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lu: Research Facilitator

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
To assist the Dean and the Department Heads with research coordination and management; To help the Faculty’s researchers find, apply for, receive, and manage research funding (e.g. EU and FNR), including support for financial project reporting and contributing to solve IPR issues; To support the F...      University degree in STEM; Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, candidates with a mathematics degree will be given preference; Experience in research proposals writing and project management (e.g. H2020, INTERREG), project monitoring, fundraising, budget management, editing of activity...

ch: All positions at Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel

Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel (UPK); Basel, Schweiz
The Basel University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) employ more than 1200 members of staff and are among the leading psychiatric clinics in Switzerland. We belong to the public health system of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and are accordingly responsible for providing high-quality, needs-based psychiatric/p...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UPK automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at, ch, de, li: Consultant (m/w/d) aus den Fachrichtungen Physik, Mathematik, Informatik, andere Naturwissenschaften

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Düsseldorf, München, Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein
Die Bandbreite der Projekte ist gross: Vom Aufbau neuer Geschäftsfelder über Risikomanagement bis hin zum Projektmanagement grosser IT-Projekte; Als Einsteiger arbeiten Sie von Beginn an in einem Projektteam mit erfahrenen Kollegen. Sie entwickeln Konzepte und Lösungen für komplexe Problemstell...      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Diplom, Master oder Promotion) in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Klares analytisches Denkvermögen; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Beherrschen einer Programmiersprache; Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens C1-Level)

ch: All positions at Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum

Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (IGE); Bern, Schweiz
Individuals and companies register their innovations and creations with the Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) in order to protect them from being copied: inventions are patented, names registered as logos or trade marks and shapes as designs. The IPI maintains the public register for t...      IGE posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Spontanbewerbung

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz
Das Eidgenössische Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat ENSI ist die Aufsichtsbehörde des Bundes für die nukleare Sicherheit und die Sicherung der Schweizer Kernanlagen. Wir bieten Ihnen verantwortungsvolle Positionen mit vielseitigen Kontakten in einem interdisziplinären, technischen Umfeld und einem ...      Bietet das Eidgenössische Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat ENSI gerade keine passende Stelle an, die Ihren Fähigkeiten, Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen entspricht? Dann können Sie sich auch initiativ mit einer Spontanbewerbung bewerben

us: Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Boston, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Perform methodological and/or collaborative research under the direction of the lab’s PI; Design and carry out analyses of datasets; Work directly with “bench” scientists in analyzing data generated from individual projects; Prepare and deliver presentations as needed; Interact with other memb...      PhD, MD, PhD-MD or doctoral equivalent degree; Background in applied or pure mathematics, statistics, bioinformatics, machine learning or computational biology; interest in cancer biology and work experience in computational biology and/or biostatistics are preferred; Knowledge of mathematical model...

us: Post-Doctoral Fellow (Bioinformatics and Multi-omic Analysis)

The Wistar Institute; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
A Post-Doctoral Fellow position is available for a talented and motivated researcher with expertise in bioinformatics, multi-omic analyses, and machine learning in the laboratory of Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen at The Wistar Institute. The position will focus on investigating the immune system during ag...      Candidates must have, or should be close to obtaining, their Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Biology or a related field, with a strong background in biology, bioinformatics, or multi-omic analyses. Candidates with experience in the study of the immune system, virology, and systems biology are particul...

us: Director, Research Data Sciences

Gilead Sciences, Inc.; Foster City, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Provide deep expertise in statistical and ML methods, and applications to accelerate research discovery; Establish and drive external collaborations in cutting-edge analytical method development and technology platforms; Collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify, evaluate, and deliver solu...      PhD in computational biology, computer science, data science, physical science, statistics, or a related field with a minimum of 10+ years of relevant work experience. Industry experience and people management experience is preferred; Demonstrated track record and expertise in AI/ML method developme...

us: Bioinformatics Scientist

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The focus of the position is service-level application of bioinformatics tools and methods to bench and clinical research problems in various biomedical domains. The position allows for a wide variety of activities described within the job responsibilities and encompasses positions within both resea...      The successful candidate will preferably have a PhD degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, or a related field, and must have demonstrable skills in coding in R and/or Python, though both are preferred. The successful candidate will have had biology training, experience with high-performanc...

us: Associate Director, Bioinformatics

Natera, Inc.; San Carlos, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Envision, plan, and execute research strategies in collaboration with other cross-functional stakeholders; Drive the development of innovative algorithms related to cancer early detection; Lead a team of Bioinformatics Scientists and support their professional growth; Foster a culture of innovation,...      PhD in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Statistics, or related field; Minimum of 6-8 years of working in the bioinformatics field and extensive managerial and cross-functional experience; Track-record of leading and developing state-of-the-art and highly impactful computational methods; Highly expe...

cn: Specialty Genomics Bioinformatics Scientist

Labcorp Drug Development; Shanghai, China
Be the primary resource for analysis needs related to PGDx assays; Perform data analysis in support of assay validation; Once the assay has moved to production, perform routine QC and any required downstream analyses following established work instructions; Communicate with clients to address any pr...      MS in bioinformatics, biology, or related field; Two+ years of practical bioinformatics experience, including knowledge of common NGS file formats, data types, and analysis tools; Demonstrated understanding of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies; Strong background in statistical analysis m...

us: Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate in Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Moffitt Cancer Center; Tampa, Florida, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Conduct independent and collaborative genomics-based research in bioinformatics, particularly in the area of spatial and single cell genomics; Team science collaboration to tackle a variety of cancer clinical and basic science research projects; Communicate clearly and openly; Build relationships to...      Successful candidates must have a Ph.D. in biomedical informatics, bioinformatics, computational immunology, computer science, biostatistics or related field and relevant research training and experience

ch: Praktikanten

Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra); Wettingen, Aargau, Schweiz
MCNP-​Berechnungen und -​Optimierungen: Arbeit an bestehenden MCNP-​Modellen zur Validierung, Optimierung und Überprüfung der modellierten Geometrie; Hauptziel ist die Charakterisierung der Neutronenaktivierung in den verschiedenen Anlagen-​Bauteilen, etc; Datenanalyse zur Validierung von...      Programmierkenntnisse (z. B. Python, Matlab, etc.) sind von Vorteil; Gute wissenschaftliche Schreibfähigkeit (in Englisch, Deutsch ist von Vorteil)

lu: Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in ultra-reliable and energy-efficient intra-avionic wireless communication systems

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
AVATAR project has the goal to create a Digital Twin by continuously monitoring the operation of transformative air vehicles (TAV) through an innovative smart IoT sensing skin, informed by accurate physical models and advanced analytics, resulting in reduced direct operative costs, extended service ...      The candidate should possess an M.Sc./M.Eng. Degree in Telecommunication Engineering, signal processing, or a closely related field in Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Background in wireless and mobile communications; Good understanding of network implementation and operation aspects...

at: Masterarbeit - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Einsparungspotential der RENVELOPE-Technologie auf den österreichischen Gebäudebestand    (6 m)

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
Die Umwandlung von Bestandsgebäuden in emissionsarme, aktive Teilnehmer an einem klimaneutralen, volatilen Energiesystem ist eine Herausforderung. Viele Gebäude sind noch weitgehend von dezentraler Energieversorgung auf Basis fossiler Energieträger abhängig. Daher ist es notwendig, skalierbare, ...      Interesse an Klimaschutz, nachhaltigen Lösungen zu Energieeffizienz; Kreative, selbständige und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise; Ausbildung und Verständnis bezüglich Energieversorgung; Erfahrung mit Datenverarbeitung und Datenanalyse

at: Masterarbeit - Entwicklung und Bewertung eines interkommunalen Wärmenetzverbundes    (6 m)

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
Evaluierung von Biomassepotentialen und verfügbaren regionalen Wärmequellen (industrielle Abwärme, Geothermie, etc.) und Wärmesenken hinsichtlich Temperatur-niveau, zeitlicher Verfügbarkeit sowie Erschliessbarkeit und Flexibilitätsoptionen durch Speicher; Aufbau interkommunale Planung und Betr...      Interesse an der nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Wärmenetzen sowie Energietechnologien; Erfahrung/Studium in einem relatierten Studienfach; Relevante Simulations- und Programmierkenntnisse; Lösungsorientierte, selbständige, motivierte und verlässliche Arbeitsweise

at: Masterarbeit - Optimale Produktionsplanung für industrielle Backprozesse: Experimentelle Validierung eines Demand Side Management Tools    (6 m)

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
Testen und validieren des im Rahmen von DSM_OPT entwickelten DSM-Tools anhand von vorhandenen Messdaten; Anwendung und Validierung des DSM-Tools für einen industriellen Anwendungsfall; KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Design für die Validierung des DSM-Tools; Datenauswertung und Analyse aus Validie...      Interesse an Klimaschutz, nachhaltigen Lösungen zu Energieeffizienz; Kreative, selbständige und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise; Ausbildung und Verständnis bezüglich industrieller Prozesse und Energieversorgung; Erfahrung mit Datenverarbeitung und Datenanalyse; Interesse an Modellierung und Sim...

at: Masterarbeit - Analyse von dezentralen Flexibilitätspotentialen für Strom- und Wärmenetze    (6 m)

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
Analyse des aktuellen Stands der Technik für Flexibilitätslösungen im Strom- und Wärmesektor aus technischer Sicht; Vergleich verschiedener Technologien anhand ausgewählter Bewertungsindikatoren (z.B. Warmwasserspeicher, Grosswärmespeicher, Batteriespeicher, Bauteilaktivierung, Gebäudemassen ...      Die vorliegende Masterarbeit soll auf Basis mehrerer laufender Forschungsprojekte, den aktuellen technischen und rechtlich/regulatorischen Status Quo in Österreich und ausgewählten Drittländern analysieren, vergleichen und auf Eignung zur Nutzung von Flexibilitäten hin bewerten

ch: Strahlenschutz-Spezialist: Physiker oder Naturwissenschaftler (m/w/d) (80-100%)

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz
Beurteilung des Strahlenschutzes in Kernanlagen und Erstellung von Gutachten; Planung und Durchführung von Inspektionen in den Kernanlagen sowie Erstellung der Inspektionsberichte; Mitarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung des Regelwerks; Leitung von Projekten; Mitarbeit in nationalen und internationalen...      Universitäts- oder Hochschulabschluss in Ingenieur- oder Naturwissenschaften (Master oder Doktorat); Erfahrungen in der Kernkraftwerkstechnik und Strahlenschutz sind von Vorteil; Verantwortungsbewusste, belastbare und teamorientierte Persönlichkeit mit ausgeprägten analytischen Fähigkeiten; Hohe...

ch: Stv. Teamleiter/- in Fertigung & Berufsbildungsverantwortliche/r

Swan Analytische Instrumente AG; Hinwil, Zürich, Schweiz
Montieren von Baugruppen in Einzel- und Teamarbeit; Handlöten von Stecker- und Kabelverbindungen; Kleben und/oder vergiessen von mechanischen sowie elektronischen Bauteilen; Verdrahten und prüfen der Baugruppen; Verantwortlich für die Ausbildung der Lernenden (4-6 Lernende); Betreuen und führen ...      Abgeschlossene mechanische Ausbildung EFZ mit Berufserfahrung; Gute MS Office Kenntnisse; Offene und empathische Persönlichkeit

ch: Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in Simulation von Gebäude- und kommunalen Energiesystemen (80-100%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
Wir bieten eine bis Ende 2027 befristete Stelle mit der Möglichkeit zur Verlängerung als wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in mit dem Forschungsschwerpunkt Simulation von Gebäude- und kommunalen Energiesystemen; Die Stelle ist Teil des Innosuisse flagship Projekts "SwissSTES - Swiss Seasonal Therma...      Wir suchen eine vielseitig interessierte und aufgeschlossene Person, die gerne in einem interdisziplinären Team, an der Schnittstelle zwischen Gebäudesystemen, Architektur und Bauwesen arbeitet und unser Team mit neuen Ideen und solider Forschungsarbeit unterstützt; Erfolgreiche Bewerber sollten ...

dk: Professor in Product Development

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Your overall focus will be to strengthen the department’s competences within technology implementation through design with focus on sustainable and industrial design, and product development with focus on the product service life and life cycle. Your expertise in product development will influence...      Documented experience and quality of teaching and curriculum development; Research impact and experience, funding track record and research vision; International impact and experience

dk: PhD scholarship in Efficient Numerical Modelling of Smart Hearables while Fitted to Users

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Combine modelling techniques such as the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) in an optimal way, as well as simplification to analogous equivalents of less relevant subsystems; Study and apply Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques or equivalent; Utilize High Performance...      A master level education in the fields of either acoustics, mechanics, numerical computing, physics or equivalent; Excellent command of English both spoken and written

us: Postdoctoral Associate

Duke University; Durham, North Carolina, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
This position is to develop and apply innovative statistical, computational, and machine-learning methods to analyze cutting-edge single-cell and spatial genomics data in pulmonary research. There is a unique opportunity to discover functions and behaviors of cells in lung tissues and identify poten...      Must hold a PhD degree in biostatistics, statistics, computer science, computational biology, applied mathematics, or a related field

us: Bioinformatician/Research Data Analyst

Stanford Medicine; Stanford, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Lead and own organization-wide data initiatives (e.g. models, frameworks, platforms, dashboards); Supervise, coach and mentor a high-performing team of analysts; Identify, leverage and partner with external firms; Prioritize and extract data from a variety of sources such as notes, survey results, m...      Bachelor's degree and five years or more of relevant experience or combination of education and relevant experience. Experience in a quantitative discipline such as economics, finance, statistics or engineering

us: Lecturer, Health Informatics

Indiana University (IU); Indianapolis, Indiana, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The responsibilities of the position include teaching in the Health Informatics Program, developing courses for the traditional classroom setting, computer labs, and for online education; help setting program goals, developing and continually updating the curriculum and training activities; contribu...      Requirements for this appointment include a Ph.D. or M.D. degree, preferably in Health or Biomedical Informatics or a related field

ch: Professorin oder Professor «Gesundheitstechnologien» (80-100%)

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST); St. Gallen, Schweiz
Die ausgeschriebene Professur bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit den Lehr- und Forschungsbereich «Gesundheitstechnologien» am Departement Gesundheit aufzubauen und als Leitung des Kompetenzzentrums am Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft (IPW) zu verantworten. Sie vertreten das Thema «Ge...      Sie verfügen über ein gesundheits-, pflegewissenschaftliches oder ingenieurwissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium sowie ein Doktorat/PhD; Sie verfügen über berufliche Erfahrungen im Gesundheitswesen und eine ausgewiesene Expertise im Bereich der Gesundheitstechnologie; Sie verfügen über Erfahrung...

lu: Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of soft matter physics applied in robotics

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The project is about a new generation of fiducial markers (as those used in robotics and Augmented Reality to encode information about objects on which they are applied) designed to carry encrypted messages interpretable only by authorized parties. The markers are made using polymerized Cholesteric ...      Master’s degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry or materials science/engineering Experience in quantitative research methods and practical work in physics/engineering labs

de: Data Science Werkstudent (m/w/d) oder Masterrand (m/w/d) im Bereich Offshore Wind

Ramboll; Hamburg, Deutschland
Selbstständige Bearbeitung von Teilprojekten; Literatur- und Webrecherchen; Anforderungsanalyse (e.g. UML); Erstellung von Softwarearchitekturen; Erstellung und Entwicklung von Softwaretools zur Datenauswertung; Automatisierung von Arbeitsabläufen; Datenvisualisierung und Data Story Telling; Unter...      Ein eingeschriebener Student an einer deutschen Universität/Hochschule (m/w/d); Gute bis sehr gute Leistungen im hochschulischen Bereich; Sichere Programmierkenntnisse (Python); Ein analytisches und strukturiertes Denkvermögen; Eigeninitiative sowie zuverlässige, lösungsorientierte und selbstst...

ch: Audit - Career Start - Trade, Industries & Services - October 2024 - Lugano (100%)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC), Assurance; Lugano, Schweiz
Du prüfst Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt beim Kunden vor Ort, im PwC-Office oder aus dem Homeoffice; Du gewinnst einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse von verschiedenen Unternehmen und Industrien, hilfst bei Fragen zur Rechnungslegung und...      Du bist Absolvent: in (Graduate Bachelor/Master) oder in deinem letzten Studienjahr in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), wobei wir für alle Studiengänge offen sind; Du schaffst deinen Abschluss zur: zum di...

us: Postdoctoral Researcher in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

University of Oklahoma (OU); Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The candidate is responsible for analyzing and mining multi-omics data using computational techniques, such as deep learning, generalized linear mixed models, and biological network analysis. This may require development of new computer algorithms and/or construction of computational workflows on co...      Ph.D; Skills in Bioinformatics, deep learning, data science, -omics

us: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Applied Physics

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Loncar Group is looking for a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in nanofabrication, integrated optics, nonlinear optics, and microwave photonics. The candidate will focus on design, fabrication, and characterization of chip-scale photonic devices and systems, and their application in microwave ...      Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics or Physics is required

ch: Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in im Bereich Engineering datengetriebener zirkulärer Services (50%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
Schwerpunkt Ihrer Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Implementierung von quantitativen Verfahren zur Modellierung und Bewertung des finanziellen Aufwandes und Erlöses sowie der ökologischen Auswirkung (Nutzen oder Belastung) datengetriebener Dienstleistungen in produzierenden Unternehmen. Die theoreti...      Sie verfügen über einen Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss in einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Disziplin oder in einer Ingenieurdisziplin mit betriebswirtschaftlicher Vertiefung (Wirtschaftsingenieur oder Wirtschaftsinformatik). Sie haben fundierte Kenntnisse in den quantitativen Methoden von Operations...

ch: Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in in AI-based Service Engineering (50%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
Schwerpunkt Ihrer Arbeit ist die Entwicklung, Bewertung und Implementierung von quantitativen Modellen für industrielle Service-Ökosysteme (z.B. das Zusammenspiel von Produktions-, Logistik- oder Transportfirmen, ihren Geschäftskunden sowie Service-Partner-Firmen) in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Unte...      Sie verfügen über einen Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss in einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Disziplin oder in einer Ingenieurdisziplin mit betriebswirtschaftlicher Vertiefung (Wirtschaftsingenieur). Sie haben fundierte Kenntnisse in den quantitativen Methoden von Operations Management und Operations ...

dk: Postdoc in Quantification of sustainability indicators and lifecycle cost modelling of next generation wind turbines

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
You will be part of the SMP team that works on: Sustainability & environmental impacts; Wind energy economics & finance; Financial modelling and policy analysis; Stochastic cost modelling of wind energy investments; Techno-economics of wind and energy systems; Energy policy & support me...      A background in engineering, economics, physics, mathematics, or a related field with an emphasis on development or assessment of sustainable energy systems and lifecycle technoeconomic modelling of renewable energy systems, especially wind energy systems; Proven experience in quantifying sustainabi...

ch: All positions at Mazars

Mazars; Schweiz
Wir sind ein führendes, internationales Unternehmen, das auf Wirtschaftsprüfung, Buchhaltung, Steuer- und Beratungsdienstleistungen spezialisiert ist und sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen für eine gerechte und prosperierende Welt zu schaffen      Mazars posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us, vi: Assistant Professor of Mathematics

University of the Virgin Islands (UVI); Vereinigte Staaten (USA), Amerikanische Jungferninseln
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) seeks to hire a full-time, tenure track professor at the Assistant level. We seek faculty who will inspire and mentor students at all levels while ensuring high academic standards in a nurturing and learner-centere...      PhD in any area of Mathematics, Mathematics Education, or a related field completed by August 2023

us: Bioinformatics Scientist

Monoceros Biosystems; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
We are seeking a highly motivated and talented Bioinformatics Scientist to join our growing team at Monoceros Bio. We partner with many small to midsize BioTech to accelerate drug discovery and development through innovative bioinformatic solutions. In this role, you will play a vital role in analyz...      Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, or related field with a strong biological background; A strong desire to contribute to improving human health through innovative bioinformatic solutions; Proficient in R and Python with experience in scientific computing libraries (e.g., Bioconductor, ...

us: Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF); Bethesda, Maryland, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Applies for grant support to novel lines of research in Bioinformatics; Creates new algorithms and mathematical models to solve problems in Genomics and NGS; Develops and guides the implementation of specialized software to solve Biological problems and support infrastructure development; Develops a...      Strong background in Computer Science, Statistics, Genomics, Genetics, RDBMS, Cloud Computing, Google APIs, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology required; Programming skills in languages such as C++ or/and JAVA, and experience programming in PERL or PYTHON; Expert level programming in statistica...

us: Bioinformatics Toxicologist

Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.; Bethesda, Maryland, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Support toxicology programs for multiple research programs in the Federal Government. Apply extensive expertise in bioinformatics and toxicology. Work independently and in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams to assist the Government in such analyses      Master’s degree in Toxicology, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, or Life Sciences; 10+ years of experience with leading a team; Experience with Next Generation Sequencing or microarray genotype data; Experience with multi-omics data analysis and biological data annotation, curation, and data mapping

us: Bioinformatics Analyst - Microbial Bioinformatics

Baylor College of Medicine (BCM); Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Research, assess, and test third-party bioinformatic workflows and software; Establish, test, and improve bioinformatic workflows; Establish a custom database to storage and process data generated from Human Nasal Organoid wet-lab experiments; Use computational analyses and biological interpretation...      Bachelor's degree in Genetics, Biology, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, or a related field

de: Research Assistant Position (f/m/d) - Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions   

Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS); Berlin, Deutschland
Modeling of fundamental electrochemical systems with partial differential equations; Development of material models for electrolytes and electrodes; Validation of the derived models using suitable experimental data; Systematic model simplification using asymptotic methods, e.g. derivation of effecti...      Candidates with a PhD in mathematics, scientific computing, theoretical physics, or related fields, and published research contributions in peer-reviewed journals are sought. In-depth scientific experience in modeling electrochemical systems with partial differential equations as well as a high inte...

it: Assegno di ricerca

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
Assegno di ricerca da svolgersi presso il Dipartimento di Matematica      Titolo: "Stabilità in Sistemi Hamiltoniani e oltre/Stability in Hamiltonian Dynamics and Beyond"

lu: PhD Position in Ultrafast Physics

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
We are seeking highly motivated candidates to be employed either at Postdoctoral or Doctoral level (PhD) to set up a new research line at the University of Luxembourg (UL). In particular we will target the development of advanced ultrafast tools and techniques with the goal to exploit them for the i...      Master in Physics or similar subjects; Curiosity and self-motivation; Experience in ultrafast optics and ultrafast lasers is preferential; The University of Luxembourg is set in a multilingual context. The person hired on this position must be proficient in English

us: Postdoctoral Fellow - Bioinformatics & Comp Biology

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Houston, Texas, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The position will involve a mixture of methodological and collaborative research in biostatistics, bioinformatics, and genetics. The methodological research may include but is not limited to developing novel methods for time-to-event modeling, multivariate statistics, high-dimensional and spatial da...      The ideal candidate should have a Ph.D. in statistics, biostatistics, or a related field. The candidate must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, the ability to engage in independent thinking, be meticulous in their attitude towards work, and be collegial as a team member. The can...

us: Assistant or Associate Professor: Bioinformatics and/or Biostatistics

University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES); Princess Anne, Maryland, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Science at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore is seeking highly qualified applicants in the areas of agricultural bioinformatics and/or biostatistics      PhD in computer science, bioinformatics, statistics or other quantitative sciences. Candidates with degrees in other relevant fields but with demonstrated experience in bioinformatics and statistics will be considered

us: Lead Engineer - Sr. Computer Scientist - Sr. Research Engineer - Robotics

Southwest Research Institute; San Antonio, Texas, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Identify and pursue new research directions for current and emerging technologies in automated and autonomous vehicles and manufacturing robotics; Propose and lead internal research programs to extend the state of the art in localization, navigation, mapping, path planning, perception, modeling, and...      Requires a Bachelors, Masters, or a PhD in Robotics, Mechatronics, Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or other engineering robotics-related degree; 7-12 years: Industry, academic, or government research experience in autonomous/automate...

us: Bioinformatics Scientist

Trace Genomics; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Develop and test bioinformatics methods (proportional to bioinformatics experience); Contribute to bioinformatics infrastructure (proportional to programming experience); Curate and maintain taxonomic and functional gene databases; Develop algorithms and applications for inferring biological knowled...      Ph.D. or equivalent experience in microbiology or bioinformatics; Expertise in the analysis and interpretation of metagenome data; Working knowledge of Python (preferred) or R to read code, write functions, create plots; Experience packaging and documenting code for re-use by other team members or f...

us: Postdoctoral Scholar – RNA Biology and Bioinformatics

Pennsylvania State University (PSU); University Park, Pennsylvania, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Our collaborative research employs both Arabidopsis and crop species to reveal how RNA structure and its variation regulate plant responses to stresses associated with climate change, both abiotic and biotic      A Ph.D. and strong skills in either molecular biology or bioinformatics are required, as demonstrated in peer-reviewed publications

at: All positions at Fachhochschule Salzburg

Fachhochschule Salzburg (FH Salzburg); Salzburg, Österreich
An der FH Salzburg wählen Sie aus 18 Bachelor- und 15 Master-Studiengängen sowie aus zahlreichen Weiterbildungsprogrammen. Von Holztechnologie bis Ergotherapie. Von Betriebswirtschaft bis hin zu MultiMediaArt. Das Angebot in den 6 Departments - Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften, Business and Tourism...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at FH Salzburg automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us: All positions at Fairmont State University

Fairmont State University; Fairmont, West Virginia, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
We offer a wide range of academic programs, including business, the humanities, science, education, and even aviation, so you're sure to find an area of study that meets your interests. You will learn in small classes from caring teacher mentors, who will join together with you and other hard-workin...      Fairmont State University posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us: All positions at University of Chicago

University of Chicago (U of C); Chicago, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
For more than 125 years, the University of Chicago has forged its own path. This has led to new schools of thought and a transformative education for students, and laid the groundwork for breakthroughs across the sciences, medicine, economics, law, business, history, culture, the arts, and humanisti...      U of C posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us: All positions at Skidmore College

Skidmore College; Saratoga Springs, New York, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Skidmore College is a private liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, New York. Approximately 2650 students are enrolled at Skidmore pursuing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in one of more than 60 areas of study      Skidmore College posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal

RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal (RhySearch); Buchs, St. Gallen, Schweiz
We promote the competitive capacity of small and medium sized companies in Alpenrheintal (Alpine Rhine valley region). We achieve this through the targeted networking of business and research with the aim of making the business location of Alpenrheintal more attractive and as a result increasing opp...      RhySearch posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

de: All positions at Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M); Hamburg, Deutschland
Our interests gain impetus from the fact that human activity is amplifying the atmosphere’s greenhouse effect. That this will cause the surface to warm is well documented and not disputed. Much less clear, and hence more interesting, is exactly how much warming will arise from a given increase in ...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at MPI-M automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

dk: All positions at Technical University of Denmark

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
DTU is recognized internationally as a leading university in the areas of the technical and the natural sciences, renowned for our business-oriented approach, our focus on sustainability, and our amazing study environment      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at DTU automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

de: All positions at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
The University of Göttingen is an internationally renowned research university. Founded in 1737 in the Age of Enlightenment, the University is committed to the values of social responsibility of science, democracy, tolerance and justice. It offers a comprehensive range of subjects across 13 faculti...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Göttingen automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us: Computational Biologist

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU); Portland, Oregon, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
This position is a member of a computational biology lab in the Knight Cancer Institute. Support investigators in the conduct of original research in service to OHSU’s mission to improve human health, building and leveraging platform-based tools and biological understanding while working in a team...      Master's Degree in Computational Biology or related field and 3 years of relevant experience; Demonstrated ability in research related to genomic analysis, machine learning, or image analysis, which may include experience with next-gen sequencing or medical imaging; Demonstrated skills in a high lev...

de: Computational Scientist mRNA & Gene Design (all genders)

Merck & Co.; Darmstadt, Hessen, Deutschland
We are seeking a talented and motivated Computational Scientist to work in the mRNA Process and delivery team within the Life Science Service Innovation Team. In this role, you will work on laboratory scale gene synthesis for plasmid DNA. Your tasks will include gene and sequence design, sequence op...      PhD in (Bio)-physics, (Bio)-informatics or other relevant areas or PhD in Biology or Molecular biology with 3-4 years’ experience in bioinformatics and computational science; Knowledge and experience in computational biology, bioinformatics, algorithm development, and large language models; Demons...

us: Bioinformatics Intern

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF); Bethesda, Maryland, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Performs analysis of gene expression and proteomic data acquired from clinical tissues, biofluids and experimental models; Contributes to prognostic models and performs decision analysis; Collaborates with surgeons, bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, and laboratory personnel, and will develop a su...      High School Diploma or GED required; Minimum of 0-2 years experience required; Strong computer skills and hands-on experience in analyzing biomarker based assay data, knowledge-based data analysis modeling software applications, working knowledge of scientific programming (PERL, Phyton, JavaScript, ...

us: Computational Scientist

Quantum Si; San Diego, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Develop novel algorithms to analyze raw single-molecule data produced by Platinum, our next-generation protein sequencing device; Optimize algorithms for running in computationally constrained environments; Dive deep into our current algorithms to improve upon our current, state-of-the-art pipeline;...      PhD. or M.S. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related computational field with 3+ years industry and/or post-doc experience; Track record of developing novel computational approaches to solve complex biological sequence or signal processing problems; Strong analytical thinking and p...

us: Bioinformatics SME

Zortech Solutions; Alameda, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Develop and revise high performance next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis pipeline systems; Develop complex data integration methods/algorithms across various NGS sequencing techniques; Lead or participate in the brainstorming sessions to seek reliable solutions for complex data analysis re...      Degree in Bioinformatics

jp: Assistant Professor

High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK); Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies is seeking to fill a term-limited assistant professor position. The successful candidate belongs to the Belle II group and carries out the on-site operation and the upgrade of the Belle II data acquisition and control systems as well as required developments...      Applicants must have good skills in data acquisition systems for large-scale experiments, in particular in firmware development, digital electronics, or real-time software development, and must demonstrate capabilities for carrying out the described job

ch: Scientific collaborator - Building and Communal Energy System Simulation (80-100%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
We offer a time-limited position until end of 2027, with the possibility for extension, as a scientific collaborator with research focus on simulation of building and communal energy systems; The position is part of the Innosuisse Flagship project “SwissSTES - Swiss Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage...      Master degree in engineering, physics or related fields with knowhow in building/urban energy systems; A PhD in a related field is recommended; Good mathematical modelling skills; Expertise in conducting energy demand simulation at various scales, from individual buildings to the district level, usi...

us: Professor of Biomedical Data Science (Assistant, Associate, and/or Professor level)

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU); Portland, Oregon, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Center for Biomedical Data Science (CBDS) at the Knight Cancer Institute (KCI) at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) is searching for multiple tenured or tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and/or Professor) in the area of Biomedical Da...      To qualify for this role, you must have either a PhD or MD/PhD, relevant postdoctoral research experience, and a strong record of research accomplishments that include publications in high-quality conferences or journals

us: Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

Boston Children's Hospital; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Senior Bioinformatics Scientist will work with PhD-level bioinformatics scientists and researchers who have single-cell RNA-seq, single-cell ATAC-seq, spatial transcriptomics, bulk RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data to investigate mouse and human diseases as well as with other pediatric scientists at BCH...      Minimum of 4-year Bachelor’s degree in STEM. A minimum of one year of position-specific experience, which might potentially include experience acquired through MSc or Ph.D. studies. Preference for candidates with a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology or related; Extensive knowledge of t...

us: IMM Derm Bioinformatics CoOp

Johnson & Johnson Services Inc. (J&J); Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Develop, benchmark, and deploy a computational approach for data integration across genetic and single cell/bulk RNAseq data to identify and prioritize disease causal genes in inflammatory skin diseases and explore patient heterogeneity/endotypes; Develop and test computational pipelines to enable i...      Enrolled in a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. in computational biology/bioinformatics, data science, human genetics, or immunology is required; Planning, execution, and interpretation of advanced multi-modal “omics” data. Candidates should have experience in statistical genetics and high-throughput s...

us: Bioinformatician/Research Data Analyst

Stanford University; Stanford, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Prioritize and extract data from a variety of sources such as notes, survey results, medical reports, and laboratory data, and maintain its accuracy and completeness; Determine additional data collection and reporting requirements; Design and customize reports based upon data in the database. Overse...      Bachelor’s degree (or higher) in Bioinformatics, Computer Science or a related field with two years of relevant experience; MS or PhD in bioinformatics-related field; Strong background in bioinformatics and biostatistics, including analysis of high-throughput sequencing data; Experience working wi...

us: Computational Biology Data Scientist

Stanford University; Stanford, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Take the computational biology lead on studies including; designing the study, the analysis plan and carrying out the statistical programming and data management to implement the plan; Experience in single cell data analyses and integrative multi-omics approaches is a strong plus; A background in im...      Ph.D. in Computational Biology, Biostatistics, Statistics, Bioinformatics or related field; Capable of functioning independently and collaboratively at an advanced level under the overall direction of the QSU Director; Experience with multiple programming languages such as Python and R; Outstanding ...

lu: Research Associate in Innovation Strategy and Management

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The successful candidate will have the role of Research Associate in Innovation Strategy and Management of SIGCOM and will promote its activities and strategic agenda within the international associations SIGCOM is a member of. Based on this, an important part of the successful candidate’s working...      A PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Engineering with a focus on wireless and mobile communications

us: Bioinformatics Scientist

Stanford University; Stanford, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Assess user needs and requirements; Design and develop applications that may involve sophisticated data manipulation; Maintain and update existing programs; Troubleshoot and solve technical problems; Create programs to meet reporting and analysis needs; Design and implement user and operations train...      Bachelor’s in Bioinformatics, Statistics, Computer Science or related field, and three years of relevant experience; Master’s in Bioinformatics, Statistics, Computer Science or related field, and one year of relevant experience; Proficient in R and Python, and a statistical analysis software e.g...

us: Assistant Professorial Lecturer - Mathematics

Saint Xavier University (SXU); Chicago, Illinois, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Teach mathematics courses across the undergraduate mathematics curriculum; Provide service to the department; Provide undergraduate academic advising; Engage in high-impact practices such as collaborative student projects and community-based learning; Engage in professional development and scholarsh...      Doctorate (PhD, DA, EdD) in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, or Applied Mathematics; ABD applicants will be considered (Assistant Professorial Lecturer rank); Evidence of the ability to teach and mentor a diverse student body with many first-generation college students; Evidence of scholarly pote...

us: Lecturer

Clemson University, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; Clemson, South Carolina, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University is seeking talented individuals for full-time, 9-month Lecturer or Senior Lecturer positions starting from August 15, 2023. These are renewable, non-tenure track positions. The areas of interest include but are not limited to,...      Ph.D. preferred

it: Research Position: Modelling extreme climate events (2 y)

Università degli Studi di Firenze; Firenze, Italien
The researcher will quantify the spatial and temporal variations of critical climate hazards, such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and storms, as well as compound events. Hazard indicators will be derived for the whole globe from reanalysis data and climate projections under different warming levels...      Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

it: Research Position: Bioinformatic multi-omic data analysis in the study of a metabolic disease

Università di Bologna, Biological Sciences; Biological Engineering; Bologna, Italien
This interdisciplinary project concerns the bioinformatic study of a metabolic pathology due to a rare genetic mutation. Despite clinical advances in the treatment of this disease, patients continue to suffer from long-term complications. for this reason, on the one hand it is important to develop a...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

no: Postdoctoral Fellow in Thermodynamics and Porous Media Science

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwegen
Challenge the research frontiers in the nexus between thermodynamics and porous media science; Write academic papers and submit them to international scientific journals; Participate in international scientific conferences      You must have completed a Norwegian doctoral degree or corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognized as equivalent to a Norwegian PhD in thermodynamics or another relevant area; Excellent competence and extensive background in thermodynamics; Excellent written and oral skills in English

uk: Research Associate in Machine Learning for X-ray Spectroscopy

Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Research on project: Theory of Time-resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy for Molecular Design beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation; Developing XANESNET Deep Neural Network for predicting X-ray spectroscopy observables; Setup and develop accurate training and testing data; Analysis of results; Int...      A PhD in the area of computer science, theoretical or computational chemistry or a related discipline (candidates who have submitted their thesis will be considered); Expertise in calculating spectroscopic observables or implementing deep learning algorithms; Experience with a computer programming l...

it: Research Position: Cloud Software Developer for numerical ocean modelling

Università di Bologna, Environmental Science; Earth Science; Bologna, Italien
The successful candidate will develop software for Cloud computing to facilitate the distribution of existing code also on Super Computing Platforms; Within the project the following topics must be developed: Containers (e.g., Singularity, Docker) to diffuse software currently available on Virtual ...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

ch: Messtechniker/in Wärmepumpen-Testzentrum (80-100%)

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST); Buchs, St. Gallen, Schweiz
Planung, Vorbereitung und selbständige Durchführung von Effizienz- und Schallmessungen an Wärmepumpen; Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden; Optimierungsarbeiten an den Prüfständen durchführen; Unterstützung der Prüfstandsleitung bei der Pflege des Qualitätsmanagement-Systems (QMHB); Erstellu...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossene technische Berufsausbildung; Berufserfahrung im Bereich Regelung/Steuerung von hydraulischen Anlagen und automatisierter Messtechnik; Weiterbildung im Bereich Regelung/Steuerung vorteilhaft; Exaktes und genaues Arbeiten; Gute Auffassungsgabe, Eigeninitiative und Selbständ...

it: Research Position: "Development of Control Techniques for Power Electronics Converter in distribution grids based on synchrophasor measurements" (1 y)

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
The research focuses on developing innovative techniques for controlling renewable energy sources through the use of synchrophasor measurements, both of the fundamental components and harmonics, of voltage and current. The aim is to implement distributed controls for power converters to enhance dyna...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: "Development of artificial intelligence based reliability models for power semiconductor devices" (1 y)

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
the research activity is focused on the planning and implementation of experimental tests aimed at studying the reliability of power electronic devices. The analysis is aimed at investigating the degradation mechanisms related to several stress sources, such as thermal/power cycling or shortcircuit ...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

it: Research Position: 7 fixed term researcher position (temporary, 100%)

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
Public competition for the recruitment of 7 fixed term researcher position, duration 6 years, full-time appointment; Astronomia, Astrofisica, Chimica, Ginecologia e Ostetricia, Anestesiologia, Psicologia, Diritto, Economia Aziendale      Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

dk: Postdoc: CO2 capture and Power-to-X

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Supervision of BEng/BSc/MSc students; Support of PhD students; Thermodynamic modelling of carbon capture solvents; Testing of advanced solvents; Write scientific publications; Apply for funding both nationally and internationally      As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent); Good understanding of the Danish/European visions and strategies within the green transition; Exceptional communication skills, to be able to communicate the vision of the projects to both researchers, CEOs, the public and fundin...

us: Scientist, Bioinformatics

Iovance Biotherapeutics; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Conduct Bioinformatics analyses of bulk and single-cell RNA and TCR sequencing data related to the study of preclinical and clinical TIL products; Aid biological and immunological interpretation of sequencing data; summarize and present results with clear conclusions; Guide wet lab scientists on the...      Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics, Biology, Immunology, Bioengineering or relevant fields with 0-3 years of experience; Fluent in Shell, R, and Python programming. Experience working on a Linux server either locally or on the cloud; Extensive hands-on experience in analyzing next-generation sequencing ...

ch: Physiker/-in oder Naturwissenschaftler/-in für die Leitung der Sektion Strahlenmessung (m/w/d)

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz
Personelle und fachliche Führung der Mitarbeitenden der Sektion; Fachliche Qualitätssicherung der von der Sektion erstellten Freigaben, Stellungnahmen und Gutachten für die Kernanlagen in allen Lebensphasen; Erarbeitung von sicherheitstechnischen Anforderungen an die radiologischen Anlagen-, Pers...      Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Universitäts- oder Hochschulabschluss; Verantwortungsbewusste, integrative Führungspersönlichkeit mit hoher Sozialkompetenz; Ausgewiesene Erfahrung in Projektleitung und -management; Erfahrung in der Kerntechnik und in der Anwendung der Strahlenschutzgesetzgebung; Ken...

lu: Research and Development Specialist in AI/Machine Learning for Medical Image Computing

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The Imaging AI group develops applied AI research focused on biomedical signal analysis and medical image computing. The general aim of the group is translating algorithms from fundamental AI and imaging research closer to a concrete biomedical application. A current main focus is on developing more...      At least a Master’s degree in Computer Science or related discipline; Interest in applied machine learning, including but not limited to deep learning; Interest in image analysis/computer vision and pattern recognition, including but not limited to biomedical applications, in particular for neuros...

lu: Ph.D. position on phase-field damage modelling of rubber under cyclic loading in Luxembourg

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The ultimate goal of this project is to predict the fatigue life of elastomers when exposed to different temperature profiles. To this end, a phase-field damage model is to be formulated and implemented. Experimental data is to be collected to formulate the model and to identify its parameters. Beca...      Only those who hold a master’s degree or will hold one in the near future will be considered. The candidate’s thesis project must have focused on the mechanics of materials and/or the computational mechanics of solids

lu: PhD position in Quantum Information Theory

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The group offers an attractive working atmosphere and has a long track record of theoretical and experimental collaborations worldwide. Specific research topics include Krylov subspace algorithms, measures of complexity of quantum processes, quantum algorithms for quantum optimization, digital quant...      We are seeking a highly qualified, scientifically ambitious, diligent, and genuinely motivated young scientist willing to pursue a Ph.D. in Quantum Information Theory in a stimulating research-focused environment. An MSc in Physics or an equivalent degree is required to be considered for this positi...

us: Post-doctoral Fellow - Analyst Bioinformatics

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF); Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Lessard lab is seeking a Post-doctoral Fellow with experience in computational sciences to join our research team. Our research investigates the regulatory functions that control gene expression within the complex landscape of the three-dimensional genome and how genetic variations influence the...      Ph.D./M.D. in bioinformatics is preferred

us: Assistant Professor of Astronomy

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Department of Astronomy seeks to appoint a tenure-track professor in any subfield of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The appointment is expected to begin in July 2023      Doctorate or terminal degree in Astronomy, Physics, or related discipline required by the time the appointment begins

si: All positions at University of Nova Gorica

University of Nova Gorica (UNG); Nova Gorica, City Municipality of Nova Gorica, Slowenien
The University of Nova Gorica aims to be a research, internationally established university, which will be recognised as a driving force of social development in the region and in a wider context. With its innovative teaching approaches in both Slovene and English, the university aims to develop tea...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UNG automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at: All positions at CeMM - Forschungszentrum für Molekulare Medizin GmbH der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; Wien, Österreich
CeMM is an interdisciplinary research institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences committed to advancing the understanding of human diseases through basic and biomedical research. Located in a tailor-made building in the midst of the campus of the Medical University of Vienna, CeMM is dedicated to...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at CeMM automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

no: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Space Physics

The Arctic University of Norway (UiT); Tromsø, Troms, Norwegen
The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will take a leading role in the rocket campaign and collaboration of the international team. The successful candidate will prepare the observations and work with the in-situ results on charged dust and the results from sample analysis to investigate the dust in the m...      Candidates should have a background in physics, space physics, plasma physics, geophysics, planetary science, or a related field. Of particular interest are candidates who have experience in one or more of the following areas: cosmic dust, meteors, ionosphere, space measurements, radar observations...

no: PhD position in fluid mechanics, wave-turbulence interactions: theory, modelling and/or data-driven

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwegen
The candidate will plan and execute a comprehensive, independent research project under supervision. Depending on the exact project decided this will involve theoretical work, analysis of large data sets, and considerable numerical programming; The candidate will learn to master academic writing and...      You must demonstrate a high level of competence in fundamental physics, mechanics and mathematics; Documented experience developing advanced computer programmes is required; Previous experience with surface waves and/or turbulent flow is a clear advantage, but experience from other branches of physi...

uk: Research Fellow - Age Verification/Biometrics

University of Southampton (Soton); Southampton, Hampshire, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
undertaking research to define a testing methodology for the assessment of AET systems; developing a software framework for the assessment of AET systems; communicating the outputs to key stakeholders You will be able to bring to the role: experience of robust software development including strong ...      A PhD, or close to completion, in image processing, biometrics, security, machine learning or a related discipline, or equivalent qualification/experience; Knowledge of methodologies and advanced algorithms in mathematics, computing and statistics/machine learnin

us: Senior Imagery Science Analyst

BAE Systems; Quantico, Virginia, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Candidate will conduct Imagery Science analytic production by interpreting imagery including, but not limited to visible, infrared, and radar data as well as full motion video for the identification of foreign conventional and unconventional military installations; civilian infrastructure relevant t...      At least 12 years of relevant experience with a portion of that experience being within the last 2 years; Must be able to demonstrate the ability to: In-depth mission knowledge and skills related to Imagery Science Analysis; A mastery of qualitative and quantitative analytic methodologies; Work ind...

us: Senior Scientist - Bioinformatics

ChromoLogic; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Support research and development efforts for nucleic acid biomarker identification; Work closely with experimental scientists, lead end-to-end studies from hypotheses and experimental design, to analysis plans, implementation and pipelining, to methods assessment and result reporting or publication;...      A Ph.D. in computational biology, biostatistics, statistics or related fields; 2-5+ years of postdoctoral or industrial experience preferred; Demonstrated ability to work independently and lead others in designing and developing experiments, and; analyzing and interpreting data; Proficiency in Pytho...

us: Computational Scientist

Quantum Si; Branford, Connecticut, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Develop novel algorithms to analyze raw single-molecule data produced by Platinum, our next-generation protein sequencing device; Optimize algorithms for running in computationally constrained environments; Dive deep into our current algorithms to improve upon our current, state-of-the-art pipeline;...      PhD. or M.S. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related computational field with 3+ years industry and/or post-doc experience; Track record of developing novel computational approaches to solve complex biological sequence or signal processing problems; Strong analytical thinking and p...

us: Senior Bioinformatics Scientist, Prenatal

BillionToOne; Menlo Park, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Analyze and troubleshoot day-to-day operations for clinical NGS data analysis; Analyze our assay performance and contribute to publications that demonstrate the clinical validity and utility of our tests; Design new quality metrics and processes for clinical molecular diagnostic assays; Collaborate ...      PhD in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, Bioengineering, Physics or related field; 3-5 years of biology or bioinformatics research experience (during PhD or afterwards); 2-3 years of experience analyzing NGS data (during PhD or afterwards); Expertise in Python; Familiarity wit...

us: Senior Product Manager, Onyx Research Data Platform

Alphanumeric Systems; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
As the Sr. Product Manager of Data Governance Products supporting R&D customers, you will be responsible for developing the product for cutting-edge computational data governance solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of pharmaceutical R&D activities. You will collaborate closely with...      Bachelors' Degree in Data Management, Computer Science/Software Engineering, or related discipline - Specialized knowledge in data management, software implementation, etc is needed to manage Onyx products; Proficiency in utilizing data security tools and platforms such as Varonis, Imperva, or Syman...