www.acad.jobs : has your institution got a flat rate?
3-4 single postings cost almost the same as a one-year flat rate for your entire institution (University, Company).
Prices can be found here: Prices
Please contact flatrate@acad.jobs , +41 76 392 03 20 (24 hours per day, 7 days a week)
ae (United Arab Emirates):
- New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD): no flat rate, but 4 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
at (Austria):
- AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- d-fine GmbH: no flat rate, but 6 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Fachhochschule Salzburg (FH Salzburg): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbH: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Medizinische Universität Innsbruck: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften:
- CeMM - Forschungszentrum für Molekulare Medizin GmbH: no flat rate, but 8 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Institut für Interdisziplinäre Gebirgsforschung (IGF): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH (IMBA): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (IQOQI): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Institut für Weltraumforschung (IWF): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Stefan-Meyer-Institut für subatomare Physik (SMI): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG (RLB OÖ): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien (SFU): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- TU Graz (outside Mathematics): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- TU Graz AND Universität Graz (KFU Graz): flat rate (only Mathematics), jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Universität Graz (KFU Graz) AND TU Graz: flat rate (only Mathematics), jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Universität Wien: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Wien): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
au (Australia):
- Australian National University: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Macquarie University: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Sydney: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
be (Belgium):
bg (Bulgaria):
- Solveva AG: no flat rate, but 8 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
bm (Bermuda):
ca (Canada):
- University of Toronto (U of T):
- Departments of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- York University: no flat rate, but 5 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
ch (Switzerland):
- Allianz Suisse (Allianz): comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Berner Fachhochschule (BFH): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen (BSV): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- d-fine GmbH: no flat rate, but 6 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- D ONE Solutions AG (D1): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (IGE): no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- EMS Schiers: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- ETH-Bereich:
- Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): no flat rate, but 4 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Generali Versicherungen: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Health Ostschweiz: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Helsana Versicherungen AG: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Hilti AG: no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- IKEA: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Integrierte Psychiatrie Winterthur - Zürcher Unterland: no flat rate, but 4 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Intuitive Collaboration AG: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Istituto di previdenza del Cantone Ticino: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- K2G AG: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- KPMG AG: flat rate (only "Financial Services" and "Technologie"), jobs automatically crawled from here
- KPT Krankenkasse AG: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Lernstudio Zürich AG: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Libera AG: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Lifeware SA: comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Mazars: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- New Reinsurance Company Ltd. (NewRe): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST): no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Pax AG: no flat rate, but 4 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- PKRück: no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Quantum Leben AG: comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Schweizer Armee: no flat rate, but 4 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung (SPS): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Schweizerische Alpine Mittelschule Davos (SAMD): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klinische Krebsforschung (SAKK): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF): no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- See-Spital: no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- SIGNAL IDUNA Rückversicherungs AG (SI Re): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- SMA und Partner AG (SMA): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- SMH Verlag AG: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Solveva AG: no flat rate, but 8 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Spital Davos AG: no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Stadtspital Zürich: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Stiftung Wissenschaftliche Politikstipendien: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Swan Analytische Instrumente AG: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Swisscard AECS GmbH: no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Switch: no flat rate, but 7 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Università della Svizzera italiana (USI): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universität Basel:
- Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel (UPK): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universität Basel: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universitätsspital Basel (USB): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universität Bern: no flat rate, but 4 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Luzern: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Universität Zürich (UZH): no flat rate, but 7 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Université de Fribourg: flat rate (only Mathematics), jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Université de Lausanne (UNIL): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Vantage Education AG: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Wirtschafts-Treuhand Auctor Schwyz AG: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Youplus Insurance International AG: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Zuger Kantonsspital AG: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW): no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
cn (China):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
co (Colombia):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
cz (Czech Republic):
- Generali CEE Holding B.V.: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
de (Germany):
- Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- d-fine GmbH: no flat rate, but 6 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL): no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- European XFEL: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft:
- Friedrich A. von Hayek-Gesellschaft e.V.: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft:
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT):
- Engler-Bunte-Institut, Teilinstitut Verbrennungstechnik (EBI-vbt): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- and 6 additional single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Hochschule Ruhr West: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Klinikum Bayreuth GmbH: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Leibniz-Gemeinschaft:
- Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. (WIAS): flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Klinikum Bayreuth GmbH: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft:
- Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik (MPI-IE): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- RWTH Aachen: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (THD): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- TU Dortmund: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Bonn: flat rate (only Mathematics), jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universität Freiburg: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Göttingen: flat rate (only Mathematics and Computer Science), jobs automatically crawled from here
- Universität Hannover: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Kassel: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Konstanz: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Paderborn: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Rostock: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Stuttgart: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universität Ulm:
- Universität Würzburg: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Universitätsklinikum Freiburg: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
dk (Denmark):
- Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Clinical Epidemiology: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Technical University of Denmark (DTU): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
ee (Estonia):
eg (Egypt):
es (Spain):
- Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM): comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Lifeware SA: comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Mondragon University (MU): free PhD and Postdoc, send PhD and Postdoc positions to freePhDPostdoc@acad.jobs - see prices for flat rate
- Serra Húnter Programme (SHP):
- Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Catalan Department of Health (CatSalut): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Pompeu Fabra University (UPF): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Rovira i Virgili University (URV): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Barcelona (UB): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Catalonia (UPC): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Girona (UdG): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Lleida (UdL): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
fi (Finland):
- University of Turku: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
fr (France):
- Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis (ISL): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Institut Pasteur: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
ge (Georgia):
- Solveva AG: no flat rate, but 7 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
gr (Greece):
- D ONE Solutions AG (D1): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
hk (Hong Kong):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- The University of Hong Kong (HKU): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
id (Indonesia):
ie (Ireland):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University College Dublin (UCD): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
il (Israel):
in (India):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
it (Italy):
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Unibocconi): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Università degli Studi di Padova: no flat rate, but 10 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
jp (Japan):
- Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
kr (Rebublic of Korea):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
li (Liechtenstein):
- Aspecta: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Hilti AG: no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- KPMG AG: flat rate (only "Financial Services" and "Technologie"), jobs automatically crawled from here
- Liechtenstein Life Assurance AG: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- PrismaLife AG: comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Youplus Insurance International AG: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
lk (Sri Lanka):
lu (Luxembourg):
- Lifeware SA: comprehensive solution, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- University of Luxembourg: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
my (Malaysia):
nl (Netherlands):
- Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Maastricht University (UM): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (RIVM): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Netherlands Forensic Institute: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Radboud University (RU): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
no (Norway):
nz (New Zealand):
pl (Poland):
pt (Portugal):
- Solveva AG: no flat rate, but 8 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
rs (Serbia and Kosovo):
ru (Russia):
sa (Saudi Arabia):
se (Sweden):
- IKEA: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
sg (Singapore):
- National University of Singapore (NUS): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
si (Slovenia):
- Institute of Information Science: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Slovenian Environment Agency: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Ljubljana: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Nova Gorica (UNG): flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
sk (Slovakia):
- Slovak Academy of Sciences (IIC SAS):
- Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (IIC SAS): free PhD and Postdoc, send PhD and Postdoc positions to freePhDPostdoc@acad.jobs - see prices for flat rate
th (Thailand):
ua (Ukraine):
- Kyiv School of Economics: no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
uk (United Kingdom):
- d-fine GmbH: no flat rate, but 6 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Smartodds: flat rate, jobs sent to us by e-mail
- University College London (UCL): no flat rate, but 6 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
us (United States):
- Bentley University: no flat rate, but 5 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Bridgewater State University: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Canisius University: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Carnegie Mellon University (CMU): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Fairmont State University: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Harvard University: no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Hofstra University: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- High Point University (HPU): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Lawrence Technological University (LTU): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here
- Skidmore College: no flat rate, but 5 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of California, Irvine (UCI): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Chicago (U of C): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Minnesota: no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of South Carolina (USC): no flat rate, but 3 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC): no flat rate, but 2 single postings in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Texas at Arlington (UTA): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
- University of Washington (UW): no flat rate, but 1 single posting in the last 24 months - see prices for flat rate
za (South Africa):
- Scor: flat rate, jobs automatically crawled from here