash, or equivalent; Experience with PyTorch or equivalent and interfacing with GPU hardware would be beneficial

de: Senior Aktuar*in (Produktmathematik)

Viridium Gruppe; Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland
ein Job auch für Aktuar*innen, die sich nach ersten Erfahrungen in anderen Bereichen weiterentwickeln möchten - Vorerfahrung im Bereich Produktmathematik ist willkommen, aber nicht erforderlich; eine vielfältige Tätigkeit an der Schnittstelle zwischen Versicherungsmathematik und IT; Zusammenarbe...      ein mindestens gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Bachelor oder Master) mit mathematischem Schwerpunkt, z.B. in Mathematik, Wirtschaftsmathematik, Versicherungsmathematik oder Physik; mindestens 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Aktuar*in in einer Lebensversicherung - ideal (aber nicht notwendig) wären Vorerfa...

worldwide: Amazon Scholars

Amazon; Worldwide
Applications are accepted from academic experts in research areas including, but not limited to, the following: Artificial Intelligence, Avionics, Computer Vision, Data Science, Economics, Machine Learning, Optimization, Natural Language Processing, Quantum Computing, and Robotics; As an Amazon Sch...      PhD in a relevant field or related discipline; 7+ years of relevant work or academic experience; Experience leading technical research projects with multiple stakeholders; Current affiliation with an academic or research institution

ch: All positions at Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Schweiz
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH uniquely combines research, education and services on a local, national and interna...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Swiss TPH automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Universität Luzern

Universität Luzern; Luzern, Schweiz
The University of Lucerne has Faculties of Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Management, Health Sciences and Medicine, Behavioural Sciences and Psychology, a Graduate Academy and a Further Education Academy. There are also plans for university-wide research centres for "Di...      Universität Luzern posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Università della Svizzera italiana

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Lugano, Ticino, Schweiz
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) is one of the 12 certified public universities in Switzerland and member of swissuniversities. It is organised in six Faculties and is active in several study and research areas, among which: architecture, communication sciences, computational science, data...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at USI automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Stadtspital Zürich

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Schweiz
Für die Menschen in und um Zürich stellen wir eine umfassende Grund- und Notfallversorgung sicher. Zudem bieten wir hochspezialisierte Untersuchungen und Behandlungen auch für Patientinnen und Patienten von ausserhalb des Kantons Zürich an. Das Wohlergehen der uns anvertrauten Menschen ist unser...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Stadtspital Zürich automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

it: Assistant Professor in Statistics   

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Unibocconi); Milano, Lombardia, Italien
The Department of Decision Sciences of Bocconi University in Milan, invites applications for a Tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Statistics, with a focus on research topics in all areas of Statistics, Machine Learning and Probability. The appointment will begin in Fall 2025      We seek strong candidates in any field of Statistics, Machine Learning and Probability. Applicants should have, or be close to completing, a Ph.D. and demonstrate high research potential

dk: Postdoc in Development of High-performance Modular Electrical Drive with Edge Computing and Machine Learning Capabilities

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Research and propose advanced modulation, control, and monitoring algorithm implementations for single and parallel drives; Evaluate the proposals via simulation tools (e.g., MATLAB-Simulink, PLECS); Build the experimental setup to test the developed methods; Test experimentally the control of the e...      Strong programming skills, with a focus on Python, MATLAB, and C/C++; Hands-on experience with power electronics converters (converter design, modulation, and control algorithms) and control of electrical machines; The ability to work effectively with data and applied statistics; Experience in devel...

dk: Postdoc in Modelling, Operation, and Control of Energy Systems

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
You will be designing and developing solutions for modelling, operation, and control of energy systems; You will conduct research on new methods and technologies to integrate exiting tools and models into ongoing projects; In collaboration with your colleagues, you will engage in project management ...      As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent)

dk: Postdoc in Group Social Cognition

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
You will be responsible for designing and running experiments investigating self-other integration in group interactions, analyzing behavioural and neural (using EEG) signals including interpersonal and inter-brain dynamics, and disseminating the results at international conferences and by publishin...      As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent). We are looking for a candidate with a background in neuroscience/biomedicine and machine learning

us: Life Actuarial Intern

Scor; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Assist with model development and creation of analytics and various other process improvements; Support the quarter close process to ensure accuracy of booked results under all applicable accounting standards; Perform ad doc risk analyses/line of business studies as required      Prior internship experience in pricing or reserving in an actuarial department of an insurance/reinsurance/consulting company is a plus; Successful completion of one or more actuarial exams of the Society of Actuaries, or equivalent credentialing organization

us: Life Actuarial Intern

Scor; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Assist with model development and creation of analytics and various other process improvements; Support the quarter close process to ensure accuracy of booked results under all applicable accounting standards; Perform ad doc risk analyses/line of business studies as required      Exposure to (re)insurance concepts with a preference towards Life lines of business; Communication skills with the ability to present results to various colleague constituencies; Ability to develop professional relationships across functional areas such as Claims, Underwriting, Financial Accounting,...

ch: Audit - Werkstudent:in - Trade, Industries & Services - Herbst 2024

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Bern, Schweiz
Sammle neben deinem Studium wertvolle praktische Erfahrungen in der Wirtschaftsprüfung und prüfe Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt vor Ort beim Kunden, bei PwC oder aus dem Homeoffice; Erhalte einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse verschied...      Mindestens zwei Semester deines Studiums in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (Naturwissenschaften, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen, Mathematik) abgeschlossen; wobei wir offen für weitere Studiengänge und Ausbildungen sind, wenn deine Motivation für den Einst...

ch: Dozent:in für Mathematik Sekundarstufe (30%)

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH); Zürich, Schweiz
Lehre in der mathematikdidaktischen Ausbildung angehender Lehrpersonen der Sekundarstufe I; Konzeption und Durchführung von Leistungsüberprüfungen; Mitarbeit im Bereich Mathematik und der Fachgruppe Didaktiken Mathematik; Begleitung und Beratung von Studierenden in der Praxisausbildung; Konzeptio...      Master in Fachdidaktik Mathematik; Ausgewiesene Kompetenzen in Mathematik; Lehrdiplom für die Sekundarstufe I oder vergleichbare Qualifikation; Mehrjährige Unterrichtserfahrung auf der Sekundarstufe I; Hervorragende Kenntnisse des Schweizer Bildungs- und Schulsystems; Hochschuldidaktische Kompeten...

at: University Assistant (Postdoc)

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich
improve the currently evolving regulatory science concepts for the NGRA and the SSbD frameworks and elaborate possible integrations and innovations thereof; co-design the decision support system for the INSIGHT´s mechanistic, computational SSbD assessment procedure; apply the CHIASMA and INSIGHT in...      completed relevant PhD or doctoral studies; affinity to desktop based work, including systematic literature reviews, computational data analysis & integration, variability and uncertainty characterisation; basic understanding of present regulatory toxicology concepts; basic understanding of AOPs...

at: Projektkoordinatorin/Projektkoordinator - Health Data Research Hub (HDRH)

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich
eigenverantwortliche Koordination von Teilprojekten des HDRH in Abstimmung mit der Projektleitung und den Stakeholdern; Unterstützung der Projektleitung in organisatorischen und administrativen Belangen; Ansprechperson in organisatorischen und administrativen Belangen des Projektes; Projektdokument...      abgeschlossenes einschlägiges Studium; einschlägige Berufserfahrung bei Digitalisierungsprojekten; sehr gute anwenderorientierte IT-Kenntnisse (MS Office, Projektmanagement und Kommunikationstools); sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens C1); gute Englischkenntnisse (mindestens B1); Berufserfahru...

at: Managerin/Manager Datenintegration

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich
unterstützende Umsetzung von Anforderungen bzgl. der forschungsorientierten Verarbeitung von Gesundheitsdaten bei Forschungsprojekten an einzelnen Organisationseinheiten (Datenmanagementpläne, Anträge an die Ethikkommission, Studienprotokolle sowie von Massnahmen der Qualitätssicherung von Forsc...      wissenschaftliche Ausbildung im Bereich (Medizinische) Informatik, Mathematik, Data Science, Medizinische Dokumentation; Kenntnisse im Kontext Forschungsdatenmanagement in den Bereichen Medizin und/oder Biomedizin; Erfahrungen bei der Durchführung von datenbasierten klinischen Forschungsprojekten; ...

uk: Senior Pricing Actuarial Analyst

MS Reinsurance; London, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Develop a strong working relationship with the other members of the Technical Pricing team, Underwriters, and teams under the Chief Actuary; Developing members of the Insurance Pricing team within Technical Pricing; Lead the development and deployment of pricing models into our pricing platforms and...      Experience in Insurance Actuarial employment, having completed a number of cycles and so have a clear understanding of what good and great practice looks like; Have a real skill and affinity for working with numbers, being in a role involving statistical analysis, or working towards an actuarial or ...

us: Senior Actuary

Ascensus, LLC; Dresher, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Responsible for protecting, securing, and proper handling of all confidential data held by Ascensus to ensure against unauthorized access, improper transmission, and/or unapproved disclosure of information that could result in harm to Ascensus or our clients; Our I-Client service philosophy and our ...      Bachelor’s degree in actuarial science, math, or math-related field; Minimum five years’ experience in the pension industry; Enrolled Actuary designation; Fellow of the Society of Actuaries a plus; Experience with traditional defined benefit plans in a consulting environment; experience with gov...

us: Instructor/Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods (100%)

MGH Institute of Health Professions; Boston, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Contribute to the Institute’s teaching, research, and service missions; Engage in scholarly work in collaboration with principal investigators at the Institute; Teach (half-time) introductory through advanced statistics courses, and to consult with faculty members on research projects      Earned master’s degree required, in biostatistics, psychology, education, epidemiology, or a related field with a focus on methodology and statistics; Extensive knowledge of research design and analysis for health sciences, clinical, psychosocial, and educational research (e.g., experimental, and ...

vn: Assistant Director, Valuation

Chubb; Vietnam
The Assistant Director, Valuation will accountable for leading and supervising the valuation and financial reporting of the company's insurance liabilities. This includes assessing the financial risk associated with insurance policies, evaluating the company's financial position, and providing strat...      Bachelor's degree in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or related field; Full qualification from the Society of Actuaries or equivalent professional actuarial organization; A minimum of 10 years of experience in the actuarial field with an emphasis on valuation, including at least 5 years ...

uk: Quantitative Developer - Machine Learning

Aspect Capital Limited; London, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Support the current suite of ML-based signal generation systems; Assist the ML team in adopting best practices in MLOps, cloud infrastructure and model observability; Develop and test software improvements for production-critical investment systems; Collaborate with various teams to deploy changes t...      Strong programming skills in Python (candidates with strong skills in another language who are looking to switch to Python will also be considered); Minimum of 2 years of professional software development experience; Proven ability to engineer high-quality software following best practices; Proficie...

ch: Career Start in Audit - Asset Management - Herbst 2025

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Schweiz
Du prüfst Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt beim Kunden vor Ort, im PwC-Office oder aus dem Homeoffice; Du gewinnst einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse von verschiedenen Vermögensverwaltern, Anlagefonds, traditionellen und alternativen An...      Du bist Absolvent: in (Graduate Bachelor/Master) oder in deinem letzten Studienjahr in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), wobei wir für alle Studiengänge offen sind; Du schaffst deinen Abschluss zur: zum di...

ch: Audit - Career Start - Insurance - Oktober 2025

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Schweiz
Du prüfst Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt beim Kunden vor Ort, im PwC-Office oder aus dem Homeoffice; Du gewinnst einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse von verschiedenen Versicherungen, Rückversicherungen, Krankenkassen sowie Vorsorgeeinr...      Du bist Absolvent: in (Graduate Bachelor/Master) oder in deinem letzten Studienjahr in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), wobei wir für alle Studiengänge offen sind; Du schaffst deinen Abschluss zur: zum di...

ch: Career Start in Audit - Banking - Herbst 2025

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Schweiz
Du prüfst Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt beim Kunden vor Ort, im PwC-Office oder aus dem Homeoffice. ​; Du gewinnst einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse von verschiedenen Finanzinstituten, hilfst bei Fragen zur Rechnungslegung und star...      Du bist Absolvent: in (Graduate Bachelor/Master) oder in deinem letzten Studienjahr in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), wobei wir für alle Studiengänge offen sind; Du schaffst deinen Abschluss zur: zum di...

lu: Research Associate in optical-wireless communication systems

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Integrate with the SIGCOM research group and contribute to the SIGCOM on-going research projects related to optical communications; Develop research around optical-based communications, including channel modeling, optimization of transmission and reception, network-based design, and evaluation; Desi...      The candidate should possess a Ph.D. degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or affine. With a proven record of accomplishment in the area of Optical communication. The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in a number of the following topics: A solid mathem...

us: Head of Financial Risk Management

Transamerica Corporation (Transamerica); Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Ensure financial risks are managed through effective review, constructive challenge, and meaningful discussion with business leaders emphasizing transparent decision-making in alignment with the established risk management framework and governance. Establish productive relationships with risk owners...      Bachelor’s degree in finance, actuarial, economics, mathematics or related field; 12 of experience in financial risk management, financial management, or related area; Eight years of experience in the insurance industry; Knowledge and experience in investment and mismatch risk management, derivati...

in: Manager, Data Science & AI

Pfizer Inc.; Mumbai, Indien
Deliver advanced analytical models, predictive algorithms, and AI-powered tools to extract actionable insights to drive US Commercial strategies and tactics; Support the end-to-end delivery of data science insights, from framing the business question, designing the solution, and delivering recommend...      Bachelor’s degree with 5-8 years of experience, preferably in Engineering, Economics, Statistics, Computer science, or related quantitative field; Advanced degree preferred with 0-2 years of experience in Applied Econometrics, Statistics, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Analytics, Mathematics, Oper...

us: Sr Staff ML Engineer, Inclusive AI

Pinterest; San Francisco, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Lead projects in the responsible AI frontier, to identify, avoid, and mitigate bias across a wide range of ML applications at Pinterest including generative AI; Collaborate with other engineering teams (infra. user modeling, content understanding) to leverage their platforms and signals and work wit...      Masters or PhD in Comp Sci or related fields; 8+ years working experience in the engineering teams that build large-scale ML-driven user-facing products; 3+ years experience leading cross-team engineering efforts; Experienced Engineer with production experience in ML and responsible technology (fair...

us: Senior NLP Engineer - Artificial Intelligence

Bloomberg L.P.; New York, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Collaborate with colleagues on production systems and write, test, and maintain production quality code; Design, train, experiment, and evaluate NLP models, algorithms and solutions; Demonstrate technical leadership by owning cross-team projects; Stay current with the latest research in NLP and inco...      Practical experience with Natural Language Processing problems, and a familiarity with Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Statistical Modeling techniques; Ph.D. in ML, NLP or a relevant field or MSc in CS, ML, Math, Statistics, Engineering, or related fields. and 2+ years of relevant work experienc...

sg: Machine Learning Engineer (Recommendation)

ByteDance; Singapur
Build industry leading recommendation system for customers; Understand machine learning techniques and business objectives, end-to-end own recommendation system and responsible for performance, improve recommendation models and strategies; Conduct cutting-edge research in machine learning algorithms...      Bachelor's degree or above majoring in Computer Science, or related fields; Experience in one or more of the following areas: machine learning, recommendation systems, data mining or other related areas; Solid programming skills, good programming styles and working habits

sg: Machine Learning Researcher - LLM Agent

ByteDance; Singapur
Cross-domain research on reinforcement Learning and Large Language Model based agents (LLM-based agents); Focus on one of the following application scenarios: Math problem solving, Text game AI      Minimum PhD degree in any of these faculties: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, or related fields; Strong skills in development of technologies in some of the following research directions: Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Game Theory, Large Language...

de: Postdoc in bioinformatics (scRNAseq data analysis)

Technische Universität München (TUM); München, Bayern, Deutschland
Bioinformatician/Computational Biologist/Systems Immunologist (f/div/m) for two years initially with a possibility of extension to 5 and more years. Involvement in immunology projects with single-cell transcriptomic data analysis      You have a PhD degree (or postgraduate degree MSc) in a computational discipline, preferably with significant experience in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology; Experience with the analysis of mRNA transcriptomic data sets, in particular with single-cell RNA-seq data analysis pipelines (Seurat, ...

it, lb: Postdoctoral and Postgraduate Fellow Positions

Lebanese American University (LAU); Beirut, Beirut Governorate, Italien, Libanon
We are seeking Graduate Researchers to join our research teams at the Lebanese American University and University of Milan and collaborate on international projects. Individuals in this role are expected to be recognized experts in identified research areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine L...      Prospective candidates must have earned an MS or a PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields, have demonstrated an ability -or show promise and interest- in conducting innovative research, and have demonstrated: Experience solving analytical problems using quantitative approac...

lu: PhD candidates - Spontaneous Applications for Next Generation Radar Sensing Networks

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Theoretical performance bounds on radar tasks in distributed radar networks with the use of large reflective surfaces and robust estimation algorithms; Novel high mobility joint radar and communication systems exploring novel architectures (ultra-massive MIMO, intelligent surfaces), new modulation t...      The candidate should possess (or be in the process of completing) a master degree or equivalent in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or Applied Mathematics or Physics with electromagnetic background

us: Research Scientist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Research Scientist to perform fundamental research on probabilistic computation, probabilistic programming, and their applications. Responsibilities include contributing to artificial intelligence and natural intelligence research that leverages hybrids of neural, symbolic, and probabilistic computa...      Ph.D. in computer science, mathematics, or related field or a master’s and five years’ experience

de: (Senior) Bioinformatiker (m/w/d) in der Humangenetik

Limbach Gruppe SE; Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
Aufbau und Betrieb einer anspruchsvollen Bioinformatik-Infrastruktur zur Daten-Prozessierung im Bereich der molekulargenetischen Diagnostik (Panels, WES, WGS, RNASeq, Datenbanken) unter Berücksichtigung gängiger QS-Richtlinien; Entwicklung von Auswerte-Algorithmen (Skripting) zur effizienten Varia...      Erfolgreicher Hochschulabschluss (Master/Diplom o. Ä.) im Bereich Informatik/Bioinformatik, evtl. Promotion mit relevanter Thematik; Sie arbeiten gerne in einem interdisziplinären Team und haben Interesse an innovativen Fragestellungen und Methoden; Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im o. g. Aufgabenbe...

at: University Assistant with doctorate (m/f/d) (100%)

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (KFU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich
Research in the field of applied mathematics with emphasis on the analysis and the numerics of problems in mathematical imaging, inverse problems and data sciences; Collaboration in interdisciplinary cooperation projects and third-party funded projects; Independent teaching of courses in the field o...      Doctoral degree in a mathematical branch of study; Solid knowledge of one of the following fields: mathematical methods, analysis and numerics in imaging, inverse problems or data sciences; Ability for integration into the department’s research profile and in particular into interdisciplinary coo...

at: Universitätsassistent:in mit Doktorat (m/w/d) (100%)

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (KFU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich
Forschung im Bereich der Angewandten Mathematik mit Schwerpunkt Analysis, Numerik und algorithmischer Lösung von Aufgabenstellungen in der mathematischen Bildverarbeitung, den Inversen Problemen und den Datenwissenschaften; Mitarbeit in interdisziplinären Kooperationsprojekten und FWF/EU-geförder...      Abgeschlossenes Doktoratsstudium einer mathematischen Studienrichtung; Fundierte Kenntnisse in einem der folgenden Bereiche: Mathematische Methoden, Analysis und Numerik in der Bildverarbeitung, den Inversen Problemen oder den Datenwissenschaften; Fähigkeit zur Integration in das Forschungsprofil ...

de: Verkehrsingenieur/Consultant (m/w/d)

SMA und Partner AG (SMA); Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland
Eigenständiges Erstellen von Untersuchungen unter der Führung eines Projektleiters: Planung von Angebotskonzepten, Erstellung von Kapazitätsanalysen und Betriebsstudien, Bewertung von Verkehrsprojekten; Anwendung der Planungs- und Simulationssoftware; Erstellung von Berichten und Präsentationen      Hochschulabschluss in einer ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Disziplin; Erste Berufserfahrung; Kenntnisse der Eisenbahnbranche; Lösungsorientierte Persönlichkeit mit Freude an der Projektarbeit; Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, weitere Sprachen von Vorteil

gg, uk: Trainee Actuary - Investment Services

BWCI Group Limited; Guernsey, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Producing high quality regular investment performance analysis and reports; Assisting with the review and implementation of investment options; Using mathematical models to project and compare investment outcomes for different investment strategies; Using mathematical models to project maximum losse...      Maths at A Level (A - B Grade) is essential, English minimum C grade at GCSE; Maths or science based degree is desirable; Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, specifically Word and Excel; If suitable progress is made the successful candidate will be supported through Institute and Faculty of Actuarie...

de: All positions at RWTH Aachen

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen); Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland
Die Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (kurz RWTH Aachen) ist mit mehr als 45.000 Studenten die nach Studentenanzahl zweitgrösste Universität für technische Studiengänge in Deutschland. Die RWTH Aachen bezieht die höchste Drittmittelförderung unter allen deutschen Universitä...      RWTH Aachen posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB); Basel, Schweiz
Das Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB) ist ein eigenständiges, universitäres Kompetenzzentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin sowie für Lehre und Forschung. Als eines der drei selbständigen Kinderspitäler der Schweiz spielt das UKBB eine zentrale Rolle bei der Sicherstellung der kant...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UKBB automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch, lu: All positions at Lifeware SA

Lifeware SA; Schweiz, Luxemburg
Lifeware was founded in 1998 in Switzerland, when a leading group of mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists decided to combine their expertise and innovative thinking about the life insurance business into their own company. A complete, fully integrated, web based solution for the manage...      We crawl all higher jobs at Lifeware automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

dk: DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Modelling of Energy Conversion Systems

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Development of improved methodologies to do multi-scale, multi-physics modelling of the processes in solid oxide electrolysis electrodes, cells, stacks and modules of stacks; Development of improved methodologies to do multi-scale, multi-physics modelling of alkaline, anion-exchange or PEM based ele...      As formal qualification you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent); Experience and quality of teaching; Research experience; Research vision and potential

dk: Postdoc in computational modelling of surface degradation and microplastics emission due to erosion of wind turbine blades

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
development of computational models of degradation and maintenance of wind turbine blades, taking into account materials and microstructural aspects, and using finite element software Abaqus and Python programming language; evaluation of possible microplastics emission due to degradation and mainten...      You are expected to have a PhD degree in materials science, applied mechanics, mechanics, mechanical engineering or related disciplines, and have an experience or good knowledge of mechanics of materials, computational micromechanics, finite element simulations (ABAQUS) as well as programming in a h...

fr: L&H Technical closing and controlling expert

Scor; Paris, Frankreich
Ensure SAS system results are properly delivered and booked into all the systems in the end to end accounting chain and secure the financial review and audit trails; Maintain a high-quality control framework for life technical closings and ensure appropriate documentation is effective (internally an...      Business, Finance, Accounting or Actuarial qualifications (minimum of 3 years post high school); 5-7 years post qualification experience in the insurance of financial services sector; Have financial audit experience, with an understanding of audit processes and financial controls; Experience of IFRS...

us: Actuarial Experience Analysis Intern

Scor; Leawood, Kansas, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Support team through active participation in team meetings; Analyze seriatim and other data for use in preparing mortality and lapse studies; Analyze mortality and lapse study results and assess their usefulness for pricing or other purposes; Analyze product, underwriting, or other company informati...      Pursuing undergraduate or graduate degree in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, or Statistics; Passed at least one actuarial exam

fr: L&H Technical closing and controlling expert

Scor; Paris, Frankreich
The role which the GCAO function is looking to fill will have a broad remit, including coordination and production activities across technical accounting, financial analysis, quarterly governance with a wide range of both internal and external stakeholders, in the central teams and internationally. ...      Business, Finance, Accounting or Actuarial qualifications (minimum of 3 years post high school); 5-7 years post qualification experience in the insurance of financial services sector; Have financial audit experience, with an understanding of audit processes and financial controls; Experience of IFRS...

ch: Freelancer - Financial Services Risk Management (60-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Schweiz
Support and lead projects, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, including analyzing/challenging/improving processes as well as consideration of relevant regulatory requirements (Basel, FINMA, etc.) and market practice, in a number of the following areas: i. Credit Risk, ii. Market Risk,...      Master or PhD in (i) a quantitative discipline (e.g., Mathematics, Physics), (ii) Banking and Finance or (iii) Economics or any other business-related field; 4-10 years of professional experience, particularly in banking (preferred) or in a consulting firm focusing on (quantitative) risk management ...

ch: Audit - Career Start - Trade, Industries & Services - Herbst 2025

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Schweiz
Du prüfst Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt beim Kunden vor Ort, im PwC-Office oder aus dem Homeoffice; Du gewinnst einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse von verschiedenen Unternehmen und Industrien, hilfst bei Fragen zur Rechnungslegung und...      Du bist Absolvent: in (Graduate Bachelor/Master) oder in deinem letzten Studienjahr in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), wobei wir für alle Studiengänge offen sind; Du schaffst deinen Abschluss zur: zum di...

fr: Reporting Standards Specialist

Scor; Paris, Frankreich
Producing and owning the content relating to accounting standards in several annual and interim reports (URD, Half-Year Report, Climate Report); Reviewing external disclosures to provide a second line of review and ensure statutory compliance of financial publications; preparing Group Executive Comm...      University degree, business school or other “Bac+5” equivalent; Industry knowledge of (re)insurance business; actuarial or accounting profile; Experience in auditing and analyzing consolidated financial statements; Experience with accounting or regulatory standards and projects; 7 to 12 years of...

fr: CSM Engine Business Lead

Scor; Paris, Frankreich
Working in an Agile environment to continuously review the business needs, refine priorities & deliverables, identify opportunities and risks; Being the subject matter expert for the CSM Engine and its integration into the Life IFRS17 reporting chain; Being the subject matter expert for the Pyth...      Actuarial Qualifications or equivalent experience

lu: Research Associate in Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Propose and develop models and algorithms (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc.) to meet the projects demands; Providing support in setting up and running experiments in the SnT Computer Vision and Zero-G laboratories; Work closely with project’s stakeholders and industrial partners; ...      PhD Degree in Computer Science, or related technical field with the desirable experience in Computer Vision, Machine Learning or Robotics; Competitive research record in Computer Vision/Robotics, preferably with publications at CV/ML/Robotics conferences/journals (e.g., ICRA, RSS, WACV, ECCV, IROS, ...

lu: Research Associate in Efficient Deep Learning for Computer Vision Space Applications

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Shaping research directions and producing results. Topics include but are not limited to: Deep learning models suitable for deployment on edge devices (e.g., NVIDIA Jetson, FPGA, etc.); Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for minimal deep architectural design; Efficient in-orbit object pose estimation...      A PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related field; Competitive research record in Computer Vision, preferably with publications at top-tier CV/ML conferences/journals (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI, etc.); Broad experience with mach...

us: Research Scientist for Computer Vision/Machine Learning

MoTek Technologies; San Francisco, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
You’ll develop creative architectures to address the emerging demands of computer vision and machine learning algorithms; Understand and analyze the interplay between hardware, software, and media processing algorithms; Collaborate with a diverse set of teams across the company, spanning software,...      Ph.D. in CE/CS/EE with a strong background in computer architecture, VLSI, parallel processing, and/or HPC. A strong publication, patent and research collaboration history is a huge advantage; Expertise in computer vision or machine learning algorithms; Experience with experimental computer architec...

lu: Research Support Technician in computer vision for space applications

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Assisting in the development of all the research activities in a predefined topic and producing results; Providing support in setting-up and running experiments; Proposing and implementing real-time solutions; Participating in organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations; Assist on the laborator...      A bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related field; Extensive experience working in different industrial domains; Experience working with cross-functional teams of data scientists, user researchers, product managers, designers, and engineers; Experi...

de: Junior Versicherungsmathematiker (w/m/d) als Aktuar/Aktuarin

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG); Deutschland
Gemeinsam mit Deinem Team übernimmst Du die Beratung oder Prüfung von Versicherungsunternehmen in den Bereichen Aktuariat, ALM, Risikomanagement, Compliance, Finanzen und Unternehmenssteuerung; Dabei unterstützt Du direkt in Projekten vor Ort sowie als Experte: in in der Wirtschaftsprüfung mit ...      Junior Versicherungsmathematiker (w/m/d) als Aktuar/Aktuarin wirst Du bei uns mit einem abgeschlossenen Studium der Wirtschaftsmathematik, Mathematik, Physik, Informatik oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften; Idealerweise hast Du in Deinem Studium einen Schwerpunkt auf Versicherungswissenschaften, Finanzma...

it: Research Position: Computer Vision and 3D Reconstruction for Human-Robot Collaboration

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
The future Industry 5.0 aims for an ever closer collaboration between human and robot. In this new mode of production, providing robots with the ability to learn from operators is a key feature      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

dk: DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Computational Kinetic Modelling

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Develop a curated knowledge base. This will include data pertaining to important and relevant kinetic and thermodynamic parameter values, pathway topologies, experimental datasets and the results of previous statistical kinetic models; Develop a steady state aware MCMC algorithm. Data-based kinetic ...      As formal qualification you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent); Strong background in collaborative open source software development, demonstrated by a track record of project contributions; Expertise in general scientific programming, including manipulation of tabular and structured data, ETL op...

ch: Project Leader (100%)

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Schweiz
Provide overall leadership and representation of the project internally and externally; Management, coordination and implementation of project activities, incl. i) coordination of three RBM Partnership Working Groups and ii) organization of annual residential malaria training courses; Supervising an...      Advanced degree in a field related to international or public health; formal training in project management is an asset; Demonstrated experience in successfully managing health-related projects with multiple partners (5+ years); A minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of malaria control and ...

us: VP, Marketing Actuary

Scor; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Negotiate complex reinsurance deals on Mortality, Longevity and Health in the US market. Communicate complex ideas and technical solutions clearly and completely. Act as a critical point of contact for our key clients. Build and maintain strong strategic relationship with client senior management an...      Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, or a related field and six (6) years of progressively responsible experience in the job offered or related occupation: analyzing complex actuarial assumptions in accordance with professional Actuarial Standards of Practice...

us: L&H Retrocession Intern

Scor; Charlotte, North Carolina, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Support the Retrocession team with analysis, research, and reporting tasks; Review reinsurance contracts to document key information with our Retrocessionaires; Research counterparty risk exposure and implement due diligence practices; Analyze large data sets to support proactive Retrocession perfor...      Junior entering Senior Year of College (Studies in Mathematics, Computer Science, Risk Management & Insurance, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Business Management, or equivalent studies is preferred); Minimum of a 3.0 GPA

fr: Asset Owner Office Risk Management Intern

Scor; Paris, Frankreich
Participate in weekly and quarterly reporting on Market risk, including calculation of risk figures and production of risk following reports; Develop P&L attribution monitoring tool in data visualization software (Power BI) with related documentation; Participate in ad-hoc analysis aimed at impr...      Quantitative/development background, preferably in final year of studies (Bac+5) with a specialization in finance; Good competencies in computing/coding with knowledge of VBA, SQL, power BI; General knowledge of financial markets and an appetite for ESG and risks; Strong level of English, both writt...

cn: Valuation Actuary

Scor; China
Review and production support of the IFRS, Solvency II and C-GAAP results for China L&H business including methodology, model enhancement, quarterly reporting, and documentations preparation; Perform the annual/half yearly Analysis of Change process on SII results; Liaise with local Technical Ac...      University education in actuarial/quantitative subject; ASA or equivalent is preferred for valuation actuary

uk: Risk Manager

Scor; London, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Contribute to the calculation and review of regulatory capital requirements according to standard formula requirements, including maintenance and validation of models in coordination with local, P&C and Group stakeholders; Participate in solvency studies with reporting to management and relevant...      BSc or higher in Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Economics or related field; Qualification in a globally recognized actuarial and/or equivalent risk management organization

cn: Senior Deep Learning Scientist, Speech AI

Nvidia Corporation; Shanghai, China
Train Speech Recognition (Acoustic, Language, Punctuation), Speech-to-text translation (AST), and Speech-to-speech (S2S) translation models; Develop and maintain speech processing blocks and tools (alignment, segmentation, normalization etc.); Improve processes for speech data processing, augmentati...      Master’s degree (or equivalent experience) or PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, or Applied Math with 5+ years of experience; Excellent programming skills in Python, Strong fundamentals in Programming, optimizations and Software design; Hands-on experience on...

us: Computer Vision & Deep Learning Research Scientist

MoTek Technologies; Mountain View, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
You will use your expertise on large-scale machine learning platform infrastructure, and integrate with state-of-art visual recognition technologies, to build a highly scalable deep learning infrastructure. We have aggressive growth goals so the ability to lead a team down the line is a real possibi...      MS/PhD in Computer Science; Strong C/C++ or Java experience; Knowledge of UNIX systems; Strong knowledge of large-scale machine learning platforms infrastructure

us: Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Computing for Quantum Scattering in Plasmas

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL); Los Alamos, New Mexico, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The focus of the project is to develop quantum computing algorithms for quantum scattering in atomic and molecular systems that are expected in a fusion energy system, and demonstrate the schemes in current quantum computers. Candidates with background in (1) quantum scattering theory and computatio...      Completion of a Ph.D. in STEM field within the last five years or expected completion within the current academic year. Demonstrated expertise in one or more areas of quantum computing, atomic/molecular physics, quantum chemistry, and quantum scattering broadly defined

us: Data Scientist, Omnichannel

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.; Northbrook, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Data Scientist, Omnichannel plays a critical role in providing valuable strategic and tactical business insight and recommendations to Marketing, Agencies and Omnichannel Strategy & Operations (OSO) teams to support achievement of brand promotional and campaign objectives. This role will be ...      Master’s or Ph.D. in Data Science, Statistics, Computer Science, or a related field; Minimum 8 years of analytics/data science experience with a focus on omnichannel analytics and demonstrated success in managing projects of increasing size and complexity; Expertise in machine learning techniques,...