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au: Electrochemist/Electrochemical Research Engineer

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO); Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australien
Working within the Electrolysis Team and contributing to the electrocatalytic hydrogen production and storage projects. Tasks will include: Contributing to the modification, redesign and fabrication of the CSIRO electrochemical flow cell; Assisting with the characterisation and evaluation of new el...      A PhD, or an equivalent combination of qualifications and practical work experience, in a relevant discipline area such as electrochemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, electrochemical or chemical engineering, electrometallurgy or material chemistry; Sound knowledge of electrochemical science and t...

ch: Studiengangleitung Architektur Bachelor und Master (50%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
Planung, Durchführung und Sicherstellung der Studienangebote auf Stufe Bachelor und Master gemäss Lehrplan und deren Qualitätssicherung; Personalführung inkl. Planung und Rekrutierung; Finanzverantwortung des Studiengangs; Führung der Mitarbeitenden und deren Rekrutierung; Präsenz vor Ort und ...      Abgeschlossenes Architekturstudium und langjährige Praxiserfahrung in führender Position mit sehr guter Vernetzung in der Bauwelt; Erfahrung in der Lehre, Führungsposition im Hochschulwesen; Ausgewiesene Forschungskompetenzen von Vorteil; Ausgezeichnete Führungs- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten; ...

ch: Studiengangleitung Bauingenieurwesen Bachelor und Master (40%)

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
Planung, Durchführung und Sicherstellung der Studienangebote auf Stufe Bachelor und Master gemäss Lehrplan und deren Qualitätssicherung; Personalführung inkl. Planung und Rekrutierung; Finanzverantwortung des Studiengangs; Führung der Mitarbeitenden und deren Rekrutierung; Präsenz vor Ort und ...      Abgeschlossenes Studium Bauingenieurwesen und langjährige Praxiserfahrung in führender Position mit sehr guter Vernetzung in der Bauwelt; Erfahrung in der Lehre, Führungsposition im Hochschulwesen; Ausgewiesene Forschungskompetenzen von Vorteil; Ausgezeichnete Führungs- und Kommunikationsfähigk...

ch: Apothekerin (m/w) (40-100%)

Zuger Kantonsspital AG; Baar, Zug, Schweiz
Optimale Betreuung unserer Patienten beim Spitalaustritt im Rahmen des pharmazeutischen Austrittsmanagements; Kompetente pharmazeutische Beratung unserer ambulanten Patienten und Kunden; Erteilung von Fachauskünften an Ärzte und Pflegefachpersonal; Bei entsprechender Qualifikation Durchführung vo...      Eidg. Diplom als Apothekerin (oder anerkanntes ausländisches Diplom); Berufserfahrung in einer öffentlichen Apotheke von Vorteil, aber auch Berufseinsteiger willkommen; Hohes Qualitäts- und Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Zuverlässigkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Belastbarkeit; Fachkompetenz, Kommunikation...

ch: Flow Cytometry Specialist (50%)

Universität Basel; Basel, Schweiz
Carrying out cell sorting on two 18-parameter BD FACSAria; Setting up cell sorter and performing daily quality control; Monitoring, calibration and maintenance of the analytical analyzer; Independent execution of minor repairs; Ordering, procurement and replenishing of consumables and reagents, disp...      You have a BSc or higher in a life science or related scientific discipline with experience in flow cytometry. Expertise in operating BD flow cytometers and sorters (Fortessa, FACSAria, FACSMelody) is desirable. Interest in the technical aspects of flow cytometry and experience in hands-on troublesh...

it: Research Position: Photocatalytic reactions for ethylene production

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
The goal of the research programme is the development of novel photocatalytic systems for the production of ethylene. Systems for the selective carbon dioxide reduction reaction to ethylene or acetylene reduction; reaction to ethylene will be studied. To this aim, inorganic semiconductor materials w...      Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

ch: Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates für den Kompetenzbereich Pflege

Spital Davos AG; Davos, Graubünden, Schweiz
Als Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates sind Sie zuständig für eine sinnvolle, nachhaltige und volkswirtschaftliche Strategiearbeit für die Spital Davos AG mit entsprechender Ãœberwachungsfunktion auf operativer Ebene. Sie gestalten die Zukunft eines fest in der Region verankerten Kantonsspitals aktiv ...      Für diese anspruchsvolle Funktion wünschen wir uns eine Persönlichkeit mit einem tertiären Abschluss im Pflegemanagement. Sie zeichnen sich durch ausgewiesene Berufs- und Führungserfahrung aus und verstehen sich als Treiber/in der Unternehmensvision. Sie ergänzen die Fachkompetenzen des Verwal...

ch: Pharma-Assistent/in, Drogist/in oder Pharmazeutisch-technische/r Assistent/in (40-80%)

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Schweiz
Warenbewirtschaftung und Bereitstellung von Arzneimitteln für das Kantonsspital St.Gallen und weitere Kunden mit modernen Hilfsmitteln (Kommissionierautomat in Planung); Bearbeiten von pharmazeutischen und logistischen Anfragen rund um das Arzneimittelsortiment für Pflegefachpersonen und Ärztesch...      Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Pharma-Assistent/in EFZ (Fachfrau/-mann Apotheke EFZ), Drogist/in EFZ, Pharmazeutisch-technische/r Assistent/in oder ähnliches Curriculum; Es sind auch Lehrabgänger/innen willkommen; Selbstständige, exakte und initiative Arbeitsweise, vernetzte Denkweise, FlexibilitÃ...

ch: Apotheker/in (70%)

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Schweiz
Anstellung zu 40% am Kantonsspital St.Gallen und zu 30% am Ostschweizer Kinderspital in der jeweiligen Spitalpharmazie (die Anstellung erfolgt am Kantonsspital St.Gallen); Die Möglichkeit, den Bereich der Klinischen Pharmazie am Kantonsspital St.Gallen vertieft kennenzulernen, u.a. durch die pharma...      Abgeschlossenes Studium der Pharmazie, Erfahrungen als klinische/r Pharmazeut/in in der Spitalpharmazie sind von Vorteil; Begeisterung und Initiative, die klinische Pharmazie an einem grossen Zentrumsspital aktiv weiterzuentwickeln; Interesse und Freude an interdisziplinärer und interprofessionelle...

ch: Director in Life Sciences Quality Management (100%)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC), Advisory; Zürich, Schweiz
A career within General Consulting services, will provide you with the opportunity to help clients seize essential advantages by working alongside business leaders to solve their toughest problems and capture their greatest opportunities. We work with some of the world’s largest and most complex c...      As a Director, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution

ch, de, na: Lehrperson (m/w) (100%)

Comundo; Katima Mulilo, Schweiz, Deutschland, Namibia
Capacitate teachers, advisory teachers, officers, inspectors, principals on inclusive education practices; Support in setting up tutoring groups for learning support; Support the implementation of visual and hearing screenings; Design continuous professional development programmes on inclusive educa...      Knowledge and understanding of inclusive education (degree or working experience); Training of trainers’ skills or adult education; Good command of written and spoken English; Monitoring and evaluation skills; Strong leadership; Residence in Switzerland or Germany

ch: All positions at Allianz Suisse

Allianz Suisse (Allianz); Schweiz
Allianz is a multinational financial services company. Its core businesses are insurance and asset management. The company is one of the world's largest insurers and financial services groups      Allianz Switzerland has a slot for 1 job at www.acad.jobs/math-jobs.com. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz
Research & development at the ZHAW focuses on key societal challenges, with a particular emphasis on energy and societal integration. With its expertise in sustainable development and digital transformation, the ZHAW imparts forward-looking knowledge and takes an active part in shaping the digit...      ZHAW posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Team Leader/International Health Project (3 y)

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Schweiz
Lead the implementation across healthcare facilities in various country regions; Collaborate with clinical staff and IT staff to understand workflow needs and ensure system customization aligns with best practices; Work closely with IT staff to configure, test, and deploy the systems; Travel to proj...      Master's degree in Healthcare Informatics, Information Technology, or a related field and minimum 5 years of experience in healthcare IT project management and team leadership; Proven experience in leading EMR and/or CDSS implementation projects; Strong understanding of healthcare workflows and best...

at: All positions at AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) was founded in 1988 and is today one of the leading European institutes of applied research in renewable energy and resource efficiency. In the three target group areas "Buildings", "Cities & Grids" and "Industrial Systems" as well as thre...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at AEE INTEC automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB); Basel, Schweiz
Das Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB) ist ein eigenständiges, universitäres Kompetenzzentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin sowie für Lehre und Forschung. Als eines der drei selbständigen Kinderspitäler der Schweiz spielt das UKBB eine zentrale Rolle bei der Sicherstellung der kant...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UKBB automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ca: Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Observational Chemical Oceanography

Dalhousie University (Dal); Halifax, Nova Scotia, Kanada
The Department of Oceanography at Dalhousie University is seeking applicants for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Observational Chemical Oceanography. Applicants must have a strong record of research excellence. The applicants should have expertise in measuring inorganic carbon parameters and other...      Tier 2 Chairs are intended for exceptional emerging scholars (i.e. the candidate must have been an active researcher in their field for fewer than 10 years at the time of nomination)

ch: Vikariate, Stellvertretungen Lehrberuf, vor allem Volksschule

befreundetes Stellenportal; ganze Schweiz, Schweiz
für Studierende und Absolventen, Erfahrene; alle Disziplinen      kann auch für Stellengesuche verwendet werden

ch: All positions at Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Schweiz
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funds excellent research at universities and other institutions; from chemistry to medicine to sociology. Thousands of teams are generating knowledge for a better future for all. Together with our partners, we play a key role in shaping research in Switze...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at SNF automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Lehrauftrag für Mathematik (30-50%)

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST); Rapperswil, St. Gallen, Schweiz
Sie vermitteln im Mathematikunterricht den angehenden Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren das für ihre Fachausbildung und die spätere Berufstätigkeit grundlegende mathematische Wissen; Sofern Sie ausserdem über fundiertes Wissen in Physik verfügen, besteht die Möglichkeit, zusätzlich im Physikunte...      Hochschulabschluss in Mathematik oder eine äquivalente Ausbildung (Promotion und fundierte Kenntnisse in Physik sind von Vorteil); Interesse an Ingenieuranwendungen der Mathematik im Unterricht; Engagement bei der Weiterentwicklung der Lehre; Lehrerfahrung ist erwünscht (Unterrichtssprache ist Deu...

lu: Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of soft matter physics

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
Participate actively in the research project as described above; Write manuscripts for articles to be published in leading international scientific journals; Write a thesis in the domain of soft matter physics; Contribute to developing this entirely new field of soft matter physics, exploring both f...      Master’s degree (or equivalent) in physic Chemistry or materials science/engineering degrees may also be appropriate if combined with a strong interest in and good understanding of physics/physical chemistry; Experience in quantitative research methods and practical work in physics/engineering lab...

lu: Postdoctoral researcher/Advanced photovoltaic concepts

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
A postdoc position is available at the Laboratory for Photovoltaics, led by Prof. Siebentritt, in the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg. This position is for a collaborative project which aims at understanding materials in highly efficient thin film...      Inorganic thin film photovoltaics require low energy to fabricate, are stable for decades, and have achieved efficiencies comparable to silicon. In this new project we will implement novel epitaxial solar cells and study the role of their highly ordered structure

it: Research Position: Microwave assisted pyrometallurgical processes to recover metals from different types of wastes (1 y)

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
Analysis of the chemical-physical characteristics of the waste and the raw material of the reduction process; Carrying out reduction tests using various process parameters; characterization of the reduction products through investigations using optical and electronic microscopy and X-ray techniques;...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

dk: Postdoc in NMR based structural studies of RNA riboswitches

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
The position offers an opportunity to work with a dynamic and multi-disciplinary project. You will carry out research in a team engaged in multiple NMR projects in the field of RNA structural studies, fragment-based drug discovery screening and studies of interactions with their targets (RNA or prot...      As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) in structural biology or chemical biology and a strong theoretical and experimental background in NMR spectroscopy and knowledge within structural biology

ch: Project Engineer/in (80-100%)

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Schweiz
Leitung und Führung von interdisziplinären und technologischen Gross-/Projekten, Aufgaben sowie Programmen; Entwicklung sowie Prüfung von Lösungsvarianten und eigenständige Organisation zur Abwicklung der Projekte; Verantwortung für das integrale LifeCycle-Management der Systeme zusammen mit d...      Studium (Uni, FH, HF) vorzugsweise im technischen Bereich sowie entsprechende Weiterbildung; Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Projekt-/Teilprojektleitung von interdisziplinären Projekten, integrales Verständnis für systemtechnische Disziplinen und Prozesse; Sie haben eine hohe Sozial- und Kommunikat...

se: PhD position in Chemistry, with a specialization in the structural biology of viruses

Umeå University; Umeå, Västerbotten County, Schweden
In your PhD studies, you will carry out research aimed at dissecting how virus particles assemble. You will characterize multi-component complexes involved in the assembly of viruses from the family Pneumoviridae and compare these to related viral families. Using a multi-modal structural biology and...      Experience in infection biology; Knowledge and experience in biochemistry and structural biology within experimental biochemistry and molecular biology (e.g., cloning, protein expression, protein purification, cell culture); Good oral and written proficiency in English

lu: Spontaneous Student Job Applications 2024

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxemburg
Are you looking for a student job during the school holidays? Are you curious to explore the fascinating and exciting world of research? The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) might have the right mission for you      You are between 15 and 26 years old; You are enrolled on a full time-basis in a Luxembourgish or foreign educational establishment, or have graduated less than 4 months ago; You are fluent in English and speak at least one of the official country languages (French, German or Luxembourgish)

dk: Postdoc in Directed Enzyme Evolution of C1 metabolism

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Engineer yeast strains to assimilate C1 feedstocks; Perform genome mining to identify enzyme candidates using bioinformatic approaches; Characterize enzyme variants using biophysical and biochemical methods; Generate and analyze large enzyme mutant datasets using in vivo directed evolution tools and...      PhD in biotechnology, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, biophysics, or related area; Experience with yeast genetics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics; Basic programming skills in Python or similar languages; Excellent written and oral English proficiency

us: Tenured Professor in Chemistry

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Candidates are invited to apply for a tenured professorship in all fields of chemistry. The appointment is expected to begin on January 1, 2024. The tenured professor will be responsible for teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. We are seeking candidates who have an outstanding research...      Doctorate required by expected start date

us: Research Fellow in Bioprinting

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Lewis Lab seeks a talented and enthusiastic Research Fellow to help in the development and application of novel 3D bioprinting methods for disease modeling and therapeutic tissues. The ideal candidate will report to the Principal Investigator in the Lewis Research Group and work closely with a s...      B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology, or related discipline is required

es: Embryology Laboratory Technician

Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC); Spanien
The successful candidate will execute the technical part of the project, analyzing the effect of protein supplements and preparing the samples for image acquisition. Their main tasks and responsibilities will include: Mammalian embryo handling and manipulation (collection, culture, vitrification, t...      BSc Degree in Life Sciences; Proficiency in mouse and human embryo handling and culture, as well as cryopreservation techniques; Experience working with cell culture; Experience in immunostaining and imaging techniques; Animal experimentation certification

be: Research Leader - Environmental Health and Chemical Risk Assessment Data

Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO); Mol, Flanders, Belgien
Leading the data work packages in European programs and the EIRENE data platform infrastructure project Engage with chemical risk actors and institutes in Environment & Health research and regulation to optimize exchange and re-use of data between the different risk assessment actors including u...      You hold a Master or Ph.D. degree in Environmental Sciences or Life Sciences, or a related field; You have experience in leading roles in research projects concerning Environmental health and Chemical Risk Assessment; You have a strong vision on data landscape and data needs in Environmental Health ...

pk: Professor

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST); Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
Disciplines: Electrical Engg: (RF & Wireless Communication, Embedded Sys Design); Mechanical Engg: (Dynamics & Controls, Automotive Technology); Computer Engg: (Deep Learning, Quantum Computing ); Mechatronics Engineering/Elec Engg: (Mechatronics/System Modelling and Control), Engineeri...      PhD in below mentioned fields from an HEC recognized Institution; 15 years teaching/research experience (including 5 years mandatory teaching experience at university or a postgraduate institution) in HEC recognized university/postgraduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field...

us: Associate or Full Professor, Chemical Biology

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (UB); Buffalo, New York, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Department of Chemistry at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, invites applications for a faculty position in chemical biology at the level of Associate or Full Professor. Candidates with research interests focusing on the development and/or use of chemical tools, and ap...      PhD in chemistry or related area and an active record of funding, publications and presentations at scientific conferences appropriate to rank

ch: Projektleiter/in Einführung Klinikinformationssystem (80-100%)

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Schweiz
Eigenverantwortliche Leitung eines Fachprojektes und Führen eines interdisziplinären Projektteams im Rahmen der Einführung des neuen Klinikinformationssystems "KISIM" Koordination der Umsetzung von definierten Systemanforderungen und Konfigurationen mit dem Lieferanten und den Modulverantwortlich...      Höhere Ausbildung (Stufe FH, Uni) in Betriebswirtschaft oder Wirtschaftsinformatik; Mindestens drei Jahre Projektleitungserfahrung mit nachweislichen Projekterfolgen (IPMA C oder vergleichbar); Konzeptionelles und prozessorientiertes Denken; Erfahrungen im Gesundheitswesen von Vorteil; Offene PersÃ...

us: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Chemical Engineering

University of New Hampshire (UNH); Durham, New Hampshire, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Harish Vashisth in Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), Durham, NH. The positions are within the broad area of protein biophysics, structural modeling, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, where...      An ideal candidate should hold a Ph.D. in chemical engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics, or in a related interdisciplinary field

jp: Postdoctoral Researcher

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan
Novel electronic and magnetic dynamics in a wide range of quantum materials will be explored and controlled by combining broadband linear/nonlinear/ultrafast spectroscopic techniques with various external stimuli, such as electric/magnetic fields and high pressure      Doctoral degree (or equivalent research ability and background) in the relevant research field. Experiences on ultrafast optics, or optical spectroscopy targeting strongly correlated, multiferroic, or quantum materials are desired

lu: All positions at University of Luxembourg

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003 and is the only public university in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our strategic development areas are digital transf...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Luxembourg automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

lu: All positions at Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxemburg
LISER's specific mission, in accordance with the Law of December 3, 2014 on Public Research Centers, is to: carry out basic and applied research activities in the social sciences with the aim of advancing knowledge, informing the actions of public authorities and socio-economic actors at the nation...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at LISER automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

it: All positions at Università degli Studi di Padova

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien
The University of Padua is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning. As a multi-disciplinary institute of higher education, the University aims to provide its students with professional training and a solid cultural background. The qualification received from the University of...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Padova automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

dk: Postdoc in New materials for sodium ion batteries

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
The main focus of the postdoc work will be synthesis, structural characterization and determination of electrochemical properties of new and optimized cathode materials for sodium ion batteries. You will work closely with computational colleagues from DTU Energy in a project aimed at combining new c...      Candidates should have a PhD degree in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or equivalent; Experience in inorganic materials synthesis; Experience in assembly and electrochemical characterization of rechargeable battery cells; Experience in structural analysis from X-ray diffraction da...

us: Assistant Professor in High-Temperature Geochemistry/Petrology

University of Florida (UF); Gainesville, Florida, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The University of Florida (UF) Department of Geological Sciences invites applications for a full-time, tenure accruing position in High-Temperature Geochemistry/Petrology at the Assistant Professor Level. We are interested in candidates in the broadly defined areas of petrology and high-temperature ...      Applicants should hold a PhD or equivalent, or have completed the PhD requirements by August 16, 2023

hk: Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (Pharmacology)

City University of Hong Kong (CityU); Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hongkong
The appointee is expected to contribute to the further development and implementation of the professional veterinary curriculum in the field of pharmacology. S/he will teach and manage undergraduate and postgraduate courses; develop new research directions in veterinary pharmacology and maintain rob...      Applicants must have teaching and research experience in pharmacology appropriate with the academic level sought. A PhD in pharmacology is required, and experience relevant to veterinary pharmacology is desired. Applicants must demonstrate an ability to attract external funding and have publication ...

at: All positions at Technische Universität Graz

Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich
Graz University of Technology is a public research university located in Styria, Austria. It was founded in 1811 and is the oldest science and technology research and educational institute in Austria. It currently comprises seven faculties and is a public university. It offers 19 bachelor's and 35 m...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at TU Graz automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at: All positions at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (KFU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich
We tackle future issues and take responsibility for the entire region of Southern Austria. With 30, 000 students and 4700 employees, we make a decisive contribution to the vibrant life of the Styrian capital. We work for tomorrow - this motto guides the students and scientists at the University of G...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at KFU Graz automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Spital Davos AG

Spital Davos AG; Davos, Graubünden, Schweiz
Die Spital Davos AG bietet eine umfassende Gesundheitsversorgung für die Bevölkerung, Zweitheimische und Gäste. Unsere Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten aus Chirurgie und Orthopädie, Innere Medizin, Betreuung und Pflege, aber auch Sport und Prävention halten Sie gesund und unterstützen Sie im A...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Spital Davos AG automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Senior Microscopy Specialist (70%)

Universität Basel; Basel, Schweiz
Consult researchers for the planning and analysis of their microscopy experiments and support them during the process; Theoretical and practical training of users; First level maintenance and troubleshooting of a variety of instruments including widefield, confocal, spinning disk, 2-photon and high ...      Master or PhD in life sciences with several years of professional experience in biology, physics, biophysics or a related field with a strong focus on microscopy; 3-5 years of work experience in the field of light microscopy including hardware and software; Excellent knowledge of principles and meth...

at: Biomedizinische Analytikerin/biomedizinischer Analytiker (BMA) oder technische Assistentin/technischer Assistent (TA)

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich
mikrobiologisches und immunologisches Arbeiten im wissenschaftlichen Labor; selbstständiges Verwalten und Bestellen von Labormaterialien; statistische Auswertungen; Literaturrecherchen; Einlernen von Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeitern inkl. methodischem Anweisen      BMA: abgeschlossenes Bachelor-Studium der biomedizinischen Analytik oder gleichwertige Ausbildung; Eintragung in das Gesundheitsberuferegister; TA: Abschluss einer naturwissenschaftlichen bzw. technischen Ausbildung auf Bachelor-Niveau; Erfahrungen in immunologischem, mikrobiologischem, molekularb...

at, ch, de, li: Karrierestart für Mathematiker   

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein
Hervorragende persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten durch umfassende Weiterbildung und abwechslungsreiche, herausfordernde Projektaufgaben, z. B.: Strukturierung und Management komplexer Projektvorhaben; Analytisch anspruchsvolle Geschäftsprozessmodellierung und -optimierung; Konzeption von Steu...      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Spass an der Technik

ch: Initiativbewerbung

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Schweiz
Der Schweizerische Nationalfonds (SNF) fördert herausragende Forschung an den Hochschulen; von der Physik über die Medizin bis zur Soziologie. Tausende von Teams schaffen Wissen für eine bessere Zukunft aller Menschen. Gemeinsam mit Partnern gestalten wir den Forschungsplatz Schweiz      Initiativbewerbung am Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung

ch: All positions at Libera AG

Libera AG; Schweiz
Libera is a leading Swiss consulting firm for benefit institutions and companies in Switzerland. Since 1963 we have been advising our clients on occupational benefits, while supporting them with outsourcing services and in all matters of international accounting. We have two locations in Basel and Z...      We crawl all higher jobs at Libera automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Manager - Berater*in Healthcare & Public Sektor

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Schweiz
Agiere in der Rolle als Projektleiter*in als Ansprechpartner*in für unsere Kundschaft im Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor; Entwickle unser Beratungsangebot weiter und bringe deine Fachkenntnisse rund um finanzielle Führung, Prozess- und Organisationsentwicklung, Performance-Steigerung, strate...      Hochschulabschluss in BWL, VWL oder verwandten Studienrichtung; 4-5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, davon mind. 3 in der Beratung im Gesundheitswesen und/oder in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zwingend; Erfahrung in der Akquise von Beratungsmandaten (Akquise- Gespräche, eigenständiges Erarbeiten von Angebote...

ch: Codeur/euse médical/e (60-100%)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC), Assurance; Genève, Schweiz
Tu conduis ou accompagnes les révisions du codage conformément au règlement pour l'exécution de la révision du codage sous SwissDRG; Tu es responsable du conseil médical et du conseil en gestion d'entreprise dans le cadre du controlling stratégique et opérationnel; Tu es en charge essentiell...      Tu as acquis un diplôme de codage médical avec brevet fédéral ainsi que plusieurs années d'expérience dans le codage et tu es qualifié/e pour tenir à jour la liste des réviseurs de l'OFS; Tu possèdes une formation médicale et de très bonnes connaissances sur les tarifs; Tu as d'excellent...

us: Postdoctoral Fellow in Materials Science

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
The Lewis Lab is seeking a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in one or more of the following areas: nanoparticle synthesis, colloidal science, rheology, or granular media. The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary team of researchers supported under a new ARO MURI award. The goal of t...      Candidates must have a Doctorate degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, or Applied Physics by the time the appointment begins

us: Postdoctoral Fellow - Pharmacoepidemiology

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF); Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Lead and assist in designing, conducting, and interpreting pharmacoepidemiological research; includes extracting and cleaning very large sources of electronic health records and other routinely-collected data; Lead and assist with the preparation of abstracts and presentations at national and intern...      Doctoral degree; Minimum of 0-5 years experience required

it: Research Position: Development of separative analytical platforms based on FFF coupled with On-chip Sample detection for the characterization and sorting of extracellular vesicles

Università di Bologna; Bologna, Italien
Using field flow fractionation (AF4) technique and an on-chip detection for comprehensive characterization, the Project aims to assemble an integrated device capable of identifying a range of biomarkers associated with the size and different functions of subtypes of extracellular vesicles, customiza...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

cz: Research assistant in electron-induced chemistry

Czech Academy of Sciences; Tschechische Republik
The research project concerns inducing chemical changes in solutions of organic compounds by impact of free electrons on these. The solutions will be in the form of liquid microjets in vacuum. The researcher will be responsible for development and practical implementation of the experiments, and for...      Competence in organic synthesis, photochemical and analytical techniques. Especially desirable is hands-on experience with UV-VIS spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and HPLC-MS. Experience with nucleic acid self-assembling nanostructures is an advantage

cz: Post-doctoral position in the Department of "Structure and Dynamics in Catalysis"

Czech Academy of Sciences; Tschechische Republik
The water electrolysis is one the most intensely studied process namely in connection with replacement of the fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Successful candidate will be involved cutting edge program within the OP JAK project Eco and Store focused on rational design of the novel nanopar...      a PhD in electrochemistry, physical chemistry or material science; excellent communication skills both oral and written; publication track record; fundamental knowledge of electrochemical techniques; experience with synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanomaterials

ca: Assistant/Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Dalhousie University (Dal); Halifax, Nova Scotia, Kanada
The Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University is seeking a scientist to fill a tenure-stream position in the area of cardiovascular research with an anticipated start date of September 2024 (negotiable). This position is designated for an applicant who identifies as a w...      The successful applicant will have a PhD, or equivalent, and postdoctoral experience (at least two years preferred). Candidates must have a record of high-quality research related to the pathogenesis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, commensurate to their career stage; and must demonstrate p...

it: Research Position: Nanomaterials and nanodevices (temporary)

Università degli Studi di Perugia; Perugia, Italien
Research in this area, has as its object the study of physical systems, mainly solid state, whose structural characteristics have specifications relevant to the nanoscales (from 1000 to 1 nanometer). Nanostructured materials, reduced-dimensional materials (2D, 1D, 0D) and nanodevices, are part of th...      PhD or equivalent in Physics

it: Research Position: Study of excited electronic states of organic and bio-organic systems using fast and ultrafast spectroscopic techniques (temporary)

Università degli Studi di Perugia; Perugia, Italien
Research activity deals with a photophysical and photochemical study of molecular and supramolecular, organic and biological systems of interest for basic research and for their applications in technological fields, such as sensors, production of displays and solar filters, transformation of solar e...      PhD or equivalent in Chemistry

se: Assistant Professor in Electrochemistry with a focus on Battery Materials

Lund University; Lund, Scania, Schweden
Electrochemistry deals with the study of chemical processes that involve the movements of electrons. It explores the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions, particularly focusing on how electrical energy can be used to induce or drive chemical changes, and conversely, how chemical r...      Experience of postdoctoral research in a research environment other than the university at which the applicant obtained his/her PhD degree; Extensive experience of fundamental electrochemical measurements and interpretation; Scientific expertise demonstrated through scientific publications in the re...

it: Research Position: Development and prototyping of hybrid thermochemical-electrochemical-biological processes for the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA)

Università di Bologna, Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Bologna, Italien
The RECHEWS project is based on use of Microbial Mixed Culture to produce PHA from VFA. The process is sensitive to the content of volatile fatty acids (VFA) of the fed material, then it is important to develop a process that allows selective production of these intermediates. To achieve this target...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

uk: Tissue Bank Technician

University of Southampton (Soton); Southampton, Hampshire, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
This is an opportunity to join the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine Tissue Bank supporting cancer research. Based in a very well-equipped laboratory on the University Hospital Southampton site, you will be part of a team assisting in the efficient collection, preparation, storage and re...      You must be educated to GCSE, AS and A Level/NVQ 3/4 level or equivalent. You must have proven bench work experience in a suitable biological field and have the ability to follow the instructions described in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in order to comply with Human Tissue Authority (HTA), ...

it: Research Position: Development of analytical methods for metabolic profiling and pharmacokinetic investigation of novel drug candidates

Università di Bologna, Chemistry; Instrumental Analysis; Bologna, Italien
The project aims to characterize new drug candidates, and in particular inhibitors of prolyl isomerase 1 (Pin1), from a bioanalytical point of view through the development of instrumental methodologies based on mass spectrometry. The developed instrumental analytical platforms will then be exploited...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

uk: Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in Immunoassay Development

Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Development and validation of ELISA assays for the quantification of anticancer drugs or a related field; Generation of assay validation plans and reports; Working according to GCLP practices; Although working under the general guidance of an academic or Principal Investigator, the postholder will c...      A PhD in clinical pharmacology, cancer research or other relevant area; Have an interest in cancer research and the study of clinical pharmacology

no: PhD Fellow in Optics - Optical Tomography

The Arctic University of Norway (UiT); Tromsø, Troms, Norwegen
Develop novel algorithms and methodologies for 3D tomographic reconstruction and inverse scattering analysis; Performing optical tomography setup simulation and modeling each of its optical components utilizing optical system design software like Zemax, OSLO, etc; Characterization of 5D-QUIP optical...      This position requires a master’s degree or equivalent in physics, a background in optics/optical engineering/computational optics and an interest in bio-imaging; Background in computational optics; Experience in optical tomographic reconstruction and inverse scattering analysis algorithms; Backgr...

no: PhD Candidate in Lithium Tantalate Integrated Photonics

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU); Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwegen
Development of nanofabrication processes in the NTNU Nanolab cleanroom; Photonic chip design, manufacturing, and optical testing; Collaborate with an international network of scientific partners; Report research findings in international conferences and scientific articles; Take part in the Electron...      The qualification requirement is that you have completed a master’s degree or second degree (equivalent to 120 credits) with a strong academic background in photonics, materials science, physics, electrical engineering, or nanotechnology (and other revelant disciplines) with focus on photonics

it: Research Position: Mapping existing models and development of optimisation models for hybrid coatings based on relevant manufacturing process parameters for safe-and-sustainable-by design approaches

Università di Bologna; Bologna, Italien
The research objectives are split into two sections. The first one includes the study of mathematical models for the implementation of production processes for (hybrid) coatings applied to fabrics and packaging materials. It will be significant to study the coating materials by (1) identifying the p...      Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

ch: All positions at Generali Versicherungen

Generali Versicherungen; Schweiz
Since 1987, Generali Switzerland has been a trustworthy lifetime partner for our customers. We have more around one million customers and offer products for every situation in life. These include property insurance, legal expenses insurance, life insurance and pension solutions. In founding the Hous...      Generali posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Manager - Berater*in Healthcare & Public Sektor (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Schweiz
Agiere in der Rolle als Projektleiter*in als Ansprechpartner*in für unsere Kundschaft im Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor; Entwickle unser Beratungsangebot weiter und bringe deine Fachkenntnisse rund um finanzielle Führung, Prozess- und Organisationsentwicklung, Performance-Steigerung, strate...      Hochschulabschluss in BWL, VWL oder verwandten Studienrichtung; 4-5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, davon mind. 3 in der Beratung im Gesundheitswesen und/oder in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zwingend; Erfahrung in der Akquise von Beratungsmandaten (Akquise- Gespräche, eigenständiges Erarbeiten von Angebote...

ch: Biozentrum PhD Fellowships - Summer Call 2024

Universität Basel, Biozentrum - Center for Molecular Life Sciences; Basel, Schweiz
The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its fundamental research embraces a wide range of topics such as biochemistry, biophysics, physics of living systems, structural biology, microbiology, infection biology and immunology, cell and de...      We are looking for ambitious and highly motivated young talents from all over the world to join the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program and our scientific community

ch: Kodierer*in (40-60%)

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB); Basel, Schweiz
Zeitnahe, korrekte und revisionssichere Kodierung der stationären Fälle (wir bieten die breitgefächerte Auswahl einer Universitätsklinik mit den verschiedenen Fachgebieten der Pädiatrie, wie z.B. Neonatologie, Neurochirurgie, innere Medizin, Chirurgie, Orthopädie, Onkologie, die das Kodieren a...      Kodierausbildung und/oder Berufserfahrung in der Kodierung; Sehr gute IT-Anwenderkenntnisse (SAP, KIS-Systeme, Excel, Diacos etc.)

ch: Dipl. Biomedizinische/r Analytiker*in HF (90-100%)

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Schweiz
Sie führen mikrobiologische Analysen nach akkreditierten Richtlinien durch; Sie leisten im Turnus Wochenenddienste; Sie tragen die Mitverantwortung bei der Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter und Betreuung von Auszubildenden und übernehmen Zusatzaufgaben      Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Dipl. BMA HF mit Erfahrung in Mikrobiologie; Gute Deutschkenntnisse; Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Selbstständigkeit und Flexibilität; Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Laborsystemen und digitalen Werkzeugen

ch: Manager - Berater*in Healthcare & Public Sektor (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Schweiz
Agiere in der Rolle als Projektleiter*in als Ansprechpartner*in für unsere Kundschaft im Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor; Entwickle unser Beratungsangebot weiter und bringe deine Fachkenntnisse rund um finanzielle Führung, Prozess- und Organisationsentwicklung, Performance-Steigerung, strate...      Hochschulabschluss in BWL, VWL oder verwandten Studienrichtung; 4-5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, davon mind. 3 in der Beratung im Gesundheitswesen und/oder in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zwingend; Erfahrung in der Akquise von Beratungsmandaten (Akquise- Gespräche, eigenständiges Erarbeiten von Angebote...

ca: Assistant/Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Dalhousie University (Dal); Halifax, Nova Scotia, Kanada
The Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University is seeking a scientist to fill a tenure-stream position in the area of cardiovascular research with an anticipated start date of September 2024 (negotiable). This position is designated for an applicant who identifies as a w...      The successful applicant will have a PhD, or equivalent, and postdoctoral experience (at least two years preferred). Candidates must have a record of high-quality research related to the pathogenesis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, commensurate to their career stage; and must demonstrate p...

lu: PhD application call of the Research Group Applied Thermodynamics

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The successful candidate will join a strong and motivated research team led by Prof. Stephan Leyer to pursue the PhD degree in one or more of the following signal processing topics: Adiabatic boiling; Evaporation Modelling; Machine Learning in Fluid Mechanics; Characterization of Flashing Phenomeno...      The candidate must possess a Master of Science (MsC) degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering, Physics or Computer Science

be: Postdoc - PEM electrochemical cells

Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO); Mol, Flanders, Belgien
You will contribute to climate change mitigation through the development of a more efficient technology for the production of green hydrogen and ammonia, as part of our enthusiastic and dynamic research team of over 30 talented individuals; You will develop, integrate and optimise layered electrode ...      PhD degree in Electrochemistry, Fuel Cell Technology, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering or related fields; You have relevant background in PEM cell design and common electrochemical techniques (cyclic voltammetry-CV, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; EIS)

ch: Audit - Career Start - Energy & Utilities - October 2024 (100%)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC), Assurance; Zürich, Schweiz
Du prüfst Konzern- und Jahresrechnungen nationaler sowie internationaler Unternehmen direkt beim Kunden vor Ort, im PwC-Office oder aus dem Homeoffice; Du gewinnst einen tiefen Einblick in die Geschäftsprozesse von verschiedenen Unternehmen und Industrien, hilfst bei Fragen zur Rechnungslegung und...      Du bist Absolvent: in (Graduate Bachelor/Master) oder in deinem letzten Studienjahr in den Bereichen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), wobei wir für alle Studiengänge offen sind; Du schaffst deinen Abschluss zur: zum di...

ch: Manager - Berater*in Healthcare & Public Sektor (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Schweiz
Agiere in der Rolle als Projektleiter*in als Ansprechpartner*in für unsere Kundschaft im Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor; Entwickle unser Beratungsangebot weiter und bringe deine Fachkenntnisse rund um finanzielle Führung, Prozess- und Organisationsentwicklung, Performance-Steigerung, strate...      Hochschulabschluss in BWL, VWL oder verwandten Studienrichtung; 4-5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, davon mind. 3 in der Beratung im Gesundheitswesen und/oder in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zwingend; Erfahrung in der Akquise von Beratungsmandaten (Akquise- Gespräche, eigenständiges Erarbeiten von Angebote...

ch: Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitender (a) für numerische Simulation    (80-100%)

RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal (RhySearch); Buchs, St. Gallen, Schweiz
Die Hauptaufgabe ist die fachliche und finanzielle Leitung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten inklusive Ressourcen- und Terminplanung; Mitarbeit in der Umsetzung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten sowie Unterstützung der Unternehmen und Forschungspartner bei der Durchführung von ents...      Sie haben erfolgreich ein technisches Studium abgeschlossen und eine mehrjährige Erfahrung in der numerischen Simulation. Sie gehen gerne auf Menschen zu und haben Spass im Umgang mit einer Vielfalt von verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten und Organisationen

uk: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Electroactive Biomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering

University of Oxford; Oxford, Oxfordshire, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant who will work with Professor Malavika Nair and the SMARTBio Team to develop prototype regenerative and therapeutic technologies for cardiac tissue engineering using extracellular matrix derived constructs, at the Department of Engineering Sc...      You should hold a relevant PhD/DPhil (or be near completion) in fields such as biomedical, electrical or materials engineering, together with relevant experience. You should also have sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to work within established research programmes (i.e. experience wi...

se: Doctoral student in Analytical Chemistry with focus on cell-based miniaturized electroanalytical systems

Lund University; Lund, Scania, Schweden
The main duties of doctoral students are to devote themselves to their research studies which includes participating in research projects and third cycle courses. The work duties will also also include teaching and other departmental duties (not more than 20%). The scientific work will involve a) de...      has been awarded a second-cycle qualification (master´s degree); Experience in development and/or application of miniaturised analytical systems; Experience with electroanalytical applications/electrochemistry; Experience in culturing of cells (bacteria and/or mammalian cells)

no: PhD Research Fellow in Semiconductor Defects for Quantum Technologies

University of Oslo; Oslo, Østlandet, Norwegen
The field of quantum technology (QT) aims to exploit the most exotic consequences of quantum mechanics for real-world applications, and promises massive impacts on fields ranging from communication and cryptography to sensing and computing. Importantly, quantum sensors harness the rapid interactions...      Master’s degree or equivalent in physics or materials science; Foreign completed degree (M.Sc.-level) corresponding to a minimum of four years in the Norwegian educational system; Solid background in semiconductor physics including experience with semiconductor processing or characterization; Stro...

uk: Laboratory Technician (Biosciences Teaching)

University of Surrey; Guildford, Surrey, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
We are excited to recruit a laboratory technician to support our dedicated 200-student capacity undergraduate teaching laboratory in the school of Biosciences. As a teaching laboratory technician at Surrey, you will assist in delivering our many practical classes and that students receive the best p...      We are looking for an enthusiastic individual with a background in bioscience who enjoys working as part of a team. The ideal candidate will have experience working within a laboratory, have good communication skills, an understanding of laboratory Health and Safety and a willingness to learn and de...

ch: Manager - Berater*in Healthcare & Public Sektor (100%)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Schweiz
Agiere in der Rolle als Projektleiter*in als Ansprechpartner*in für unsere Kundschaft im Gesundheits- und öffentlichen Sektor; Entwickle unser Beratungsangebot weiter und bringe deine Fachkenntnisse rund um finanzielle Führung, Prozess- und Organisationsentwicklung, Performance-Steigerung, strate...      Hochschulabschluss in BWL, VWL oder verwandten Studienrichtung; 4-5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, davon mind. 3 in der Beratung im Gesundheitswesen und/oder in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zwingend; Erfahrung in der Akquise von Beratungsmandaten (Akquise- Gespräche, eigenständiges Erarbeiten von Angebote...

lu: Research Facilitator

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
To assist the Dean and the Department Heads with research coordination and management; To help the Faculty’s researchers find, apply for, receive, and manage research funding (e.g. EU and FNR), including support for financial project reporting and contributing to solve IPR issues; To support the F...      University degree in STEM; Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, candidates with a mathematics degree will be given preference; Experience in research proposals writing and project management (e.g. H2020, INTERREG), project monitoring, fundraising, budget management, editing of activity...

ch: All positions at Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel

Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel (UPK); Basel, Schweiz
The Basel University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) employ more than 1200 members of staff and are among the leading psychiatric clinics in Switzerland. We belong to the public health system of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and are accordingly responsible for providing high-quality, needs-based psychiatric/p...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UPK automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

at, ch, de, li: Consultant (m/w/d) aus den Fachrichtungen Physik, Mathematik, Informatik, andere Naturwissenschaften

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Düsseldorf, München, Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein
Die Bandbreite der Projekte ist gross: Vom Aufbau neuer Geschäftsfelder über Risikomanagement bis hin zum Projektmanagement grosser IT-Projekte; Als Einsteiger arbeiten Sie von Beginn an in einem Projektteam mit erfahrenen Kollegen. Sie entwickeln Konzepte und Lösungen für komplexe Problemstell...      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Diplom, Master oder Promotion) in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen naturwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Klares analytisches Denkvermögen; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Beherrschen einer Programmiersprache; Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens C1-Level)

ch: All positions at Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum

Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (IGE); Bern, Schweiz
Individuals and companies register their innovations and creations with the Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) in order to protect them from being copied: inventions are patented, names registered as logos or trade marks and shapes as designs. The IPI maintains the public register for t...      IGE posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: Spontanbewerbung

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz
Das Eidgenössische Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat ENSI ist die Aufsichtsbehörde des Bundes für die nukleare Sicherheit und die Sicherung der Schweizer Kernanlagen. Wir bieten Ihnen verantwortungsvolle Positionen mit vielseitigen Kontakten in einem interdisziplinären, technischen Umfeld und einem ...      Bietet das Eidgenössische Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat ENSI gerade keine passende Stelle an, die Ihren Fähigkeiten, Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen entspricht? Dann können Sie sich auch initiativ mit einer Spontanbewerbung bewerben

ch: Dipl. Biomedizinische/r Analytiker/in Histopathologie (60-100%)

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Schweiz
Verarbeitung von Gewebeproben; Assistenz beim Zuschnitt grosser Operationspräparate; Herstellen und Färben von Schnittpräparaten mittels Paraffin- und Gefriertechnik; Erfassung von Patienten- und Labordaten; Selbstständige Verarbeitung von Biopsien und kleinen Präparaten      Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Dipl. Biomedizinische/r Analytiker/in HF oder gleichwertige Ausbildung; Berufserfahrung in der Histopathologie von Vorteil; Verantwortungs- und Qualitätsbewusstsein; Teamfähigkeit, Flexibilität und selbstständiges Arbeiten; Manuelles und technisches Geschick

ch: Praktikanten

Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra); Wettingen, Aargau, Schweiz
MCNP-​Berechnungen und -​Optimierungen: Arbeit an bestehenden MCNP-​Modellen zur Validierung, Optimierung und Ãœberprüfung der modellierten Geometrie; Hauptziel ist die Charakterisierung der Neutronenaktivierung in den verschiedenen Anlagen-​Bauteilen, etc; Datenanalyse zur Validierung von...      Programmierkenntnisse (z. B. Python, Matlab, etc.) sind von Vorteil; Gute wissenschaftliche Schreibfähigkeit (in Englisch, Deutsch ist von Vorteil)

at: Masterarbeit - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Einsparungspotential der RENVELOPE-Technologie auf den österreichischen Gebäudebestand    (6 m)

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
Die Umwandlung von Bestandsgebäuden in emissionsarme, aktive Teilnehmer an einem klimaneutralen, volatilen Energiesystem ist eine Herausforderung. Viele Gebäude sind noch weitgehend von dezentraler Energieversorgung auf Basis fossiler Energieträger abhängig. Daher ist es notwendig, skalierbare, ...      Interesse an Klimaschutz, nachhaltigen Lösungen zu Energieeffizienz; Kreative, selbständige und lösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise; Ausbildung und Verständnis bezüglich Energieversorgung; Erfahrung mit Datenverarbeitung und Datenanalyse

at: Masterarbeit - Entwicklung und Bewertung eines interkommunalen Wärmenetzverbundes    (6 m)

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Österreich
Evaluierung von Biomassepotentialen und verfügbaren regionalen Wärmequellen (industrielle Abwärme, Geothermie, etc.) und Wärmesenken hinsichtlich Temperatur-niveau, zeitlicher Verfügbarkeit sowie Erschliessbarkeit und Flexibilitätsoptionen durch Speicher; Aufbau interkommunale Planung und Betr...      Interesse an der nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Wärmenetzen sowie Energietechnologien; Erfahrung/Studium in einem relatierten Studienfach; Relevante Simulations- und Programmierkenntnisse; Lösungsorientierte, selbständige, motivierte und verlässliche Arbeitsweise

ch: Direktor:in Betrieb (COO)/Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung UKBB

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB); Basel, Schweiz
Als Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung arbeiten Sie mit bei der operativen Umsetzung der strategischen Ziele des UKBB. Sie entwickeln Ihren Bereich weiter und fördern die Automatisierung und Digitalisierung von Prozessen; Insgesamt sind Ihnen rund 133 Mitarbeitende unterstellt, davon 5 direkt Unterstel...      Sie verfügen über mehrjährige Führungserfahrung mit einer vergleichbaren Führungsspanne. Herausfordernde Verhandlungen nehmen Sie sportlich und mit Ãœberzeugungskraft in Angriff. Darüber hinaus bringen Sie Fachkenntnisse im Gesundheitswesen und Erfahrungen im Tarifwesen mit. Ihr Profil runden ...

ch: Strahlenschutz-Spezialist: Physiker oder Naturwissenschaftler (m/w/d) (80-100%)

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz
Beurteilung des Strahlenschutzes in Kernanlagen und Erstellung von Gutachten; Planung und Durchführung von Inspektionen in den Kernanlagen sowie Erstellung der Inspektionsberichte; Mitarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung des Regelwerks; Leitung von Projekten; Mitarbeit in nationalen und internationalen...      Universitäts- oder Hochschulabschluss in Ingenieur- oder Naturwissenschaften (Master oder Doktorat); Erfahrungen in der Kernkraftwerkstechnik und Strahlenschutz sind von Vorteil; Verantwortungsbewusste, belastbare und teamorientierte Persönlichkeit mit ausgeprägten analytischen Fähigkeiten; Hohe...

ch: Sachbearbeiter:in Leistungsmanagement (80-100%)

Spital Davos AG; Davos, Graubünden, Schweiz
Verantwortung für die korrekte Abbildung und Anwendung der ambulanten und stationären Tarife und Leistungen; Sicherstellung einer vollständigen Leistungserfassung; Erstellen von ambulanten und stationären Patientenabrechnungen an die Versicherer und an die öffentliche Hand; Unterstützung in de...      Abgeschlossene kaufmännische oder medizinische Ausbildung; Vertiefte Kenntnisse des schweizeischen Tarifwesen (TARMED, DRG..); Sorgfältige, zuverlässige und selbständige Arbeitsweise; Erfahrung im Spital- oder Krankenversicherungswesen ist ein sehr grosses Plus; Geübter Umgang mit Informatikmit...

dk: Professor in Product Development

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Dänemark
Your overall focus will be to strengthen the department’s competences within technology implementation through design with focus on sustainable and industrial design, and product development with focus on the product service life and life cycle. Your expertise in product development will influence...      Documented experience and quality of teaching and curriculum development; Research impact and experience, funding track record and research vision; International impact and experience

lu: PhD student position in Engineering Science

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg
The PhD topic will aim to answer the questions related to the viability and optimization of NBS to reduce pollution by developing a novel concept. In addition to measuring micropollutants, nutrients and bacteriological contamination are also taken into account, especially for water reuse purposes. L...      Diploma or Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering or related disciplines; Assisting in Bachelor/Master projects and courses; Curiosity, a genuine passion for scientific research