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Position: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Advanced Research on Artificial Intelligence: Continual Learning and Neuromorphic Computing for Communication Systems
Institution: University of Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Duties: Integrate with the SIGCOM research group and contribute to the SIGCOM on-going research projects; Identify and shortlist potential applications from the 5G wireless domain (including non-terrestrial networks) that can benefit either from: (i) continual learning, and (ii) spiking neural networks implemented in neuromorphic processors; Design and develop the machine learning algorithms able to provide a good performance-complexity trade-off for the identified scenarios and use cases
Requirements: A PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering, or Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/engineering with a focus on artificial intelligence; Experience with 5G communication systems; Experience with non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) is considered a plus but it is not required
Text: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Advanced Research on Artificial Intelligence: Continual Learning and Neuromorphic Computing for Communication Systems Integrate with the SIGCOM research group and contribute to the SIGCOM on-going research projects; Identify and shortlist potential applications from the 5G wireless domain (including non-terrestrial networks) that can benefit either from: (i) continual learning, and (ii) spiking neural networks implemented in neuromorphic processors; Design and develop the machine learning algorithms able to provide a good performance-complexity trade-off for the identified scenarios and use cases A PhD degree in Telecommunication Engineering, or Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/engineering with a focus on artificial intelligence; Experience with 5G communication systems; Experience with non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) is considered a plus but it is not required
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