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ch: Rettungssanitäter HF

See-Spital; Horgen, Zürich, Schweiz
Präklinische notfallmedizinische Versorgung bei Primär- (80%) und Sekundäreinsätzen (20%)      Abgeschlossene Ausbildung zum/zur Dipl. Rettungssanitäter/in HF oder ausländische Ausbildung mit Schweizer Anerkennung und mehrjährige Erfahrungen in einem Schweizer Rettungsdienst; Fahrausweis der Kategorien D1/C1 mit BPT Code 121 oder 122; Hohe Fachkompetenz (AMLS, PHTLS, ACLS, PALS resp. Äqui...

ch: Ausbildung Pflege HF

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Schweiz
Sie lernen den Akutbereich kennen sowie die Aufgaben einer Pflegefachfrau/-mann auszuüben. Sie lernen den Pflegeprozess der Patient*innen zu planen und lernen, was es heisst, für die Pflege verantwortlich zu sein. Sie unterstützen die Patient*innen bei den Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens. Dazu...      Abgeschlossene dreijährige Berufslehre EFZ oder DMS-/FMS-Abschluss oder gymnasiale Matur; Eignungsverfahren des Bildungszentrums Careum oder ZAG; Gute Deutschkenntnisse und kommunikative Fähigkeiten sowie Freude am Umgang mit Menschen; Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Entscheidungsfähigkeit und Reflexi...

uk: Postdoctoral Fellow

Francis Crick Institute; London, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
Developing computational methods to model cell fate decisions in hepatocytes which regulate tissue regeneration; Pioneering novel technology platforms for biological validation using bioengineered liver tissue and composite co-culture systems; Combining cell free DNA technologies and machine learnin...      PhD (or in the final stages of PhD submission) in bioinformatics, computational biology, bioengineering, regenerative medicine or related field; Good knowledge and extensive experience in core laboratory skills such as molecular biology, in vitro mammalian cell culture and microscopy including immun...

uk: Postdoctoral Fellow

Francis Crick Institute; London, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral scientist who will investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of organ size evolution using the abdominal epidermis of fruit flies of the Drosophila genus species as model systems      PhD in evolutionary developmental biology or a related field, or in the final stages of PhD submission; Strong expertise in evo-devo and comparative evolutionary biology approaches; Interest in working across disciplines with physicists

us: Senior Scientist - Skin Biology & Bioinformatics

Unilever; Trumbull, Connecticut, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Design and execute research experiments, perform data analysis and insight generation to support Innovation projects/activities in the Skin Rejuvenation Programme; Continuously develop broad knowledge in skin aging following current literature and attending scientific conference to advance research ...      Bachelors Degree with 5+ years or a PhD or Master’s degree with 3+ years relevant experience in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics, or a related discipline; Expertise in molecular & cellular biology, tissue engineering, or regenerative medicine and most prefe...

ch: Pflegefachperson HF für den Pflegepool

See-Spital; Horgen, Zürich, Schweiz
Ganzheitliche und individuelle Betreuung der zugeteilten Patienten gemäss Pflegeprozess in einem interprofessionellen Behandlungsteam auf einer chirurgischen, medizinischen oder interdisziplinären Bettenabteilung; Übernahme der Verantwortung und Steuerung des Pflegeprozesses der zugeteilten Patie...      Abgeschlossene und/oder in der Schweiz anerkannte Ausbildung zur/zum dipl. Pflegefachfrau/-mann (HF, FH, DNII, AKP); Bereitschaft für Einsätze auf Abruf auf verschiedenen Bettenabteilungen (medizinisch, chirurgisch oder interdisziplinär) an beiden Standorten; Sehr hohes Mass an Flexibilität; Auf...

ch: All positions at Universität Luzern

Universität Luzern; Luzern, Schweiz
The University of Lucerne has Faculties of Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Economics and Management, Health Sciences and Medicine, Behavioural Sciences and Psychology, a Graduate Academy and a Further Education Academy. There are also plans for university-wide research centres for "Di...      Universität Luzern posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Università della Svizzera italiana

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI); Lugano, Ticino, Schweiz
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) is one of the 12 certified public universities in Switzerland and member of swissuniversities. It is organised in six Faculties and is active in several study and research areas, among which: architecture, communication sciences, computational science, data...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at USI automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

ch: All positions at Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Schweiz
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH uniquely combines research, education and services on a local, national and interna...      We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Swiss TPH automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

vi: Assistant Professor of Biology

University of the Virgin Islands (UVI); Amerikanische Jungferninseln
The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) seeks to hire a full-time, non-tenure track professor at the Assistant level for Fall 2024      PhD in Biology or related field from an accredited institution; Demonstrated ability to teach lectures and labs in multiple areas of the biological sciences

at, ch, de, li: All positions at Youplus Insurance International AG

Youplus Insurance International AG; Triesen, Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein
We are big enough to act; but small enough to be agile. Our company specialises in life insurance on specific European markets      We crawl all higher jobs at Youplus automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us: Translational Research Faculty (Tenure/Tenure-Track)

University of California, Irvine (UCI), Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice / School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Irvine, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)
Lead or develop a rigorous early phase clinical trials and precision therapeutics research program; Provide expertise to help build out the newly formed Bioanalysis Facility within the School; Collaborate closely with the newly formed Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit within the School of Medicine or...      background in translational research focusing on early phase clinical trials and precision therapeutics preferably within the fields of Oncology, Immunology, Pharmacogenomics, or Neurology; Applicants should have completed postgraduate research training (e.g. PhD and/or fellowship)