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Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI); Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland

     Published: April 15, 2024   08:10

Workload: 80-100%
Duties: Selbstständige Überprüfung der Stromversorgungs- und leittechnischen Anlagen einschliesslich Instrumentierung und Informationssysteme sowie sicherheitstechnisch relevanter Systeme unter Beachtung der anzuwendenden Normen und Richtlinien; Planung und Durchführung von Inspektionen in den Kernanlagen sowie Verfolgung der identifizierten Verbesserungsmassnahmen; Prüfung und Beurteilung von Berichten und Betriebsvorschriften sowie von Freigabegesuchen; Mithilfe bei der Erarbeitung von Beurteilungsgrundlagen
Requirements: Studienabschluss (Uni/FH) als Elektroingenieur (m/w/d) sowie mehrjährige Berufserfahrung auf den Gebieten Energietechnik oder Mess-, Regelungs- und Prozessleittechnik; Fachkenntnisse im Bereich Schutztechnik (Netz- und Generator), Schienenauslegung und EMV wünschenswert; Gewandtheit im schriftlichen Ausdruck in der deutschen Sprache sowie sehr gutes Englisch in Wort und Schrift; Teamorientierte, initiative und eigenverantwortliche Persönlichkeit mit hohem Verantwortungsbewusstsein sowie einer selbstständigen, ziel- und lösungsorientieren Arbeitsweise; Ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten und Organisationsgeschick sowie die Fähigkeit, auch in einem komplexen Umfeld den Überblick zu bewahren

Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra); Wettingen, Aargau, Switzerland

     Published: April 15, 2024   08:10

Duties: Sie leiten Projekte in der integralen Planung des geologischen Tiefenlagers; Sie sind verantwortlich für die Konkretisierung und Optimierung der Lagerprojekte mit Fokus auf die Auslegung der untertägigen Anlagen (SIA-​Phasen 31; 33); Sie tragen die Verantwortung für die phasengerechte Dokumentation der Ergebnisse; Sie leiten externe Auftragnehmer und erstellen zusammen mit ihnen die Grundlagen und Dokumente für das Baubewilligungsgesuch; Sie übernehmen die Projektplanung und Projektsteuerung Ihrer Projekte; Sie erarbeiten Grundlagen für die interne Entscheidungsfindung; Sie vertreten Ergebnisse gegenüber Behörden und Experten
Requirements: Einen Fach- oder Hochschulabschluss im Bereich Bauingenieurwesen oder vergleichbar, vorzugsweise mit Vertiefung im Untertagbau; Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Planung und Realisierung im Untertagbau/Tunnelbau; Erfahrung in/Interesse an digitaler integraler Planung, z. B. BIM, Requirements-​Engineering; Vorzugweise (Fach-)Projektleitungserfahrung in Grossprojekten

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: April 14, 2024   10:23

Workload: 50%
Duties: Schwerpunkt Ihrer Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Implementierung von quantitativen Verfahren zur Modellierung und Bewertung des finanziellen Aufwandes und Erlöses sowie der ökologischen Auswirkung (Nutzen oder Belastung) datengetriebener Dienstleistungen in produzierenden Unternehmen. Die theoretisch fundierten Lösungskonzepte werden in praktischen Anwendungsfällen erprobt und mit den Umsetzungspartnern weiterentwickelt. Sie werden analytische Fähigkeiten und Methoden nutzen, um solche Dienstleistungskonzepte zu modellieren und nachhaltige, optimierte Lösungen zu entwickeln. Durch die Kombination wissenschaftlicher Methoden und einer lösungsorientierten, pragmatischen Denkweise werden Sie neue und innovative Lösungen für reale Probleme schaffen. In den Projekten übernehmen Sie Verantwortung sowohl für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten als auch für administrative Tätigkeiten und die Kommunikation mit den Projektpartnern
Requirements: Sie verfügen über einen Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss in einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Disziplin oder in einer Ingenieurdisziplin mit betriebswirtschaftlicher Vertiefung (Wirtschaftsingenieur oder Wirtschaftsinformatik). Sie haben fundierte Kenntnisse in den quantitativen Methoden von Operations Management und Operations Research, insbesondere im Dienstleistungsbereich. Sie kennen die Methoden des Service Engineering und des Service Design. Sie verfügen ausserdem über gute Statistikkenntnisse und Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung (Python oder R). Die Assistenzstelle wird vorzugsweise im Zusammenhang mit der Teilnahme an einem weiterführenden Ausbildungsprogramm (z.B. Master) besetzt

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: April 14, 2024   10:23

Workload: 50%
Duties: Schwerpunkt Ihrer Arbeit ist die Entwicklung, Bewertung und Implementierung von quantitativen Modellen für industrielle Service-Ökosysteme (z.B. das Zusammenspiel von Produktions-, Logistik- oder Transportfirmen, ihren Geschäftskunden sowie Service-Partner-Firmen) in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen. Sie werden analytische Fähigkeiten und Methoden nutzen, um solche Systeme zu modellieren und nachhaltige, optimierte Lösungen zu entwickeln. Durch die Kombination wissenschaftlicher Methoden und einer lösungsorientierten, pragmatischen Denkweise werden Sie neue und innovative Lösungen für reale Probleme schaffen. In den Projekten übernehmen Sie Verantwortung sowohl für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten als auch für administrative Tätigkeiten und die Kommunikation mit den Projektpartnern
Requirements: Sie verfügen über einen Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss in einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Disziplin oder in einer Ingenieurdisziplin mit betriebswirtschaftlicher Vertiefung (Wirtschaftsingenieur). Sie haben fundierte Kenntnisse in den quantitativen Methoden von Operations Management und Operations Research, insbesondere im Dienstleistungsbereich. Sie kennen die Methoden des Service Engineering und des Service Design. Sie verfügen ausserdem über gute Statistikkenntnisse und Erfahrung in der Modellierung betrieblicher Prozesse inkl. Anwendung der spezifischen Werkzeuge (MATLAB, R, Simulationstools). Die Assistenzstelle wird vorzugsweise im Zusammenhang mit der Teilnahme an einem weiterführenden Ausbildungsprogramm (z.B. Master) besetzt

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 8, 2024 | Published: April 14, 2024   10:23

Duties: You will be part of the SMP team that works on: Sustainability & environmental impacts; Wind energy economics & finance; Financial modelling and policy analysis; Stochastic cost modelling of wind energy investments; Techno-economics of wind and energy systems; Energy policy & support mechanism design; Social acceptability of wind energy; Planning & development processes
Requirements: A background in engineering, economics, physics, mathematics, or a related field with an emphasis on development or assessment of sustainable energy systems and lifecycle technoeconomic modelling of renewable energy systems, especially wind energy systems; Proven experience in quantifying sustainability indicators in the context of impact assessment frameworks (economic, environmental and social) and conducting lifecycle cost modelling for energy-related projects, especially wind turbines, considering market value and constraints

Mazars; Switzerland

     Published: April 14, 2024   10:17

Duties: Wir sind ein führendes, internationales Unternehmen, das auf Wirtschaftsprüfung, Buchhaltung, Steuer- und Beratungsdienstleistungen spezialisiert ist und sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen für eine gerechte und prosperierende Welt zu schaffen
Requirements: Mazars posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 13, 2024   13:11

Workload: 80%
Duties: Contributing to teaching (lectures for Master students and thesis supervision); Assistance in PhD student supervision; Writing of grant applications, project reports, and scientific papers; Close collaboration and knowledge exchange with national and international collaborators
Requirements: A PhD in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Chemistry or related disciplines; A proven experience in process engineering with design, commissioning and optimisation according to R&D’s specifications; Strong background in water monitoring and water/wastewater treatment; Advanced competence in laboratory and analytical work is necessary; Capability to examine large data sets

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 13, 2024   13:11

Duties: We are seeking highly motivated candidates to be employed either at Postdoctoral or Doctoral level (PhD) to set up a new research line at the University of Luxembourg (UL). In particular we will target the development of advanced ultrafast tools and techniques with the goal to exploit them for the investigation of fundamental light-matter interaction processes occurring on the femtosecond timescale
Requirements: Master in Physics or similar subjects; Curiosity and self-motivation; Experience in ultrafast optics and ultrafast lasers is preferential; The University of Luxembourg is set in a multilingual context. The person hired on this position must be proficient in English

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein

     Published: April 13, 2024   13:09

Duties: Entwicklung von IT-Strategien und -Architekturen; Strukturierung und Management komplexer Umsetzungsprojekte; Realisierung innovativer Protoypen und Begleitung anspruchsvoller IT-Vorhaben; Einsatz von Data-Science- und KI-Methoden und modernsten Technologien
Requirements: Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Spass an der Technik

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

     Deadline: April 26, 2024 | Published: April 13, 2024   13:09

Duties: The scientific focus of the University Professorship (W3) “Electrochemistry” will lie on the investigation and development of novel methods and technologies for the synthesis and identification of new high-performance, long-term stable electrode materials, electrolytes, and electrolyte-electrode interfaces preferably by autonomous materials synthesis and high-throughput characterization. Autonomous production, high-performance analytics, and materials characterization will be combined on the existing “Materials Acceleration Platform” (MAP). Multi-target sputtering and other automated solid-state synthesis methods as well as mixing and pipetting robots can be applied. Characterization will be based on X-ray processes, XPS, optical spectroscopy, and NMR
Requirements: Applicants are expected to have comprehensive research experience in the areas mentioned and to have made excellent scientific achievements of high international visibility. Moreover, applicants should have leadership experience, be able to work in a team, and be qualified to provide academic education

University of Oxford; Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

     Deadline: April 19, 2024 | Published: April 13, 2024   13:01

Duties: Applications are invited for the post of Associate Professor of Materials to be held in the Department of Materials, with effect from 1 September 2024 or soon thereafter
Requirements: The successful candidate will have a doctorate in materials science or a closely related subject, and will have a record of internationally excellent research, supported by strong publications commensurate with their career stage

University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES); Princess Anne, Maryland, United States

     Published: April 13, 2024   13:01

Duties: The Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Science at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore is seeking highly qualified applicants in the areas of agricultural bioinformatics and/or biostatistics
Requirements: PhD in computer science, bioinformatics, statistics or other quantitative sciences. Candidates with degrees in other relevant fields but with demonstrated experience in bioinformatics and statistics will be considered

Southwest Research Institute; San Antonio, Texas, United States

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:58

Duties: Identify and pursue new research directions for current and emerging technologies in automated and autonomous vehicles and manufacturing robotics; Propose and lead internal research programs to extend the state of the art in localization, navigation, mapping, path planning, perception, modeling, and simulation; Mentor colleagues to raise the bar for research and development across the entire organization; Find new applications, industries, and clients for novel automation capabilities; Capture new research projects with new and existing clients
Requirements: Requires a Bachelors, Masters, or a PhD in Robotics, Mechatronics, Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or other engineering robotics-related degree; 7-12 years: Industry, academic, or government research experience in autonomous/automated vehicles or robotics in the unmanned ground (UGV), air (UAS), sea (USV or UUV), or manufacturing robotics domains

Libera Università di Bolzano; Bolzano, Italy

     Deadline: April 30, 2024 | Published: April 13, 2024   12:50

Duties: Mining Interesting Patterns in Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs - Applied and foundational research to mine frequent and actionable subgraph structures over datasets of large-scale knowledge graphs. The research activities will focus on the following: 1) applying consolidated technology to graphs representing specific domains (e.g., risk/attack graphs, behavior graphs, or spatial/event graphs), to find recurring structures that can provide useful insights to domain experts (e.g., attack patterns or recurrent behaviors); 2) enhancing available technology to facilitate users in accessing and analyzing the discovered patterns (e.g., filtering out redundant or spurious patterns, and offering a service to organize and visualize the output patterns); 3) defining the notion of "interestingness" for a frequent subgraph structure and provide metrics to rank these structures accordingly
Requirements: Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

Aarhus University (AU); Aarhus, Jutland, Denmark

     Deadline: June 1, 2024 | Published: April 13, 2024   12:42

Duties: Teaching/upgrading existing courses related to Structural Engineering at both B.Sc. and M.Sc. level in Civil and Architectural Engineering programmes; Supervising students at different levels (e.g., multidisciplinary projects, master theses, doctoral theses); Conducting research through externally sponsored grants at national and international levels; Establishing relevant collaborations with the Danish industry; Contributing to the operation of the department
Requirements: Engineering background (B.Sc. and M.Sc.); Doctoral degree in a relevant field of research; Excellent proficiency in the English language

Fachhochschule Salzburg (FH Salzburg); Salzburg, Austria

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:32

Duties: An der FH Salzburg wählen Sie aus 18 Bachelor- und 15 Master-Studiengängen sowie aus zahlreichen Weiterbildungsprogrammen. Von Holztechnologie bis Ergotherapie. Von Betriebswirtschaft bis hin zu MultiMediaArt. Das Angebot in den 6 Departments - Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften, Business and Tourism, Creative Technologies, Gesundheitswissenschaften, Green Engineering and Circular Design und Information Technologies and Digitalisation - ist vielfältig
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at FH Salzburg automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Fairmont State University; Fairmont, West Virginia, United States

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:32

Duties: We offer a wide range of academic programs, including business, the humanities, science, education, and even aviation, so you're sure to find an area of study that meets your interests. You will learn in small classes from caring teacher mentors, who will join together with you and other hard-working students in a spirit of roll-up-your-sleeves, cooperative optimism to take on challenges and defy expectations
Requirements: Fairmont State University posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

University of Chicago (U of C); Chicago, Illinois, United States

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:31

Duties: For more than 125 years, the University of Chicago has forged its own path. This has led to new schools of thought and a transformative education for students, and laid the groundwork for breakthroughs across the sciences, medicine, economics, law, business, history, culture, the arts, and humanistic inquiry
Requirements: U of C posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Skidmore College; Saratoga Springs, New York, United States

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:31

Duties: Skidmore College is a private liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, New York. Approximately 2650 students are enrolled at Skidmore pursuing a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in one of more than 60 areas of study
Requirements: Skidmore College posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal (RhySearch); Buchs, St. Gallen, Switzerland

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:29

Duties: We promote the competitive capacity of small and medium sized companies in Alpenrheintal (Alpine Rhine valley region). We achieve this through the targeted networking of business and research with the aim of making the business location of Alpenrheintal more attractive and as a result increasing opportunities for employment. We bundle the research capabilities of several research institutions. There is a vibrant informal and professional exchange of ideas and thoughts within the framework of this partnership, which benefits the entire network. The services we offer are completed with our own applied research capabilities
Requirements: RhySearch posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M); Hamburg, Germany

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:29

Duties: Our interests gain impetus from the fact that human activity is amplifying the atmosphere’s greenhouse effect. That this will cause the surface to warm is well documented and not disputed. Much less clear, and hence more interesting, is exactly how much warming will arise from a given increase in greenhouse gases. How rapidly will this warming establish itself? Where will the gases go and how long will it take them to get there? And what are the consequences of the warming for the global circulation of the atmosphere and ocean, and the weather patterns that accompany it? Looking further afield, we are interested in when and where these changes will impact the ability of eco- and human-systems to inhabit the planet, and how this may in turn influence human activity. Answering these types of questions demands a deep understanding of how the climate system works
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at MPI-M automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:28

Duties: DTU is recognized internationally as a leading university in the areas of the technical and the natural sciences, renowned for our business-oriented approach, our focus on sustainability, and our amazing study environment
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at DTU automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany

     Published: April 13, 2024   12:27

Duties: The University of Göttingen is an internationally renowned research university. Founded in 1737 in the Age of Enlightenment, the University is committed to the values of social responsibility of science, democracy, tolerance and justice. It offers a comprehensive range of subjects across 13 faculties: in the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and medicine. With about 30, 000 students and more than 210 degree programmes, the University is one of the largest in Germany
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at Uni Göttingen automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Sulzer AG; Al Seef, Bahrain

     Published: April 12, 2024   12:58

Workload: 100%
Duties: Refinery application simulation mainly for distillation column and peripheral equipment’s; Design activity related to basic process package design (heat, material, and utility balances); Contribute to technical marketing through publications and strategic assistance; Provide comprehensive training, sales support, presentation, and technical assistance for Refinery group; Nurturing a thriving innovation process, continuously generating and processing new ideas; Serve as a crucial repository of knowledge for packings, trays, and refinery technology
Requirements: Graduate in Chemical Engineering; Min 10 Years’ experience in Refinery Processes; Column internals knowledge is added advantage; Refinery applications knowledge; Working in refinery is added advantage

Sulzer AG; Bridgeport, United States

     Published: April 12, 2024   12:52

Workload: 100%
Duties: Provide customer service and respond to customer(s) technical issues and questions regarding pump systems: mechanical design improvements, hydraulic re-rates and enhancements, vibration analysis, pressure boundary analysis, metallurgical problem solving, corrosion/erosion, optimize plant systems/rotating equipment interfaces, maintenance and system operation/limitations, trust calculations, seal flush plan optimization and baseplates. Process FEAR’s completely and accurately; Provide onsite support to customer sites to troubleshoot and solve (SPSUA and competitors’ products) technical problems (system, mechanical, hydraulic, vibration, metallurgy, instrumentation & control). Make recommendations to solve these problems and, if necessary, coordinate and supervise personnel to achieve desired result and successful outcome
Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or related field or equivalent in training and/or experience; Eight years’ experience in field, pumps, systems interface, and hydraulic applicants preferred; Excellent communication (both verbal and written) and interpersonal skills

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