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Position: PhD Research Fellowship in Fluid Mechanics: Interfacial flow in cells
Institution: University of Oslo
Location: Oslo, Østlandet, Norway
Duties: Develop theoretical and computational models for interfacial flow and wetting on cell membranes; Implement and solve numerically the theoretical membrane model; Collaborate with experimentalists; Develop independence and be self-driven to advance with their research project; Work in an interdisciplinary team with expertise in mechanics, biology, physics and biophysics; Follow our PhD program that include an educational component
Requirements: Master’s degree or equivalent in mechanics, fluid mechanics, biophysics, physics or applied mathematics; Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
Text: PhD Research Fellowship in Fluid Mechanics: Interfacial flow in cells Develop theoretical and computational models for interfacial flow and wetting on cell membranes; Implement and solve numerically the theoretical membrane model; Collaborate with experimentalists; Develop independence and be self-driven to advance with their research project; Work in an interdisciplinary team with expertise in mechanics, biology, physics and biophysics; Follow our PhD program that include an educational component Master’s degree or equivalent in mechanics, fluid mechanics, biophysics, physics or applied mathematics; Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
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