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it: Research Position: Design and fabrication of metalenses for the control of trapped ion qudits with structured light

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy
Trapped ions are emerging as leading candidates for hardware qudits in quantum computers. However, achieving optimal control still presents significant challenges. Among all, the ability to address many degrees of freedom through light-matter interactions and the efficient manipulation of light usin...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

ch: Dottoranda/Dottorando in Gestione e progettazione delle reti basate sui dati per il metaverso

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Switzerland
Svolgere attività di ricerca nel campo delle reti di telecomunicazioni e in particolare in relazione all'ottimizzazione delle reti per supportare network slices per l'applicazione del metaverso musicale; Progettazione e realizzazione di esperimenti e testbed per la raccolta di dati e il collaudo de...      Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria, Telecomunicazioni, Informatica, Ingegneria Elettronica o campi correlati; Esperienza pregressa, anche tramite stage o progetti di ricerca, in aree come telecomunicazioni, reti, multimedia networks, ecc; Conoscenza delle architetture di reti 5G e delle tecnologie emer...

fr: Accumulation Analyst Actuarial & Data Intern

Scor; Paris, France
This is an exciting 5 to 6 months internship opportunity starting in January, February or March to join our Global P&C CUO Portfolio Monitoring Team, a collaborative group working across all Property & Casualty Lines of Business. As part of this team, you’ll gain hands-on experience with a...      In master's 1 year or 2nd year of an Engineering/Data/Actuarial degree; Have great R or Python and SQL skills; Experience with GIS would be great; Fluency in English and French is a must

ch: Climate Risk Modelling and/or Nat Cat Specialist - Consultant - Actuarial & Risk Modelling (100%)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Switzerland
Contribute to the development, validation, and enhancement of methods and tools used for quantifying risks associated with Natural Catastrophes and Climate Change (i.e. transition, physical risk); Deliver a wide range of concurrent and multidisciplinary advisory assignments, thereby interacting with...      Hold a MSc or PhD university graduate or your are about to finish your degree in Natural Catastrophe, Environmental, Climate, Natural Sciences, or closely related fields such as actuarial, or data science; Preferably minimum 1-3 years'experience working in a Nat Cat, climate risk, actuarial (P&C...

lu: Research Associate for the Living Conditions department (Post-doc, f/m)

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxembourg
produce excellent research outputs, which can be published in high-ranked, peer-reviewed journals; contribute to the submission of grant proposals (external funding) and participate in the projects carried out by the department with local and international stakeholders; participate in public outreac...      Ph.D. in economics, applied econometrics, social sciences or other relevant discipline; Excellent quantitative skills; skills in programming (Stata, R, Python), machine learning, data science are a plus; Hands-on experience working with large-scale survey or administrative data are a plus; Excellent...

de: Gruppenleiter*in Gesundheitsversorgungsforschung (m/w/d)    (3+ y, 100%)

Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Sektion Versorgungsforschung und Rehabilitationsforschung; Freiburg, Germany
Einbettung in das Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Statistik; breites Spektrum an Methoden, bis hin zu Techniken der künstlichen Intelligenz, mit Einbindung in Verbundforschungsprojekte, wie z.B. den DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich „Small Data“; Aufbau und langfristige Leitung einer eigenst...      eine*n engagierte*n Wissenschaftler*in (m/w/d) mit Promotion in einem gesundheits- oder verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeld (z.B. Psychologie, Medizin, Therapie-, Pflege- oder Gesundheitswissenschaften, Sozialwissenschaft, Public Health) und Neugier auf das Erschliessen neuer Forschungstheme...

us: Assistant Professor of Statistics & Data Science

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU); Pittsburgh, United States
strong candidates in all areas of statistics and data science, as well as related interdisciplinary fields. Potential areas of interest include but are not limited to computational social science, finance, physical sciences and statistical computing. Excellent candidates with other research interest...      PhD (or equivalent international degree) or enrolled in PhD (or equivalent international degree generating program) at the time of application. Candidates will be expected to complete their PhD or equivalent degree no later than the start date of the appointment (August 2025)

de: Research Assistant Position (f/m/d) - Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations   

Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS); Berlin, Germany
Optimization with partial differential equations and variational inequalities. The holder of the position is qualified in a modern field of optimization with partial differential equations. Of particular interest are non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven (e.g. machine learning) approaches to mo...      A motivated, outstanding researcher with a very good degree and excellent doctorate in mathematics as well as previous experience in the fields mentioned above with the willingness to take on responsibility for interdisciplinary projects. Further experience within the framework of independent resear...

ch: Fully Funded PhD and MD-PhD positions

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland
The Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB) is an associated Institute of the University of Basel. As part of this program, IOB offers PhD and MD-PhD fellowships to outstanding candidates from diverse fields such as Biology, Medicine, Physics, Computer Sciences and Engineering ...      You are an outstanding student and aspiring to advance your research within IOB related research topics; You hold (or anticipate having) a master's degree, MD or equivalent relevant area of Biology, Medicine, Physics, Computer Sciences and Engineering; You have a strong command of the English langua...

at: Junior-Finanzanalyst:in

Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich (RLB OÖ); Linz, Austria
Unterstützung der Erstellung des IFRS-Einzelabschlusses der Bank (Quartals-, Halbjahres-, Jahresabschluss); Step-by-step Kennenlernen der Bankbilanzierung und Unterstützung in ihren Prozessen; Mitwirkung bei der Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung der IT-Systeme und -Prozesse; Enge Zusammenarbeit mi...      Laufendes oder abgeschlossenes Wirtschaftsstudium (z. B. Wirtschaftswissenschaften, BWL); Grundlegendes Verständnis für buchhalterische Prozesse; Analytische Denkweise; Selbstständige und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise; Interesse für den Bereich Finanzinstrumente

ch: Praktikant:in Sustainability & Strategic Regulatory

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Switzerland
Analysiere und setze Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien um: Du arbeitest eng mit unserem Team und unseren Kunden aus der Finanzbranche (Banken, Asset Manager und Versicherungen) zusammen, um Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien zu entwickeln und umzusetzen; Analysiere Sustainability und Sustainable Finance Regulierung...      Du stehst kurz vor dem Abschluss deines Studiums im Bereich Recht oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Naturwissenschaftliches Studium in Kombination mit einem starken Interesse an rechtlichen- und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen rund um die Nachhaltigkeit ist ebenfalls möglich; Relevante Berufserfahrung...

sg: Reserving Actuary

Scor; Singapore
Review and production support of the IFRS 4, IFRS 17 and Solvency II for the North Asia market; Liaise with local Technical Accounting team to produce IFRS result; Respond to the external actuarial audit process for North Asia and relationships with local auditors on actuarial topics; Liaise with IT...      Nearly or newly qualified actuary (FSA, FIA, FIAA, or equivalent); 6 to 11 years relevant experience in a insurance/reinsurance business or equivalent capabilities; Experience of experience analysis and best estimate assumption setting; Experience of reserving/valuation; Best estimate liability valu...

ch: Postdoctoral Position in Generative Models of protein-protein interactions

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI); Basel, Switzerland
Lead independent research projects; Collaborate with other team members and work closely with the Zenke lab (our experts in AI) and the Computational Biology facility to analyze the data generated and develop thermodynamically-inspired deep-learning models; Contribute to scientific publications in p...      You hold a PhD in Biology, Physics, Computational Sciences, or a related field; You have experience in deep learning and a solid background in biophysics and thermodynamics; You have a strong publication record; You can communicate clearly and effectively in English and enjoy working collaboratively...

lu: PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The objective of this project is to develop automated means to continuously monitor the performance of AI models (including NLP models) developed by BGL BNP Paribas and to determine when and how to retrain these models in order to improve their performance. Achieving these objectives requires addres...      The candidate should possess a Master degree (or equivalent) in computer science with strong skills in software engineering, programming, and artificial intelligence, as well as good knowledge of computer science in general. he ideal candidate should have some knowledge and/or experience in most of ...

de: Mathematiker/Statistiker (m/w/d) für Qualitätssicherung und Migration

Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen; Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Sie betreuen unser vorhandenes Bestandsführungssystem und unterstützen uns bei der Vorbereitung der Migration in unser neues Bestandsführungssystem; Sie entwickeln die dafür nötigen Konzepte, setzen diese zum Teil auch selbst um und testen die entstandenen Programme systematisch und eigenverant...      Für Ihre Tätigkeit bringen Sie ein abgeschlossenes mathematisches Studium, eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation mit; Sie überzeugen durch Ihr ausgeprägtes Interesse an der Softwareentwicklung, z. B. durch Erfahrungen mit objektorientierter Programmierung. Si...

de: (Wirtschafts-)Mathematiker (m/w/d) für Haftpflicht, Unfall-, Sach- und Kraftfahrtversicherungen

Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen; Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Sie arbeiten mit an der Implementierung unserer neuen Bestandsführungs-, Schaden- und Produktsysteme; Sie sind zuständig für die Konzeptionierung und Umsetzung von Tarifen in das neue Produktsystem; Sie wirken mit bei der Migration unserer Bestände in die neuen Systeme; Sie sind zuständig für ...      Sie haben ein Studium der (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung erfolgreich abgeschlossen; Sie besitzen ein hohes Mass an analytischen Fähigkeiten und interessieren sich für versicherungstechnische Themen; Sie haben Spass an Programmierung und konnten bereits erste Programmie...

de: Werkstudent:in Aktuariat (m/w/d)

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Germany
Du hilfst uns bei der Programmierung unserer bestehenden Tarife in einem modernen Prognosetool; Du testest den im Rahmen der Programmierung erstellten Programmcode gegen ein Referenztool; Du dokumentierst laufend die Umsetzung der Tarife im Code; Daneben unterstützt du uns bei unseren Kernaufgaben ...      Du bist in einem Studiengang mit Schwerpunkt Mathematik oder Informatik immatrikuliert; (z. B. Wirtschaftsmathematik, Informatik, Statistik, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Physik); Du hast Spass am Programmieren und bringst entsprechende Kenntnisse mit (z.B. Java, VB.NET); Idealerweise bringst du Erfahrung ...

de: Junior Versicherungsmathematiker (w/m/d) als Aktuar/Aktuarin

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG); Germany
Gemeinsam mit Deinem Team übernimmst Du die Beratung oder Prüfung von Versicherungsunternehmen in den Bereichen Aktuariat, ALM, Risikomanagement, Compliance, Finanzen und Unternehmenssteuerung; Dabei unterstützt Du direkt in Projekten vor Ort sowie als Experte: in in der Wirtschaftsprüfung mit ...      Junior Versicherungsmathematiker (w/m/d) als Aktuar/Aktuarin wirst Du bei uns mit einem abgeschlossenen Studium der Wirtschaftsmathematik, Mathematik, Physik, Informatik oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften; Idealerweise hast Du in Deinem Studium einen Schwerpunkt auf Versicherungswissenschaften, Finanzma...

us: Biostatistician (50%)

Stanford Medicine; Stanford, California, United States
Design study with an emphasis on clinical trials data. Collaborate with content experts to understand data and build appropriate statistical models to understand the data. Perform modeling building, statistical estimation, statistical inference, and modeling fitting diagnostics using off-the-shelf a...      Master's degree in biostatistics, statistics or related field and at least 3 years of experience; Experience in analyzing data for NIH-funded clinical trials; Proficient in Perl, Python, or other scripting languages for data munging; Skills in statistical estimation, statistical inference, and model...

de: Senior Consultant (m/w/d) - Forensic Data Analytics

Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (Deloitte); Germany
Aktive Mitwirkung bei der Sachverhaltsaufarbeitung und -aufklärung spannender Fälle nationaler und internationaler Wirtschaftskriminalität; Technische und fachliche Begleitung und Beratung der Ermittlungsteams bei der Gestaltung forensischer Sonderuntersuchungen; Gerichtsverwertbare Sicherung und...      Überdurchschnittlich abgeschlossenes Studium (Bachelor, Master von Vorteil) der Informatik, Wirtschafts­informatik, Wirtschafts­wissen­schaften, Mathematik oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengangs, idealerweise mit Schwerpunkten in den Bereichen Data Mining, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence...

us: Associate Staff Bioinformatics Engineer

Qiagen; Redwood City, California, United States
Develop and improve pipelines for content acquisition including targeted manual curation and automated processing of structured and unstructured biological data; Work collaboratively with the other team members to make decisions on content modeling and integration for all QIAGEN products and service...      Domain knowledge evidenced by a graduate degree and applied experience in genetics, molecular biology, bioinformatics, or related field; Familiarity with bioinformatics tools in genome biomedical research (e.g., genomic databases, genome browsers, mutation repositories), or integrative data analysis...

in: Applied Scientist, International Machine Learning

Amazon; Bengaluru, India
Use machine learning and analytical techniques to create scalable solutions for business problems; Analyze and extract relevant information from large amounts of Amazon’s historical business data to help automate and optimize key processes; Design, development, evaluate and deploy innovative and h...      3+ years of building models for business application experience; PhD, or Master's degree and 4+ years of CS, CE, ML or related field experience; Experience in patents or publications at top-tier peer-reviewed conferences or journals; Experience programming in Java, C++, Python or related language; E...

kr: Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Moloco; Seoul, South Korea
Design state-of-the-art machine learning models using Tensorflow for real-world, large-scale problems; Construct and maintain data pipelines for model training and serving using Google Cloud products such as Apache Beam/Dataflow, BigQuery, and BigTable; Develop highly scalable model servers on cloud...      MS or Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or related technical field; 4+ years of software development experiences in Machine Learning, Deep Learning related areas; Fluent with one or more programming languages including Python, Java, and Golang; Knowledgeable with production-level machine learning app...

ro: Machine Learning Scientist

Adobe Inc.; Bucharest, Romania
Conduct innovative research and development in Generative AI; Develop and transfer novel technologies to Adobe products; Research and develop novel large-scale foundation models in Generative AI; Helping set the technical and research direction, making architectural decisions, and implementing compl...      Master or Ph.D. in Computer Science (AI/ML or related fields are a plus); 3-5 years of experience on a similar role; Good interpersonal skills and a phenomenal teammate; Experience in pioneering Generative AI technologies, such as diffusion and/or GAN models; Experience with machine learning framewo...

ch: All positions at Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI); Basel, Switzerland
The Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI), based in Basel, Switzerland, is a world class biomedical research institute with a twofold mission - understanding the fundamental mechanisms of health and disease, and training early career scientists. The institute has an internationa...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at FMI automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at: All positions at Fachhochschule Salzburg

Fachhochschule Salzburg (FH Salzburg); Salzburg, Austria
An der FH Salzburg wählen Sie aus 18 Bachelor- und 15 Master-Studiengängen sowie aus zahlreichen Weiterbildungsprogrammen. Von Holztechnologie bis Ergotherapie. Von Betriebswirtschaft bis hin zu MultiMediaArt. Das Angebot in den 6 Departments - Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften, Business and Tourism...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at FH Salzburg automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at: All positions at Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH

Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH (IMBA); Wien, Austria
IMBA is an academic research institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences that conducts basic research in the areas of molecular biology and medicine. We are located at the Vienna BioCenter in the heart of Europe      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at IMBA automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Postdoctoral Position in Mathematics   

Université de Fribourg; Fribourg, Switzerland
The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a Postdoctoral Position in Mathematics      The position starts on 1 September 2025 or soon after. It is awarded for 2 years. There is a light teaching load. After a period of adaptation, some level of fluency in German or French is desirable

it: Research Position: Robust inference through group-invariance testing procedures (18 m)

Università degli Studi di Padova, Mathematics; Statistics; Padova, Veneto, Italy
This project focuses on improving statistical hypothesis testing in Generalized Linear Models, particularly for small sample sizes. It challenges the traditional reliance on fully parametric models and explores alternative approach based on group-invariance, using permutations, rotations, and sign-f...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

dk: PhD scholarship in Aggregation and control of multi-brand slow chargers for grid services delivery

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark
Plan and manage your PhD project in collaboration with supervisors; Define controlling algorithms for different clusters of chargers (knowledge about OCPP and Raspberry PI controllers are advantageous); Test controlling functionality in a state-of-the art real-time experimental facility; Assess the ...      You must have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) in STEMS, with a preference in engineering, statistics, physics, mathematics, informatics or similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a master’s degree; Good programming skills (e.g., MATLAB and/or Python); Ability to work effec...

ch: Senior Consultant - FS Climate & Sustainability - Modelling (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Advise clients on sustainability topics, with a focus on risk and quantitative modelling, in a challenging and rapidly changing environment; Help businesses, particularly in the financial services sector with their sustainability risk identification and risk management processes; Build, validate or ...      Master's or Bachelor's degree and strong academic record in Finance, Economics or a quantitative discipline; At least 3 years of financial services industry experience, including exposure to risk and quantitative modelling topics, and a good understanding of key sustainability issues for financial i...

at: Master thesis: Open-source software for large solar thermal plants

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Austria
Dynamic solar yield modeling and simulation, implementation for test plants; Interpretation and visual presentation of results; Optional: Implementation of parameter estimation, analysis of optimization algorithms; Optional: Radiation conversion algorithms required to apply the model; If needed im...      Current enrollment in a master’s program with a focus on physics, software development, energy engineering, control engineering, or similar; Experience with software development, Python/web technologies/JavaScript/Grafana; Good knowledge of English (CEFR B2 level or equivalent)

at: Master Thesis - Open-Source Software for Large Solar Thermal Plants

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Austria
Research of methods for ongoing plant evaluation and performance degradation detection; Modeling of test plants, implementation and application of static and dynamic plant models; Implementation of algorithms for data quality, KPIs and radiation conversion; Interpretation and visual representation o...      Current enrollment in a master’s program with a focus on physics, software development, energy engineering, control engineering, or similar; Experience with software development, Python/web technologies/JavaScript/Grafana; Good knowledge of English (CEFR B2 level or equivalent)

ch: Senior Scientific Assistant (100%)

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Switzerland
Contribute to different projects that involve modelling of spatio-temporal, health and environmental data; Work within a team that pursues research on Bayesian statistical methods and computation, applied in the areas of infectious disease and environmental epidemiology; Engage in close collaboratio...      Master’s degree in statistics or mathematics; Experience in R programming; Experience in Bayesian modelling and computation is an advantage; Excellent oral and written knowledge of English is paramount; Ability to prioritise and work on different projects simultaneously

lu: Research Associate in 6G Communications Networks

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Robust and scalable AI-based resource allocation and management for 6G, including risk-aware, physics/rule-based AI; Task/Goal-oriented and Semantic based communications design for 6G; Novel PHY layer design and optimization for 6G: Reflective intelligent surface, mmWave, Terahertz, joint communica...      The candidate should possess a PhD degree or will graduate soon in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalence; Should have published at least 3 journal papers in top 10% international journals of the field; Proven track-record on one or some of the following areas: wireless communicat...

uk: Data & Reporting Analyst

Scor; London, United Kingdom
Help define and create SCOR’s big data analytics framework to uncover trends, patterns, and correlations in large amounts of raw data to help make informed decisions by partnering with stakeholders (Operations, Actuarial, UW, etc.) to design and create data solutions that will facilitate accessibi...      College/University degree required, or equivalence; A few years of data analysis experience; Strong proficiency in data programming languages such as R, Python and/or SQL; Experience with data visualization tools (i.e., Power BI); Experience with AI technology and tools (i.e., Matlab, Simulink)

hk: Financial Solutions Actuarial Analyst

Scor; Hong Kong
Perform product modeling and pricing, quarterly SOA validation; Support structuring and modeling solutions to address clients’ needs; Contribute to the growing knowledge base and possess solid understanding of various financially motivated solutions sets, accounting standards, solvency regimes and...      Fresh graduate of Actuarial, Risk Management and Mathematics or related programs; Knowledge or experience in product pricing and cash flow modelling is highly preferred; At least 1 year of working experience in insurance/reinsurance industry will be an asset; Good understanding of accounting standar...

ch: Junior Associate, Risk & Regulatory AI Team

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Switzerland
Collaborate with a team to design, develop, and deploy AI-based solutions, focusing on retrieval augmented generation bots for compliance and accounting applications; Engage in the entire development lifecycle from conceptualization to deployment, ensuring the highest quality of deliverables; Utiliz...      A Master Degree in computer science, physics or engineering, particularly in areas related to quantum technologies; Demonstrated proficiency in Python, with experience in Rust and CUDA Python. Knowledge of C/C++ is a plus; Hands-on experience with machine learning, data analysis, and AI technologies...

ch: Property Treaty Underwriter (m/f/d)

New Reinsurance Company Ltd (NewRe); Zürich, Switzerland
Pricing, modelling and risk assessment of new or existing treaty programs; Negotiating reinsurance transactions including contract documentation and wording; Managing client and broker relationships and participate in origination activities to develop new business; Contribute to developing and defin...      University degree in a quantitative subject like Natural Science, Economics, Business or equivalent; up to 5 years of relevant professional work experience e.g. from the reinsurance/insurance sector; Knowledge on the French property market a strong plus

ch: Student Internship: Calculation of Residual Decay Heat and its Effects on Reactor, Storage and Disposal Applications

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland
Residual decay heat (DH) plays an important role during reactor operation, transients or accident scenarios and is one of the limiting parameters regarding design and operation of spent fuel storage facilities or a final geological repository. Especially in the latter case it attracted a lot of atte...      The candidate requires basic knowledge of reactor technology and numerical skills in one of the current programming languages and environments

fr: Solution Analyst P&C - Alpha

Scor; Paris, France
Document: clarification of backlog items in relation with Business experts or other IT teams, detailed functional and technical specifications; Review internal documentation: configurations as well as customizations; Contribute to the processing of non-functional backlog in relation with the Solut...      BA/MD technical degree in information services management, computer science, applied mathematics or related fields, or equivalent work experience

sg: Actuarial Intern

Scor; Singapore
Support experience studies on lapse and claims experience of inforce/renewal/new business; Create and manage efficient processes to compile data, study historical experience, store the results, and produce outputs that are easy to use including but not limited to: Data exploration and data transfor...      3rd or final year pursuing BBA with a major in Actuarial, Mathematics, Statistics, etc

de: Trainee Mathematik (m/w/d)

VGH Versicherungen; Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Sie lernen in 18 Monaten verschiedene Bereiche der Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik kennen, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen sowie Rechnungslegung, Produktentwicklung, Beratung, Controlling oder das Risikomanagement; Kennenlernen der wesentlichen Prozesse, Methoden und Verfahren des Unternehmens      abgeschlossenes Masterstudium der Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik oder vergleichbare Studienrichtungen; vorteilhaft sind erste Kenntnisse der mathematischen Grundlagen der Personen- oder Schadenversicherung; sicherer Umgang mit einer Programmiersprache und erste Erfahrungen in den gängigen Office-...

ch: All positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers AG

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Switzerland
We have about 3480 people from 84 nations, so our workforce is as diverse as our ideas. Together, we create our distinctive values: personal and business, economic and ecological, and social and ethical. And the people we work for are just as varied as the people who work for us. In our everyday wo...      We crawl all higher jobs at PwC automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

de: Research Assistant Position (f/m/d) "Stochastic Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics"   

Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS); Berlin, Germany
Bayesian methodology has been successfully applied to parameter estimation problems for PDEs, inverse problems, and stochastic processes. It also plays a central role in sequential estimation and forecasting problems in data assimilation. As part of project B08, we aim to develop three key research ...      A successfully completed PhD in Mathematics; Strong knowledge of stochastic analysis, particularly stochastic partial differential equations and McKean; Vlasov equations, as evidenced by relevant; Good knowledge of numerical methods for stochastic processes

ch: Research Assistant in Open Research Data   

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
This position is especially suited for students who have recently completed their Master's studies and want to get research experience before starting their PhD or career in the industry. It is also suited for more advanced candidates interested in epidemiology and public health who want to enhance ...      Master's degree in Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, or a related field; Good knowledge of R, data exchange formats (CSV, JSON, etc.), and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

it: Research Position: Trajectories of Isolation and Health across the Lifecourse (18 m)

Università degli Studi di Padova, Mathematics; Statistics; Padova, Veneto, Italy
The rise in living alone has been a major demographic shift in recent decades across high-income societies. Current estimates show that one in three people lives alone in many European countries, the USA, and UK. Research links loneliness and social isolation to negative health outcomes. However, li...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: Autonomous Satellite Navigation

Università degli Studi di Padova, Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; Padova, Veneto, Italy
LEO constellations substantially increase the risk of satellite collisions. A solution is autonomous guaranteed onboard orbit control through precise navigation and collision avoidance based on definition of cooperative and non-cooperative strategies, evaluation and threat mitigation of the space de...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: Investigating the 5G-IoT paradigm shift in wireless sensing-based measurement applications for workplace safety

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy
Realization of a 5G-based distributed monitoring system designed for operation in large worksites. In-depth investigation of specific 5G technology and protocol support for new-generation low-power WAN. Optimization under resource constraints in the network, as well as in the sensing nodes. Definiti...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: Algorithm design for trajectory mining

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy
The candidate will develop and analyze algorithms for extracting patterns from one or moretrajectories. The candidate will also evaluate if the algorithms can be applied to the analysis of industrialdata      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: Number and quantity representations in deep neural networks (1 y)

Università degli Studi di Padova, Mathematics; Computational Mathematics; Padova, Veneto, Italy
The project aims to develop computational models based on deep neural networks that will be trained with state-of-the-art deep learning methods on synthetic images and natural images. The emerging representations in the neural network will then be analyzed using data science methods to determine the...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

dk: Postdoc in Geometric Bayesian Deep Learning

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark
You should have prior experience with machine learning from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Your research will include a subset of the following: Approximate Bayesian inference; Differential geometry; Numerical computations (ideally with experience in Jax); Large-scale computations      As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent)

ch: Career Start in Audit Trade, Industries & Services - Octobre 2025 - Romandie

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Genève, Switzerland
Contrôler les états financiers consolidés et annuels des entreprises nationales et internationales directement chez le client, au sein des locaux PwC ou à domicile; Évaluer les processus d'entreprise, analyser, documenter et porter un jugement sur des questions comptables. Aider à répondre au...      Titulaire, ou sur le point de l'être, d'un Bachelor ou Master dans le domaine de l'économie ou finance, de l'informatique de gestion ou des STEM; Obtenir le diplôme d'expert-comptable (pris en charge par PwC) est un objectif. En dehors de la « busy season », notre temps de travail annualisé do...

us: Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences    (to begin 2025-07-01)

Bentley University; Waltham, Massachusetts, United States
We seek candidates to add to our strengths in analytics, statistics, data science, and machine learning. An additional ability and willingness to teach in the areas of actuarial science, quantitative finance, and applied mathematics at the undergraduate level is also attractive. Providing a stimulat...      Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Statistics, Data Analytics, Data Science, or a closely related discipline by the time of appointment. Criteria for selection include evidence of (a) excellent teaching ability, (b) producing high-quality research, and (c) an ability to build research connections with ...

lu: Doctoral Positions in CyberSecurity, Software Engineering and AI

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The successful candidates will join a strong and motivated research team led by Prof. Tegawendé F. Bissyandé and Prof. Jacques Klein and in order to carry out research to pursue a PhD on the following topic: Software Engineering and AI for CyberSecurity; Carrying out research in the predefined ar...      The candidate should possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Computer Science or AI. The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in a number of the following topics; AI, machine learning, deep learning; Software Engineering (e.g., dynamic and/or static analysis, bug localization); C...

in: Pricing Actuary

Scor; Mumbai, India
This role will work closely with primary insurers to understand and assist in the appropriate pricing of their reinsurance arrangements. The role is to ensure that we build a sustainable, profitable portfolio of Life & Health business by bringing SCOR’s global expertise to the Indian market. T...      Bachelor’s or master’s degree in any analytical discipline such as Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Statistics, Engineering etc; Qualified or close to qualification from IFoA or IAI or equivalent; At least 5 years of relevant experience in Life & Health Insurance in any of the following: Act...

ch: Freelancer - Project Manager/Business Analyst - Trading Products (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Support KPMG in delivering complex business centric data migrations for our clients; Act as Subject Matter Expert for Trading Products, lead working groups and task forces; Lead the planning, management and execution of migration cutover events, covering both business and technology aspects; Lead mi...      In-depth knowledge and experience in Banking and/or project delivery; Good understanding of trading products and process flows incl. technical/IT understanding of relevant system functionality; Background and experience in data/systems/platform migrations; Ability to work with senior stakeholders; S...

de: Physiker/Mathematiker/Naturwissenschaftler als Berater im Bereich Datenintegration (m/w/d)

Senacor Technologies AG; Germany
An diesen Themen arbeitest du typischerweise: An der Schnittstelle zwischen Fachbereich und IT analysierst du die Anforderungen des Kunden, gestaltest Lösungen und setzt diese gemeinsam mit deinem Team um; Schnell eignest du dir ein tiefes fachliches Verständnis der zu integrierenden Daten an, mo...      Sehr guter Hochschulabschluss im Bereich Mathematik, Physik, Naturwissenschaften oder (Wirtschafts-)Informatik; Neugierde und Interesse an der Arbeit mit grossen Datenmengen und komplexen Modellen; Überdurchschnittliches Abstraktionsvermögen, analytische Denkweise und Teamgeist

de: Consultant Künstliche Intelligenz/Artificial Intelligence Energy (m/w/d)

Sopra Steria SE; Hamburg, Germany
Du analysierst fachliche und technische Anforderungen und entwickelst Konzepte und Prototypen im Bereich Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz inklusive Datenaufbereitung und Auswertung; Im Themenfeld Sensorik (Internet of Things, Video- und Spracherkennung usw.) findest Du praktische Einsatzbere...      Abgeschlossenes Studium der (Wirtschafts-) Informatik, -Mathematik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung; Du besitzt erste Erfahrungen im Bereich Artificial Intelligence und Data Science durch Studienveranstaltungen, studentische Tätigkeiten oder erste Berufserfahrung; Du ka...

us: Director, Biostatistics & Data Analytics

PMV Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; United States
The Director, Biostatistics & Data Analytics will provide statistical and programming expertise to the development of clinical study designs and in performing data analysis, providing data interpretation and graphical/summary outputs, and contributing to clinical publications and regulatory subm...      Masters in Statistics/Biostatistics with 5+ years of directly relevant experience required; Strong R programming skills are required; Experienced in SAS preferred; Experience required in oncology therapeutic area; Prior experience supporting a BLA or NDA filing and representing biostatistics in inte...

us: Senior Data Scientist, Safety Evaluation

Waymo; Mountain View, California, United States
Develop safety evaluation frameworks that are critical to ML model improvements; Design and implement robust data analysis pipelines and validation frameworks; Develop and apply statistical methods and ML models to analyze historical/simulation data and assess safety performance; Collaborate with cr...      PhD in a quantitative field (IE Statistics, Mathematics, Physics); 3+ years of industry experience solving large-scale complex problems; Proven expertise using advanced statistical methods (e.g., ML models, hypothesis testing, causal analysis); Ability to interpret and work with data in the presence...

us: Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Runtime & Optimization, Machine Learning Platform

Waymo; Mountain View, California, United States
Collaborate with ML practitioners to understand their models and modify model architectures to run faster on the car; Build tools to benchmark and analyze workloads; Build tools to improve model latency and quality; Build tools to productize deep learning models for onboard and offboard deployment      BS in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related field; 5+ years of industry experience; C++ programming skills; Passion for developing and optimizing ML software stacks for modern architectures (framework, runtime library, ML compiler, efficient deep learning)

us: Senior ML Compiler Engineer, Compute

Waymo; United States
Analyze the performance characteristics of code generated by our production grade compiler, and design and implement optimizations to improve that performance; Design and implement compiler support for novel features of our high-performance architecture; Work closely with hardware architects to unde...      PhD degree in Computer Science/Electrical Engineering and 1+ years of industry experience; 3+ years of industry and/or academic experience working on compilers for parallel architectures

de: Mathematiker:in/Aktuar:in für die Rolle Produktentwickler:in (m/w/d)

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Germany
Du designst und entwickelst Produktlösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Altersvorsorgeprodukte; Dabei arbeitest du eng mit Produktmanager: innen zusammen und schaffst es die vielen verschiedenen Stakeholder: innen (Kund: innen, Vertrieb, Aktuariat, Risikomanagement, Marketing, Recht) optimal einzube...      Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der (Versicherungs-/Wirtschafts-)Mathematik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Weiterqualifizierung; Du hast erste oder gerne auch mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einem vergleichbaren Aufgabengebiet; Idealerweise hast du eine Ausbildung zum Aktu...

us: Biostatistics Director

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.; United States
The Biostatistics Director is a very senior biostatistician who provides technical statistical leadership to the biostatistics function and has a major influence on the technical capabilities of the department. May act as a global statistical lead, representing Data Science in Core Teams (CMT or Dev...      MS. or Ph.D. in statistics or equivalent degree/experience; Minimum of 10-15 years’ experience in applying statistical methods in biomedical research, extensive pharmaceutical

il, uk: Software Engineer, Machine Learning

Meta; Tel Aviv, London, Israel, United Kingdom
Play a critical role in setting the direction and goals for a sizable team, in terms of project impact, ML system design, and ML excellence; Adapt standard machine learning methods to best exploit modern parallel environments (e.g., distributed clusters, multicore SMP, and GPU); Re-evaluate the trad...      Masters degree or PhD in Computer Science or a related technical field; Experience in one or more of the following areas: machine learning, recommendation systems, pattern recognition, data mining, artificial intelligence, or related technical field; Experience with developing machine learning mode...

us: Senior Statistical Programmer

IQVIA; United States
As a Senior Statistical Programmer, you will be given access to cutting-edge, in-house technology and opportunities to work on global projects across a variety of therapeutic areas. You will plan and coordinate the development of integrated programming solutions, serving the full spectrum of statist...      Bachelors or Masters’ in Computer Science, Mathematics or equivalent; 5+ years Statistical Programming experience within the Life-Science industry; Experience in SAS® Base, and good knowledge of SAS® graph and SAS® Macros; Excellent knowledge of CDISC standards (SDTM and ADaM); Excellent applic...

uk: Senior Statistical Programmer I

Abbott; Witney, United Kingdom
Providing programming support to clinical studies and R&D product development; Supporting, developing and validating software using the System Life Cycle (SLC); Establishing systems for data access, reporting and analysis; Support the development of other junior programmers in the team      You are likely to have a BSc (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Statistics or Computing. As you will be working closely with colleagues from R&D, clinical, data management and regulatory affairs, this role will be office-based long-term, reflecting our collaborative style and ways of working

hk: Chair Professor/Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Biostatistics)

City University of Hong Kong (CityU); Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The appointee will maintain an active research programme in both biostatistical methodology and collaborative research, teach effectively at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, mentor students, provide service to the Department, College, University and the profession, and undertake administrative...      A PhD degree in Biostatistics/Statistics or related quantitative fields. Candidates for the post of Chair Professor/Professor should possess a distinguished academic record including significant external funding support, demonstrated leadership skills, and a strong commitment to graduate and undergr...

worldwide: Didn't find what you’re looking for? Browse more than 9000 institutions worldwide

www.acad.jobs; Worldwide
Here you find a list of all institutions (universities and companies) with direct links to their jobs site. This is to our knowledge the most comprehensive global list you will find. Additionally, you will find many jobs that are currently not advertised at www.acad.jobs or elsewise. This is useful,...      If you are working in an institution that wants to be listed and if you are in charge, please contact us. Please contact us if a link is broken

at, ch, de, li: Karrierestart für Mathematiker   

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein
Hervorragende persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten durch umfassende Weiterbildung und abwechslungsreiche, herausfordernde Projektaufgaben, z. B.: Strukturierung und Management komplexer Projektvorhaben; Analytisch anspruchsvolle Geschäftsprozessmodellierung und -optimierung; Konzeption von Steu...      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Spass an der Technik

it: Research Position: New Directions in Fractional Calculus

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy
investigating the geometric properties of sets with finite distributional fractional perimeter, advancing the theory of distributional fractional spaces, and applying this framework to fractional PDEs. It aims to unify the theory of distributional Fractional Calculus, addressing both existing and em...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: Optimization Algorithms for Time-Window Assignment Problems under Uncertainty

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy
Optimization Algorithms for Time-Window Assignment Problems under Uncertainty      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

ch: Ricercatrice/Ricercatore con PhD in soluzioni per la movimentazione collision-free di manufatti deformabili di grandi dimensioni

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Switzerland
Ricerca applicata nell’ambito della progettazione cinematica e dinamica delle macchine automatiche con particolare riferimento alla progettazione di traiettorie collision free, alla limitazione delle vibrazioni autoindotte e alla implementazione di sistemi di motion control; Ricerca applicata nell...      Master in Ingegneria Meccanica, preferibilmente con specializzazione in costruzione di macchine o similari; Dottorato di ricerca nell’ambito dello sviluppo di tecniche matematiche per la progettazione e l’ottimizzazione delle traiettorie in macchine operatrici multiasse; Esperienza qualificata d...

us: Financial Accounting Intern

Scor; Leawood, Kansas, United States
Learn about reinsurance through on-the-job training with experienced members of the organization; Gain technical, analytical, and decision-making skills through formal and informal learning opportunities; Complete special projects or assignments that assist the Finance, Accounting, and Risk Manageme...      Minimum GPA of 3.2 and working towards the completion of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Accounting, Economics, Insurance and/or Risk Management, Business, Statistics, Mathematics, other business, analytical, or data related field, or advanced degree at an accredited college or university

ch: GBS director position

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Switzerland
Enhance market visibility and client experience by establishing strong relationships; Identify business opportunities with new and existing clients, advising on strategic issues and global trends relevant to their operations; Deliver comprehensive GBS solutions to senior client stakeholders and lead...      15 years of experience in the GBS/Outsourcing industry; Knowledge of the Swiss market and established client relationships; At least 10 years of relevant consulting experience, with skills in pipeline building, project management, and team leadership; Proven track record in GBS setups and transforma...

ch: Digital Forensic and Electronic Discovery Expert - Senior Associate

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Switzerland
As a technologist in our Forensics Technology team, you'll get expert training and the opportunity to work across a range of disciplines, including: Data discovery - using powerful technology to find and review unstructured data sets including emails, documents, social media, voice, and video data;...      Technical qualifications such as a Bachelor's and/or Master's degree in computer science, information technology, digital forensics, and related fields; Prior experience in Digital Forensics, Electronic Discovery, Network Security, Computer Science, Infrastructure, and/or Data Analytics including ad...

ch: Manager/Senior Manager - FS Insurance Actuary Non-Life (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Lead on actuarial audits under IFRS/US GAAP/Solvency II including the audit of technical reserves; Support clients with the implementation of regulatory requirements including Swiss Solvency Test, ORSA, Responsible Actuary tasks and Solvency II; Develop solutions to non-life actuarial complex proble...      University degree in Actuarial Science, Economics, Finance, Mathematics or similar; Fully qualified actuary (SAV/FIA/CAS or equivalent) or close to completion of the actuarial education; Minimum 4-10 years of experience as a non-life actuary in a consulting environment and/or insurance industry; Exp...

ch: Junior Berater Vorsorge (Mensch)   

Libera AG; Zürich, Switzerland
Lösen von verschiedenen Aufgaben rund um die berufliche Vorsorge von der Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung; Versicherungsmathematische Berechnungen und Analysen; Konzeption und Ausgestaltung von Versicherungsplänen; Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden; Bestreben nach fachlicher Weiterbildung; Entwicklung der eig...      Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Wirtschafts- oder Ingenieurwissenschaften; Programmierkenntnisse (C-Sharp oder andere objektorientierte Programmiersprache von Vorteil); Stilsicheres Deutsch, Fremdsprachenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil (E/F)

lu: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Quantum Computing

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Research activities in quantum information sciences: Perform fundamental research in quantum computing: Quantum error correction and/or quantum algorithm design. Ideal candidate would be able to collaborate with the group members to design and analyze novel quantum computing algorithms for beyond ...      A PhD degree in a relevant discipline with a focus on quantum computing; International experience is desirable; Sound publication track record in relevant international conferences and top journals of the field; Strong programming skills to prototype developed quantum computing algorithms/quantum co...

lu: Research Associate in Computer Vision-based Anomaly Detection for Space Applications

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
We offer an attractive Research Associate position in Computer Vision-based anomaly detection for space applications.The successful candidate will join the Computer Vision, machine Intelligence and Imaging research group      A PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related field; Competitive research record in Computer Vision, preferably with publications at top-tier CV/ML conferences/journals (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI, etc.); Strong development skills ...

us: Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Indiana University (IU); Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Successful candidates will conduct research on semiparametric and Bayesian nonparametric methods in measurement error, missing data, and functional data. The developed methods will be applied to studies of wearable device; based measures of physical activity and self-reported measures of dietary int...      The minimum requirement is a PhD in biostatistics, statistics, data science, or other quantitative fields

de: Praktikant (m/w/d) Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik im Bereich Angebots- und Beratungssoftware

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung a.G.; Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Du unterstützt uns bei der konzeptionellen Weiterentwicklung unseres Tarifrechners und weiteren Online-Tools. Ziel ist es neue Produkte technisch in den Tarifrechner zu integrieren und dabei für den Anwender die Nutzung angenehm und effizient zu gestalten; Bei der Erstellung der Vorgaben für die ...      Fortgeschrittenes Studium der Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik/Informatik oder vergleichbarer Studiengang

de: Mathematiker:in/Aktuar:in (m|w|d) für die Rolle Produktentwickler:in

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Germany
Du designst und entwickelst Produktlösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf biometrische Absicherungen (Berufsunfähigkeit, Risikoleben, Sterbegeld); Dabei arbeitest du eng mit Produktmanagern zusammen und schaffst es die vielen verschiedenen Stakeholder (Kunden, Vertrieb, Aktuariat, Risiko- und Leistungsf...      Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium der (Versicherungs-/Wirtschafts-)Mathematik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung mit entsprechender Weiterqualifizierung; Du hast mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einem vergleichbaren Aufgabengebiet; Wünschenswert ist eine begonnene oder abgeschlossene Ausbildung zu...

de: Softwarearchitekt (m/w/d)

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Germany
Du designst und entwickelst die IT-Plattformen der LV 1871 rund um Cloudtechnologien wie Docker und Kubernetes; Du nutzt Continous Delivery und entwickelst die Softwarearchitektur auf Basis von Rest-Services mit agilen Methoden kontinuierlich weiter; Gemeinsam mit dem Team führst du neue Technologi...      Du hast ein naturwissenschaftliches oder technisches Studium (im Idealfall Informatik) oder eine vergleichbare IT-Ausbildung erfolgreich absolviert; Du bringst Berufserfahrung als Softwarearchitekt/-entwickler mit - am besten im Umfeld komplexer IT-Infrastrukturen; Du bist fit in Java/REST, Cloudinf...

jp: Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan
High Performance Big Data Research Team at RIKEN R-CCS researches and develops system software for large-scale HPC (High Performance Computing) systems such as the Supercomputer Fugaku. Especially, we study state-of-the-art techniques for convergence of HPC, AI and Big data technologies as well as f...      Applicants must have a Ph.D. or expect to receive a Ph.D. before the date of appointment. In general, those who earned a doctorate within the past 5 years will be appointed as Postdoctoral Researchers, and those who earned a doctorate more than 5 years ago will be appointed as Research Scientists. T...

us: Computational Postdoctoral Scholar

Gladstone Institutes; San Francisco, California, United States
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to develop novel algorithmic architecture to leverage large-scale experimental genomics datasets to build artificial intelligence with a fundamental understanding of biological systems. The postdoctoral fellow will have access to large-scale experim...      PhD in a computational field with experience in deep learning and/or network inference methods; Advanced competency in Python and Bash, or equivalent; Experience with PyTorch or equivalent and interfacing with GPU hardware would be beneficial

de: Data Scientist (m/w/d)

Oskar Böttcher GmbH; Berlin, Germany
Konzeption, Umsetzung und Ownership von Data Science Projekten insbesondere in Themenbereichen des E-Commerce, Logistik und Pricing; Bearbeitung von Aufgaben aus dem kompletten Data-Science-Lifecycle: Von Proof of Concept, über Minimal Viable Product bis hin Deployment in Produktionsumgebungen; In...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Mathematik, der Statistik, der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik, Naturwissenschaften oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengänge; Programmkenntnisse: Python oder eine vergleichbare Programmiersprache; Grundlegende Kenntnisse in SQL; Erfahrungen in der Implementierung und...

hk: Global Quantitative Strategies

Citadel; Hong Kong
Quantitative Researchers (QRs) specialize in a variety of areas, including but not limited to: using sophisticated data analysis skills to build predictive models, driving construction of a complex multi asset portfolio by utilizing large scale portfolio optimization techniques, and developing soph...      Advanced degree in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or a related field; Proven ability to conduct innovative and impactful research focused on solving real-world problems; Strong mathematical and statistical modeling skills (e.g., time-series and cross-sectional analys...

ca: Associate Biostatistics Director

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.; Markham, Ontario, Canada
Participates in project teams for clinical development programs and/or lifecycle management of marketed products; Provides strategic statistical input to the project teams and is a major contributor to the project/product level strategy (for example, CDP, CMP, go/no go approach, OCs ); Ensures that ...      PhD or M.S. in Biostatistics, Statistics or related scientific field; 6+ years (9+ years for MS) of experience in applying statistical methods in biomedical research, Pharma, CRO, Academia or Healthcare industry or in providing statistical direction in these areas

us: Faculty – Statistics/Program Director

Nova Southeastern University (NSU); Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Teaches five (5) courses or activity equivalents in mathematics and statistics courses per year in various formats as necessary (on-campus days, on-campus evenings, off-campus, online, etc.); Participates in curriculum and/or program development, as assigned; Be accessible to students, according to ...      Doctoral Degree

de: Senior Aktuar*in (Produktmathematik)

Viridium Gruppe; Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
ein Job auch für Aktuar*innen, die sich nach ersten Erfahrungen in anderen Bereichen weiterentwickeln möchten - Vorerfahrung im Bereich Produktmathematik ist willkommen, aber nicht erforderlich; eine vielfältige Tätigkeit an der Schnittstelle zwischen Versicherungsmathematik und IT; Zusammenarbe...      ein mindestens gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Bachelor oder Master) mit mathematischem Schwerpunkt, z.B. in Mathematik, Wirtschaftsmathematik, Versicherungsmathematik oder Physik; mindestens 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Aktuar*in in einer Lebensversicherung - ideal (aber nicht notwendig) wären Vorerfa...

us: Lecturer/Special Lecturer - Mathematics & Statistics

Oakland University (OU); Michigan, United States
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applicants for the positions of Lecturer and Special Lecturer to instruct courses      A PhD in mathematics or statistics is required

us: Bioinformatics Scientist/Engineer

Profluent; Berkeley, California, United States
Perform large-scale metagenome assembly across the NCBI Sequence Read Archive; Maintain and expand the world’s largest database of protein sequences; Deploy cloud-based pipelines to process large-scale genomic datasets; Build cloud databases for scalable storage and fast retrieval of terabases of ...      BS, MS, or PhD in Bioinformatics, Genomics, Computer Science, or a related quantitative bioscience field; 3+ years of industry or postdoc experience; Experience working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or other cloud-based compute services (e.g. AWS); Experience building cloud pipelines, pipelining ...

tr: Principle Statistical Programmer

IQVIA; Edirne, Turkey
Perform, plan co-ordinate, and implement the following for complex studies: The programming, testing, and documentation of statistical programs for use in creating statistical tables, figures, and listing; The programming of analysis datasets (derived datasets) and transfer files for internal and e...      Bachelor's Degree in Maths, Computer science, Statistics, or related field; 7+ years’ Statistical Programming experience within the Life Science Industry; Advanced knowledge of statistics, programming and/or clinical drug development process; Advanced knowledge of relevant Data Standards (such as ...

us: Biostatistics Director

Amgen Inc.; United States
Develop, lead, and serve as the primary point of contact for the statistical program strategy for a portfolio of complex programs; Influence across product life cycle through developing statistically compelling Evidence Generation Plans (EGP) in collaboration with Strategic Development Director, Dir...      Doctorate degree and 4 years ofexperience; Participation in regulatory interactions; Statistical technical and strategic leadership/contribution to regulatory/reimbursement submissions; People Management experience

de: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in Cybersicherheit

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Fraunhofer), SIT - Sichere Informationstechnologie; Darmstadt, Germany
Angewandte Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz; Mitarbeit in öffentlich geförderten und/oder direkt durch Industriepartner beauftragten Projekten; Konzeptentwicklung und Projektmanagementaufgaben; Anfertigen von Projektberichten und wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen;...      Master of Science im Fachgebiet Informatik oder einem anderen Fachgebiet mit Bezug zur Cybersicherheit; Wissen und Erfahrung im Bereich Cybersicherheit; Bereitschaft, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen; Ausgeprägtes analytisches Denken; Teamfähigkeit; Lösungsorientiertes Handeln

worldwide: Amazon Scholars

Amazon; Worldwide
Applications are accepted from academic experts in research areas including, but not limited to, the following: Artificial Intelligence, Avionics, Computer Vision, Data Science, Economics, Machine Learning, Optimization, Natural Language Processing, Quantum Computing, and Robotics; As an Amazon Sch...      PhD in a relevant field or related discipline; 7+ years of relevant work or academic experience; Experience leading technical research projects with multiple stakeholders; Current affiliation with an academic or research institution

ch: All positions at Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Switzerland
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH uniquely combines research, education and services on a local, national and interna...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Swiss TPH automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Universität Luzern

Universität Luzern; Luzern, Switzerland
The University of Lucerne has Faculties of Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Management, Health Sciences and Medicine, Behavioural Sciences and Psychology, a Graduate Academy and a Further Education Academy. There are also plans for university-wide research centres for "Di...      Universität Luzern posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"