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Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (RU); New Jersey, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   15:49

Aufgaben: This 1 year position will support NSF-funded research focusing on the evolutionary genomics of Anolis lizards and Bradypodion dwarf chameleons. Research tasks to include the computational analysis of existing genomic data as well as collection of new data, as necessary
Anforderungen: PhD in Biology or related field; Demonstrated experience in the generation, analysis, and dissemination of high-quality squamate genome assemblies and gene annotations; Proficiency in R and/or Python, Bash scripting, and familiarity with common computational genomics tools (e.g. bwa, samtools, GATK); Familiarity with SLURM High Performance Computing environments

Alcorn State University (ASU); Lorman, Mississippi, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Frist: August 1, 2024 | Publiziert: April 29, 2024   15:02

Aufgaben: Teach undergraduate/graduate courses; initiate research to provide experiences that will enable students to be competitive in acquiring positions in professional or graduate programs at research-intensive universities or professional schools or gain employment in their field of study. Advise student organizations. Initiate advanced strategies, including tutorials for students to succeed; mentor and advise undergraduate and graduate students in their chosen curricular programs in Biology
Anforderungen: Doctoral degree in Biological Sciences or related field

Angelo State University; San Angelo, Texas, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   14:38

Aufgaben: The Department of Physics and Geosciences at Angelo State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Geology to begin in August 2025
Anforderungen: A Ph.D. in Geology or a closely related field is required at the time of appointment

Michigan State University (MSU); East Lansing, Michigan, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   14:26

Aufgaben: A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available to conduct collaborative research at Michigan State University in the Case and Blackwood labs in the Department of Plant Biology. The research associate will work on an NSF-funded project, investigating interactions of closely related North American Lobelia species and mechanisms affecting co-existence within communities. Our collaborative research team is taking a wide variety of approaches, including manipulative greenhouse, common-garden studies, and range-wide characterization of species niches, traits, and phylogenetic history
Anforderungen: Ph.D. (Ecology, Evolutionary biology, plant biology, or a related field)

Central State University (CSU); Wilberforce, Ohio, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   14:21

Aufgaben: Perform complex field and laboratory experiments for behavioral genetics and epigenetics; experiments, physiological experiments; Prepare samples for single-cell seq or next-gen sequencing; Follow QA/QC protocols and design SOPs that comply with Standard Methods; Use LIMS for documentation of QA/QC/Standards/Research/Other samples; Direct routine molecular biology procedures
Anforderungen: Ph.D. in Entomology, Genomics, Evolution, Ecology, Physiology, or related STEM field

University of Georgia (UGA); Athens, Georgia, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   12:29

Aufgaben: This is a 9-month tenure track appointment with expected research (45%), teaching (50%), and professional service (5%) responsibilities at the Assistant Professor level in the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia (UGA). This position will focus on the use of contemporary and advanced forest biometric methods to quantify and improve forest management through modeling, with an emphasis on pine plantations in the southern U.S
Anforderungen: Prior to appointment, applicants must have a Ph.D. in Forest Biometrics, Forestry, or a closely related field

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Schweiz

     Frist: Mai 20, 2024 | Publiziert: April 29, 2024   11:50

Aufgaben: Un/una docente in didattica delle scienze naturali presso il DFA/ASP opera di regola sia nella formazione di docenti generalisti (scuola dell’infanzia e scuola elementare) che in quella dei docenti specialisti (docenti di scienze naturali presso la scuola media e docenti di biologia, chimica o fisica delle scuole di maturità), nonché nella formazione continua dei docenti di ogni ordine e grado. Attraverso la realizzazione di corsi teorici e applicativi e attraverso le visite nelle pratiche professionali, prepara i docenti generalisti di scuola infanzia e di scuola elementare allo studio dell’ambiente in una prospettiva sistemica e interdisciplinare, rispettivamente a progettare e realizzare attività d’insegnamento e apprendimento in scienze naturali nella scuola media o delle discipline scientifiche nelle scuole di maturità (per i docenti specialisti). Inoltre, in collaborazione con i colleghi e le colleghe del Laboratorio MEM e di altri centri di ricerca del DFA/ASP e della ...
Anforderungen: Master nell’ambito delle scienze naturali. Il titolo PhD in ambito delle scienze naturali o della didattica delle scienze naturali o ambiti affini con laboratorio MEM costituiscono titolo preferenziale; Abilitazione all’insegnamento riconosciuta dalla CDPE per la scuola dell’obbligo o le scuole di maturità o un’abilitazione per le scuole professionali rilasciata dalla SUFFP; Esperienza pluriennale di insegnamento; Spiccato interesse per i temi della formazione e dell’educazione; Esperienze professionali in qualità di formatrice/tore di docenti, di docente di pratica professionale e/o di esperta/o costituiscono titolo preferenziale; Ottima conoscenza del sistema scolastico e accademico ticinese e svizzero

Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbH (IMBA); Wien, Österreich

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   11:32

Aufgaben: Carrying out reproductive biology procedures in laboratory animals, including embryo transfer, cryopreservation, blastocyst/zygote injections, etc; Advice on reproductive biological processes as part of scientific projects; Maintaining and further developing relevant databases; Management and resource planning
Anforderungen: Several years of documented practical experience in all relevant reproductive biological processes in laboratory animals and corresponding training and further education; Degree in biology, genetics, veterinary medicine, or related fields of study; Experience in leadership and team leadership is an advantage; Excellent command of English

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   08:48

Pensum: 80-100%
Aufgaben: Unterstützung des Teams bei verschiedenen Förderinstrumenten und Programmen; Mitarbeit bei der Organisation, Abwicklung und wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Evaluationsverfahren; Unterstützung des Forschungsrats und der Expertenpanels sowie Erarbeitung von Diskussionsunterlagen für die Fördertätigkeiten; Beratung und Unterstützung der Forschenden in allen Belangen der Gesuchstellung; Unterstützung der Beitragsempfangenden während der Laufdauer der Forschungsbeiträge
Anforderungen: Hochschulabschluss in den Naturwissenschaften, bevorzugt im Bereich Lebenswissenschaften, Medizin oder angrenzenden Bereichen; Berufserfahrung im Bereich Wissenschaft und Forschung; Gute Kenntnisse des schweizerischen Hochschulsystems; Flexible, dienstleistungsorientierte Persönlichkeit, mit ausgeprägtem Koordinations- und Organisationstalent; Belastbare und teamorientierte Persönlichkeit; Freude an einem mehrsprachigen Arbeitsumfeld und ausgezeichnete Deutsch- oder Französischkenntnisse mit guten Kenntnissen der jeweils anderen Sprache sowie sehr guten Englischkenntnisse

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 29, 2024   08:47

Aufgaben: ENSI is responsible for the supervision of Swiss nuclear facilities, i.e. the nuclear power stations, the interim storage facility for radioactive waste, the nuclear research facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne. Its regulatory remit covers the entire life of a facility, i.e. from initial planning, through operation to final decommissioning including the disposal of radioactive waste
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at ENSI automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbHIMBA, Vienna BioCenterIMBA; Wien, Österreich

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   11:14

Aufgaben: The Vienna Biocenter Summer School provides a unique opportunity for approx. 20 undergraduate students to work side by side with leading researchers in a dynamic scientific environment. Our programme aims to attract talented students from around the world, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. It is the perfect preparation for those students who are interested in graduate study in the life sciences arena. Applicants who are successful are provided with accommodation, a travel allowance and a stipend for the duration of the scholarship
Anforderungen: We do not charge an application fee and welcome applications from students (BA Hons, Master, MSc) from all around the world who are undergraduates/master students, and have completed at least two years of university study in a Life Sciences related study

Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie GmbHIMBA, Vienna BioCenterIMBA; Wien, Österreich

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   11:14

Aufgaben: Students are the driving force for Science, as a research campus we see it as our mission to provide excellent research training to motivated and curious students. Here you will be exposed to top quality and innovative science spanning a number of different fields, which is not only extremely stimulating but also an invaluable opportunity for a developing scientist
Anforderungen: At the Vienna Biocenter we welcome applications from students that are passionate about Science and want to develop their research skills

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M); Hamburg, Deutschland

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   11:14

Dauer: 6+ y
Aufgaben: Design numerical experiments to test different hypotheses; Supervise doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, as well as research students if the opportunity arises
Anforderungen: Ph.D. in Physics, Meteorology, Atmospheric or Climate Sciences or a related discipline by the start date. Preferably with first postdoctoral experience in atmospheric/climate science; Demonstrated capability to publish top-quality research papers; Excellent analytical and programming skills; Intellectual independence; Willingness and expected ability to guide young scholars; Fluency in written and spoken English

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   11:14

Pensum: 100%
Aufgaben: Sie agieren als Verbindungsglied zwischen schweizerischen und europäischen Akteuren und Programmen in allen Bildungsbereichen (z.B. in der Schul-, Berufs- und Hochschulbildung sowie in der Erwachsenenbildung und der Jugendarbeit); Sie erstellen qualitativ hochstehende und zielgerichtete Informationen zu Bildungspolitiken und -programmen auf EU-Ebene; Sie unterstützen die Beteiligung der Schweiz an europäischen Bildungsprogrammen und arbeiten eng mit Schweizer Bildungsakteuren zusammen mit dem Schwerpunkt Erasmus+; Sie fördern und vernetzen Schweizer Bildungsakteure aller Bildungsstufen auf europäischer Ebene; Sie vertreten Schweizer Bildungsakteure in offiziellen Gremien sowie an Sitzungen und Anlässen
Anforderungen: Hochschulabschluss (MA oder gleichwertiger Abschluss); Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im öffentlichen oder privatwirtschaftlichen Bereich; Vertrautheit mit dem schweizerischen Bildungssystem sowie gute Kenntnisse der europäischen Bildungspolitik und entsprechender Programme, Interesse an Themen mit Forschungs- und Innovationsbezug; Fähigkeit die Beziehung Schweiz-EU im umfassenden politischen Kontext zu betrachten; Redaktionelle Kompetenzen sowie sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch; Analytische Fähigkeiten, Freude an Recherchearbeit, Organisationstalent sowie gute IT-Kenntnisse (inkl. soziale Medien)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:47

Aufgaben: KIT; The Research University in the Helmholtz Association; combines university tradition with program-oriented research. In 2009, the Technical University of Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Research Center merged to KIT. The framework conditions presently offered to KIT researchers are accordingly unique in the German science system. Nowhere else can researchers use the infrastructure of a large-scale research center and collaborate at a university of excellence across the disciplines of natural sciences, engineering, economics, the humanities and social sciences. Research at KIT is aimed at creating new findings, applications, and solutions to master the global challenges facing humankind with pathbreaking contributions; in particular in the areas of energy, mobility, and information. The only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research sector offers unique education and training options for students and early-stage researchers
Anforderungen: KIT posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Lifeware SA; Schweiz, Luxemburg

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:45

Aufgaben: Lifeware was founded in 1998 in Switzerland, when a leading group of mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists decided to combine their expertise and innovative thinking about the life insurance business into their own company. A complete, fully integrated, web based solution for the management of life insurance products: this is Lifeware service
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs at Lifeware automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

New Reinsurance Company Ltd (NewRe); Zürich, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:45

Aufgaben: New Reinsurance Company Ltd. (NewRe) is a Swiss reinsurer founded in Zurich in 1926. In 1988, NewRe became part of Munich Re Group, one of the world’s leading reinsurers. With NewRe, you get the best of both worlds: the efficiency and creativity of a medium-sized reinsurer coupled with the exceptional financial solidity that comes with being a member of Munich Re Group. Our determination to find appropriate reinsurance solutions for our clients, our thorough market know-how and our swift response times are what make NewRe a preferred reinsurer. We see the changing market environment, emerging risks and increased complexity as opportunities to develop our business together with you
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs at NewRe automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:44

Aufgaben: In diesem kurzen Aufsatz soll Mathematiker/innen und Statistiker/innen (allgemein Quants, also Personen mit quantitativer Ausbildung) aufgezeigt werden, wie einfach sie eine eigene Firma gründen können. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu anderen Studiengebieten Quants sehr gute Chancen haben, direkt ab Hochschule erfolgreich eine Firma zu gründen. Die Aussagen gelten erst Recht für Personen mit Berufserfahrung. Mit dem Portfolio-Ansatz wird auch der zweiten Gruppe oben ein stufenweiser Einstieg in die unternehmerische Selbständigkeit aufgezeigt. Mit wichtigen Hinweisen für alle Fachgebiete!
Anforderungen: Ich unterscheide drei verschiedene Situationen, in denen diese Quants sein können: Student/in, Absolvent/in, Personen, welche z.B. wegen Unterstützungspflichten (vorerst) lediglich in Teilzeit Erwerbsarbeit leisten können, Personen, bei denen der Beruf und die Karriere (momentan) zentraler Lebensinhalt ist; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:44

Aufgaben: Lesen Sie zuerst ein Buch von 1000 Seiten, um herauszufinden, wie man sich bewirbt? Nein! In diesem kurzen Text ist alles Wesentliche zusammengefasst: Stelle finden, Stelle erhalten, Stelle behalten, Überbrückung, wenn es schwieriger wird. ... Im weiteren sollte man folgende Fragen stellen, falls im Verlauf des Gesprächs nicht beantwortet: Wie wird man eingearbeitet? Wie sieht ein "normaler" Arbeitstag aus (falls in wissenschaftlichem Bereich tätig: wie viel ist Routine, wieviel herausfordernde geistige Tätigkeit)? Welche Mittel werden Ihnen für die Erreichung der Ziele zur Verfügung gestellt? Wie viele Mitarbeiter sind zu führen? Was geschah mit dem vorherigen Stelleninhaber? Wie sind die Arbeitszeiten geregelt (Jahresarbeitszeit, Wochenarbeitszeit)? Wieviel Reisetätigkeit ist mit der Arbeit verbunden? Auslandaufenthalte? Wieviel Unterstützung kann man bei der Weiterbildung erwarten (freie Zeit dazu)?
Anforderungen: Überbrückung, wenn es schwieriger wird: Allfällige Publikationen noch fertig machen, welche aufgeschoben? Habilitation? Lehrerausbildung? Lehrbuch schreiben; Sprachen lernen; IT-Kenntnisse lernen/Statistikpaket lernen (eventuell kann man das noch eingeschrieben kostengünstig an der Uni); Aktuarsausbildung beschleunigt beenden (Vorlesungen an Hochschulen dazu); Lehrtätigkeit an Berufs-/Kantonsschulen, FH, Unis, auch für Übungen/Tutorate; Maturaexperte; Gutachtertätigkeit; EU und SNF-Projekte, andere? Personaldienstleistern anbieten als Experte bei Beurteilung von Fachkenntnissen; wegen Kontakten: Beitritt zu standespolitischen Organisationen? Dipl/Dr-Arbeiten betreuen helfen; Kostenlose Praktika oder bei Kollegen anfragen, welche kleine Firma haben (eigenes Profitcenter); eventuell auch aus dem Ausland wo Lebenshaltungskosten tief sind (inkl Sprachen lernen); Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 28, 2024   10:44

Aufgaben: Tutoring in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Languages & TOEFL, Economics, Calculator Technical Assistance, GMAT & SAT, Others; you pay 150 CHF, Euro or US$ for your advert to appear on for one year. For an additional cost of 200 CHF, Euro or US$, your listing will appear in the "Featured Tutors" section on the main page of Banner: Annual cost is 500 US$ per 20 % call probability at
Anforderungen: Degree or student or other experience in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Languages & TOEFL, Economics

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxemburg

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:41

Aufgaben: You will be responsible for the generation of iPSC lines from patient fibroblast or blood samples and for differentiating iPSCs into different cell types (neurons, microglia…); You will develop and work with iPSC-derived cell models, prepare primary neuronal and non-neuronal cell cultures, and, in particular, live cell imaging using light and fluorescence microscopy; You will use sophisticated live cell imaging protocols for the analysis of intra- and intercellular transport
Anforderungen: A Bachelor or Master degree (or equivalent) with wet-lab experience, in molecular biology techniques and cell culture; Experience with generating iPSCs, with primary cell culture as well as with neuronal and microglia cultures; Experience with advanced imaging techniques; Basic molecular biology techniques; Highly reliable and precise working style

Lund University; Lund, Scania, Schweden

     Frist: Mai 3, 2024 | Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:31

Aufgaben: The main duties involved in a post-doctoral posistion is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position shall include the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning
Anforderungen: Appointment to a post-doctoral position requires that the applicant has a PhD, or an international degree deemed equivalent to a PhD; Expert knowledge of avian physiology and physiology of flight; Documented analytical and statistical skills (e.g. statistical programming in R); Demonstrated skills in scientific publishing; Ability to work in groups as well as independently; Excellent oral and written proficiency in English

Lund University; Lund, Scania, Schweden

     Frist: Mai 3, 2024 | Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:31

Aufgaben: The overall goal of the PhD project is to better understand how the environment affects genetic and phenotypic variation, and how these insights can be used to improve predictions of evolution
Anforderungen: A MSc in evolutionary biology, ecology, or closely related area; Excellent oral and written proficiency in English; Experience in data processing, statistical analysis, and scripting (ideally) in R

University of Oxford; Oxford, Oxfordshire, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)

     Frist: Mai 24, 2024 | Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:31

Aufgaben: The postholder will work in close collaboration with the PIs and NWMO team to identify appropriate sampling strategies to ensure the quality of samples returned to the Oxford Laboratory environment. The postholder will be responsible for adapting existing, and developing new, analytical methodologies on both fluid and rock-core samples to determine helium and associated noble gas isotopic compositions. They will apply and develop existing diffusion models to account for the observed helium distribution in the context of gas and fluid transport and pore-fluid residence time over multiple scales. The postholder will also be responsible for providing leadership, input and advice on comparisons between fluid residence and migration with other relevant systems worldwide, as well as identifying new possibilities to generate fluid residence age and migration insights
Anforderungen: You will hold, or be close to completion of, a PhD/DPhil in a relevant field (e.g. noble gas geochemistry, groundwater residence geochemistry) together with experience relevant to the objectives of the projects. You will also possess sufficient specialist knowledge of groundwater dating proxies and have field and laboratory experience working with fluids and/or core samples. You must have the ability to manage your own academic research and associated activities and excellent communication skills including the ability to write for publication, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at external meetings

Universitätsspital Basel (USB); Basel, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: The University Hospital of Basel defines seven interdisciplinary focal points in clinical practice, research and development, from which renowned experts expect significant advances for the future of medicine. In this way, the University Hospital Basel is raising its profile both nationally and internationally and providing direct benefits for its patients
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at USB automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

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