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KPMG AG (KPMG); Lausanne, Switzerland

     Published: April 30, 2024   08:10

Workload: 80-100%
Duties: Provide guidance to national and international firms on tax implications across various business activities including mergers & acquisitions, reorganizations, financing, real estate transactions, supply chain operations, and legal, financial, and operational transformations; Assist clients in tax compliance, tax accounting, and the transformation of tax functions; Incorporate national and international tax laws into analysis and recommendations; Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and international colleagues from diverse departments; Engage in direct communication with clients and tax authorities
Requirements: Hold a degree from a university or university of applied sciences, ideally in STEM, law, or economics; Previous experience in tax or project management is an asset; Show a keen interest in business management and tax law matters; Strong analytical, logical, and adaptable thinking abilities, coupled with a proficiency in numerical analysis; Great aptitude for process-oriented thinking, effective communication, and a passion for digital innovation; High level of customer focus, teamwork, and dedication; Fluent in both French and English; additional language skills is a plus

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Fraunhofer); Garching (Munich), Germany

     Published: April 30, 2024   08:05

Department: AISEC - Applied and Integrated Security
Duties: Chip designs of new, open architectures based on the RISC-V instruction set facilitate to adapt and harden processors for embedded systems; Implementation of hardware and firmware for FPGAs and microcontrollers; Design of analog circuits, systems and algorithms for Physical Unclonable Functions, tamper detection and hardware fingerprinting; Side-channel and fault analyses in the hardware security lab; You will have various opportunities to publish your scentific results, and the possibility of working towards a doctorate
Requirements: A scientific degree (Master or equivalent) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, IT Security, Computer Science, or a related subject; New ideas that you actively contribute within the framework of industry and research projects, and ability for independent and goal-oriented work style; Interest in information security as well as research and implementation of secure embedded systems; Background in at least one of the following domains: hardware design, digital design, analog design, hardware software co-design, FPGA design, electronic measurements, circuit design, communications engineering; Background in current instruction sets and architectures of embedded processors (in particular RISC-V) preferred; Experience in IT security or cryptography (professional or private) is a plus

Mazars; Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: April 30, 2024   07:21

Workload: 40-100%
Duties: You build and extend the existing consulting business for Actuarial Services depending on your own field of expertise and business case; You acquire new projects and develop new business opportunities for your team and sector based on your market knowledge and using your network actively; You lead or support consulting projects in actuarial topics, such as finance transformation, IAS 19, ESG, reserving, implementation of tools, actuarial pricing, Swiss Solvency Test, Solvency II, ORSA or responsible actuary mandates; You are ready to collaborate in a broad range of interdisciplinary projects within the insurance sector and cross sell your market experience or support the governance, risk and compliance advisory team and the management consulting team; You share your knowledge; you lead and develop the actuarial team members. You continuously develop your technical knowledge and soft skills with on and off-the-job training
Requirements: Your insurance knowledge and network focuses on the Swiss market. Knowledge of regulatory and accounting frameworks and requirements (e.g., IFRS 17, local accounting standards, SII, SST) as well as actuarial modelling (e.g. Python, VBA, R, C++) are an advantage; You are an entrepreneurial spirit, preferably with a network extending to the Romandie and ready to contribute to building and expanding our consulting service offerings and to work interdisciplinary on a wide range of projects; You have several years of work experience with focus as an actuarial consultant and are a qualified actuary (SAV, DAV or equivalent); You are fluent in English and German and preferably French at a conversational level

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 29, 2024   12:01

Duties: Quantum communication/Quantum key distribution/Quantum networks; Development of testbeds for quantum communication; Experimentation equipment of quantum communication infrastructure; Free space optical communication; Fiber optics/photonics/optoelectronics; Statistical signal processing; Physical layer security; Machine learning and artificial intelligence applied to quantum communications
Requirements: The candidate should possess a Master in Engineering (M.E. or M.Sc.) degree or equivalent in Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, and an experience in a number of the following topics: Development, deployment, and contruction of laboratory testbeds; Laboratory Instrumentation; Knowledge of photonics and optics is highly valuable; Knowledge of Linux; Network management; Optical fiber connectivity (Patching, Mux/Demux); Web API management and GUI development

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 29, 2024   11:58

Duties: This PhD will focus on applying model-based RL technics to increase the autonomy of space robots for near-field operations
Requirements: The candidate should possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Data Science, or Robotics engineering

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Switzerland

     Deadline: May 20, 2024 | Published: April 29, 2024   11:50

Duties: Un/una docente in didattica delle scienze naturali presso il DFA/ASP opera di regola sia nella formazione di docenti generalisti (scuola dell’infanzia e scuola elementare) che in quella dei docenti specialisti (docenti di scienze naturali presso la scuola media e docenti di biologia, chimica o fisica delle scuole di maturità), nonché nella formazione continua dei docenti di ogni ordine e grado. Attraverso la realizzazione di corsi teorici e applicativi e attraverso le visite nelle pratiche professionali, prepara i docenti generalisti di scuola infanzia e di scuola elementare allo studio dell’ambiente in una prospettiva sistemica e interdisciplinare, rispettivamente a progettare e realizzare attività d’insegnamento e apprendimento in scienze naturali nella scuola media o delle discipline scientifiche nelle scuole di maturità (per i docenti specialisti). Inoltre, in collaborazione con i colleghi e le colleghe del Laboratorio MEM e di altri centri di ricerca del DFA/ASP e della ...
Requirements: Master nell’ambito delle scienze naturali. Il titolo PhD in ambito delle scienze naturali o della didattica delle scienze naturali o ambiti affini con laboratorio MEM costituiscono titolo preferenziale; Abilitazione all’insegnamento riconosciuta dalla CDPE per la scuola dell’obbligo o le scuole di maturità o un’abilitazione per le scuole professionali rilasciata dalla SUFFP; Esperienza pluriennale di insegnamento; Spiccato interesse per i temi della formazione e dell’educazione; Esperienze professionali in qualità di formatrice/tore di docenti, di docente di pratica professionale e/o di esperta/o costituiscono titolo preferenziale; Ottima conoscenza del sistema scolastico e accademico ticinese e svizzero

Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland

     Published: April 29, 2024   08:47

Duties: ENSI is responsible for the supervision of Swiss nuclear facilities, i.e. the nuclear power stations, the interim storage facility for radioactive waste, the nuclear research facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne. Its regulatory remit covers the entire life of a facility, i.e. from initial planning, through operation to final decommissioning including the disposal of radioactive waste
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at ENSI automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Microsoft Corporation; Netherlands, United Kingdom

     Published: April 29, 2024   07:53

Duties: We are hiring a Head of Data Science with broad experience and deep expertise in applying machine learning to real-world problems. You will develop and communicate hypotheses, analyses, results, ecosystem trends and ultimately innovative solutions to various stakeholders. You will work cross-functionally with several teams including engineering crews, product teams, and program managers. As a part of Industry Solutions Engineering (ISE), at the AI Acceleration Studio we work closely with senior executives and cross-functional teams as we bring design, data science, and engineering to jointly develop cloud-based solutions that have high impact and can accelerate the organization. We work in collaboration with Microsoft product teams, partners, and open-source communities to empower our customers to do more. We pride ourselves on making contributions to open source and making our platforms easier to use
Requirements: Doctorate in Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Economics, Operations Research, Computer Science, or related field and 8+ years data-science experience (e.g., managing structured and unstructured data, applying statistical techniques and reporting results)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: April 29, 2024   07:52

Workload: 100%
Duties: Wirke bei der Konzeption und Entwicklung von Lösungen und Produkten für die Datenanalyse, -berichterstattung und -visualisierung im Bereich Audit und Assurance mit; Erkenne, Erörtere und Untersuche die herausfordernde Geschäftsprobleme von unseren Kunden und Wirtschaftsprüfern; Erhalte Einblicke in verschiedene Geschäftsprozesse, IT-Systeme und Datenmodelle unserer nationalen und internationalen Kunden; Unterstütze unser Team bei der Integration unserer Lösungen in bestehende Geschäftsprozesse unserer Kunden; Interagiere mit Kunden verschiedener Branchen und Funktionsbereichen (Marketing, Vertrieb, Betrieb, Finanzen)
Requirements: Mindestens zwei abgeschlossene Semester in einer wirtschaftlichen oder technischen Studienrichtung; Grosses Interesse an der Analyse und Bewertung von Geschäftsdaten, IT-Umgebungen und Business-Prozessen; Wille, dir einen fundierten Einblick in die vielfältige Datenwelt unserer nationalen und internationalen Kundschaft zu erarbeiten; Ausgeprägte Eigeninitiative, gute analytische Fähigkeiten mit Anspruch auf höchste Qualitätsstandards; Erste relevante Berufserfahrung von Vorteil; Fliessende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse

Volkswohl Bund Versicherungen; Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

     Published: April 29, 2024   07:49

Workload: 100%
Duties: Sie betreuen die Weiterentwicklung unseres vorhandenen Bestandsführungssystems; Sie implementieren und testen neue Tarife und Geschäftsvorfälle; Sie entwickeln die dafür nötigen Konzepte, setzen diese zum Teil auch selbst um und testen die entstandenen Programme systematisch und eigenverantwortlich; Sie wirken bei bereichsübergreifenden Projekten mit und unterstützen so in der Erstellung der jährlichen Standmitteilungen, sowie bei der Java-seitigen Konzeption der Vertriebssoftware; Sie arbeiten kooperativ mit den anderen Mitarbeitern der Hauptabteilung, der IT-Abteilung und den Vertragsabteilungen zusammen
Requirements: Sie haben ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich der (Wirtschafts-) Mathematik, Statistik oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengangs (wie z.B. (Angewandte) Informatik, Data Science, Physik); Idealerweise haben Sie bereits Erfahrungen in der Versicherungsbranche sammeln können

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG); Frankfurt, Germany

     Published: April 29, 2024   07:49

Duties: Du übernimmt die Leitung von Projekten im Bereich der finanzmathematischen Analyse von Finanzinstrumenten/Finanzportfolien bei nationalen und internationalen Mandanten und Mandantinnen; Dazu gehört ebenfalls die Verantwortung für die Erweiterung und Optimierung unserer Bewertungsmethoden sowie der hauseigenen Bewertungsbibliothek für Finanzinstrumente und Derivate
Requirements: (Senior) Manager (w/m/d) Financial Modelling and Valuation wirst Du bei uns mit einem abgeschlossenen Studium der (Finanz-) Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder einem vergleichbaren Studium; Du bringst mehrjährige relevante Berufserfahrung (min. 5 Jahre) im Bereich der Finanzindustrie, gerne in Verbindung mit Kenntnissen in der Analyse von Finanzinstrumenten oder Kenntnisse über die relevanten Geschäftsprozesse bei Banken, Asset Managern oder Versicherungen mit

adesso SE; Germany

     Published: April 29, 2024   07:49

Duties: Berechnungen zum Versorgungsausgleich und zu Renten- und Unverfallbarkeitsansprüchen, Prognoseberechnungen für Planungs- und Entscheidungszwecke; Projektarbeit und Bearbeitung von Fragestellungen wie bspw. Restrukturierung bestehender Versorgungswerke in einem interdisziplinären Team; Unterstützung anderer Fachbereiche bei versicherungsmathematischen Fragestellungen; Pflege, Erstellung und Dokumentation der Bewertungstools zur bAV; Unterstützung bei Migrationsprozessen; Durchführung von u.a. mathematischen Tests
Requirements: Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Mathematikstudium (Bachelor/Master/Diplom) oder mathematisch ausgerichtetes naturwissenschaftliches Studium; Umfangreiches Wissen im deutschen Steuer- und Handelsrecht; Nachweisliche Projekterfahrung bei der Restrukturierung und Ausfinanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen; EDV- und Programmierkenntnisse (Excel, Visual Basic); Ideal ist eine (begonnene) zusätzliche Aktuarsausbildung (DAV)

Hamburger Pensionsverwaltung eG (HPV); Germany

     Published: April 29, 2024   07:49

Duties: Analyse und Beurteilung von Kapitalanlagerisiken; Projektbasierte Weiterentwicklung der Risikomanagementprozesse; Bericht und Präsentation der Ergebnisse an den Vorstand und Gremien; Intensive Zusammenarbeit mit dem Portfoliomanagement
Requirements: Abgeschlossenes (Fach-) Hochschulstudium eines natur- oder wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums mit sehr gutem Abschluss; IT-Affinität, Erfahrung in der Programmierung von Vorteil; Starkes Interesse an der Entwicklung globaler Finanzmärkte und deren Risiken; Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:23

Duties: As a Postdoctoral Researcher, you will develop and implement federated analytical workflows tailored for health research. You will apply AI/ML algorithms to analyse a diverse range of data types, including clinical, molecular (-omics), and (sensor/mobile and PROMs/PREMs) within a federated environment. Additionally, you will innovate state-of-the-art federated AI/ML methods, to ensure privacy and data security in clinical research. To augment federated analysis, you will be generating synthetic data using ML techniques, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Your workflows and methods will be incorporated by a multidisciplinary team into the CLINNOVA platform for federated data management and analysis. You will take an active role on project activities and effectively disseminating findings to the project members and the scientific community through project meeting, conferences and publications
Requirements: A PhD in computer science, information technology, computational biology, bioinformatics, or a related field, with keen interest in health research and related IT infrastructure; Domain knowledge: Good understanding of statistical analysis principles and AI/ML techniques in both centralized and federated environments; Hands-on experience in developing, deploying, and maintaining ML operations (MLOps) within IT infrastructure, including familiarity with virtualization and containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes is considered advantageous

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:23

Duties: Responsible for running and developing the data platform of the university for administrative reporting; Manage a team of 4 internal and external data specialists responsible for maintaining and developing the Azure cloud-based data platform; Develop a unified, documented and secure data lake involving all University stakeholders; Responsible for data architecture compliance and development guidelines; Manage the rollout of PowerBI to the user community, ensuring knowledge transfer and security; Manage the development of the data platform as a product: develop a comprehensive project roadmap outlining key milestones, deliverables and timelines for data and reporting initiatives, ensuring alignment with overall business and university objectives; Responsible for defining and delivering projects using agile methodology and University project governance
Requirements: Master's degree in a relevant field (e.g. IT, Data Science, Business Intelligence); Strong knowledge of data architecture, data integration and analytical tools; Strong knowledge of Microsoft Azure services and Power BI; Project management and organisational skills with a focus on delivering migration projects on time and within budget; Ability to think strategically and deliver results in a fast-paced environment; Experience in managing relationships with external vendors, including negotiating contracts and ensuring that deliverables are aligned with organisational objectives; Familiarity with best practices for cloud-based data storage, processing and analysis

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:23

Duties: Participate in research activities involved in the analysis of multiomics data sets including next-generation sequencing, single cell/nuclear transcriptomics, bulk RNA sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics datasets; Coordinate data handling and analysis for multi-omics data; Participate as a team member in experimental design and data analysis; Coordinate publications related to the project and scientific results; Work in close collaboration with LCSB members on scientific projects
Requirements: Master’s degree or equivalent in bioinformatics, computational biology, medical engineering, computer science, with an interest in biomedical informatics and translational medicine; Demonstrated expertise in R programming with a strong command of bioinformatics workflows, including data manipulation, statistical analysis, and visualization using relevant packages from Bioconductor including (but not limited) to DESeq2, limma, BioMart, Seurat, gViz, and edgeR; Proficiency in developing interactive web applications and data visualizations with R Shiny, Plotly, ggplot2, and Seaborn or similar dataviz libraries; Proficiency in Python

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M); Hamburg, Germany

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:14

Duration: 6+ y
Duties: Design numerical experiments to test different hypotheses; Supervise doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, as well as research students if the opportunity arises
Requirements: Ph.D. in Physics, Meteorology, Atmospheric or Climate Sciences or a related discipline by the start date. Preferably with first postdoctoral experience in atmospheric/climate science; Demonstrated capability to publish top-quality research papers; Excellent analytical and programming skills; Intellectual independence; Willingness and expected ability to guide young scholars; Fluency in written and spoken English

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Switzerland

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:14

Workload: 100%
Duties: Sie agieren als Verbindungsglied zwischen schweizerischen und europäischen Akteuren und Programmen in allen Bildungsbereichen (z.B. in der Schul-, Berufs- und Hochschulbildung sowie in der Erwachsenenbildung und der Jugendarbeit); Sie erstellen qualitativ hochstehende und zielgerichtete Informationen zu Bildungspolitiken und -programmen auf EU-Ebene; Sie unterstützen die Beteiligung der Schweiz an europäischen Bildungsprogrammen und arbeiten eng mit Schweizer Bildungsakteuren zusammen mit dem Schwerpunkt Erasmus+; Sie fördern und vernetzen Schweizer Bildungsakteure aller Bildungsstufen auf europäischer Ebene; Sie vertreten Schweizer Bildungsakteure in offiziellen Gremien sowie an Sitzungen und Anlässen
Requirements: Hochschulabschluss (MA oder gleichwertiger Abschluss); Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im öffentlichen oder privatwirtschaftlichen Bereich; Vertrautheit mit dem schweizerischen Bildungssystem sowie gute Kenntnisse der europäischen Bildungspolitik und entsprechender Programme, Interesse an Themen mit Forschungs- und Innovationsbezug; Fähigkeit die Beziehung Schweiz-EU im umfassenden politischen Kontext zu betrachten; Redaktionelle Kompetenzen sowie sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch; Analytische Fähigkeiten, Freude an Recherchearbeit, Organisationstalent sowie gute IT-Kenntnisse (inkl. soziale Medien)

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Fraunhofer); Darmstadt, Germany

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:11

Department: SIT - Secure Information Technology
Duties: Applied research projects in the area of IT security and cryptography; Collaboration in publicly funded projects and/or projects directly commissioned by industry partners; Concept development and project management tasks; Preparation of project reports and scientific publications; Presentation of research results in the context of publications and lectures at national and international conferences
Requirements: Master of Science degree in computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, or another field related to cybersecurity; You have in-depth knowledge of IT security and cryptography, and ideally post-quantum cryptography; You have knowledge of programming microcontrollers or embedded systems in C and/or assembly language, or FPGA programming in VHDL or Verilog; Experience with implementation attacks (esp. side channel attacks) as well as Python, Sage, Latex, git, and Linux are also desirable; You have a good command of the German and English languages, both written and spoken

Viridium Gruppe; Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:11

Duties: Je nach Neigung und Vorerfahrung wäre Dein Schwerpunkt: die fachlich-mathematische Analyse; oder das Testen von Tarifen und Geschäftsvorfällen; oder die Weiterentwicklung von Referenzrechnern
Requirements: ein mindestens gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Bachelor oder Master) mit mathematischem Schwerpunkt, z.B. in Mathematik, Wirtschaftsmathematik, Versicherungsmathematik oder Physik; die Bereitschaft, die Ausbildung zur*m "Aktuar*in DAV" zu absolvieren (wir finanzieren die Ausbildung); sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, gute Englischkenntnisse

HUK-Coburg; Coburg, Bayern, Germany

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:11

Duties: Gestaltung, Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung von Data Analytics Use Cases und Lösungen für datenbasierte Versicherungsservices und -produkte; Einsatz von aktuellen Machine Learning und Deep Learning Verfahren in einer professionellen DevOps Umgebung mit Python; Interpretation, Visualisierung und Kommunikation von Ergebnissen an Product Owner (w/m/d), Fachexpert: innen mit Geschäftsexpertise und Lösungsarchitekt: innen/Softwareentwickler: innen innerhalb eines agilen Prozesses; Teamwork in einem kreativen, motivierten, interdisziplinären sowie agilen Team aus Data Scientists (w/m/d), Machine Learning Engineers (w/m/d) und Fachexpert: innen; Unternehmensweite Zusammenarbeit mit vielen weiteren Abteilungen und in Projekten
Requirements: Sehr guter Studienabschluss in einem MINT-Fach mit praktischem Bezug zu Data Science, Machine Learning oder Künstlicher Intelligenz; Fundierte Erfahrung in Programmierung (z. B. Python, R, SAS), Datenbankabfragen (z. B. SQL) und Data Science Methoden (z. B. Machine Learning, Deep Learning oder Process Mining); Fähigkeit, ökonomische Fragestellungen mit einer wissenschaftlichen, analytischen Herangehensweise anzugehen und zu lösen

Visa; Warsaw, Poland

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:09

Duties: Implement the set of services needed to release AI and data science models capable of working with terabytes of data. This includes model related features like one time and ongoing automatic model training, deploying, and monitoring models, as well as platform related features such as model repository, feature stores, data access layer; Provide technical leadership for efforts around tooling and infrastructure that enable teams to efficiently complete and maintain data science projects; Work and partner with product delivery teams to fully implement the proof of concept and early product in Visa services and products; Collaborate with research scientists, product owners and architects to deliver the fast-prototyping platform; Champion the innovation across the organizations and industries as an expert in the subject, either by providing consulting or by contributing to technology talks and presentations
Requirements: 2+ years of relevant work experience and a Bachelors degree, OR 5+ years of relevant work experience; Experience programming in at least one or more in Java, Python, Scala and Go; Strong understanding of algorithms and data structures; Experience in leading, building and supporting scalable and reliable data solutions, AI/machine learning powered systems that can enable fast prototyping and advanced analytics using modern big data and ML/AI technologies (Hadoop, Spark, Cloud, No-SQL, TensorFlow, H2O etc.) in an agile manner

Syngenta; Izmir, Turkey

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:09

Duties: Design and deliver practical training programs to advance the organization's scientific, analytical, and statistical skills, fostering a culture of continuous improvement in data-related competencies; Partner with the product biology technical lead in AMEA, interpreting complex data to extract technical insights and provide robust analytics support that informs product development strategies; Conduct comprehensive analysis of extensive datasets from both internal and external sources to uncover trends and patterns and generate actionable insights that drive strategic decisions; Engineer streamlined methodologies for automating data preparation, curation, and organization processes to guarantee high-quality data that supports efficient analytics workflows
Requirements: MSc or Ph.D. in biostatistics or data science with over three years of work experience or equivalent work experience in related functional areas; Data analytics and statistics: scientific data management, data mining, machine learning, numerical and statistical methods; Data management from field experiments in crop protection product development; Experience developing data visualization platforms via Power BI, Qlik Sense, Tableau, or other RPA tools

Starr Insurance; London, United Kingdom

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:09

Duties: The primary responsibility of this role is to increase the systems and data capabilities of the Actuarial team through leading key projects that will arise over time as the needs of the business and actuarial team change. The Development Actuary will also be a key interface between the Actuarial team and IT teams, ensuring that the needs of the team are prioritized and brought to completion. This is a role with dual reporting lines into the Head of Pricing and Head of Reserving, so candidate must be highly skilled in managing multiple stakeholders and progressing multiple projects concurrently
Requirements: Qualified actuary or equivalent; Pricing or Reserving experience; General Insurance background, London market experience preferred but not required; Project work experience; Process improvement experience

Meta; London, United Kingdom

     Published: April 28, 2024   11:01

Duties: Lead, collaborate, and execute on research that pushes forward the state of the art in 3D computer vision, multimodal reasoning and generative approaches; Directly contribute to experiments, including designing experimental details, writing reusable code, running evaluations, and organizing results; Work with the team to help design, setup, and run practical experiments and prototype systems related to large-scale, long-duration sensing and machine reasoning; Contribute to publications and open-sourcing efforts
Requirements: Currently has or is in the process of obtaining a PhD in the field of Computer Vision, Computer Science, Mathematics, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. Degree must be completed prior to joining Meta; Experience communicating research for public audiences of peers; Experience with real world system building and data collection, including design, coding (C++) and evaluation (C++/Python), including experience with modern ML methods and algorithms; Hands-on experience implementing 3D computer vision algorithms and training/evaluating ML and AI models

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