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Miami University (Miami U); Oxford, Ohio, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   13:57

Aufgaben: Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Mathematics to teach courses in Mathematics at the undergraduate level. Position begins August 19, 2024. The position is renewable for up to five years, contingent on performance and funding
Anforderungen: Ph.D. in Mathematics

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD); Richardson, Texas, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   13:55

Aufgaben: The Department of Mathematical Sciences within the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) at The University of Texas at Dallas invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level in the following areas: Mathematics; Statistics; Data Science
Anforderungen: A PhD or equivalent in Mathematics, Statistics, or a related discipline is required prior to employment; those with ABD status will be considered at the application/interviewing stage

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Schweiz

     Frist: Mai 20, 2024 | Publiziert: April 29, 2024   11:50

Aufgaben: Un/una docente in didattica delle scienze naturali presso il DFA/ASP opera di regola sia nella formazione di docenti generalisti (scuola dell’infanzia e scuola elementare) che in quella dei docenti specialisti (docenti di scienze naturali presso la scuola media e docenti di biologia, chimica o fisica delle scuole di maturità), nonché nella formazione continua dei docenti di ogni ordine e grado. Attraverso la realizzazione di corsi teorici e applicativi e attraverso le visite nelle pratiche professionali, prepara i docenti generalisti di scuola infanzia e di scuola elementare allo studio dell’ambiente in una prospettiva sistemica e interdisciplinare, rispettivamente a progettare e realizzare attività d’insegnamento e apprendimento in scienze naturali nella scuola media o delle discipline scientifiche nelle scuole di maturità (per i docenti specialisti). Inoltre, in collaborazione con i colleghi e le colleghe del Laboratorio MEM e di altri centri di ricerca del DFA/ASP e della ...
Anforderungen: Master nell’ambito delle scienze naturali. Il titolo PhD in ambito delle scienze naturali o della didattica delle scienze naturali o ambiti affini con laboratorio MEM costituiscono titolo preferenziale; Abilitazione all’insegnamento riconosciuta dalla CDPE per la scuola dell’obbligo o le scuole di maturità o un’abilitazione per le scuole professionali rilasciata dalla SUFFP; Esperienza pluriennale di insegnamento; Spiccato interesse per i temi della formazione e dell’educazione; Esperienze professionali in qualità di formatrice/tore di docenti, di docente di pratica professionale e/o di esperta/o costituiscono titolo preferenziale; Ottima conoscenza del sistema scolastico e accademico ticinese e svizzero

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   08:47

Aufgaben: ENSI is responsible for the supervision of Swiss nuclear facilities, i.e. the nuclear power stations, the interim storage facility for radioactive waste, the nuclear research facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne. Its regulatory remit covers the entire life of a facility, i.e. from initial planning, through operation to final decommissioning including the disposal of radioactive waste
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at ENSI automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:47

Aufgaben: KIT; The Research University in the Helmholtz Association; combines university tradition with program-oriented research. In 2009, the Technical University of Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Research Center merged to KIT. The framework conditions presently offered to KIT researchers are accordingly unique in the German science system. Nowhere else can researchers use the infrastructure of a large-scale research center and collaborate at a university of excellence across the disciplines of natural sciences, engineering, economics, the humanities and social sciences. Research at KIT is aimed at creating new findings, applications, and solutions to master the global challenges facing humankind with pathbreaking contributions; in particular in the areas of energy, mobility, and information. The only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research sector offers unique education and training options for students and early-stage researchers
Anforderungen: KIT posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

www.acad.jobs; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:45

Aufgaben: Besprochen werden: Banking, Insurance und Finance; Statistik (non-finance), Biologie, Medizin (akademisch und nicht-akademisch); Informatik und Technik; General Management; Lehre (nicht akademisch); Akademische Stellen; Weitere wichtige Informationen zu Historische Entwicklung, Mittelschule und Studium, Praktika
Anforderungen: Praktika während des Studiums dienen nicht nur zur Aufbesserung von Einkommen und CV (inkl. sehr wichtige Referenzen), sondern ermöglichen auch herauszufinden, welche Jobs einem später am besten gefallen werden. Nach erfolgreich absolvierten Praktika sollte man auf jeden Fall von den Vorgesetzten ein Arbeitszeugnis einholen. Wenn diese mit der Arbeit sehr zufrieden sind, werden sie dabei von sich aus mitteilen, dass man sie als Referenz erwähnen darf. Wichtig ist, dass man Praktika macht, welche etwas mit Mathematik zu tun haben

www.acad.jobs; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:44

Aufgaben: In diesem kurzen Aufsatz soll Mathematiker/innen und Statistiker/innen (allgemein Quants, also Personen mit quantitativer Ausbildung) aufgezeigt werden, wie einfach sie eine eigene Firma gründen können. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu anderen Studiengebieten Quants sehr gute Chancen haben, direkt ab Hochschule erfolgreich eine Firma zu gründen. Die Aussagen gelten erst Recht für Personen mit Berufserfahrung. Mit dem Portfolio-Ansatz wird auch der zweiten Gruppe oben ein stufenweiser Einstieg in die unternehmerische Selbständigkeit aufgezeigt. Mit wichtigen Hinweisen für alle Fachgebiete!
Anforderungen: Ich unterscheide drei verschiedene Situationen, in denen diese Quants sein können: Student/in, Absolvent/in, Personen, welche z.B. wegen Unterstützungspflichten (vorerst) lediglich in Teilzeit Erwerbsarbeit leisten können, Personen, bei denen der Beruf und die Karriere (momentan) zentraler Lebensinhalt ist

www.acad.jobs; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:44

Aufgaben: Lesen Sie zuerst ein Buch von 1000 Seiten, um herauszufinden, wie man sich bewirbt? Nein! In diesem kurzen Text ist alles Wesentliche zusammengefasst: Stelle finden, Stelle erhalten, Stelle behalten, Überbrückung, wenn es schwieriger wird. ... Im weiteren sollte man folgende Fragen stellen, falls im Verlauf des Gesprächs nicht beantwortet: Wie wird man eingearbeitet? Wie sieht ein "normaler" Arbeitstag aus (falls in wissenschaftlichem Bereich tätig: wie viel ist Routine, wieviel herausfordernde geistige Tätigkeit)? Welche Mittel werden Ihnen für die Erreichung der Ziele zur Verfügung gestellt? Wie viele Mitarbeiter sind zu führen? Was geschah mit dem vorherigen Stelleninhaber? Wie sind die Arbeitszeiten geregelt (Jahresarbeitszeit, Wochenarbeitszeit)? Wieviel Reisetätigkeit ist mit der Arbeit verbunden? Auslandaufenthalte? Wieviel Unterstützung kann man bei der Weiterbildung erwarten (freie Zeit dazu)?
Anforderungen: Überbrückung, wenn es schwieriger wird: Allfällige Publikationen noch fertig machen, welche aufgeschoben? Habilitation? Lehrerausbildung? Lehrbuch schreiben; Sprachen lernen; IT-Kenntnisse lernen/Statistikpaket lernen (eventuell kann man das noch eingeschrieben kostengünstig an der Uni); Aktuarsausbildung beschleunigt beenden (Vorlesungen an Hochschulen dazu); Lehrtätigkeit an Berufs-/Kantonsschulen, FH, Unis, auch für Übungen/Tutorate; Maturaexperte; Gutachtertätigkeit; EU und SNF-Projekte, andere? Personaldienstleistern anbieten als Experte bei Beurteilung von Fachkenntnissen; wegen Kontakten: Beitritt zu standespolitischen Organisationen? Dipl/Dr-Arbeiten betreuen helfen; Kostenlose Praktika oder bei Kollegen anfragen, welche kleine Firma haben (eigenes Profitcenter); eventuell auch aus dem Ausland wo Lebenshaltungskosten tief sind (inkl Sprachen lernen)

www.acad.jobs; Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:44

Aufgaben: Tutoring in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Languages & TOEFL, Economics, Calculator Technical Assistance, GMAT & SAT, Others; you pay 150 CHF, Euro or US$ for your advert to appear on www.acad.jobs/Tutoring for one year. For an additional cost of 200 CHF, Euro or US$, your listing will appear in the "Featured Tutors" section on the main page of www.acad.jobs/Tutoring. Banner: Annual cost is 500 US$ per 20 % call probability at www.acad.jobs/Tutoring
Anforderungen: Degree or student or other experience in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Languages & TOEFL, Economics

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: Die klassische Managementberatung ist ein Kerngebiet unserer Tätigkeit. Wir belassen es jedoch nicht bei der reinen Entwicklung von Konzepten, sondern helfen auch bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung. Unsere zusätzliche Expertise im Projektmanagement, SAP-Management und IT-Management ermöglicht uns, in der heutigen, digitalen Welt ein komplettes Angebot für Ihr Projektvorhaben liefern zu können. Damit profitieren Sie von unseren Erfahrungen bis zur Ziellinie
Anforderungen: Basycon posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH); Zürich, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: Die Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PH Zürich) ist die Aus- und Weiterbildungsstätte für Lehrpersonen im Kanton Zürich. Sie wurde im Herbst 2002 durch die Zusammenlegung der elf Vorgängerinstitutionen der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung gegründet. Die PH Zürich erbringt Leistungen in folgenden Bereichen: Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Dienstleistungen, Forschung & Entwicklung
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at PHZH automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

University of New South Wales (UNSW); Kensington, New South Wales, Australien

     Frist: Mai 20, 2024 | Publiziert: April 25, 2024   14:12

Aufgaben: The School embodies a broad range of research interests in the areas of applied mathematics, pure mathematics, statistics, and data science. It has particular research strengths in Algebra, Analysis, Number Theory, Bayesian and Monte Carlo Methods, Biomathematics, Biostatistics and Ecology, Combinatorics, Computational Mathematics, Data Science, Dynamical Systems and Integrability, Finance and Risk Analysis, Fractional Calculus, Functional and Harmonic Analysis, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Nonparametric Statistics, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Optimisation, Stochastic Analysis, and Stochastic Modelling
Anforderungen: A PhD in a related discipline, and/or relevant work experience; Proven commitment to proactively keeping up to date with discipline knowledge and developments; Demonstrated ability to undertake high quality academic research and conduct independent research with limited supervision

Mälardalen University (MDH); Schweden

     Frist: Mai 6, 2024 | Publiziert: April 25, 2024   14:00

Aufgaben: Research in the field of the third-cycle studies (PhD studies) in mathematics/applied mathematics, institutional duties, which may include: teaching at undergraduate and advanced level in mathematics/applied mathematics, which may involve teaching at the university's two campus locations, Västerås and Eskilstuna, as well as distance teaching. Supervision and co-supervision at undergraduate and advanced level may also be relevant for the position; administration (e.g. course responsibility or program coordination) and development
Anforderungen: A degree at an advanced level

Universität Basel; Basel, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 25, 2024   09:28

Aufgaben: As a comprehensive university offering a wide range of high-quality educational opportunities, the University of Basel attracts students from Switzerland and the entire world, offering them outstanding studying conditions as they work towards their bachelor’s, master’s or PhD degrees. Today, the University of Basel has around 13000 students from over a hundred nations, including 3000 PhD students. The University of Basel has seven faculties covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines. In international rankings, the University of Basel is regularly placed among the 100 top universities in the world thanks to its research achievements
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Universität Basel automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 24, 2024   08:12

Aufgaben: Research & development at the ZHAW focuses on key societal challenges, with a particular emphasis on energy and societal integration. With its expertise in sustainable development and digital transformation, the ZHAW imparts forward-looking knowledge and takes an active part in shaping the digital and ecological transformation. With locations in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, the ZHAW is firmly anchored in its region whilst collaborating with international partners
Anforderungen: ZHAW posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 23, 2024   08:14

Aufgaben: The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funds excellent research at universities and other institutions; from chemistry to medicine to sociology. Thousands of teams are generating knowledge for a better future for all. Together with our partners, we play a key role in shaping research in Switzerland
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at SNF automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST); Rapperswil, St. Gallen, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 23, 2024   08:07

Pensum: 30-50%
Aufgaben: Sie vermitteln im Mathematikunterricht den angehenden Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren das für ihre Fachausbildung und die spätere Berufstätigkeit grundlegende mathematische Wissen; Sofern Sie ausserdem über fundiertes Wissen in Physik verfügen, besteht die Möglichkeit, zusätzlich im Physikunterricht eingesetzt zu werden; Sie setzen sich mit Begeisterung für Ihr Fach und für qualitativ hochstehende Lehrveranstaltungen ein
Anforderungen: Hochschulabschluss in Mathematik oder eine äquivalente Ausbildung (Promotion und fundierte Kenntnisse in Physik sind von Vorteil); Interesse an Ingenieuranwendungen der Mathematik im Unterricht; Engagement bei der Weiterentwicklung der Lehre; Lehrerfahrung ist erwünscht (Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch)

Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich

     Frist: Mai 1, 2024 | Publiziert: April 22, 2024   08:12

Aufgaben: Areas: Algorithms and complexity; Artificial intelligence and machine learning; Data science, statistical data analysis and signal processing; Embedded and distributed systems; Human-computer interaction; Mathematical foundations of information, communication and computing; Microelectronics; Modelling and simulation; Security and safety and dependability; Software, systems and control engineering; Visual computing; Wireless communications and networks
Anforderungen: PhD-level university education in disciplines relevant for the position; Outstanding achievements in research, excellent publication record and international reputation; International experience in form of a PhD or Post-Doc; Experience in the design and implementation of international research projects as well as willingness and ability to establish and lead a research group

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxemburg

     Publiziert: April 22, 2024   07:48

Aufgaben: Are you looking for a student job during the school holidays? Are you curious to explore the fascinating and exciting world of research? The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) might have the right mission for you
Anforderungen: You are between 15 and 26 years old; You are enrolled on a full time-basis in a Luxembourgish or foreign educational establishment, or have graduated less than 4 months ago; You are fluent in English and speak at least one of the official country languages (French, German or Luxembourgish)

University of Washington (UW); Seattle, Washington, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 22, 2024   07:40

Aufgaben: Applications are invited for one or more non-tenure-track postdoctoral positions. The initial appointment is for a period of twelve months, full-time, with the possibility of renewal for a total period of up to three years, to begin in September 2023. Duties include engaging in ongoing and active independent research and teaching a full-time load of undergraduate and graduate courses. In particular, the job title will be “50% postdoctoral scholar, 50% teaching associate, ” to reflect these two components of the job
Anforderungen: Applicants are required to have a PhD, or foreign equivalent, by the starting date, and to be highly qualified to teach a full-time load of undergraduate and graduate courses while also engaging in ongoing and active independent research

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST); Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan

     Publiziert: April 22, 2024   07:36

Aufgaben: Disciplines: Electrical Engg: (RF & Wireless Communication, Embedded Sys Design); Mechanical Engg: (Dynamics & Controls, Automotive Technology); Computer Engg: (Deep Learning, Quantum Computing ); Mechatronics Engineering/Elec Engg: (Mechatronics/System Modelling and Control), Engineering Mgmt: Engg Mgmt, Manufacturing Mgmt, Industrial Engg, System Engg, Project Mgmt, Innovation Mgmt, Data Science/Analytics, Industry 4.0, Mgmt Sciences; Mathematics: cryptography, Data Science, Financial Mathematics, Optimization; Islamic Studies: Islamiyat
Anforderungen: PhD in below mentioned fields from an HEC recognized Institution; 15 years teaching/research experience (including 5 years mandatory teaching experience at university or a postgraduate institution) in HEC recognized university/postgraduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization. Also 15 years of total experience should include 8 years post PhD experience

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg

     Publiziert: April 21, 2024   21:03

Aufgaben: The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003 and is the only public university in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our strategic development areas are digital transformation, medicine and health, and sustainable and societal development
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Luxembourg automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italien

     Publiziert: April 21, 2024   21:03

Aufgaben: The University of Padua is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning. As a multi-disciplinary institute of higher education, the University aims to provide its students with professional training and a solid cultural background. The qualification received from the University of Padua act as a symbol of the ambitious objectives respected and coveted by both students and employers alike
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Padova automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich

     Publiziert: April 20, 2024   08:57

Aufgaben: Graz University of Technology is a public research university located in Styria, Austria. It was founded in 1811 and is the oldest science and technology research and educational institute in Austria. It currently comprises seven faculties and is a public university. It offers 19 bachelor's and 35 master's study programmes (of which 18 are in English) across all technology and natural sciences disciplines
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at TU Graz automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (KFU Graz); Graz, Steiermark, Österreich

     Publiziert: April 20, 2024   08:57

Aufgaben: We tackle future issues and take responsibility for the entire region of Southern Austria. With 30, 000 students and 4700 employees, we make a decisive contribution to the vibrant life of the Styrian capital. We work for tomorrow - this motto guides the students and scientists at the University of Graz: They look to the future, take on challenges and develop solutions for the world of tomorrow
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at KFU Graz automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

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