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Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University (PMU); Saudi Arabia

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:14

Duties: Lead in research in the field of AI and its applications; Acquire in-depth expertise in the leadership of scientific research projects and experience of organizing interdisciplinary scholarly events; Collaborate with faculty and students on research topics of common interest; Teach one course or two as needed; Become an ambassador for the Center for Artificial Intelligence, for example through publications, outreach activities, and through presentations at workshops and conferences; Be productive in high-quality scholarly publications in reputable journals and conference proceedings
Requirements: A PhD degree in computer science, engineering, physics, data science, mathematics or a closely related field; A proven track record of carrying out cutting-edge research demonstrated by publications in top journals/conferences; A proven track record of funding acquisition through grants and/or contracts; Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

     Published: May 4, 2024   12:25

Duties: As one of only eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany, we are the only university with as many as six Clusters of Excellence. Recent decades have seen us produce more winners of the Nobel Prize and Fields Medal than any other German university. The University of Bonn has a 200-year history of combining excellent research in a range of disciplines with research-led teaching
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Bonn automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Swiss Actuarial Association (SAA); Switzerland

     Published: May 4, 2024   12:24

Duties: The salary survey was carried out from April until the end of May 2022 for all members of the Swiss Actuarial Association (SAA). The salary survey was conducted online and was based on the salary and bonus information from 2021
Requirements: The main goal of this salary survey was to examine the salary development on the Swiss market for actuaries since 2015 and if there is a salary gender gap. The survey was coordinated by the SAA Women's Group with the support of the University of Lausanne

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:39

Duties: Develop theoretical and methodological framework for the value of travel time estimation considering automated vehicles impacts; Design original best-worst scaling experiments and stated preference choice experiments; design questionnaires and collaborate with LISER’s survey team; Analyze the survey data; Develop models for the adoption of emerging modes using hybrid choice modeling approaches; Collaborate with the project partner at TUM and write academic papers and present the results in national/international conferences
Requirements: Ph.D. degree in transport planning/economics/engineering, or other relevant field; Excellent knowledge in discrete choice behavior modeling/travel behavior modeling/stated preference survey design; Good skills and experience in data analysis using statistical software; Excellent communication and collaboration skills; Fluency in English (speaking and writing), any other language is considered as an asset

City University of Hong Kong (CityU); Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: The appointees are expected to make significant contribution to teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; advise postgraduate research students; play an active role in curriculum development and management; maintain an active research profile; actively seek external grants and contracts to support research endeavours; provide service to the School and University governance; contribute to professional engagement, networking, and outreach activities that enhance the academic and professional life of the School
Requirements: A PhD in Data Science/Statistics/Computer Science/Engineering or related disciplines, with a strong research record and promising teaching ability

Sam Houston State University (SHSU); Huntsville, Texas, United States

     Published: May 2, 2024   16:27

Duties: One year appointment teaching all levels of mathematics courses and/or statistics courses. Duties include 12 hours of teaching each Fall and Spring semester totaling 24 hours of teaching per academic year. Courses will be made up of 3 and/or 4 credit hour courses. One year appointment with possible reappointment, pending funding and evaluations
Requirements: Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics or closely related field. Applicants from all areas of mathematics are encouraged to apply

Western New Mexico University (WNMU); Silver City, New Mexico, United States

     Published: May 2, 2024   16:24

Duties: Teaching, research, and service responsibilities in the area of applied mathematics and statistics
Requirements: Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics, or a related field

Schweizer Armee; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Kosovo

     Published: May 2, 2024   13:48

Duties: Gesprächsführung mit der lokalen Bevölkerung sowie Vertretern von Institutionen und Behörden im Einsatzgebiet zur Erkennung potentieller Lageveränderungen; Unterstützung des Teamleaders im Erarbeiten von Gesprächsstrategien sowie Rapportieren der Informationen von Gesprächspartnern; Durchführen von Patrouillen mittels Fahrzeug oder zu Fuss; Informieren und Instruieren der Sprachmittler vor Gesprächen, Meetings und Patrouillen; Erstellen von Rapporten in englischer Sprache zugunsten der Missionsführung gemäss deren Einsatzrichtlinien
Requirements: Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung oder Studium; Zur eigenen Sicherheit und zur Sicherheit der Kameradinnen und Kameraden sowie einer reibungslosen Zusammenarbeit mit österreichischen Kollegen/innen und lokal angestellten Personen, sind für diese Funktion Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache (mind. B2) erwünscht; Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache (mind. B2); Ziviler Führerausweis (Kat B); Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren; Abgeschlossene Rekrutenschule der Schweizer Armee, Frauen mit Schweizer Staatsbürgerschaft ohne militärische Grundausbildung werden der Funktion entsprechend militärisch ausgebildet

Schweizer Armee; Worldwide

     Published: May 2, 2024   13:44

Workload: 100%
Duties: Durchsetzung der vom UNO-Sicherheitsrat verabschiedeten Resolutionen überwachen; Verstösse gegen die Resolutionen der UNO beobachten und rapportieren; Gespräche mit der lokalen Bevölkerung und Behörden führen sowie Patrouillentätigkeiten im Einsatzgebiet ausführen; Truppenbeschränkungen sowie Waffen und Munition im Einsatzgebiet auf Grundlage des Missions-Mandates kontrollieren; Einhaltung der Grundlagen zum Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung und des UNO-Personals durch Verhandlungen und Gespräche kontrollieren
Requirements: Abgeschlossene Berufslehre oder Studium, praktische Veranlagung und einwandfreier Leumund; Militärischer Grad der Schweizer Armee als Oberleutnant, Hauptmann, Major oder Oberstleutnant; Psychische und physische Belastbarkeit; hohe Bereitschaft, sich im internationalen Umfeld für mehrere Monate als unparteiischer Militärbeobachter für die UNO einzusetzen; Fähigkeit, persönliche Interessen in den Hintergrund zu stellen; Ziviler Fahrausweis (Kat. B1); Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, Französischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Switzerland

     Published: May 2, 2024   10:07

Duties: The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one of the nine professional universities recognised by the Swiss Confederation. Founded under federal law, SUPSI offers more than 30 Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree courses, characterised by cutting edge education which unites classical theoretical-scientific instruction with a professional orientation. Great care is given to research, carried out in key sectors on competitively acquired projects with large European and national agencies or mandated by organisations and institutions
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at SUPSI automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:36

Duties: A Postdoc position is available in the frame of the project “Statistical Mechanics of Active Matter” funded by the FNR. Applicants are expected to have a good experience in statistical mechanics and numerical simulations. The project will focus on dense active matter, combining particle-based and hydrodynamic approaches, using recent methods of optimal control theory and stochastic thermodynamics. The candidate is also expected to take part in the scientific activities organized within Physics of Active Matter group and the Department of Physics and Materials Science, such as seminars, colloquia, and summer schools
Requirements: Excellent analytical and numerical skills; A high quality PhD in Theoretical Physics; Solid knowledge of Statistical Physics; Good written and oral skills in English

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 1, 2024   09:49

Duties: Carry out research in fields of interest to the research group, such as: Data analytics; Decentralized finance; Distributed ledger technology; Software engineering; Privacy-enhancing technologies, e.g., zero-knowledge proofs; Provide guidance to PhD students; Disseminate results through scientific publications in outlets on the intersection between Information Systems and Computer Science; Support the conceptualization and writing of research proposals to attract industry partnerships as well as national and European grant projects 
Requirements: PhD degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Cryptography, Data Science, or a related field; Experience in publishing high-quality research, as demonstrated by research under review or published in 1stquartile conferences and journals (according to Scopus); Experience in research supervision; Strong knowledge of quantitative and/or computational research methods; Proficiency in one of the major programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, or Rust

Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA); Bern, Switzerland

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:32

Duties: FINMA is Switzerland’s independent financial-markets regulator. Its mandate is to supervise banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, collective investment schemes, and their asset managers and fund management companies. It also regulates insurance intermediaries. It is charged with protecting creditors, investors and policyholders. FINMA is responsible for ensuring that Switzerland’s financial markets function effectively
Requirements: FINMA posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL); Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:32

Duties: With 29 member states, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) has more than 110 independent research groups and service teams covering the spectrum of molecular biology at six sites in Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, EMBL-EBI Hinxton, and Rome
Requirements: EMBL posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE); Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

     Published: April 29, 2024   15:57

Duties: The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) department at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) seeks applicants to fill one or more Computer Science Faculty positions at any rank to support a cutting-edge online Master’s program in Machine Learning. This candidate may also teach courses in our undergraduate Computer Science or Software Engineering programs and advise capstone and research projects
Requirements: Candidates with expertise in Applied Machine Learning, Adversarial Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Tiny ML, Data Science, AI Platform Software, Data Engineering, or Cloud Computing are highly encouraged to apply, though expertise in any domain will be considered; Must have a Doctorate by the beginning date of the appointment (Fall 2024)

Western New Mexico University (WNMU); Silver City, New Mexico, United States

     Published: April 29, 2024   14:39

Duties: Teaching, research, and service responsibilities in the area of applied mathematics and statistics
Requirements: Requires a Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics, or a related field

Miami University (Miami U); Oxford, Ohio, United States

     Published: April 29, 2024   13:57

Duties: Visiting Assistant Professor/Instructor in Mathematics to teach courses in Mathematics at the undergraduate level. Position begins August 19, 2024. The position is renewable for up to five years, contingent on performance and funding
Requirements: Ph.D. in Mathematics

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD); Richardson, Texas, United States

     Published: April 29, 2024   13:55

Duties: The Department of Mathematical Sciences within the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) at The University of Texas at Dallas invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level in the following areas: Mathematics; Statistics; Data Science
Requirements: A PhD or equivalent in Mathematics, Statistics, or a related discipline is required prior to employment; those with ABD status will be considered at the application/interviewing stage

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

     Published: April 28, 2024   10:47

Duties: KIT; The Research University in the Helmholtz Association; combines university tradition with program-oriented research. In 2009, the Technical University of Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Research Center merged to KIT. The framework conditions presently offered to KIT researchers are accordingly unique in the German science system. Nowhere else can researchers use the infrastructure of a large-scale research center and collaborate at a university of excellence across the disciplines of natural sciences, engineering, economics, the humanities and social sciences. Research at KIT is aimed at creating new findings, applications, and solutions to master the global challenges facing humankind with pathbreaking contributions; in particular in the areas of energy, mobility, and information. The only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research sector offers unique education and training options for students and early-stage researchers
Requirements: KIT posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein

     Published: April 28, 2024   10:45

Duties: Besprochen werden: Banking, Insurance und Finance; Statistik (non-finance), Biologie, Medizin (akademisch und nicht-akademisch); Informatik und Technik; General Management; Lehre (nicht akademisch); Akademische Stellen; Weitere wichtige Informationen zu Historische Entwicklung, Mittelschule und Studium, Praktika
Requirements: Praktika während des Studiums dienen nicht nur zur Aufbesserung von Einkommen und CV (inkl. sehr wichtige Referenzen), sondern ermöglichen auch herauszufinden, welche Jobs einem später am besten gefallen werden. Nach erfolgreich absolvierten Praktika sollte man auf jeden Fall von den Vorgesetzten ein Arbeitszeugnis einholen. Wenn diese mit der Arbeit sehr zufrieden sind, werden sie dabei von sich aus mitteilen, dass man sie als Referenz erwähnen darf. Wichtig ist, dass man Praktika macht, welche etwas mit Mathematik zu tun haben; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein

     Published: April 28, 2024   10:44

Duties: In diesem kurzen Aufsatz soll Mathematiker/innen und Statistiker/innen (allgemein Quants, also Personen mit quantitativer Ausbildung) aufgezeigt werden, wie einfach sie eine eigene Firma gründen können. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu anderen Studiengebieten Quants sehr gute Chancen haben, direkt ab Hochschule erfolgreich eine Firma zu gründen. Die Aussagen gelten erst Recht für Personen mit Berufserfahrung. Mit dem Portfolio-Ansatz wird auch der zweiten Gruppe oben ein stufenweiser Einstieg in die unternehmerische Selbständigkeit aufgezeigt. Mit wichtigen Hinweisen für alle Fachgebiete!
Requirements: Ich unterscheide drei verschiedene Situationen, in denen diese Quants sein können: Student/in, Absolvent/in, Personen, welche z.B. wegen Unterstützungspflichten (vorerst) lediglich in Teilzeit Erwerbsarbeit leisten können, Personen, bei denen der Beruf und die Karriere (momentan) zentraler Lebensinhalt ist; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein

     Published: April 28, 2024   10:44

Duties: Lesen Sie zuerst ein Buch von 1000 Seiten, um herauszufinden, wie man sich bewirbt? Nein! In diesem kurzen Text ist alles Wesentliche zusammengefasst: Stelle finden, Stelle erhalten, Stelle behalten, Überbrückung, wenn es schwieriger wird. ... Im weiteren sollte man folgende Fragen stellen, falls im Verlauf des Gesprächs nicht beantwortet: Wie wird man eingearbeitet? Wie sieht ein "normaler" Arbeitstag aus (falls in wissenschaftlichem Bereich tätig: wie viel ist Routine, wieviel herausfordernde geistige Tätigkeit)? Welche Mittel werden Ihnen für die Erreichung der Ziele zur Verfügung gestellt? Wie viele Mitarbeiter sind zu führen? Was geschah mit dem vorherigen Stelleninhaber? Wie sind die Arbeitszeiten geregelt (Jahresarbeitszeit, Wochenarbeitszeit)? Wieviel Reisetätigkeit ist mit der Arbeit verbunden? Auslandaufenthalte? Wieviel Unterstützung kann man bei der Weiterbildung erwarten (freie Zeit dazu)?
Requirements: Überbrückung, wenn es schwieriger wird: Allfällige Publikationen noch fertig machen, welche aufgeschoben? Habilitation? Lehrerausbildung? Lehrbuch schreiben; Sprachen lernen; IT-Kenntnisse lernen/Statistikpaket lernen (eventuell kann man das noch eingeschrieben kostengünstig an der Uni); Aktuarsausbildung beschleunigt beenden (Vorlesungen an Hochschulen dazu); Lehrtätigkeit an Berufs-/Kantonsschulen, FH, Unis, auch für Übungen/Tutorate; Maturaexperte; Gutachtertätigkeit; EU und SNF-Projekte, andere? Personaldienstleistern anbieten als Experte bei Beurteilung von Fachkenntnissen; wegen Kontakten: Beitritt zu standespolitischen Organisationen? Dipl/Dr-Arbeiten betreuen helfen; Kostenlose Praktika oder bei Kollegen anfragen, welche kleine Firma haben (eigenes Profitcenter); eventuell auch aus dem Ausland wo Lebenshaltungskosten tief sind (inkl Sprachen lernen); Switzerland

     Published: April 28, 2024   10:44

Duties: Tutoring in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Languages & TOEFL, Economics, Calculator Technical Assistance, GMAT & SAT, Others; you pay 150 CHF, Euro or US$ for your advert to appear on for one year. For an additional cost of 200 CHF, Euro or US$, your listing will appear in the "Featured Tutors" section on the main page of Banner: Annual cost is 500 US$ per 20 % call probability at
Requirements: Degree or student or other experience in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Languages & TOEFL, Economics

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: June 2, 2024 | Published: April 27, 2024   21:41

Duties: Analyze and model structures in large scale data; Collaborate with researchers from both computational and social sciences in an interdisciplinary environment; Co-author scientific papers aimed at high-impact journals; Participate in international conferences
Requirements: You must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent); You must have a background within Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Physics or related fields; A track record of publishing interesting work within some of those field; Experience with machine learning, incl deep learning; Experience with modeling complex networks or graph neural networks is an advantage; Experiences using transformers is an advantage

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein

     Published: April 27, 2024   21:27

Duties: Die klassische Managementberatung ist ein Kerngebiet unserer Tätigkeit. Wir belassen es jedoch nicht bei der reinen Entwicklung von Konzepten, sondern helfen auch bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung. Unsere zusätzliche Expertise im Projektmanagement, SAP-Management und IT-Management ermöglicht uns, in der heutigen, digitalen Welt ein komplettes Angebot für Ihr Projektvorhaben liefern zu können. Damit profitieren Sie von unseren Erfahrungen bis zur Ziellinie
Requirements: Basycon posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

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