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Zuger Kantonsspital AG; Baar, Zug, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   12:03

Workload: 40-100%
Duties: Optimale Betreuung unserer Patienten beim Spitalaustritt im Rahmen des pharmazeutischen Austrittsmanagements; Kompetente pharmazeutische Beratung unserer ambulanten Patienten und Kunden; Erteilung von Fachauskünften an Ärzte und Pflegefachpersonal; Bei entsprechender Qualifikation Durchführung von Impfungen und damit verbundene Beratung für Patienten und Kunden der Apotheke; Pharmazeutische Betreuung externer Institutionen; Samstagsdienste im Turnus; Bei Eignung und Interesse mittelfristig Übernahme von Aufgaben im Bereich Spitalpharmazie
Requirements: Eidg. Diplom als Apothekerin (oder anerkanntes ausländisches Diplom); Berufserfahrung in einer öffentlichen Apotheke von Vorteil, aber auch Berufseinsteiger willkommen; Hohes Qualitäts- und Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Zuverlässigkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Belastbarkeit; Fachkompetenz, Kommunikationsgeschick und sicheres Auftreten; Freude an interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit mit allen Spitalbereichen

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   12:00

Workload: 50%
Duties: Carrying out cell sorting on two 18-parameter BD FACSAria; Setting up cell sorter and performing daily quality control; Monitoring, calibration and maintenance of the analytical analyzer; Independent execution of minor repairs; Ordering, procurement and replenishing of consumables and reagents, disposing of work waste in accordance with the Biosafety guidelines of the DBM; Participation in the development of experiments, such as advising the scientific staff on the selection of reagents and methodology and assisting in the correct setting of the cytometer
Requirements: You have a BSc or higher in a life science or related scientific discipline with experience in flow cytometry. Expertise in operating BD flow cytometers and sorters (Fortessa, FACSAria, FACSMelody) is desirable. Interest in the technical aspects of flow cytometry and experience in hands-on troubleshooting, including minor repairs, would be a plus. You are enthusiastic about helping researchers and have a service-oriented attitude. You are self-motivated and have effective organisation and communication skills, being able to work independently as well as collaboratively as part of a team

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy

     Deadline: May 3, 2024 | Published: April 24, 2024   11:54

Duties: The goal of the research programme is the development of novel photocatalytic systems for the production of ethylene. Systems for the selective carbon dioxide reduction reaction to ethylene or acetylene reduction; reaction to ethylene will be studied. To this aim, inorganic semiconductor materials will be synthesized; These materials will be characterized and used as photocatalysts for the reactions of interest. The studied; reactions will be driven sustainably by light and will be performed in water; chim/03 - chimica generale ed inorganica
Requirements: Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

Spital Davos AG; Davos, Graubünden, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   11:53

Duties: Als Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates sind Sie zuständig für eine sinnvolle, nachhaltige und volkswirtschaftliche Strategiearbeit für die Spital Davos AG mit entsprechender Überwachungsfunktion auf operativer Ebene. Sie gestalten die Zukunft eines fest in der Region verankerten Kantonsspitals aktiv mit und bringen die Sichtweise der Pflege in den acht bis zehn jährlichen Verwaltungsratssitzungen und dem alljährlichen zweitägigen Strategiemeeting ein. Zudem verfügen Sie über ausreichend Flexibilität, auch an ausserordentlichen Sitzungen sowie Workshops teilzunehmen
Requirements: Für diese anspruchsvolle Funktion wünschen wir uns eine Persönlichkeit mit einem tertiären Abschluss im Pflegemanagement. Sie zeichnen sich durch ausgewiesene Berufs- und Führungserfahrung aus und verstehen sich als Treiber/in der Unternehmensvision. Sie ergänzen die Fachkompetenzen des Verwaltungsrates, übernehmen Verantwortung und bringen sich versiert in einem kollegialen Gremium mit ein

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   11:50

Workload: 40-80%
Duties: Warenbewirtschaftung und Bereitstellung von Arzneimitteln für das Kantonsspital St.Gallen und weitere Kunden mit modernen Hilfsmitteln (Kommissionierautomat in Planung); Bearbeiten von pharmazeutischen und logistischen Anfragen rund um das Arzneimittelsortiment für Pflegefachpersonen und Ärzteschaft, telefonisch und am Ausgabeschalter; Mitarbeit in allen Prozessen rund um die Arzneimittelbewirtschaftung im Spitalumfeld; Mitarbeit im weiteren Ausbau des Qualitätssicherungs-Systems (GDP); Teilnahme ca. einmal pro Monat am Samstagsdienst (9: 00 bis 11: 30 Uhr)
Requirements: Abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Pharma-Assistent/in EFZ (Fachfrau/-mann Apotheke EFZ), Drogist/in EFZ, Pharmazeutisch-technische/r Assistent/in oder ähnliches Curriculum; Es sind auch Lehrabgänger/innen willkommen; Selbstständige, exakte und initiative Arbeitsweise, vernetzte Denkweise, Flexibilität und Belastbarkeit; Fundierte Arzneimittel-Fachkenntnisse, Erfahrung mit elektronischer Warenbewirtschaftung, IT-Affinität, SAP MM-Kenntnisse von Vorteil; Ausgeprägte Dienstleistungsorientierung und hohes Verantwortungsbewusstsein; Gute MS Office-Kenntnisse (insbesondere Word und Excel); Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   11:50

Workload: 70%
Duties: Anstellung zu 40% am Kantonsspital St.Gallen und zu 30% am Ostschweizer Kinderspital in der jeweiligen Spitalpharmazie (die Anstellung erfolgt am Kantonsspital St.Gallen); Die Möglichkeit, den Bereich der Klinischen Pharmazie am Kantonsspital St.Gallen vertieft kennenzulernen, u.a. durch die pharmazeutische Beratung rund um Arzneimittel sowie der Mitarbeit in unterschiedlichen Arbeits- und Projektgruppen zur Arzneimittelsicherheit; Vertretung des Leiters Offizin an einem Tag pro Woche in allen Belangen rund um die Pharma-Logistik; Sie sind in den pharmazeutischen Pikettdienst des Kantonsspitals St.Gallen eingebunden; Stellvertretung der Spitalapothekerin am Ostschweizer Kinderspital mit fachtechnischer Verantwortung bei deren Abwesenheit, aktive Mitarbeit im Tagesgeschäft sowie in der pharmazeutischen Beratung der Ärzteschaft und Pflegefachpersonen in allen Fragen der Arzneimittelanwendung, insbesondere unter dem Aspekt der Fragestellungen aus Pädiatrie und Neonatologie
Requirements: Abgeschlossenes Studium der Pharmazie, Erfahrungen als klinische/r Pharmazeut/in in der Spitalpharmazie sind von Vorteil; Begeisterung und Initiative, die klinische Pharmazie an einem grossen Zentrumsspital aktiv weiterzuentwickeln; Interesse und Freude an interdisziplinärer und interprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit, an Fragestellungen zu Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit, Pharmakologie und Pharmaceutical Care; Selbstständiges, verantwortungsbewusstes und exaktes Arbeiten, gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sowie sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse; Bereitschaft, tageweise an weiteren Spitalstandorten im Kanton St.Gallen tätig zu sein

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   08:38

Department: Advisory
Workload: 100%
Duties: A career within General Consulting services, will provide you with the opportunity to help clients seize essential advantages by working alongside business leaders to solve their toughest problems and capture their greatest opportunities. We work with some of the world’s largest and most complex companies to understand their unique business issues and opportunities in an ever changing environment. We help create sustainable change by stimulating innovation, unlocking data possibilities, navigating risk and regulatory complexity, optimising deals, and aligning costs with business strategy to create a competitive advantage
Requirements: As a Director, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution

Comundo; Katima Mulilo, Switzerland, Germany, Namibia

     Published: April 24, 2024   08:35

Workload: 100%
Duties: Capacitate teachers, advisory teachers, officers, inspectors, principals on inclusive education practices; Support in setting up tutoring groups for learning support; Support the implementation of visual and hearing screenings; Design continuous professional development programmes on inclusive education
Requirements: Knowledge and understanding of inclusive education (degree or working experience); Training of trainers’ skills or adult education; Good command of written and spoken English; Monitoring and evaluation skills; Strong leadership; Residence in Switzerland or Germany

Allianz Suisse (Allianz); Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   08:14

Duties: Allianz is a multinational financial services company. Its core businesses are insurance and asset management. The company is one of the world's largest insurers and financial services groups
Requirements: Allianz Switzerland has a slot for 1 job at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: April 24, 2024   08:12

Duties: Research & development at the ZHAW focuses on key societal challenges, with a particular emphasis on energy and societal integration. With its expertise in sustainable development and digital transformation, the ZHAW imparts forward-looking knowledge and takes an active part in shaping the digital and ecological transformation. With locations in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, the ZHAW is firmly anchored in its region whilst collaborating with international partners
Requirements: ZHAW posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); Basel, Switzerland

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: April 23, 2024   10:57

Duration: 3 y
Duties: Lead the implementation across healthcare facilities in various country regions; Collaborate with clinical staff and IT staff to understand workflow needs and ensure system customization aligns with best practices; Work closely with IT staff to configure, test, and deploy the systems; Travel to project sites as part of the project regions as needed; Regularly monitor and report on implementation progress and financial tracking to both Client, Ministry of Health onsite and the Swiss TPH team in Switzerland
Requirements: Master's degree in Healthcare Informatics, Information Technology, or a related field and minimum 5 years of experience in healthcare IT project management and team leadership; Proven experience in leading EMR and/or CDSS implementation projects; Strong understanding of healthcare workflows and best practices; Experience working in the South Asia healthcare systems as well as experience in working with international organizations; Fluency in English (written and spoken), additional regional languages are a plus

AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC); Gleisdorf, Steiermark, Austria

     Published: April 23, 2024   10:49

Duties: AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) was founded in 1988 and is today one of the leading European institutes of applied research in renewable energy and resource efficiency. In the three target group areas "Buildings", "Cities & Grids" and "Industrial Systems" as well as three technological working groups "Renewable Energies", "Thermal Storage" and "Water and Process Technologies", the R&D projects carried out range from basic research projects to the implementation of demonstration plants
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at AEE INTEC automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB); Basel, Switzerland

     Published: April 23, 2024   10:44

Duties: Das Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB) ist ein eigenständiges, universitäres Kompetenzzentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin sowie für Lehre und Forschung. Als eines der drei selbständigen Kinderspitäler der Schweiz spielt das UKBB eine zentrale Rolle bei der Sicherstellung der kantonalen, regionalen und überregionalen kinder- und jugendmedizinischen Gesundheitsversorgung
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at UKBB automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Dalhousie University (Dal); Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

     Published: April 23, 2024   08:14

Duties: The Department of Oceanography at Dalhousie University is seeking applicants for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Observational Chemical Oceanography. Applicants must have a strong record of research excellence. The applicants should have expertise in measuring inorganic carbon parameters and other climate-relevant chemical properties, and interest and experience in sea-going research and ocean sensors. The applicants’ program of research should complement the existing research activities by chemical, biological, geological and physical oceanographers in the Department. Interests and experience with cross-disciplinary oceanographic research and inter-disciplinary research with areas outside of oceanography are an asset
Requirements: Tier 2 Chairs are intended for exceptional emerging scholars (i.e. the candidate must have been an active researcher in their field for fewer than 10 years at the time of nomination)

befreundetes Stellenportal; ganze Schweiz, Switzerland

     Published: April 23, 2024   08:14

Duties: für Studierende und Absolventen, Erfahrene; alle Disziplinen
Requirements: kann auch für Stellengesuche verwendet werden

Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Bern, Switzerland

     Published: April 23, 2024   08:14

Duties: The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funds excellent research at universities and other institutions; from chemistry to medicine to sociology. Thousands of teams are generating knowledge for a better future for all. Together with our partners, we play a key role in shaping research in Switzerland
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at SNF automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST); Rapperswil, St. Gallen, Switzerland

     Published: April 23, 2024   08:07

Workload: 30-50%
Duties: Sie vermitteln im Mathematikunterricht den angehenden Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren das für ihre Fachausbildung und die spätere Berufstätigkeit grundlegende mathematische Wissen; Sofern Sie ausserdem über fundiertes Wissen in Physik verfügen, besteht die Möglichkeit, zusätzlich im Physikunterricht eingesetzt zu werden; Sie setzen sich mit Begeisterung für Ihr Fach und für qualitativ hochstehende Lehrveranstaltungen ein
Requirements: Hochschulabschluss in Mathematik oder eine äquivalente Ausbildung (Promotion und fundierte Kenntnisse in Physik sind von Vorteil); Interesse an Ingenieuranwendungen der Mathematik im Unterricht; Engagement bei der Weiterentwicklung der Lehre; Lehrerfahrung ist erwünscht (Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch)

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 23, 2024   08:05

Duties: Participate actively in the research project as described above; Write manuscripts for articles to be published in leading international scientific journals; Write a thesis in the domain of soft matter physics; Contribute to developing this entirely new field of soft matter physics, exploring both fundamental aspects and application potential, as well as to teaching and public outreach
Requirements: Master’s degree (or equivalent) in physic Chemistry or materials science/engineering degrees may also be appropriate if combined with a strong interest in and good understanding of physics/physical chemistry; Experience in quantitative research methods and practical work in physics/engineering labs; Curiosity, a genuine passion for scientific research and a desire to go beyond the state of the art; Good knowledge and understanding of materials physics and chemistry, including polarized light optics, light; matter interaction, and the thermodynamics of phases and phase transitions. We consider knowledge in and experience of soft matter physics and chemistry, especially in polymers and liquid crystals, as strong assets

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: April 22, 2024   13:17

Duties: A postdoc position is available at the Laboratory for Photovoltaics, led by Prof. Siebentritt, in the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg. This position is for a collaborative project which aims at understanding materials in highly efficient thin film photovoltaic devices
Requirements: Inorganic thin film photovoltaics require low energy to fabricate, are stable for decades, and have achieved efficiencies comparable to silicon. In this new project we will implement novel epitaxial solar cells and study the role of their highly ordered structure

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy

     Deadline: May 3, 2024 | Published: April 22, 2024   13:02

Duration: 1 y
Duties: Analysis of the chemical-physical characteristics of the waste and the raw material of the reduction process; Carrying out reduction tests using various process parameters; characterization of the reduction products through investigations using optical and electronic microscopy and X-ray techniques; simulation of the waste reduction process using dedicated software; ing-ind/21 - metallurgia
Requirements: Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 17, 2024 | Published: April 22, 2024   13:00

Duties: The position offers an opportunity to work with a dynamic and multi-disciplinary project. You will carry out research in a team engaged in multiple NMR projects in the field of RNA structural studies, fragment-based drug discovery screening and studies of interactions with their targets (RNA or protein), natural product, the identification of new structural scaffolds and in-situ NMR based metabolomics. The research project will provide opportunities to synthesize RNA using both in vitro transcription and chemically, preform NMR based structural elucidation of the fluorine responsive riboswitch apo and holo form as well as study the dynamic and kinetic structural impact of different ligands and ions on RNA structures. In this position you will also have opportunities to work with undergraduate and graduate students
Requirements: As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) in structural biology or chemical biology and a strong theoretical and experimental background in NMR spectroscopy and knowledge within structural biology

Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG); St. Gallen, Switzerland

     Published: April 22, 2024   12:53

Workload: 80-100%
Duties: Leitung und Führung von interdisziplinären und technologischen Gross-/Projekten, Aufgaben sowie Programmen; Entwicklung sowie Prüfung von Lösungsvarianten und eigenständige Organisation zur Abwicklung der Projekte; Verantwortung für das integrale LifeCycle-Management der Systeme zusammen mit den Abteilungen Service Engineering Center und Medical System Engineering; Erstellung von Pflichtenheften, Anforderungs- und Stakeholder Analysen sowie das Risikomanagement gehören als integrale Bestandteile in ihr Tätigkeitsgebiet; Erstellen und Formulieren von Projektaufträgen, Arbeitsaufträgen und Terminplanungen mit Hilfe der gängigen Software-Programme
Requirements: Studium (Uni, FH, HF) vorzugsweise im technischen Bereich sowie entsprechende Weiterbildung; Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Projekt-/Teilprojektleitung von interdisziplinären Projekten, integrales Verständnis für systemtechnische Disziplinen und Prozesse; Sie haben eine hohe Sozial- und Kommunikationskompetenz sowie Freude an der Zusammenarbeit und Führung in interdisziplinären Projektteams; Sie sind stark in der Lösungsfindung von konzeptionellen Fragestellungen, arbeiten systematisch und haben ein ausgeprägtes Systemverständnis

Umeå University; Umeå, Västerbotten County, Sweden

     Deadline: June 3, 2024 | Published: April 22, 2024   07:49

Duties: In your PhD studies, you will carry out research aimed at dissecting how virus particles assemble. You will characterize multi-component complexes involved in the assembly of viruses from the family Pneumoviridae and compare these to related viral families. Using a multi-modal structural biology and biophysics approach you will analyze structure and dynamics of these complexes to dissect the steps of viral assembly. You will employ both reduced in vitro systems to gain high resolution information, as well as large assemblies to gain ultrastructural insight
Requirements: Experience in infection biology; Knowledge and experience in biochemistry and structural biology within experimental biochemistry and molecular biology (e.g., cloning, protein expression, protein purification, cell culture); Good oral and written proficiency in English

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxembourg

     Published: April 22, 2024   07:48

Duties: Are you looking for a student job during the school holidays? Are you curious to explore the fascinating and exciting world of research? The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) might have the right mission for you
Requirements: You are between 15 and 26 years old; You are enrolled on a full time-basis in a Luxembourgish or foreign educational establishment, or have graduated less than 4 months ago; You are fluent in English and speak at least one of the official country languages (French, German or Luxembourgish)

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 5, 2024 | Published: April 22, 2024   07:47

Duties: Engineer yeast strains to assimilate C1 feedstocks; Perform genome mining to identify enzyme candidates using bioinformatic approaches; Characterize enzyme variants using biophysical and biochemical methods; Generate and analyze large enzyme mutant datasets using in vivo directed evolution tools and next-generation sequencing; Implement adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) campaigns using automation; Report your research results in peer-review scientific publications and international conferences
Requirements: PhD in biotechnology, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, biophysics, or related area; Experience with yeast genetics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics; Basic programming skills in Python or similar languages; Excellent written and oral English proficiency

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