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University of Oxford; Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

     Deadline: May 16, 2024 | Published: May 2, 2024   16:30

Duties: The Department of Chemistry is looking to appoint a Departmental Lecturer in Practical Chemistry (Inorganic) to support the delivery of its integrated practical chemistry course to undergraduate students. The Department of Chemistry hosts one of the largest cohorts of undergraduate students for its Masters of Chemistry degree. The course consists of both theory and practical teaching elements throughout the first three years, with the fourth year spent as a member of a research group
Requirements: You will hold a doctorate in Chemistry, and will have sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge of all branches of chemistry to deliver effective teaching of the integrated undergraduate practical course. You will have a demonstrable interest in and understanding of Chemical Education and the teaching of practical chemistry, including knowledge and understanding of modern pedagogic methods. You will have excellent communication, interpersonal, presentation, time-management and organisational skills. You will have a proven ability to work effectively and efficiently as an individual and collaboratively as a member of the team, and demonstrate tact, diplomacy and discretion in dealing with issues and people. A teaching qualification is desirable but not essential

Queen's University Belfast (QUB); Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

     Deadline: May 13, 2024 | Published: May 2, 2024   15:51

Duties: The School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast, is currently seeking to recruit a talented Research Fellow. They will carry out the design and chemical synthesis of enzyme inhibitors for the glycoengineering of therapeutic antibodies
Requirements: 2: 1 Honors Degree or equivalent in chemistry, chemical biology, or a related subject

University of Bergen; Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

     Deadline: June 1, 2024 | Published: May 2, 2024   15:51

Duties: The candidate will work in the research group in space physics focusing on particle precipitation. The group explores how energetic particle precipitation can affect the chemistry and dynamics of the neutral atmosphere in the polar region. Energetic electrons and protons, trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field, can collide with gases in the atmosphere. These collisions initiate several chemical reactions leading to the production of NOx and HOx gases, which in turn can reduce the ozone concentration
Requirements: Applicants must hold a master's degree or equivalent education in space physics or atmospheric physics or a related field; Documented good knowledge of and experience in one or more of these areas is a requirement: high latitudinal aeronomy (chemistry and/or dynamics); processes influencing energetic particle precipitation into the atmosphere; statistical methods for handling complex data

Schweizer Armee; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Kosovo

     Published: May 2, 2024   13:48

Duties: Gesprächsführung mit der lokalen Bevölkerung sowie Vertretern von Institutionen und Behörden im Einsatzgebiet zur Erkennung potentieller Lageveränderungen; Unterstützung des Teamleaders im Erarbeiten von Gesprächsstrategien sowie Rapportieren der Informationen von Gesprächspartnern; Durchführen von Patrouillen mittels Fahrzeug oder zu Fuss; Informieren und Instruieren der Sprachmittler vor Gesprächen, Meetings und Patrouillen; Erstellen von Rapporten in englischer Sprache zugunsten der Missionsführung gemäss deren Einsatzrichtlinien
Requirements: Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung oder Studium; Zur eigenen Sicherheit und zur Sicherheit der Kameradinnen und Kameraden sowie einer reibungslosen Zusammenarbeit mit österreichischen Kollegen/innen und lokal angestellten Personen, sind für diese Funktion Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache (mind. B2) erwünscht; Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache (mind. B2); Ziviler Führerausweis (Kat B); Alter zwischen 18 und 65 Jahren; Abgeschlossene Rekrutenschule der Schweizer Armee, Frauen mit Schweizer Staatsbürgerschaft ohne militärische Grundausbildung werden der Funktion entsprechend militärisch ausgebildet

Schweizer Armee; Worldwide

     Published: May 2, 2024   13:44

Workload: 100%
Duties: Durchsetzung der vom UNO-Sicherheitsrat verabschiedeten Resolutionen überwachen; Verstösse gegen die Resolutionen der UNO beobachten und rapportieren; Gespräche mit der lokalen Bevölkerung und Behörden führen sowie Patrouillentätigkeiten im Einsatzgebiet ausführen; Truppenbeschränkungen sowie Waffen und Munition im Einsatzgebiet auf Grundlage des Missions-Mandates kontrollieren; Einhaltung der Grundlagen zum Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung und des UNO-Personals durch Verhandlungen und Gespräche kontrollieren
Requirements: Abgeschlossene Berufslehre oder Studium, praktische Veranlagung und einwandfreier Leumund; Militärischer Grad der Schweizer Armee als Oberleutnant, Hauptmann, Major oder Oberstleutnant; Psychische und physische Belastbarkeit; hohe Bereitschaft, sich im internationalen Umfeld für mehrere Monate als unparteiischer Militärbeobachter für die UNO einzusetzen; Fähigkeit, persönliche Interessen in den Hintergrund zu stellen; Ziviler Fahrausweis (Kat. B1); Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, Französischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: May 2, 2024   12:13

Duties: Your tasks will include research into novel methods for spectral shaping and stabilization of frequency combs. The overall goal will be to devise strategies for programmable optical frequency combs with quantum noise limited performance. Specifically, you will focus on the following areas: Machine learning strategies for designing feedback loops; Subspace tracking and autoencoders for amplitude and phase noise characterization; Building experimental set-ups for optical frequency comb characterization; Maintenance of the GitHub repository for the developed code; Organizing and managing joint experiments with the collaboration groups
Requirements: You have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year master's degree and some international experience

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein

     Published: May 2, 2024   10:07

Duties: Hervorragende persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten durch umfassende Weiterbildung und abwechslungsreiche, herausfordernde Projektaufgaben; zum Beispiel: Modellierung und Konzeption komplexer Systeme, Umsetzung innovativer Protoypen und Begleitung anspruchsvoller IT-Projekte, Einsatz von Data-Science-Methoden und modernster Technologien; Grosse Freiräume beim Gestalten der Organisation, Abläufe und Systeme unserer Klienten und der Zukunft unserer Firma; Arbeiten in freundschaftlicher Atmosphäre im Team mit 100% hoch qualifizierten MINT-Absolvent*innen, bei dem auch der Spass nicht zu kurz kommt
Requirements: Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Spass an der Technik

Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (IGE); Bern, Switzerland

     Published: May 2, 2024   10:07

Workload: 80-100%
Duties: Du prüfst und recherchierst schweizerische Patentanmeldungen und führst Patent- und Technologierecherchen sowie Patentumfeldanalysen weltweit durch; Du erteilst mündliche und schriftliche Auskünfte an unsere Patentanmelder/-innen und Kunden, hältst Schulungen und nimmst an Veranstaltungen im In- und Ausland teil; Du pflegst den internen Wissensaustausch, um die technischen Kenntnisse und das Patentwissen im Team und in der Abteilung zu erhalten und zu fördern
Requirements: Du verfügst über ein abgeschlossenes naturwissenschaftliches oder Ingenieursstudium, von Vorteil in Maschinenbau, Feinmechanik oder Uhrentechnik; Du bist deutscher oder französischer Muttersprache mit sehr guten Kenntnissen der jeweils anderen Sprache und Englisch; Du verfügst über eine selbstständige, zuverlässige und exakte Arbeitsweise und fühlst dich in einer digitalen Umgebung wohl; Du bist gewohnt, Aufgaben zu priorisieren und parallel zu bearbeiten

Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI); Ticino, Switzerland

     Published: May 2, 2024   10:07

Duties: The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one of the nine professional universities recognised by the Swiss Confederation. Founded under federal law, SUPSI offers more than 30 Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree courses, characterised by cutting edge education which unites classical theoretical-scientific instruction with a professional orientation. Great care is given to research, carried out in key sectors on competitively acquired projects with large European and national agencies or mandated by organisations and institutions
Requirements: We crawl all higher jobs in research, teaching and administration at SUPSI automatically and post them at Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:36

Duties: The team works on the development of new organic polymer/molecular semiconducting materials and their application to organic electronic devices and functional thin films. Specifically, we seek the methodology and molecular design to control the precise structure in molecular- and nano-scale at our will and try to find breakthroughs to drastically enhance the performance of the materials. Targets of our research are not only the conventional organic solar cells and field-effect transistors, but also the new molecular design that draws the maximum potential in the electronic properties of the polymer thin films
Requirements: Applicants must have a doctor degree (or are expected to have until the employment) in the related fields of chemistry or physical chemistry

See-Spital; Horgen, Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:36

Duties: Sie sind für die Medikamentenversorgung aller Spitalstationen (stationär) sowie für die Abgabe der Austrittsmedikation mitverantwortlich; Sie beraten unsere Ärzte sowie das Pflegepersonal in Fragen zur Medikationssicherheit; Sie erstellen Medikamenteninformationen zu verschiedenen klinischen Fragestellungen bzw. auch bei Lieferengpässen; Sie unterstützen tatkräftig bei der Aktualisierung unseres Qualitätssicherungssystem für den stationären sowie ambulanten Bereich; Die Stellvertretung der verantwortlichen Spitalapothekerin rundet Ihr Aufgabengebiet ab
Requirements: Sie verfügen über ein abgeschlossenes Pharmaziestudiem, vorzugsweise mit gültiger Berufsausübungsbewilligung; Sie verfügen über berufserfahrungen in einer Spitalapotheke von Vorteil; (FPH Spitalpharmazie, FPH Klinische Pharmazie); Sie begeistern uns durch Ihre Initiative zur optimalen Gestaltung des Medikationsprozesses; Interesse an einem interdisziplinären Umfeld zwischen stationären und ambulanten Medikationsfragen im Spital oder grosses Interesse sich in diese Abläufe einzuarbeiten; Organisations- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie hohe Leistungs- und Lernbereitschaft Belastbarkeit, Teamfähigkeit

CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; Wien, Austria

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:36

Duties: High-throughput profiling of patient samples, including next generation sequencing, single-cell technologies, and CRISPR screens; Cell culture and cell-based assays including the cultivation of patient-derived organoids, immune cells, and CAR T cell therapies; Optimization and testing of new assays and protocols, for example for cancer epigenetics, tumor immunology, and stem cell biology; Contribution to lab management, training of new lab members, and scientific publications
Requirements: Bachelor’s or master’s degree (or equivalent) with strong wet-lab experience and keen interest in working as a research technician; High accuracy, reliability, precision under time pressure, and organizational skills; Prior experience working with molecular biology techniques including cell culture and DNA/RNA assays; Friendly, collaborative mindset and ability to work well in an international environment; Written and oral communication skills in English (German language skills are not required); Proactive mindset, getting-things-done attitude, and motivation to work hard and do well in a fast-moving area of biomedicine

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:36

Duties: Candidates are invited to apply for a tenured professorship in the field of theory. The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2022. The tenured professor will be responsible for teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. We are seeking candidates who have an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching
Requirements: Doctorate required by expected start date

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:28

Duties: research and development of quantum computing simulations using methods such as tensor network for the quantum-HPC hybrid computing platform, research and development of the optimization of quantum-HPC hybrid computing programs such as error suppression and mitigation methods, as well as quantum circuit optimization techniques
Requirements: Applicants must have a doctoral degree in a related field or expect to receive a doctoral degree before the date of appointment. Candidates in the field of condensed matter physics, statistical physics, quantum chemistry, particle physics, nuclear physics, quantum information, or machine learning are all encouraged to apply

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan

     Published: May 1, 2024   09:54

Duties: Research on superconducting transport phenomena using hybrid superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures for the JST Emergent Research Support Program adopted project "Pioneering Novel Josephson Superconductivity by Spin Control"
Requirements: The candidate should (or is expected to) possess a doctoral degree in experimental research fields of semiconductor physics, quantum transport, and electrical engineering

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT); Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani, Thailand

     Published: May 1, 2024   09:52

Duties: Medical Engineering (MDE) program of ISE is the newest addition to the department. It is designed to train future professional figures, playing a relevant role in the regional medical sector over the next years. Medical Engineering, in its widest definition, aims to increase health quality by providing technologically advanced solutions tailored to the customer, innovating modern medicine via the methods and the tools typical of engineering, approaching healthcare challenges and creating new opportunities in academia and industry. MDE is an interdisciplinary program primarily merging robotics, biological, and medical sciences. It is designed for students with scientific backgrounds in chemistry, biology, health & life sciences, medicine, nursing, engineering fields and biomedical fields
Requirements: Ph.D. from a reputed university degree awarded in any relevant engineering program or scientific disciplines that focused on Biomedical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Nanotechnology, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Bionanotechnology and/or related fields

Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW); Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 1, 2024   09:47

Workload: 50-100%
Duties: As part of the BeCoSS Climate project, you will conduct research on the presence, participation and influence of small states in the international climate negotiations, including: Data collection and analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, including field research and interviews at the climate negotiations; Scientific publications; Assistance with the supervision of a doctoral student and student assistants; Support with the project's management; The position is planned for 2 years (100%), but part-time applications for a correspondingly longer timeframe (e.g., 50% over 4 years) are possible
Requirements: PhD in political science or related disciplines (e.g., international relations, sociology, anthropology, human geography or similar); First international publications in scientific journals available; Experience with or strong interest in international negotiations and climate policy; Experience with quantitative methods in political science; interest in qualitative methods; Excellent communication skills, stylistically confident in written and oral English; German and/or other foreign languages are an advantage; Open, communicative personality with analytical and conceptual skills, team player with strong ability to work independently; Candidates from or with experience in countries of the Global South are preferred

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:48

Duties: Contribute to the national project “INtegrated Satellite-TeRrestrial Systems for Ubiquitous Beyond 5G CommunicaTions - INSTRUCT”; Carry out research in the predefined areas; Disseminate results through scientific publications; Present results in well-known international conferences and workshops; Coordinating research activities and delivering outputs; Implementing solutions; Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students; Organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations
Requirements: The candidate should possess a PhD degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or a related field; The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in the following topics: Quantum Software Engineering; Program Analysis; Testing; Formal (Protocol) Verification; The candidate should have critical thinking and team working skills; Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English are required

Consulting Companies; Worldwide

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:33

Duties: Here you will find companies/institutions offering quantitative consulting (Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial consulting, Data Mining, Econometrics, Operations Research, Bioinformatics & more). Please contact these companies directly
Requirements: Currently, we list the following companies: AG, AICOS Technologies AG, Alma | Life, Health and Pension AG, Actuarial and Risk Consulting Stoll GmbH, AT Analytics AG, Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Consult AG Statistical Services, Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften), Intuitive Collaboration AG, Keller Experten AG, Kellex AG, Libera AG, Systemorph AG

Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik (MPI-IE); Germany

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:32

Duties: The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) in Freiburg is an interdisciplinary research institution that conducts basic research in two key areas of modern biology. The MPI-IE with its more than 300 employees currently hosts 11 research groups, which are supported by state-of-the-art scientific facilities. For the training of young scientists, we offer an international PhD program, the »International Max Planck Research School for Immunobiology, Epigenetics, and Metabolism (IMPRS-IEM)«
Requirements: MPI-IE posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA); Bern, Switzerland

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:32

Duties: FINMA is Switzerland’s independent financial-markets regulator. Its mandate is to supervise banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, collective investment schemes, and their asset managers and fund management companies. It also regulates insurance intermediaries. It is charged with protecting creditors, investors and policyholders. FINMA is responsible for ensuring that Switzerland’s financial markets function effectively
Requirements: FINMA posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL); Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom

     Published: May 1, 2024   08:32

Duties: With 29 member states, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) has more than 110 independent research groups and service teams covering the spectrum of molecular biology at six sites in Barcelona, Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, EMBL-EBI Hinxton, and Rome
Requirements: EMBL posts regulary jobs at our sites. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (desktop version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: April 30, 2024   10:58

Duties: Carry out research on the integrated digital optical neural networks; Design and develop relevant silicon photonics integrated circuit, tape out for foundry and packaging services; Conduct system demonstrations in real-world neural network applications such as natural language processing tasks with our collaborators in the University of Copenhagen; Disseminating your research findings in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals and international conference proceedings
Requirements: You must have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year master's degree; A solid background in optical computing, or optical neural networks; Experience in simulation, design, and characterization of silicon photonics devices and circuits. Prior experience in a cleanroom environment is a plus; A comprehensive understanding of microelectronics and working experience with FPGAs, high-speed transceivers, and PCB design

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: June 2, 2024 | Published: April 30, 2024   10:47

Duties: You will work on a project to design fluorinated polymers prepared through light-induced polymerization. The design space for finding the optimal composition and synthesis conditions for polymer electrolytes is too vast to explore manually. Therefore, we are combining self-driving labs, high-throughput atomic scale simulations, and AI to transition to digitalization-based automation of electrolyte development. The immediate goal is to create and utilize digital twins to develop high-performing polymer electrolytes for Mg-ion batteries (i.e., high ionic conductivity, coulombic efficiency, and cyclability at a low cost). However, we expect the gained know-how and infrastructure to be transferred to other battery chemistries and power-to-X applications
Requirements: You must have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year master's degree; Experience with building custom experimental hardware using, e.g., Arduino; Experience in Python programming and git repository; Experience in computational materials science, e.g., DFT simulations

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 26, 2024 | Published: April 30, 2024   10:43

Duties: Our research focuses on catalysis and chemistry for the sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. The aim of the PhD project is to develop high-performing and durable supported metal-based catalyst systems for the synthesis of selected organic solvents with industrial importance from renewable resources. Your tasks in the project will include syntheses of catalysts and testing of their performance in both batch and continuous-flow mode. Furthermore, you characterize the materials using various ex-situ techniques and draft scientific publications as well as interim project reports
Requirements: A MSc degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, or other relevant fields; Enthusiasm and a let’s go solve attitude; Creativity, persistence, and attention to detail; Excellent communication skills in English (both spoken and written)

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