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Gilead Sciences, Inc.; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:36

Aufgaben: Develop and apply statistical and computational tools to analyze large scale omics and high dimensional data from internal, publicly available, commercial, and real-world datasets to enable novel target identification, target assessment, MoA elucidation, drug combination rationale, and patient stratification, etc; Design and apply statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms to enable the discovery and evaluation of preclinical predictive and prognostic biomarkers for oncology projects; Collaborate with cross-functional teams to analyze and interpret complex large datasets and efficiently communicate findings to non-computational scientists and senior leaders
Anforderungen: A PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatics, cancer genomics, or a related field with at least 5 years of relevant work experience. Industry experience is preferred; Excellent interpersonal and communication skills that foster collaboration and teamwork; Basic understanding of cancer biology, immunology, molecular and cell biology; Proficiency in R, Python, Perl, JAVA, or C/C++ programming languages

Microsoft Corporation; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:36

Aufgaben: We are looking for a Senior Machine Learning Engineer with analytical and developer skills to join our team to develop industry leading machine learning solutions. Successful candidates will have several years of experience designing, training and tuning machine learning (ML) models and their supporting infrastructure. A large part of the role will be spent incubating new ideas with researchers and working with product team engineers and/or partners who leverage the research. As a result, candidates should be comfortable learning new approaches and pushing the boundaries of current conventions while applying sound engineering principles
Anforderungen: Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, or related field; 4+ years experience in applying, implementing, and/or developing algorithms for machine learning, artificial intelligence, or statistics

Bank CIC (Schweiz) AG; Basel, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:36

Pensum: 80-100%
Aufgaben: Sie analysieren User Stories und Anforderungen; Sie erstellen Testspezifikationen, Testfälle und Testpläne; Sie führen die Testfälle durch und dokumentieren die Ergebnisse; Sie legen den benötigten Regressionsumfang fest; Sie arbeiten sehr eng mit der Test-Automatisierung zusammen
Anforderungen: Sie verfügen über mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in der IT Welt; als Tester von komplexen Systemen. Sie kennen sich in einem der beiden Fachgebiete Zahlungsverkehr oder Kreditgeschäft von Banken mit relevanten Prozessen aus. Überdies haben Sie bereits in Projekten Test-Aktivitäten durchgeführt und sind mit Testabläufen vertraut. Test-Zertifizierungen (ISTQB CTFL oder Advanced Level), Erfahrungen mit unterschiedlichen Test-Tools sowie Kenntnisse der AVALOQ Kernbankensoftware sind von Vorteil. Nebst starken analytische Fähigkeiten und hohem Risikobewusstsein zeichnen Sie sich durch eine gute Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit aus, um sich mit den verschiedenen Stakeholdern in Projekten und der Produkteentwicklung auszutauschen. Sie verfügen über gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und Englisch, Französisch ist von Vorteil

Waabi Innovation Inc.; Kanada, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:36

Aufgaben: Contribute and build the self-driving engineering foundations to develop the next generation autonomy software across several machine learning projects; Be part of a team of multidisciplinary Engineers and Researchers using an AI-first approach to enable safe self-driving at scale; Implement and improve machine learning training and inference pipelines; Make iterations on the models for improvements
Anforderungen: MS/PhD or Bachelors degree with a minimum of 4 years of industry experience in Computer Science, Robotics and/or similar technical field(s) of study; Solid coding proficiency in Python or C++; ​​- Some experience in reading and developing production quality software, versus only creating prototypes/proof of concepts; Experience in software architecture, system performance, latency and data flow; Experience in Machine Learning

PickyStory; Deutschland

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:36

Aufgaben: Develop new capabilities of our engine dealing with product recommendations, pricing, and discounts; Craft visual components embeddable in multiple e-commerce platforms; Design and develop new features aimed at revenue optimization; Participate in the design of our new cloud architecture on EKS (Kubernetes on AWS); Build advanced integrations with Shopify API and other e-commerce platforms
Anforderungen: 5 years or more of software engineering experience; 2 years or more building frontend using React/Vue/Angular; 2 years or more building web applications with Nest.js or Node.js; 1 year or more employed fully remotely by international companies

singularIT GmbH; Leipzig, Sachsen, Deutschland

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:36

Aufgaben: Verschiedene Datenquellen verknüpfen; Bei der Durchführung von Datenanalysen und Datenintegrationen unterstützen; Bei der Konzeption und Implementierung von Machine Learning Modellen mitwirken; Die Ergebnisse visuell darstellen; Die Data Science Ergebnisse in Software-Anwendungen überführen; In einem interdisziplinären Team arbeiten; Flache Hierarchien und kurze Kommunikationswege
Anforderungen: Studium in Data Science, Informatik oder vergleichbar; Du bist mit Teilen unserem Tech-Stack vertraut; Sprachniveau Deutsch mindestens C1

Universitätsspital Basel (USB); Basel, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: The University Hospital of Basel defines seven interdisciplinary focal points in clinical practice, research and development, from which renowned experts expect significant advances for the future of medicine. In this way, the University Hospital Basel is raising its profile both nationally and internationally and providing direct benefits for its patients
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at USB automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Österreich, Schweiz, Deutschland, Liechtenstein

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: Die klassische Managementberatung ist ein Kerngebiet unserer Tätigkeit. Wir belassen es jedoch nicht bei der reinen Entwicklung von Konzepten, sondern helfen auch bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung. Unsere zusätzliche Expertise im Projektmanagement, SAP-Management und IT-Management ermöglicht uns, in der heutigen, digitalen Welt ein komplettes Angebot für Ihr Projektvorhaben liefern zu können. Damit profitieren Sie von unseren Erfahrungen bis zur Ziellinie
Anforderungen: Basycon posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH); Zürich, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: Die Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PH Zürich) ist die Aus- und Weiterbildungsstätte für Lehrpersonen im Kanton Zürich. Sie wurde im Herbst 2002 durch die Zusammenlegung der elf Vorgängerinstitutionen der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung gegründet. Die PH Zürich erbringt Leistungen in folgenden Bereichen: Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Dienstleistungen, Forschung & Entwicklung
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at PHZH automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 27, 2024   21:27

Aufgaben: Das Kantonsspital St.Gallen ist das Zentrumsspital der Ostschweiz. Die Ambis in Rorschach und Flawil sind auf allen Ebenen; medizinisch, logistisch und personell; voll integrierte Bestandteile des Unternehmens. Als eines der grössten Spitäler der Schweiz übernimmt das Kantonsspital St.Gallen neben Grundversorgungsaufgaben für die Bevölkerung der Stadt St.Gallen und die angrenzenden Regionen auch Zentrumsfunktionen für die Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner des ganzen Kantons St.Gallen sowie einige benachbarte Kantone
Anforderungen: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at KSSG automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis, Technische Universität Graz; Österreich, Frankreich

     Frist: Mai 27, 2024 | Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:52

Dauer: 3+1 y
Aufgaben: Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes mit dem Deutsch; Französischem Forschungsinstitut Saint; Louis (ISL) ist voraussichtlich ab 1.10.2024 eine Promotionsstelle für die Dauer von 3 Jahren zu besetzen, eine Verlängerung auf 4 Jahre ist möglich. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes sollen neue numerische Raum; Zeit Diskretisierungsverfahren (FEM/BEM) zur Lösung inverser Probleme der Wellengleichung entwickelt und implementiert werden, ein Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten ist vorgesehen
Anforderungen: Hervorragender Abschluss eines Universitätsstudiums in Mathematik, Physik, oder Ingenieurwissenschaften. Gewünschte Qualifikationen: Kenntnisse in der Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen, Programmierkenntnisse

TikTok; San Jose, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:43

Aufgaben: Model optimization: collaborate with data scientists to improve existing machine learning model training and evaluation pipelines, optimize the model training pipeline speed for faster iteration; Model Deployment: optimize the model inferencing performance through quantization and model conversion, define and leverage appropriate resources for model hosting and inferencing; Inference Pipeline product prioritization: work with data scientists and data engineers to design and implement the data pipelines for machine learning models that will support the current and future needs of our business; Service Deployment: build continuous integration, testing, and scalable deployment pipelines in cloud computing environments for machine learning services
Anforderungen: BS or above in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science, or a related field; 2 years of industry experience building ML infrastructure at scale; 1 year of experience in developing and deploying large-scale systems, version control, scaling and monitoring; Experience in Machine Learning frameworks (scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch), big data frameworks (Spark/Hadoop/Flink), and experience in resource management and task scheduling for large-scale distributed systems; Proficient in Python/SQL and of C++/Go, with deep knowledge of Linux and CD tools (e.g. Git)

MoTek Technologies; San Francisco, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:42

Aufgaben: As a Deep Learning Engineer, you will be helping to build the ML/DL framework that drives our core business. You are not only implementing new models on top of our existing framework to solve new customer problems, but you are helping to improve the core framework that unifies all the problems we are solving. In particular, the differentiation of our frameworks and models are that they are computationally and numerically much more efficient (orders of magnitude) than state of the art techniques
Anforderungen: MS or PhD preferred; 3+ years of industrial work experience; Strong C++ programming experience; Expertise in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, AI or related field which is heavily computational math-based; Experience developing large scale deployable software products; Experience working in large, complex codebases; Familiarity with version control tools such as GIT, CVS, SVN, etc; Familiarity with project management tools such as BitBucket, Jira, etc; BS in Computer Science/Engineering or related software-based field

Moffitt Cancer Center; Tampa, Florida, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:39

Aufgaben: Develop and extend machine learning methods for big cancer Omics data such as single-cell omics data and spatial transcriptomics data; Develop bioinformatics pipelines for analyzing high dimensional immunological data; Develop novel visualization tools for interpreting big cancer Omics data; Discover new predictive biomarkers for cancer prognosis; Collaborate on a variety of cancer and bioinformatics research projects
Anforderungen: PhD in Bioinformatics, Statistics/Biostatistics, Applied Mathematics, Data Science, Computer Science, or related fields. Research background/experiences in Bioinformatics, Statistics, Computational Biology, Machine Learning, or Computer Science. A highly motivated and independent researcher with a strong quantitative scientific background. Programming experience in statistical program R and/or scripting languages such as Perl/Python on Unix/Linux systems

Moderna, Inc.; Cambridge, Massachusetts, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:38

Aufgaben: Participate in implementation and evaluation of leading-edge machine learning methods related to cancer immunotherapy; Explore large-scale immunological datasets, including genomic, transcriptomic, mass spectrometry, and structural data, to derive and integrate orthogonal contributors of effective immunotherapy design; Stay abreast of scientific findings and technological developments and continuously improve computational methodology; Maintain detailed documentation of data analysis methods and results; Present findings and participate in cross-function team meetings
Anforderungen: MS degree in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, or a related field; Strong track record in machine learning algorithm development, preferably with applications in immunology, genomics, or personalized medicine; Proficiency in handling and interpreting large-scale biological datasets, including genomic and proteomic data; Strong programming skills in Python/R and with ML frameworks (e.g. PyTorch)

MoTek Technologies; San Francisco, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:35

Aufgaben: As a Deep Learning Scientist, you will design high-performance, state-of-the-art, hybrid architectures for image-based classification, segmentation, labeling, and object detection. This position requires strong theoretical foundations, excellent engineering skills, and sound scientific method. Candidates must have broad and deep proficiency in the foundations of machine learning, CNNs, image processing and computer vision. Candidates must also be adventurous and enthusiastic about an early startup experience!
Anforderungen: Strong academic foundations from a competitive university/laboratory (Ph.D. preferred); Fluent with state-of-the-art techniques for image-based machine learning; Substantial experience architecting, training, optimizing and evaluating image-based ConvNets; Practical experience building pixel-based image segmentation/boundary/classification networks; Strong applied math skills in linear algebra and linear & non-linear optimization; Solid scientific method & excellent data analysis skills

Amazon; Palo Alto, California, Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:25

Aufgaben: Design and build scalable infrastructure that enables training, evaluating and deploying machine learning models over billions of collected historical data points; Design and develop tools for monitoring the performance of machine learning models at scale; Design and develop lineage and artifact tracking infrastructure for training data, ML models and experiments; Design and develop reproducible ML Pipelines that help interpretability and trustworthiness of ML models; Embrace and champion engineering best practices within your group and beyond; Produce clean, high-quality code, tests, and written documentation
Anforderungen: 5+ years of non-internship professional software development experience; 5+ years of programming with at least one software programming language experience; 5+ years of leading design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience; Experience as a mentor, tech lead or leading an engineering team; Experience in machine learning, data mining, information retrieval, statistics or natural language processing

Siemens; Al Kairo, Ägypten

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:20

Aufgaben: Design, develop, and implement software programming for both internal and external products, exceeding customer expectations with a focus on quality and on-time delivery; Ensure the overall functional quality of released products across all platforms and mechanisms; Lead major projects within the product area, providing technical guidance and promoting innovation; Consult with customers on future upgrades and products, influencing technical direction; Provide high-level technical expertise, including in-depth software systems programming and analysis; Mentor junior engineers, demonstrating independence and technical expertise
Anforderungen: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field; +8 years of experience in software development, with a specialization in data analysis and machine learning; Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, or C++; Experience with machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch)

Amazon; Karnataka, Indien

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:18

Aufgaben: Use machine learning and analytical techniques to create scalable solutions for business problems; Analyze and extract relevant information from large amounts of Amazon’s historical business data to help automate and optimize key processes; Design, develop, evaluate and deploy, innovative and highly scalable ML models; Work closely with software engineering teams to drive real-time model implementations; Work closely with business partners to identify problems and propose machine learning solutions; Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large scale data analyses, model development, model validation and model maintenance; Work proactively with engineering teams and product managers to evangelize new algorithms and drive the implementation of large-scale complex ML models in production; Leading projects and mentoring other scientists, engineers in the use of ML techniques
Anforderungen: 5+ years of building models for business application experience; PhD, or Master's degree and 4+ years of CS, CE, ML or related field experience; Experience in patents or publications at top-tier peer-reviewed conferences or journals; Experience programming in Java, C++, Python or related language; Experience in any of the following areas: algorithms and data structures, parsing, numerical optimization, data mining, parallel and distributed computing, high-performance computing

TikTok; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:17

Aufgaben: Participate in the construction of a multi-party joint modeling and data analysis platform; Work with product teams to understand key privacy requirements from TikTok product family and convert research outcomes into technical solutions and product prototypes; Work with research teams for complex experiments requiring optimized algorithms running on large datasets or sophisticated data processing; Build open-source tools and infrastructure for privacy related research and engage with community contributors in external events including meetups, hackathons, summits
Anforderungen: PhD or Master's degree in Computer Science or a related field; Familiar with federated learning/distributed machine learning algorithms and experienced in federated learning frameworks and applications development; Familiar with machine learning and deep learning frameworks, like TensorFlow, Pytorch, JAX; Proficiency in at least one of the following programming languages, Go, C++, Python, Rust, Java; Ability to work globally and collaboratively within a team

Flagship Pioneering, Inc.; Vereinigte Staaten (USA)

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:10

Aufgaben: Computational analysis of large, complex, single cell genomics datasets from in vitro cellular model systems ; Deliver testable hypotheses/insights from complex high-dimensional data to inform target selection ; Linking results and insights between internal and public data, as well as orthogonal data such as human genetics. ; Identify and validate approaches to improve quality and efficiency of hypothesis generation from model systems ; Maintain awareness of emerging methods in computational biology and applications for novel omics technologies ; Provide ad-hoc bioinformatics support to cross-disciplinary project teams 
Anforderungen: PhD in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Computer Science, Computational Biology, Genetics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics or other related discipline ; 2-3 years post PhD experience applying quantitative approaches to solve biological problems ; Knowledge and experience of single-cell transcriptomic data and analyses; additional modalities such as histone modification data analysis considered a plus. ; Strong knowledge of applied statistics and machine learning (in particular deep generative models) ; Strong statistical and scripting programming skills (Python/R/etc.) 

Rieter; Winterthur, Zürich, Schweiz

     Publiziert: April 26, 2024   12:09

Aufgaben: You lead several internal development teams and are responsible for external software development partners; You lead strategically important projects; You manage the software development lifecycle of our digital products and support the product units with their digital requirements; Together with various users and stakeholders from product units, you analyze the requirements regarding research & development of software solutions; You are innovative in the development of product features and capabilities along our agile processes; You actively participate in the continuous improvement of processes and procedures
Anforderungen: Higher education (university) in a technical field (computer science, engineering) or equivalent professional experience; Several years of professional experience in managing software development projects and software teams, ideally in an international environment; You are familiar with traditional and agile development methods and have the relevant experience; You are proficient in the use of modern software modeling tools and are familiar with current software architecture and design principles; You are characterized by strong analytical skills and enjoy interacting with various stakeholders; You have very good communication skills (written and spoken) in German and English and feel comfortable in an international environment

Università degli Studi della Basilicata; Potenza, Italien

     Frist: Mai 20, 2024 | Publiziert: April 26, 2024   11:54

Abteilung: Information Science
Dauer: 1 y
Aufgaben: This research program intends to contribute to recognizing local varieties of fruit trees through the analysis of digital images. In this research program, artificial intelligence and machine learning methods will be developed and implemented based on datasets of leaves and fruits images, which, through elements such as shape and color, provide information on cultivar name, the state of health and phenological development of the plants in question. The developed algorithms will address problems of classification, segmentation, compression and comparison
Anforderungen: Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

University of Oxford; Oxford, Oxfordshire, Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)

     Frist: Juni 30, 2024 | Publiziert: April 26, 2024   11:51

Aufgaben: The postholder will develop numerical models using finite-difference methods with increasing complexity and benchmark against analytical solutions, adapt the existing theoretical and computational frameworks, including rheological and thermochemical models, relevant for modelling magmatic-tectonic cycles at mid-ocean ridge. You will also write manuscripts, present at national and international conferences and workshops and collaborate with colleagues in research groups and partner institutions
Anforderungen: You will hold, (at the time of starting the post), a PhD/DPhil in a relevant field (e.g. geodynamics, theoretical and/or applied physics, engineering or applied mathematics) together with experience relevant to the objectives of the projects. You will also have experience with computational modelling of continuum mechanical phenomena based on the solution of partial differential equations. You must have the ability to manage your own academic research and associated activities and excellent communication skills including the ability to write for publication, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at external meetings

University of Oslo; Oslo, Østlandet, Norwegen

     Frist: Mai 13, 2024 | Publiziert: April 26, 2024   11:47

Aufgaben: Develop theoretical and computational models for interfacial flow and wetting on cell membranes; Implement and solve numerically the theoretical membrane model; Collaborate with experimentalists; Develop independence and be self-driven to advance with their research project; Work in an interdisciplinary team with expertise in mechanics, biology, physics and biophysics; Follow our PhD program that include an educational component
Anforderungen: Master’s degree or equivalent in mechanics, fluid mechanics, biophysics, physics or applied mathematics; Excellent oral and written communication skills in English

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