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de: Research Assistant Position (f/m/d) - Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations   

Weierstrass-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS); Berlin, Germany
Optimization with partial differential equations and variational inequalities. The holder of the position is qualified in a modern field of optimization with partial differential equations. Of particular interest are non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven (e.g. machine learning) approaches to mo...      A motivated, outstanding researcher with a very good degree and excellent doctorate in mathematics as well as previous experience in the fields mentioned above with the willingness to take on responsibility for interdisciplinary projects. Further experience within the framework of independent resear...

at, ch, de, li: Karrierestart im Consulting   

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein
Als naturwissenschaftlich geprägte Unternehmensberatung unterstützen wir unsere Klienten erfolgreich von der Strategieentwicklung bis zur Umsetzung. Wir suchen laufend neue Kolleg*innen zur Verstärkung unseres Teams, die Spass am Lösen anspruchsvoller, analytischer Fragestellungen haben      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Klares analytisches Denkvermögen und den Ehrgeiz, neue Aufgaben und Herausforderungen ganzheitlich zu durchdenken und Ihre Lösungsideen Realität werden zu las...

ch: Assistente per il settore sistemi edificio dell’ISAAC

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Switzerland
Partecipazione ai progetti di ricerca del “Settore sistema edificio”, nello sviluppo di piattaforme web relazionate a database al fine di poter monitorare, prevedere e visualizzare dati, informazioni e indicatori; Gestione e aggiornamento dati, in particolare di serie temporali geo-referenziate ...      Bachelor o Master in Ingegneria Informatica, Informatica, o titolo equivalente Competenze nello sviluppo di database relazionali. Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza di database non relazionali (es. document, time-series, graph, etc.); Esperienza di programmazione in Python/C++, Java e PH...

de: Postdoctoral Researcher - Machine Learning for Signal Processing

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Fraunhofer), IIS - Integrated Circuits; Erlangen, Germany
You will become part of a top team that develops new methods for enhancing audio coding formats that are already fantastic. We aim to improve sound, speech and audio coding, transmission, and light field technologies      A scientific degree in Electronics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Media Technologies, Neurosciences, or a related subject; Expertise in machine learning or signal processing; Experience using C++ and Python; Enthusiasm for scientific issues and scientific working methods;...

ch: Fachperson Automatisierung - Citizen Developer (80-100%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland
Mitarbeit in laufenden Projekten; Anforderungsanalysen erstellen; Entwickeln und Wartung von Applikationen und Workflows      Ausbildung im Bereich Applikations-Entwickler: in oder gleichwertig; Hybride Fähigkeiten: Prozesswissen gepaart mit technischer Umsetzungskenntnis; Leidenschaft für das Thema Automatisierung/LowCode; Fundierte Erfahrungen mit der Microsoft PowerPlatform und Dataverse als Datenbank; Lösungs- und...

lu: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Quantum Computing

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Research activities in quantum information sciences: Perform fundamental research in quantum computing: Quantum error correction and/or quantum algorithm design. Ideal candidate would be able to collaborate with the group members to design and analyze novel quantum computing algorithms for beyond ...      A PhD degree in a relevant discipline with a focus on quantum computing; International experience is desirable; Sound publication track record in relevant international conferences and top journals of the field; Strong programming skills to prototype developed quantum computing algorithms/quantum co...

lu: PhD candidate for Digital Twins of Large Spacecraft Formations

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Dependencies between the formation flight attitude control needs and those of other subsystems such as power, communication and Earth observation; To-ground and inter-satellite communications link for synchronization, formation flight coordination and data transfer (different technologies such as Cu...      The candidate should possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Engineering; Experience with MATLAB/Simulink is an asset; Some experience/knowledge in some of the following areas: Modeling and simulating spacecraft subsystems, in particular, attitude control and communications; Space mission analysis; ...

ch: Tecnico informatico utente con responsabilità   

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Un/a tecnico informatico utente si occupa di ricevere le richieste degli utenti, di risolvere incidenti e problemi informatici legati a postazioni di lavoro e attrezzature didattiche e di gestire gli strumenti informatici che gli utenti USI necessitano per il loro lavoro      AFC in Informatica o equivalente e diploma SSIG/SSS e/o certificazioni specialistiche; Ottime competenze orali e scritte in italiano e buone in inglese

de: Praktikant (m/w/d) Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik im Bereich Angebots- und Beratungssoftware

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung a.G.; Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Du unterstützt uns bei der konzeptionellen Weiterentwicklung unseres Tarifrechners und weiteren Online-Tools. Ziel ist es neue Produkte technisch in den Tarifrechner zu integrieren und dabei für den Anwender die Nutzung angenehm und effizient zu gestalten; Bei der Erstellung der Vorgaben für die ...      Fortgeschrittenes Studium der Mathematik/Wirtschaftsmathematik/Informatik oder vergleichbarer Studiengang

de: Softwarearchitekt (m/w/d)

LV 1871; München, Bayern, Germany
Du designst und entwickelst die IT-Plattformen der LV 1871 rund um Cloudtechnologien wie Docker und Kubernetes; Du nutzt Continous Delivery und entwickelst die Softwarearchitektur auf Basis von Rest-Services mit agilen Methoden kontinuierlich weiter; Gemeinsam mit dem Team führst du neue Technologi...      Du hast ein naturwissenschaftliches oder technisches Studium (im Idealfall Informatik) oder eine vergleichbare IT-Ausbildung erfolgreich absolviert; Du bringst Berufserfahrung als Softwarearchitekt/-entwickler mit - am besten im Umfeld komplexer IT-Infrastrukturen; Du bist fit in Java/REST, Cloudinf...

lu: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Distributed Artificial Intelligence for 6G Networks

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Contribute to the development of distributed AI/ML solutions in further fields of interest to SIGCOM, such as Industry 5.0, autonomous driving, and smart healthcare; Disseminating results through scientific publications and conferences; The candidate is expected to actively contribute to the differe...      A PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering, or Electrical Engineering, or Computer Science/engineering with a focus on AI/ML tools and methods; Sound publication track record in relevant international conferences and top journals; Good knowledge on distributed learning approaches, such as federat...

ch: Assistant Manager oder Manager - IT Assurance Financial Services (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Leite IT Assurance und IT Advisory Mandate mit Fokus auf Financial Services Kunden; Spiele eine zentrale Rolle bei globalen IT Prüfungen; Prüfe und Beurteile Finanzsysteme unter Berücksichtigung von Risk & Compliance sowie regulatorischen Vorgaben; Identifiziere Optimierungspotenziale im Team...      4-6 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Durchführung von IT-Prüfungen - mit Vorteil im Financial Services Umfeld; Erfahrung in der IT Assurance Mandatsleitung, Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, mit Vorteil bei grösseren Bankinstituten; Fundiertes Know-how im Bereich Risk & Compliance sowie sehr gute K...

lu: Research Associate in Computer Vision-based Anomaly Detection for Space Applications

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
We offer an attractive Research Associate position in Computer Vision-based anomaly detection for space applications.The successful candidate will join the Computer Vision, machine Intelligence and Imaging research group      A PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related field; Competitive research record in Computer Vision, preferably with publications at top-tier CV/ML conferences/journals (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI, etc.); Strong development skills ...

de: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in Cybersicherheit

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Fraunhofer), SIT - Sichere Informationstechnologie; Darmstadt, Germany
Angewandte Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz; Mitarbeit in öffentlich geförderten und/oder direkt durch Industriepartner beauftragten Projekten; Konzeptentwicklung und Projektmanagementaufgaben; Anfertigen von Projektberichten und wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen;...      Master of Science im Fachgebiet Informatik oder einem anderen Fachgebiet mit Bezug zur Cybersicherheit; Wissen und Erfahrung im Bereich Cybersicherheit; Bereitschaft, sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen; Ausgeprägtes analytisches Denken; Teamfähigkeit; Lösungsorientiertes Handeln

ch: IT Projektleiter

Comitas AG; Switzerland
Das Betreuen von IT Projekten über die ganze Laufzeit; von der Projektdefinition bis zum Projektabschluss mit Unterstützung. Dazu gehören die Planung, Konzeption, Controlling, Koordination, Umsetzung, Prüfung und Übergabe in den Betrieb; Ansprechperson für unsere Kunden bei allen Anliegen rund...      eine qualifizierte Persönlichkeit mit mehrjähriger Erfahrungen im Führen von IT Projekten oder Workstreams; IT- Background im Bereich Web Applikationen und Datenbanken mitbringst; Programmierkenntnisse sind von Vorteil

ch: Junior Cloud Software Engineer

Ximiq AG; Solothurn, Switzerland
Du arbeitest in unserem Azure Team in der Lösungs-/Technologieberatung in Azure mit unseren Kunden zusammen; Du entwicklelst Lösungen auf der Basis von C# .Net, TypeScript, React und Angular; Neben dem Erstellen von Prototypen und Entwerfen, Umsetzen und Testen von Softwarelösungen leistet du 3th...      Erste Erfahrung in der agilen Softwareentwicklung mit C# .NET; Erfahrung mit modernen Frontend Technologien (z.B. Blazor, Angular oder React); Efahrung mit modernen Backend Technolgien (z.B. Web APIs/serverless functions); FH- oder Uniabschluss als Informatiker, Wirtschaftsinformatiker oder vergleic...

ch: Professional Cloud Software Engineer

Ximiq AG; Switzerland
Du arbeitest in unserem Azure Team in der Lösungs-/Technologieberatung in Azure mit unseren Kunden zusammen; Du entwicklelst Lösungen auf der Basis von C# .Net, TypeScript, React und Angular; Neben dem Erstellen von Prototypen und Entwerfen, Umsetzen und Testen von Softwarelösungen leistet du 3th...      FH- oder Uniabschluss als Informatiker, Wirtschaftsinformatiker oder vergleichbare Ausbildung/Berufserfahrung; 3 Jahre Erfahrung Kenntnisse in der agilen Softwareentwicklung mit C# .NET; Erfahrung mit modernen Frontend Technologien (z.B. Blazor, Angular oder React); Efahrung mit modernen Backend Tec...

ch: ASP.Net Softwareentwickler

Comitas AG; Switzerland
Konzepterstellung für individuelle, spannende Kundenprojekte; Entwicklung von businesskritischen Lösungen für renommierte Kunden; Analyse und Bereinigungen von technischen Problemen (3rd Level); Erstellen und Durchführen von Unit Tests zur Qualitätssicherung      Eine Ausbildung als Informatiker(in) EFZ mit BM oder ein entsprechendes Studium erfolgreich abgeschlossen hast; Zwei Jahre oder mehr Berufserfahrung aufweisen kannst; Während deiner Anstellung(en) mehrheitlich mit ASP.Net, MVC, C#, SQL Server, CSS, JavaScript, Angular und JQuery gearbeitet hast

us: Lecturer/Special Lecturer - Mathematics & Statistics

Oakland University (OU); Michigan, United States
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applicants for the positions of Lecturer and Special Lecturer to instruct courses      A PhD in mathematics or statistics is required

de: Softwaretester (m/w/d)

Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen; Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Analyse, Prüfung und Bewertung von Anforderungen und Spezifikationen im Hinblick auf Testbarkeit; Vorbereiten und/oder Anfordern von Testdaten; Konzeption, Erstellung und Durchführung von Software-, Schnittstellen- und E2E-Tests; Dokumentation, Analyse und Bewertung von Testergebnissen und Fehlern      Sie bringen Erfahrung im Testbereich mit komplexen Geschäftsprozessen (vorzugsweise in der Versicherungs- bzw. Finanzdienstleistungsbranche) mit; Sie kennen sich im gesamten Softwarelebenszyklus aus und sind mit gängigen Testmethoden an Webanwendungen, Java Applikationen und technischen Schnittste...

ch: PHP Full-Stack Entwickler (m/w/d) (80-100%)

siabit GmbH; Gebenstorf, Aargau, Switzerland
Weiterentwicklung, Betrieb & Wartung und von agiler Branchen-Software; Fachliche Führung von einem Entwicklungsteam mit 3-4 Entwicklern in der Schweiz und Ausland; Du übernimmst selbst Projektleitungsaufgaben (z.B. Koordination Projektteam, Führung Weekly, Planung Backlog/Code-Reviews etc.)      Du verfügst über eine Ausbildung im Bereich Informatik oder hast ein Informatik- oder Wirtschaftsinformatikstudium (FH, HF oder gleichwertig) absolviert; Fundierte Kenntnisse in PHP sowie mindestens eine relationale Datenbank (MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL) sind zwingend erforderlich; Erfahrung mit Fra...

worldwide: Didn't find what you’re looking for? Browse more than 8000 institutions worldwide

www.acad.jobs; Worldwide
Here you find a list of all institutions (universities and companies) with direct links to their jobs site. This is to our knowledge the most comprehensive global list you will find. Additionally, you will find many jobs that are currently not advertised at www.acad.jobs or elsewise. This is useful,...      If you are working in an institution that wants to be listed and if you are in charge, please contact us. Please contact us if a link is broken

au: All positions at University of Sydney

University of Sydney (USYD); Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
The University of Sydney (USYD) is a public research university in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Founded in 1850, it is the oldest university in both Australia and Oceania. One of Australia's six sandstone universities, it was one of the world's first universities to admit students solely on a...      USYD posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at: All positions at Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH

Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH (IMBA); Wien, Austria
IMBA is an academic research institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences that conducts basic research in the areas of molecular biology and medicine. We are located at the Vienna BioCenter in the heart of Europe      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at IMBA automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

si: All positions at University of Nova Gorica

University of Nova Gorica (UNG); Nova Gorica, City Municipality of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
The University of Nova Gorica aims to be a research, internationally established university, which will be recognised as a driving force of social development in the region and in a wider context. With its innovative teaching approaches in both Slovene and English, the university aims to develop tea...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UNG automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

au: Associate Professor/Professor in Statistics or Statistical Data Science

Macquarie University; Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Macquarie University (MQ) in Sydney, Australia, is investing significantly in expanding its research capacity in statistics and statistical data science. We are seeking an outstanding candidate for a continuing position as Associate Professor (Leve...      A PhD in statistics, statistical data science or a related discipline; Demonstrated and sustained contributions to undertake outstanding research in statistics or statistical data science aligned with School research areas as evidenced by ongoing publications in top-tier journals and evidence of nat...

us: Aerothermodynamic Research Engineer

University of Dayton (UD); Dayton, Ohio, United States
An immediate opportunity exists for a research scientist/engineer interested in the areas of mathematical modeling and/or numerical simulation of complex flows relevant to high-speed flight. Responsibilities include basic research in nonequilibrium energy transfer mechanisms in high temperature gas ...      A PhD or equivalent degree in Engineering (Aerospace, Mechanical, Chemical) or related fields (Chemical Physics or other)

no: PhD Fellow in the intersection of information theory and deep learning

The Arctic University of Norway (UiT); Tromsø, Troms, Norway
A PhD position is available at the Department of Physcis and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology The SFF Integreat announces one vacant PhD position in the intersection of the research topics information theory and deep learning. The focus of this PhD fellowship lies on method development ...      This position requires a Norwegian master's degree in physics, mathematics/statistics, computer science, or similar, or a corresponding foreign master’s degree recognized as equivalent to a Norwegian master's degree. You must document significant coursework in machine learning, pattern recognition...

ch: Bioinformatician   

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Data Integration: Utilize your bioinformatics skills to integrate multi-omics data sets, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and epigenomics; Algorithm Development: Collaborate with team members to develop and implement novel algorithms and analytical methods for data integration and ...      Bachelor’s or master’s degree in bioinformatics, Computational Biology, or a related field; Strong programming skills in languages such as Python or R; Familiarity with bioinformatics tools and databases commonly used for multi-omics data analysis

it: Research Position: Multivariate statistical methods for the analysis of compound coastal flooding caused by the combination of coastal and fluvial forcing

Università degli Studi di Padova, Engineering; Civil Engineering; Padova, Veneto, Italy
In coastal areas close to river deltas, flooding events may occur caused by a single forcing or by several combined coastal and river forcings. The objective of the research is the application of advanced multivariate statistical methods, such as Copulas, "structure variable" or the "Metastatistical...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

at: Systemadministratorin/Systemadministrator Linux/Unix

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
Installation, Konfiguration und Management der Linux/Unix Server und darauf aufbauender Services inkl. Datenbanken Unterstützung bei der Administration der Storage und Backup Infrastruktur; Eingrenzung und Lösung von Problemen und Performance Issues; 2nd Level und 3rd Level Support von Systemen; E...      einschlägig erworbene Kenntnisse oder Nachweis der Berufserfordernisse; Kenntnisse in Systemadministration, insbesondere Softwarekonfiguration und Management; Patch Management; Kernelkonfiguration und Management; File System Management

ch: Senior Consultant - Forensic Technology/eDiscovery (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Genève, Zürich, Switzerland
Play a key role to help investigation teams to establish what has happened, uncovering what occurred, when, who was involved, how, and its impact; Apply advanced investigative and visualization techniques, machine learning and predictive coding algorithms to get faster and better insights into colle...      Hold a master's degree in data science, computer science, natural science, engineering and other related majors; Technology focused, curious with a keen eye for detail, will to be challenged by taking on responsibility and handle the pressure of delivering quality results to demanding timelines; Goo...

at: All positions at Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich

Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich (RLB OÖ); Austria
Raiffeisen Oberösterreich hat sich dem Anspruch höchster Kund: innenorientierung verschrieben. Unsere Mitarbeiter: innen sorgen für Nachhaltigkeit und Nähe bei der Beratung und Begleitung in allen finanziellen Angelegenheiten. Sie erstellen gemeinsam mit ihren Kund: innen passende Lösungen f...      We crawl all higher jobs at RLB OÖ automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

worldwide: Amazon Scholars

Amazon; Worldwide
Applications are accepted from academic experts in research areas including, but not limited to, the following: Artificial Intelligence, Avionics, Computer Vision, Data Science, Economics, Machine Learning, Optimization, Natural Language Processing, Quantum Computing, and Robotics; As an Amazon Sch...      PhD in a relevant field or related discipline; 7+ years of relevant work or academic experience; Experience leading technical research projects with multiple stakeholders; Current affiliation with an academic or research institution

be: HPC Engineer

Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO); Mol, Flanders, Belgium
Oversee the day-to-day management and maintenance of our HPC cluster; Monitor system performance, troubleshoot issues, and implement necessary upgrades to ensure uninterrupted HPC services; Provide user support for HPC systems and applications; Collaborate with researchers and IT teams to understand...      Proven track record as a Linux System Administrator; Working knowledge of Python, Conda, and Jupyter Notebooks; Experience managing access privileges with Active Directory and authentications (e.g. Kerberos and NFS security); Excellent problem-solving and communication skills; Enthusiastic about fur...

dk: Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Formal Methods

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark
You will be conducting scientific research at the international level, publishing your results in highly reputed conferences and journals; You will be seeking opportunities to lead and participate in collaborative, funded research projects with academia and/or industry; You will take part in the dev...      You are an active researcher both on the foundational side and on the application side of formal methods, witnessed by a publication record at the international level; Your research focuses on quality aspects of software systems such as correctness, safety, security, performance and/or dependability...

ch: Ingenieur als Fachspezialist IT-Sicherheit/Cyber Security (m/w/d) (80-100%)

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland
Bewerten von Bedrohungs- und Schutzbedarfsanalysen, Schutzmassnahmen, technischen Konzepten und die Notfallvorsorge im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit; Aufsicht, Begutachtung und Erstellen von Stellungnahmen zu Projekten und Änderungen im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit in den Kernanlagen; Enge Zusammenarbeit ...      Hochschul- oder Fachhochschulabschluss im technischen Bereich oder Master of Advanced Studies in Information Security; Berufserfahrung in der IT-Sicherheit, insbesondere im industriellen Umfeld; Gewandtheit im mündlichen und schriftlichen Ausdruck in der deutschen Sprache, gute Englischkenntnisse; ...

ch: Manager - eProcurement Consulting (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
As a manager you will work in projects of strategic nature in areas of Procurement transformation, digitalization as well as Enterprise wide transformation; Advise clients on transformation projects with the main e-Procurement solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba etc); Follow market developments and tren...      Bachelor's or master's degree in Business administration, management, business information systems or similar; Minimum 5 years of experience in a Procurement department or in Procurement consulting; Experience and know-how with main solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba) and Procurement Transformation is ...

ch: Senior Manager/Director in SAP Supply Chain Operations Consulting (100%)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC), Advisory; Zürich, Switzerland
A career within General Consulting services, will provide you with the opportunity to help clients seize essential advantages by working alongside business leaders to solve their toughest problems and capture their greatest opportunities. We work with some of the world’s largest and most complex c...      As a Director, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution

lu: PhD candidate Advancing Space Weather Predictability

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Space weather, similar to weather on Earth, has a significant effect on infrastructure in space and on Earth. For example, solar storms may obstruct radio communication on Earth and space. Severe space weather events may even lead to failures of the electric grid, causing significant economic damage...      A MSc. degree or equivalent in Computer Science. You should have some knowledge and experience in some of the following topics: Space weather models and tools; Machine learning, in particular, time series forecasting; Excellent programming skills

de: Postdoc in bioinformatics (scRNAseq data analysis)

Technische Universität München (TUM); München, Bayern, Germany
Bioinformatician/Computational Biologist/Systems Immunologist (f/div/m) for two years initially with a possibility of extension to 5 and more years. Involvement in immunology projects with single-cell transcriptomic data analysis      You have a PhD degree (or postgraduate degree MSc) in a computational discipline, preferably with significant experience in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology; Experience with the analysis of mRNA transcriptomic data sets, in particular with single-cell RNA-seq data analysis pipelines (Seurat, ...

it, lb: Postdoctoral and Postgraduate Fellow Positions

Lebanese American University (LAU); Beirut, Beirut Governorate, Italy, Lebanon
We are seeking Graduate Researchers to join our research teams at the Lebanese American University and University of Milan and collaborate on international projects. Individuals in this role are expected to be recognized experts in identified research areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine L...      Prospective candidates must have earned an MS or a PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields, have demonstrated an ability -or show promise and interest- in conducting innovative research, and have demonstrated: Experience solving analytical problems using quantitative approac...

jp: Postdoctoral Researcher or Research Scientist

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan
High Performance Big Data Research Team at RIKEN R-CCS researches and develops system software for large-scale HPC (High Performance Computing) systems such as the Supercomputer Fugaku. Especially, we study state-of-the-art techniques for convergence of HPC, AI and Big data technologies as well as f...      Applicants must have a Ph.D. or expect to receive a Ph.D. before the date of appointment. In general, those who earned a doctorate within the past 5 years will be appointed as Postdoctoral Researchers, and those who earned a doctorate more than 5 years ago will be appointed as Research Scientists. T...

de: Werkstudent/in oder Mitarbeiter/in Informationstechnik (m/w/d)   

Leibniz-Institut für Lebensmittel-Systembiologie an der Technischen Universität München (Leibniz-LSB@TUM); Freising, Bayern, Germany
Koordination und Betreuung der IT-Infrastruktur des Instituts (Netzwerk, Server, Speicher, Backup, W-LAN, VPN, SharePoint) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem internen IT-Bereich, Datenmanagement und dem IT-Dienstleister der TUM Unterstützung der Mitarbeitenden bei der Installation, Konfiguration und laufend...      Studium im Bereich Informatik (FH-Diplom/Bachelor) oder vergleichbarer Studiengang mit IT Bezug (Informatik, Bioinformatik oder einem naturwissenschaftlich-technisch orientierten Studiengang) oder vergleichbaren Kenntnisse; Kenntnisse der Microsoft-Betriebssysteme und Office-Pakete sowie der Anwendu...

de: Team Lead Java (w/m/d)

BridgingIT GmbH; Germany
Als Team Lead (w/m/d) arbeitest du in Entwicklungsprojekten und kümmerst dich auch um die persönliche Entwicklung deiner Mitarbeitenden; Du setzt mit deinem Team spannende IT-Projekte um (gemeinsam aus der Lokation, remote aus dem Home-Office oder auch mal live beim Kunden); Du bist geschätzte*r ...      Du bringst mehrjährige Praxiserfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung im Java-Ökosystem (Jakarta EE oder Spring Boot und idealerweise eine Frontend-Technologie wie z.B. Angular) mit; Du hast ein Händchen für die Kombination von Softwareentwicklungs- und Management Tätigkeiten; In deinem vertrauten ...

de: Team Lead Cyber Security (w/m/d)

BridgingIT GmbH; Germany
Du schaffst Transparenz in der IT-Landschaft unserer Kunden und identifizierst Gefahrenpotentiale in der Cyber Security; Du unterstützt unsere Kunden bei der Ausarbeitung von Konzepten und Implementierung von Massnahmen zur Behebung der Gefahrenpotentiale; Du bist fachliche*r Ansprechpartner*in im ...      Du hast fundierte Erfahrungen in den Themen Security Operation, Web Application Security, und/oder Penetration Testing und planst den nächsten Schritt deiner Karriere; Du begeisterst dich für technische Security und glänzt mit Expertise bei der Suche nach Lösungen für unsere Kunden; Du hast seh...

lu: PhD candidates - Spontaneous Applications for Next Generation Radar Sensing Networks

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Theoretical performance bounds on radar tasks in distributed radar networks with the use of large reflective surfaces and robust estimation algorithms; Novel high mobility joint radar and communication systems exploring novel architectures (ultra-massive MIMO, intelligent surfaces), new modulation t...      The candidate should possess (or be in the process of completing) a master degree or equivalent in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or Applied Mathematics or Physics with electromagnetic background

us: Postdoctoral Associate - Brain Tumor Bioinformatics

Baylor College of Medicine (BCM); Houston, Texas, United States
Designs and performs experimental studies that directly answer the above research questions, using both in vitro systems and animal models; Collects and analyzes data and presenting at national/international meetings; Prepares manuscripts for publication; Applies for external fellowships; Mentors ju...      PhD or MD with previous training in biochemistry or cell biology and possess exceptional computational skills. The most advanced degree must have been conferred within the last 3 years; Experience with large-scale genomic datasets; Prior experience with brain development, and/or cancer cell biology ...

ch: Professional Software Engineer (80-100%)

M&F Engineering AG; Switzerland
Du entwickelst für unsere Kunden innovative Software auf Basis von aktuellen Technologien. Du legst genauso wie wir viel Wert auf eine gute CI-Pipeline, automatisiertes Testen und Reviews. Bei uns hast Du die Wahl, ob Du lieber im Bereich IoT, Prüfsysteme, in anderen agilen Softwareprojekten oder ...      Ausgewiesene Expertise (mind. 2 Jahre) in einer modernen OO-Programmiersprache (z.B. C#, Java); Kenntnisse im Microsoft Azure Cloud Ökosystem sind von Vorteil; Hochschulabschluss im Bereich Informatik, Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau (oder vergleichbar); Bücher wie Clean Code, Clean Architecture, Sof...

de: Senior Data Scientist (f/m/d) (100%)

Aignostics GmbH; Berlin, Germany
Plan and execute interdisciplinary projects connecting machine learning, software engineering and biomedical domain knowledge; Research, pilot and evaluate novel computer vision approaches for extracting insight from high-resolution biological images; Transform proof-of-concept machine learning mode...      Ph.D. or MSc. in a relevant field, e.g. Computer Science, Machine Learning or Bioinformatics; Eagerness to lead initiatives, learn new technologies and excel in a complex space; Solid theoretical foundations and 4+ years of experience developing novel machine learning techniques; Advanced skills in ...

us: Research Scientist

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Research Scientist to perform fundamental research on probabilistic computation, probabilistic programming, and their applications. Responsibilities include contributing to artificial intelligence and natural intelligence research that leverages hybrids of neural, symbolic, and probabilistic computa...      Ph.D. in computer science, mathematics, or related field or a master’s and five years’ experience

de: (Senior) Bioinformatiker (m/w/d) in der Humangenetik

Limbach Gruppe SE; Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Aufbau und Betrieb einer anspruchsvollen Bioinformatik-Infrastruktur zur Daten-Prozessierung im Bereich der molekulargenetischen Diagnostik (Panels, WES, WGS, RNASeq, Datenbanken) unter Berücksichtigung gängiger QS-Richtlinien; Entwicklung von Auswerte-Algorithmen (Skripting) zur effizienten Varia...      Erfolgreicher Hochschulabschluss (Master/Diplom o. Ä.) im Bereich Informatik/Bioinformatik, evtl. Promotion mit relevanter Thematik; Sie arbeiten gerne in einem interdisziplinären Team und haben Interesse an innovativen Fragestellungen und Methoden; Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im o. g. Aufgabenbe...

ch: Manager - eProcurement Consulting (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
As a manager you will work in projects of strategic nature in areas of Procurement transformation, digitalization as well as Enterprise wide transformation; Advise clients on transformation projects with the main e-Procurement solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba etc); Follow market developments and tren...      Bachelor's or master's degree in Business administration, management, business information systems or similar; Minimum 5 years of experience in a Procurement department or in Procurement consulting; Experience and know-how with main solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba) and Procurement Transformation is ...

jp: Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan
We seek a highly motivated research scientist or postdoctoral researcher to develop environmental perception techniques and implement them for robot applications. We mainly focus on multi-modal signal processing and pattern recognition; especially, fine-grained understanding of the surrounding envir...      must have a Ph.D. or is expected to receive a Ph.D. in computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, multimedia processing, or a related field before the date of employment; must be proactive, cooperative, flexible, and able to respond according to the circumstances; must also have good co...

de: Senior Consultant (w/m/d) OT/IoT - Cyber Security

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG); Germany
Du begleitest unsere Mandanten und Mandantinnen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur Abwehr von Cyber-Bedrohungen für die Produktion im OT- und IoT-Umfeld; Du führst OT- und IoT Assessments/Penetrationstests für Produktion und IoT-Geräte durch; Du entwickelst Cyber Security Strat...      Senior Consultant (w/m/d) Cyber Security wirst Du bei uns mit einem erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Naturwissenschaften oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang wie Ingenieurwesen, Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Physik oder Mathematik verbunden mit einer Passio...

us: Senior Computational Biologist

Asimov; Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Contribute to the design and analysis of engineered mammalian cell lines; Work closely with bench scientists by guiding experimental workflows and quantitative measurements to ensure statistical rigor; Regularly dive deep into the multiomics stack, innovate on analysis techniques, and present findin...      You are a highly skilled technical leader in computational biology interested in engineering biology, and with years of experience in an industry or research position; You embrace ambiguity and always drive for impact. In addition, you have extensive experience with software scripting (e.g., Python ...

lu: Research and Development Specialist in AI/Machine Learning for Image Analysis

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The junior group in Imaging AI develops applied AI research focused on biomedical signal analysis and medical image computing. The general aim of the group is translating bleeding edge algorithms from fundamental AI and imaging research closer to a concrete biomedical application. A focus is current...      At least a Master’s degree in computer science or related discipline; Strong background in software development in relevant languages (Python, MATLAB); Interest in applied machine learning, including but not limited to deep learning; Interest in image analysis/computer vision and pattern recogniti...

lu: Research Associate in Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Propose and develop models and algorithms (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc.) to meet the projects demands; Providing support in setting up and running experiments in the SnT Computer Vision and Zero-G laboratories; Work closely with project’s stakeholders and industrial partners; ...      PhD Degree in Computer Science, or related technical field with the desirable experience in Computer Vision, Machine Learning or Robotics; Competitive research record in Computer Vision/Robotics, preferably with publications at CV/ML/Robotics conferences/journals (e.g., ICRA, RSS, WACV, ECCV, IROS, ...

lu: Research Scientist in Computational Sciences

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Conduct cutting-edge research in computational science with a focus on developing methodology and high-performance algorithms in physical sciences and/or engineering; Develop and implement novel algorithms and computational models to address complex scientific problems; Provide high-level support to...      PhD degree Computational Science, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or a related field; Proven track record of impactful research in computational science, demonstrated through publications in reputable scientific journals and conferences; Proficiency in programming languages commonly used in ...

ch: Director - Digital Procurement Consulting (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
As a Director you will sell and lead projects of strategic nature in areas of Procurement transformation, digitalization as well as Enterprise-wide transformation; Establish yourself as trusted advisor to clients, guiding them through the setup and implementation of their procurement operating model...      Bachelor's or master's degree in Business administration, management, business information systems or similar; Minimum 8 years of experience in Procurement Consulting; Experience and know-how with main solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba) is a major asset; An analytical mindset to critically question fa...

ch: Certification Specialist - (Senior) Consultant Cyber (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Betreuung von Schlüsselkunden; Verantwortungsvolle Mitarbeit bei Zertifizierungs-Mandaten, teilweise Koordination von internen Teams; Erarbeiten eines Verständnisses des Marktes und der Mitwirkenden in CH und EU; Fachliche Mitarbeit auf Zertifizierungs-Mandaten; Unterstützung bei der Aufrechterha...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Information Technology bzw. Computer Science, oder naturwissenschaftliches Studium; Mindestens 2-3 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich IT Governance, Compliance, IT Audit oder Zertifizierung (in Funktion des Zertifizierers oder Zertifizierten); Schnelle Auffassung...

lu: Doctoral Candidate (PhD) in Computer Science on Intraorganizational Change Management

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Investigate scaffolding tools and design options to increase the digital literacy of employees; Explore digital literacy for LLMs and LLMs for digital literacy; Explore trust in information technology, focusing on trust-building mechanisms in technology and employee satisfaction, particularly with L...      Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), organizational psychology, information systems engineering, business informatics, technology in management, or a related field; Interest in applying qualitative and/or quantitative research methods from information systems engineering (e.g., Des...

at: All positions at Medizinische Universität Innsbruck

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
The Medical University of Innsbruck stands for outstanding performance in the fields of science, research, teaching and patient care. Together with the university hospital, it is our vision to be the leading centre of medicine in Western Austria. We employ highly qualified teachers to provide our st...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Medical University of Innsbruck automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institution...

ch: All positions at Stadtspital Zürich

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
Für die Menschen in und um Zürich stellen wir eine umfassende Grund- und Notfallversorgung sicher. Zudem bieten wir hochspezialisierte Untersuchungen und Behandlungen auch für Patientinnen und Patienten von ausserhalb des Kantons Zürich an. Das Wohlergehen der uns anvertrauten Menschen ist unser...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Stadtspital Zürich automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

dk: Postdoc in Computer Vision with Deep Learning for Material and Computational Design

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applicants for a postdoctoral researcher. The position is offered at DTU, in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, at the Visual Computing Group, and will work closely with researchers from the Royal Danish Academy. The position...      As a formal qualification, candidates must hold a PhD degree at the starting time of the PostDoc. Candidates should have a strong publication record in top tier venues in Computer Vision (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV) or Machine Learning (NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML)

ch: Director - Digital Procurement Consulting (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
As a Director you will sell and lead projects of strategic nature in areas of Procurement transformation, digitalization as well as Enterprise-wide transformation; Establish yourself as trusted advisor to clients, guiding them through the setup and implementation of their procurement operating model...      Bachelor's or master's degree in Business administration, management, business information systems or similar; Minimum 8 years of experience in Procurement Consulting; Experience and know-how with main solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba) is a major asset; An analytical mindset to critically question fa...

us: Computational Biology Position

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU); Richmond, Virginia, United States
As a member of the cancer center, the faculty member will undertake cancer research activities that are aligned with MCC vision and mission: to improve the lives of all Virginians by delivering cutting-edge cancer care through patient-centered prevention and treatment; high-impact, innovative resea...      Ph.D in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology or a closely related field; 8 or more years of research experience in the fields of bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, proteomics, and/or genomics; A deep understanding of Ras signal transduction pathways with experience in investiga...

ch: Certification Specialist - (Senior) Consultant Cyber (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Betreuung von Schlüsselkunden; Verantwortungsvolle Mitarbeit bei Zertifizierungs-Mandaten, teilweise Koordination von internen Teams; Erarbeiten eines Verständnisses des Marktes und der Mitwirkenden in CH und EU; Fachliche Mitarbeit auf Zertifizierungs-Mandaten; Unterstützung bei der Aufrechterha...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Information Technology bzw. Computer Science, oder naturwissenschaftliches Studium; Mindestens 2-3 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich IT Governance, Compliance, IT Audit oder Zertifizierung (in Funktion des Zertifizierers oder Zertifizierten); Schnelle Auffassung...

ch: Software Engineer Android (m/w) (80-100%)

Threema GmbH; Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland
Konzeption, Planung und Implementierung neuer Features; Maintenance der bestehenden Open Source-Codebasis; Mitarbeit bei strategischen Technologie-Entscheidungen; Durchführen von Code Reviews; Aktives Einbringen neuer Ideen und Konzepte      Fundiertes Fachwissen in der Entwicklung für das Android-Ökosystem und gute Kenntnisse der neuesten Trends; Umfangreiche Java-Praxiserfahrung, Kotlin-Kenntnisse von Vorteil; Freude an hoher Code-Quality (Unit Tests, Integration Tests etc.); Ausgeprägtes Verantwortungsbewusstsein und präzise Arbe...

ch: Software Engineer iOS (m/w) (80-100%)

Threema GmbH; Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland
Entwicklung von iOS-Apps mit grosser Nutzerbasis; Konzeption, Planung und Implementierung neuer Features; Schreiben von umfassenden Unit-Tests; Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Protokolldesignern      Herausragende Fähigkeiten in Swift; Gute Kenntnisse in Bezug auf Core Data; Erfahrungen mit UIKit sowie SwiftUI; Fundierte Kenntnisse von Objective-C

ch: Assistant Manager oder Manager - IT Assurance Financial Services (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Leite IT Assurance und IT Advisory Mandate mit Fokus auf Financial Services Kunden; Spiele eine zentrale Rolle bei globalen IT Prüfungen; Prüfe und Beurteile Finanzsysteme unter Berücksichtigung von Risk & Compliance sowie regulatorischen Vorgaben; Identifiziere Optimierungspotenziale im Team...      4-6 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Durchführung von IT-Prüfungen - mit Vorteil im Financial Services Umfeld; Erfahrung in der IT Assurance Mandatsleitung, Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, mit Vorteil bei grösseren Bankinstituten; Fundiertes Know-how im Bereich Risk & Compliance sowie sehr gute K...

ch: Senior Consultant - IT Audit Financial Services (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Perform IT audit, assurance and regulatory mandates for a multinational client portfolio of banking, asset management and insurance clients; Analyze risks and IT processes in a heterogeneous client environment to provide recommendations and improvement points in our clients'processes; Work in close ...      Degree level education (e.g. business informatics, business administration or likewise); At least 2-3 years of professional experience in the field of IT Audit, business processes and design/review of risk and control procedures; Experience with Financial Services and/or Corporate clients (preferabl...

us: Senior Computational Biologist

Pfizer Inc.; United States
Lead internal and external efforts to understand the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and metabolic disease (obesity, heart failure, atherosclerosis and vascular biology, chronic kidney disease and others) at a cellular and tissue level; Provide actionable biological insights and build scientific unde...      Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Computational Biology, or related field required; 5+ years relevant experience applying quantitative approaches to generate and address biological questions, preferably in a pharmaceutical, biotech or comparable context; 3+ year’s expe...

de: Data Scientist (m/w/d)

Oskar Böttcher GmbH; Berlin, Germany
Konzeption, Umsetzung und Ownership von Data Science Projekten insbesondere in Themenbereichen des E-Commerce, Logistik und Pricing; Bearbeitung von Aufgaben aus dem kompletten Data-Science-Lifecycle: Von Proof of Concept, über Minimal Viable Product bis hin Deployment in Produktionsumgebungen; In...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Mathematik, der Statistik, der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik, Naturwissenschaften oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengänge; Programmkenntnisse: Python oder eine vergleichbare Programmiersprache; Grundlegende Kenntnisse in SQL; Erfahrungen in der Implementierung und...

de: Softwareentwickler ABAP/ABAP OO (m/w/d)

Oskar Böttcher GmbH; Berlin, Germany
Aufnehmen und analysieren neuer Anforderungen; Realisierung von Problemlösungen; Wartung/Betreuung/Überarbeitung bestehender Anwendungen; Formularentwicklung mit Adobe Forms      Erfahrung in ABAP/ABAP OO; Fliessendes Deutsch in Wort und Schrift; Wünschenswert sind Erfahrungen in der Formularentwicklung mit Adobe Forms sowie mit SAP Personal Object Worklist (POWL)

ch: Assistant Manager oder Manager - IT Assurance Financial Services (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Leite IT Assurance und IT Advisory Mandate mit Fokus auf Financial Services Kunden; Spiele eine zentrale Rolle bei globalen IT Prüfungen; Prüfe und Beurteile Finanzsysteme unter Berücksichtigung von Risk & Compliance sowie regulatorischen Vorgaben; Identifiziere Optimierungspotenziale im Team...      4-6 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Durchführung von IT-Prüfungen - mit Vorteil im Financial Services Umfeld; Erfahrung in der IT Assurance Mandatsleitung, Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, mit Vorteil bei grösseren Bankinstituten; Fundiertes Know-how im Bereich Risk & Compliance sowie sehr gute K...

us: Applied Bioinformatics Research Scientist

Moffitt Cancer Center; Tampa, Florida, United States
We are hiring an Applied Bioinformatics Research Scientist to identify metabolic vulnerabilities in lung cancer for therapeutic targeting. Lung Cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immunotherapy have been shown to be effective in a subset of pati...      PhD in Bioinformatics, Data Science, Computational Biology, Machine Learning, Statistics/Biostatistics, or related fields; Experience working with at least one “omics” type (e.g., DNA-seq, RNA-seq, metabolomics, proteomics); Preference will be given to candidates with experience in integration o...

ch: Assistant Manager oder Manager - IT Assurance Financial Services (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Leite IT Assurance und IT Advisory Mandate mit Fokus auf Financial Services Kunden; Spiele eine zentrale Rolle bei globalen IT Prüfungen; Prüfe und Beurteile Finanzsysteme unter Berücksichtigung von Risk & Compliance sowie regulatorischen Vorgaben; Identifiziere Optimierungspotenziale im Team...      4-6 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Durchführung von IT-Prüfungen - mit Vorteil im Financial Services Umfeld; Erfahrung in der IT Assurance Mandatsleitung, Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, mit Vorteil bei grösseren Bankinstituten; Fundiertes Know-how im Bereich Risk & Compliance sowie sehr gute K...

ch: Android Software Engineer/Senior Android Mobile Software Engineer

mp technology AG; Switzerland
Software Design und Entwicklung Android (Java/Kotlin); Mitarbeit bei Requirements Engineering, Spezifikation, Systemarchitektur, Release-Planung, Beratung; Möglichkeit zur Teilprojektleitung und Projektleitung      Hochschul-/Fachhochschulabschluss Informatik oder vergleichbar; Erfahrung mit Android Java/Kotlin; Erfahrung mit Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) oder Flutter sind ein Plus; Freude an Software-Entwicklung in Kundenprojekten, Software-Architektur & Agilen Prozessen

se: Assistant Professor in Computer Security

Lund University; Lund, Scania, Sweden
The subject of the position encompasses methods and principles for protecting data in safety-critical applications, as well as protection against overload attacks and the maintenance of personal privacy. There are significant challenges in researching how machine learning can be used to attack tradi...      Qualification requirements for employment as an assistant professor are fulfilled by someone who has been awarded a doctorate or has the corresponding research competence

us: Computational Postdoctoral Scholar

Gladstone Institutes; San Francisco, California, United States
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to develop novel algorithmic architecture to leverage large-scale experimental genomics datasets to build artificial intelligence with a fundamental understanding of biological systems. The postdoctoral fellow will have access to large-scale experim...      PhD in a computational field with experience in deep learning and/or network inference methods; Advanced competency in Python and Bash, or equivalent; Experience with PyTorch or equivalent and interfacing with GPU hardware would be beneficial

de: IOS Developer/-in

DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG; Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Entwicklung von Mobile Apps mit Swift; Unterstützung des UI/UX Teams bei der Entwicklung von Konzept und Layout; Planung und Koordination der Entwicklungssprints; Abstimmung von Web-Schnittstellen mit dem Backend Team; Code Review und Abnahme umgesetzter Features von Teamkollegen; Dokumentation, Te...      Ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung; Mind. 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Mobile-App-Entwicklung; Sehr gute Kenntnisse in nativer App-Entwicklung mit Swift; Erfahrung mit Dependency Management, z. B. CocoaPods oder SPM

us: Principal Scientist - gRED Computational Sciences Digital Pathology

Genentech, Inc.; South San Francisco, California, United States
Applying and developing digital pathology methods to extract disease biology insights and support innovative clinical development and research programs; Actively and collaboratively promoting scientific and technical innovation with other members of the department, including subject matter experts i...      PhD degree in a relevant field (e.g. computer science, computational biology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, cancer biology); Minimum of 3 years post-PhD experience, with demonstrated scientific contribution in digital pathology in academia and/or industry; Fluency with Python and statistical da...

uk: Bioinformatics Scientist

Illumina, Inc.; Cambridge, United Kingdom
Participate in R&D projects across multiple sites for the design, development and validation of new sequencing products; Support the bioinformatics function within a product development team; Contribute to the design and development of a standardized automated testing infrastructure; Analyze, in...      Masters/PhD in bioinformatics, computer science, data science, engineering, mathematics or equivalent; Strong programming skills and experience with at least one programming languages, such as Python, R, etc; Experience with data analysis and visualization of next-generation sequencing data and larg...

us: Bioinformatician

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; United States
Owning and leading various projects, serving as a subject matter expert; Developing and implementing bioinformatics tools and pipelines in cloud environment; Collaborating with DFCI software engineering and data science teams as well as interacting with external cloud and other technology vendors; M...      Bachelor’s degree required in a STEM field. Master’s degree or PhD strongly preferred in bioinformatics, medical informatics, computational biology, statistics, computer science/engineering, or a related quantitative field; 3 Years of experience

ca: Senior Statistical Programmer/Analyst

ClinChoice; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Annotate Case Report Form (acrf.pdf) following FDA/CDISC or sponsor guidelines; Develop SDTM specifications and generate SDTM datasets using SAS; Develop ADaM, specifications and generate ADaM datasets using SAS based on Statistical Analysis Plan; Develop Tables, Listings, Graphs, Patient Profile in...      Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology or related scientific disciplines with at least 3 years of clinical programming experience; Proven knowledge and training in high level computing languages such as. SAS, C/C++, Java, R,...

hk: Global Quantitative Strategies

Citadel; Hong Kong
Quantitative Researchers (QRs) specialize in a variety of areas, including but not limited to: using sophisticated data analysis skills to build predictive models, driving construction of a complex multi asset portfolio by utilizing large scale portfolio optimization techniques, and developing soph...      Advanced degree in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or a related field; Proven ability to conduct innovative and impactful research focused on solving real-world problems; Strong mathematical and statistical modeling skills (e.g., time-series and cross-sectional analys...

us: Quantitative Developer

Bloomberg L.P.; New York, United States
Support Quants; owning the developer experience for Quants. We build and debug C++ libraries either in VS Code remote containers in Docker, or directly on Unix hosts. Much of the infrastructure is provided by Engineering, but QLA maintain significant additional tooling to provide Quants the most pow...      4+ years of full software development life-cycle experience*; Demonstrable proficiency with C++; Experience designing effective APIs; Knowledge of Python or other scripting languages

us: Sr. Machine Learning Engineer, Amazon

Amazon; Seattle, Washington, United States
Developing personalized recommendation systems that help customers find the right CE products for their needs; Creating high quality educational content leveraging complex AI techniques to simplify complex product information; Building intelligent automation solutions that generate customized bundle...      Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent; 5+ years of non-internship, professional software development experience; 5+ years of leading design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience; 5+ years of collaborating with, and influencing...

us: Senior Software Support Engineer/Biomedical Engineer

bioMérieux; United States
Collaborate with leads from other disciplines (embedded software, microbiology, biomathematics, etc.) to provide outstanding application support (Troubleshooting, Issue Resolution, Account Management); Develop novel systems for medical device data analysis, including break/fix, change requests, etc;...      Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems, Biology, Microbiology, Biomedical Engineer, Bioinformatics, Clinical Laboratory Science, or equivalent practical experience; 6+ years of experience ineither Software Development, IT Support/Networking, or Clinical Laboratory exp...

us: Machine Learning Engineer

Adobe Inc.; San Jose, California, United States
Survey and understand prior literature to evaluate and recommend the best approaches for solving problem at hand; Write production code at scale, testing and productizing new algorithms; Collaborate with a team of Data Scientists, Engineers and Product Managers; Ensure a scalable and reliable cloud ...      Masters in Computer Science with 5+ years of work experience with specialization in NLP or relevant experience; Experience working in Deep Learning and Generative AI with a focus on Large Language Models (LLMs); Coding expertise in Python; Expertise in Personalization and Recommender Systems; Coding...

us: Machine Learning Engineer, Demand Utilization

Amazon; United States
Drive the direction of our technical solutions, and work on many different technologies such as deep learning, AWS, Auto ML, real-time ML serving systems; Design, develop, and production software to support scalable offline machine-learning pipelines and online serving components; Work closely with ...      3+ years of non-internship professional software development experience; 2+ years of non-internship design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience; Experience programming with at least one software programming language

sa: Assistant Research Professor, Center for AI

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU); Saudi Arabia
Lead in research in the field of AI and its applications; Acquire in-depth expertise in the leadership of scientific research projects and experience of organizing interdisciplinary scholarly events; Collaborate with faculty and students on research topics of common interest; Teach one course or two...      A PhD degree in computer science, engineering, physics, data science, mathematics or a closely related field; A proven track record of carrying out cutting-edge research demonstrated by publications in top journals/conferences; A proven track record of funding acquisition through grants and/or contr...

at, ch, de, li: Consultant (m/w/d) aus den Fachrichtungen Physik, Mathematik, Informatik, andere Naturwissenschaften

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Düsseldorf, München, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein
Die Bandbreite der Projekte ist gross: Vom Aufbau neuer Geschäftsfelder über Risikomanagement bis hin zum Projektmanagement grosser IT-Projekte; Als Einsteiger arbeiten Sie von Beginn an in einem Projektteam mit erfahrenen Kollegen. Sie entwickeln Konzepte und Lösungen für komplexe Problemstell...      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Diplom, Master oder Promotion) in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Klares analytisches Denkvermögen; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Beherrschen einer Programmiersprache; Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens C1-Level)

lu: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Advanced Research on Artificial Intelligence: Continual Learning and Neuromorphic Computing for Communication Systems

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Integrate with the SIGCOM research group and contribute to the SIGCOM on-going research projects; Identify and shortlist potential applications from the 5G wireless domain (including non-terrestrial networks) that can benefit either from: (i) continual learning, and (ii) spiking neural networks imp...      A PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering, or Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/engineering with a focus on artificial intelligence; Experience with 5G communication systems; Experience with non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) is considered a plus but it is not required

ch: Director - Digital Procurement Consulting (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
As a Director you will sell and lead projects of strategic nature in areas of Procurement transformation, digitalization as well as Enterprise-wide transformation; Establish yourself as trusted advisor to clients, guiding them through the setup and implementation of their procurement operating model...      Bachelor's or master's degree in Business administration, management, business information systems or similar; Minimum 8 years of experience in Procurement Consulting; Experience and know-how with main solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba) is a major asset; An analytical mindset to critically question fa...

ch: Senior Consultant - IT Audit Financial Services (80-100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Perform IT audit, assurance and regulatory mandates for a multinational client portfolio of banking, asset management and insurance clients; Analyze risks and IT processes in a heterogeneous client environment to provide recommendations and improvement points in our clients'processes; Work in close ...      Degree level education (e.g. business informatics, business administration or likewise); At least 2-3 years of professional experience in the field of IT Audit, business processes and design/review of risk and control procedures; Experience with Financial Services and/or Corporate clients (preferabl...

ch: Certification Specialist - (Senior) Consultant Cyber (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
Betreuung von Schlüsselkunden; Verantwortungsvolle Mitarbeit bei Zertifizierungs-Mandaten, teilweise Koordination von internen Teams; Erarbeiten eines Verständnisses des Marktes und der Mitwirkenden in CH und EU; Fachliche Mitarbeit auf Zertifizierungs-Mandaten; Unterstützung bei der Aufrechterha...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium in Information Technology bzw. Computer Science, oder naturwissenschaftliches Studium; Mindestens 2-3 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich IT Governance, Compliance, IT Audit oder Zertifizierung (in Funktion des Zertifizierers oder Zertifizierten); Schnelle Auffassung...

ch: Manager - eProcurement Consulting (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland
As a manager you will work in projects of strategic nature in areas of Procurement transformation, digitalization as well as Enterprise wide transformation; Advise clients on transformation projects with the main e-Procurement solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba etc); Follow market developments and tren...      Bachelor's or master's degree in Business administration, management, business information systems or similar; Minimum 5 years of experience in a Procurement department or in Procurement consulting; Experience and know-how with main solutions (Ivalua, Coupa, Ariba) and Procurement Transformation is ...

de: Verkehrsingenieur/Consultant (m/w/d)

SMA und Partner AG (SMA); Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Eigenständiges Erstellen von Untersuchungen unter der Führung eines Projektleiters: Planung von Angebotskonzepten, Erstellung von Kapazitätsanalysen und Betriebsstudien, Bewertung von Verkehrsprojekten; Anwendung der Planungs- und Simulationssoftware; Erstellung von Berichten und Präsentationen      Hochschulabschluss in einer ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Disziplin; Erste Berufserfahrung; Kenntnisse der Eisenbahnbranche; Lösungsorientierte Persönlichkeit mit Freude an der Projektarbeit; Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse, weitere Sprachen von Vorteil