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Macquarie University; Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

     Deadline: June 16, 2024 | Published: May 6, 2024   18:05

Duties: The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Macquarie University (MQ) in Sydney, Australia, is investing significantly in expanding its research capacity in statistics and statistical data science. We are seeking an outstanding candidate for a continuing position as Associate Professor (Level D) or Professor (Level E). We prefer candidates whose research program fosters new collaborations within the School and across the University, encompassing areas such as Statistical Modelling, Computational Statistics, Biostatistics, Astrostatistics, Medical Statistics, Statistical Image Analysis, and Statistical Machine Learning
Requirements: A PhD in statistics, statistical data science or a related discipline; Demonstrated and sustained contributions to undertake outstanding research in statistics or statistical data science aligned with School research areas as evidenced by ongoing publications in top-tier journals and evidence of national or international recognition in the discipline; Demonstrated and sustained ability to attract external research funding; Demonstrated proficiency in teaching and curriculum development at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels

University of Dayton (UD); Dayton, Ohio, United States

     Published: May 6, 2024   15:52

Duties: An immediate opportunity exists for a research scientist/engineer interested in the areas of mathematical modeling and/or numerical simulation of complex flows relevant to high-speed flight. Responsibilities include basic research in nonequilibrium energy transfer mechanisms in high temperature gas flows, along with CFD code development. Candidate will be required to interact closely with the US Air Force (USAF) customer and learn/build on their academic and other computational skill set in a niche area that is of high value to the USAF
Requirements: A PhD or equivalent degree in Engineering (Aerospace, Mechanical, Chemical) or related fields (Chemical Physics or other)

University of Oxford; Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: May 6, 2024   15:02

Duties: This position is part of the recently funded Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Programme Grant “EEBio: Efficient engineering and control of predictable and reliable biotechnologies”, a collaboration between the universities of Oxford, Bristol, and Imperial College as well as more than two dozen industry and academic partners. The research project will develop new technologies underpinning Synthetic/Engineering Biology, with the goal of transforming the field to add reliability, robustness, and predictability throughout the biological design process
Requirements: You should hold a PhD/DPhil together with relevant experience at the intersection of control engineering, mathematical biology and Engineering/Synthetic Biology, and strong computational skills. You should have excellent written and oral communication skills and a strong ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary team

Amazon; Worldwide

     Published: May 6, 2024   08:23

Duties: Applications are accepted from academic experts in research areas including, but not limited to, the following: Artificial Intelligence, Avionics, Computer Vision, Data Science, Economics, Machine Learning, Optimization, Natural Language Processing, Quantum Computing, and Robotics; As an Amazon Scholar, your responsibilities may include: Advising business leaders on strategic plans; Diving deep to solve a specific technical problem in an organization’s roadmap, and; Advising junior researchers on methods
Requirements: PhD in a relevant field or related discipline; 7+ years of relevant work or academic experience; Experience leading technical research projects with multiple stakeholders; Current affiliation with an academic or research institution

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:56

Duties: Berate nationale und internationale Unternehmen bei einer Vielzahl von nationalen und internationalen indirekten Steueraspekten, z.B. bei Lieferketten sowie finanziellen und betrieblichen Umstrukturierungen; Analysiere bestehende Prozesse und hinterfrage das Status quo; Unterstütze bei der ERP-Konfiguration und bei der Implementierung und/oder Neugestaltung von Umsatzsteuerprozessen; Unterstütze und berate unsere Kundschaft in den Bereichen Einhaltung der indirekten Steuern, Steuerbuchhaltung und Umwandlung von Steuerfunktionen; Bereite Eingaben für die Steuerverwaltung (Rulings) vor; Arbeite mit Teams aus anderen internen Abteilungen und mit ausländischen KPMG-Kollegen zusammen; Kommuniziere direkt mit Kunden und Steuerbehörden
Requirements: Bachelor- oder Master-Abschluss (alle akademischen Hintergründe sind willkommen); Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, fliessend in Deutsch - jede andere Sprache ist ein Plus; Ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten, kritisches Denken und Problemlösungskompetenz; Unterschiede akzeptieren zu können, um das Positive daraus mitzunehmen und das Richtige zu tun; Gespür für Zahlen und Leidenschaft für Technik, Wirtschaft und internationale Prozesse; Neugierige sowie belastbare und aufgeschlossene Persönlichkeit

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:54

Duties: Theoretical performance bounds on radar tasks in distributed radar networks with the use of large reflective surfaces and robust estimation algorithms; Novel high mobility joint radar and communication systems exploring novel architectures (ultra-massive MIMO, intelligent surfaces), new modulation techniques exploiting available dimensions in next generation sub-THz/THz systems; Novel approaches to radar based health monitoring, including vital sign monitoring in the absence of a controlled environment through the use of distributed sensors; erif; font-size: 12px; ">Novel algorithms and architectures for distributed point cloud processing for target detection, identification and tracking
Requirements: The candidate should possess (or be in the process of completing) a master degree or equivalent in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or Applied Mathematics or Physics with electromagnetic background

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:54

Duties: Research Scientist to perform fundamental research on probabilistic computation, probabilistic programming, and their applications. Responsibilities include contributing to artificial intelligence and natural intelligence research that leverages hybrids of neural, symbolic, and probabilistic computation; implementing probabilistic programs, making improvements to probabilistic programming systems, and/or developing and analyzing mathematical models of probabilistic programming languages; contributing to quantitative evaluations of AI systems, models of natural intelligence, probabilistic programming platforms, and research planning and reporting; improving open-source software platforms; and supporting the broad dissemination and teaching of probabilistic programming platforms via workshops and MIT academic courses
Requirements: Ph.D. in computer science, mathematics, or related field or a master’s and five years’ experience

Viridium Gruppe; Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:54

Duties: ein Job auch für Aktuar*innen, die sich nach ersten Erfahrungen in anderen Bereichen weiterentwickeln möchten - Vorerfahrung im Bereich Produktmathematik ist willkommen, aber nicht erforderlich; eine vielfältige Tätigkeit an der Schnittstelle zwischen Versicherungsmathematik und IT; Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen Kolleg*innen; eine interessante Mischung aus wiederkehrenden Aufgaben, neuen Themen und Projektarbeit; ein aufgeschlossenes Team aus unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten, die sich gegenseitig unterstützen; die Möglichkeit, in Projekten produktmathematische Themen zu koordinieren und Verantwortung dafür zu übernehmen
Requirements: ein mindestens gut abgeschlossenes Studium (Bachelor oder Master) mit mathematischem Schwerpunkt, z.B. in Mathematik, Wirtschaftsmathematik, Versicherungsmathematik oder Physik; mindestens 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung als Aktuar*in in einer Lebensversicherung - ideal (aber nicht notwendig) wären Vorerfahrungen in der Produktentwicklung, der Bestandsverwaltung oder Migration

Dittrich & Partner Consulting GmbH (DPC); Augsburg, Solingen, Germany

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:54

Duties: Bei uns startest Du in einem jungen, dynamischen Team mit spannenden versicherungsmathematischen Projekten in das Berufsleben; Vielfältige Aufgabengebiete, auch in den Bereichen Data Science und Analytics, bieten Dir Abwechslung und helfen beim Aufbau einer breitgefächerten Berufserfahrung; Wir fördern gern Deine Weiterbildung, z.B. zum Aktuar (DAV); Du knüpfst Kontakte bei namhaften Kunden, lernst verschiedenste Unternehmen und Orte in ganz Deutschland kennen; Unsere flache Hierarchie, kurze Entscheidungswege, attraktive Vertragsgestaltung und flexible Arbeitsplätze bieten Dir eine entwicklungsfähige Perspektive
Requirements: Den Hochschulabschluss in Mathematik hast Du (bald) in der Tasche; Versicherungsmathematik interessiert Dich brennend. (Lebens-)versicherungsmathematisches Wissen hast Du Dir vielleicht schon angeeignet. Auch für Analytics und IT kannst Du Dich begeistern; Programmierkenntnisse in APL, Python, R, C#, Visual Basic oder C stehen auf Deiner Haben-Seite; Teamfähigkeit und analytisches Denken zeichnen Dich besonders aus. Eine selbständige, sorgfältige und strukturierte Arbeitsweise ist für Dich selbstverständlich; Du bist kommunikationsstark, arbeitest kundenorientiert und freust Dich auf deutschlandweite Projekte

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN); Japan

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:51

Duties: We seek a highly motivated research scientist or postdoctoral researcher to develop environmental perception techniques and implement them for robot applications. We mainly focus on multi-modal signal processing and pattern recognition; especially, fine-grained understanding of the surrounding environment (3D object recognition, utilization of scene graphs, etc.) using video and LiDAR data, necessary for controlling autonomous mobile and interactive robots, and on robot implementation of these recognition technologies
Requirements: must have a Ph.D. or is expected to receive a Ph.D. in computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, multimedia processing, or a related field before the date of employment; must be proactive, cooperative, flexible, and able to respond according to the circumstances; must also have good communication skills and cooperate with the relevant personnel within/outside of the laboratory to fulfill the tasks

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:51

Workload: 100%
Duties: Berate nationale und internationale Unternehmen bei einer Vielzahl von nationalen und internationalen indirekten Steueraspekten, z.B. bei Lieferketten sowie finanziellen und betrieblichen Umstrukturierungen; Analysiere bestehende Prozesse und hinterfrage das Status quo; Unterstütze bei der ERP-Konfiguration und bei der Implementierung und/oder Neugestaltung von Umsatzsteuerprozessen; Unterstütze und berate unsere Kundschaft in den Bereichen Einhaltung der indirekten Steuern, Steuerbuchhaltung und Umwandlung von Steuerfunktionen; Bereite Eingaben für die Steuerverwaltung (Rulings) vor; Arbeite mit Teams aus anderen internen Abteilungen und mit ausländischen KPMG-Kollegen zusammen; Kommuniziere direkt mit Kunden und Steuerbehörden
Requirements: Bachelor- oder Master-Abschluss (alle akademischen Hintergründe sind willkommen); Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, fliessend in Deutsch - jede andere Sprache ist ein Plus; Ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten, kritisches Denken und Problemlösungskompetenz; Unterschiede akzeptieren zu können, um das Positive daraus mitzunehmen und das Richtige zu tun; Gespür für Zahlen und Leidenschaft für Technik, Wirtschaft und internationale Prozesse; Neugierige sowie belastbare und aufgeschlossene Persönlichkeit

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG); Germany

     Published: May 6, 2024   07:51

Duties: Du begleitest unsere Mandanten und Mandantinnen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Massnahmen zur Abwehr von Cyber-Bedrohungen für die Produktion im OT- und IoT-Umfeld; Du führst OT- und IoT Assessments/Penetrationstests für Produktion und IoT-Geräte durch; Du entwickelst Cyber Security Strategien unter Berücksichtigung digitaler Trends und innovativer Sicherheitslösungen (wie z. B. Smart Factory, ML, AI, Zero Trust, 5G, Security by Design, IT/OT Convergence)
Requirements: Senior Consultant (w/m/d) Cyber Security wirst Du bei uns mit einem erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Studium der Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Naturwissenschaften oder einem vergleichbaren Studiengang wie Ingenieurwesen, Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Physik oder Mathematik verbunden mit einer Passion für Cyber Security im Bereich OT und IoT; Du bringst erste Berufserfahrung in der IT, optimalerweise sogar der OT Security mit; Du hast dich bereits vertraut gemacht mit den relevanten Vorgaben und Normen (ISO/IEC 27001, 62443) sowie mit der Beschreibung und Umsetzung von Security-Prozessen und Architekturen als auch erste praktische Erfahrungen innerhalb der Beratung mit dem Fokus auf IT, OT oder IoT-(Security)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:32

Workload: 100%
Duties: Berate nationale und internationale Unternehmen bei einer Vielzahl von nationalen und internationalen indirekten Steueraspekten, z.B. bei Lieferketten sowie finanziellen und betrieblichen Umstrukturierungen; Analysiere bestehende Prozesse und hinterfrage das Status quo; Unterstütze bei der ERP-Konfiguration und bei der Implementierung und/oder Neugestaltung von Umsatzsteuerprozessen; Unterstütze und berate unsere Kundschaft in den Bereichen Einhaltung der indirekten Steuern, Steuerbuchhaltung und Umwandlung von Steuerfunktionen; Bereite Eingaben für die Steuerverwaltung (Rulings) vor; Arbeite mit Teams aus anderen internen Abteilungen und mit ausländischen KPMG-Kollegen zusammen; Kommuniziere direkt mit Kunden und Steuerbehörden
Requirements: Bachelor- oder Master-Abschluss (alle akademischen Hintergründe sind willkommen); Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, fliessend in Deutsch - jede andere Sprache ist ein Plus; Ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten, kritisches Denken und Problemlösungskompetenz; Unterschiede akzeptieren zu können, um das Positive daraus mitzunehmen und das Richtige zu tun; Gespür für Zahlen und Leidenschaft für Technik, Wirtschaft und internationale Prozesse; Neugierige sowie belastbare und aufgeschlossene Persönlichkeit

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:32

Duties: Propose and develop models and algorithms (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc.) to meet the projects demands; Providing support in setting up and running experiments in the SnT Computer Vision and Zero-G laboratories; Work closely with project’s stakeholders and industrial partners; Proposing and implementing real-time solutions; Participating in proposal writing; Coordinating research projects and delivering outputs; Disseminating results through scientific publications
Requirements: PhD Degree in Computer Science, or related technical field with the desirable experience in Computer Vision, Machine Learning or Robotics; Competitive research record in Computer Vision/Robotics, preferably with publications at CV/ML/Robotics conferences/journals (e.g., ICRA, RSS, WACV, ECCV, IROS, etc.); Strong mathematical background; Strong development skills in Python/C++/Matlab; Strong knowledge and experience with modern machine learning frameworks (PyTorch/Tensorflow); Good Knowledge of Robotics. Practical experience in robotics, including ROS and related software components; Experience with 3D simulation tools or game engines such as Unreal, Blender, etc. would be an added advantage

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:32

Duties: Conduct cutting-edge research in computational science with a focus on developing methodology and high-performance algorithms in physical sciences and/or engineering; Develop and implement novel algorithms and computational models to address complex scientific problems; Provide high-level support to internal and external partners; Assisting the setup of the teaching framework on HPC skills; Collaborate with the Technology Transfer Office on the skills and technology access framework; Participate in the research, education and training activities across faculties and interdisciplinary centers
Requirements: PhD degree Computational Science, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or a related field; Proven track record of impactful research in computational science, demonstrated through publications in reputable scientific journals and conferences; Proficiency in programming languages commonly used in computational science, such as Python, C++, or Fortran; Previous involvement in interdisciplinary research projects; Experience with high-performance computing (HPC) systems and parallel programming; Experience with industry is a plus; Over 5 years of experience

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:31

Duties: Support and lead projects, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, including analyzing/challenging/improving processes as well as consideration of relevant regulatory requirements (Basel, FINMA, etc.) and market practice, in a number of the following areas: i. Credit Risk, ii. Market Risk, iii. Liquidity Risk and Treasury, iv. Operational Risk, v. Capital; Build strong trusting relationships with our clients and internally
Requirements: Master or PhD in (i) a quantitative discipline (e.g., Mathematics, Physics), (ii) Banking and Finance or (iii) Economics or any other business-related field; 4-10 years of professional experience, particularly in banking (preferred) or in a consulting firm focusing on (quantitative) risk management topics; Strong analytical skills, coupled with an open and curious mind, problem solving ability and a solution focused attitude; Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Office software suite; Strong written and verbal communication skills, the ability to build long lasting relationships and team orientated; Project and people management skills; Experience in model development and/or model validation is a plus for Credit Risk and Market Risk; Coding experience in Python or R is a plus for Credit Risk and Market Risk; Business-fluent in English (essential) with German or French language skills also beneficial

Technical University of Denmark (DTU); Kongens Lyngby, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Denmark

     Deadline: May 15, 2024 | Published: May 5, 2024   12:29

Duties: The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applicants for a postdoctoral researcher. The position is offered at DTU, in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, at the Visual Computing Group, and will work closely with researchers from the Royal Danish Academy. The position is part of the research project Matters which is funded by a Villum Synergy grant. Matters is focused on material and computational design for analyzing, characterizing and developing novel wood composite structures
Requirements: As a formal qualification, candidates must hold a PhD degree at the starting time of the PostDoc. Candidates should have a strong publication record in top tier venues in Computer Vision (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV) or Machine Learning (NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML)

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:28

Workload: 60-100%
Duties: Support and lead projects, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, including analyzing/challenging/improving processes as well as consideration of relevant regulatory requirements (Basel, FINMA, etc.) and market practice, in a number of the following areas: i. Credit Risk, ii. Market Risk, iii. Liquidity Risk and Treasury, iv. Operational Risk, v. Capital; Build strong trusting relationships with our clients and internally
Requirements: Master or PhD in (i) a quantitative discipline (e.g., Mathematics, Physics), (ii) Banking and Finance or (iii) Economics or any other business-related field; 4-10 years of professional experience, particularly in banking (preferred) or in a consulting firm focusing on (quantitative) risk management topics; Strong analytical skills, coupled with an open and curious mind, problem solving ability and a solution focused attitude; Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Office software suite; Strong written and verbal communication skills, the ability to build long lasting relationships and team orientated; Project and people management skills; Experience in model development and/or model validation is a plus for Credit Risk and Market Risk; Coding experience in Python or R is a plus for Credit Risk and Market Risk; Business-fluent in English (essential) with German or French language skills also beneficial

KPMG AG (KPMG); Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:27

Workload: 100%
Duties: Berate nationale und internationale Unternehmen bei einer Vielzahl von nationalen und internationalen indirekten Steueraspekten, z.B. bei Lieferketten sowie finanziellen und betrieblichen Umstrukturierungen; Analysiere bestehende Prozesse und hinterfrage das Status quo; Unterstütze bei der ERP-Konfiguration und bei der Implementierung und/oder Neugestaltung von Umsatzsteuerprozessen; Unterstütze und berate unsere Kundschaft in den Bereichen Einhaltung der indirekten Steuern, Steuerbuchhaltung und Umwandlung von Steuerfunktionen; Bereite Eingaben für die Steuerverwaltung (Rulings) vor; Arbeite mit Teams aus anderen internen Abteilungen und mit ausländischen KPMG-Kollegen zusammen; Kommuniziere direkt mit Kunden und Steuerbehörden
Requirements: Bachelor- oder Master-Abschluss (alle akademischen Hintergründe sind willkommen); Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse, fliessend in Deutsch - jede andere Sprache ist ein Plus; Ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten, kritisches Denken und Problemlösungskompetenz; Unterschiede akzeptieren zu können, um das Positive daraus mitzunehmen und das Richtige zu tun; Gespür für Zahlen und Leidenschaft für Technik, Wirtschaft und internationale Prozesse; Neugierige sowie belastbare und aufgeschlossene Persönlichkeit

Oskar Böttcher GmbH; Berlin, Germany

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:25

Duties: Konzeption, Umsetzung und Ownership von Data Science Projekten insbesondere in Themenbereichen des E-Commerce, Logistik und Pricing; Bearbeitung von Aufgaben aus dem kompletten Data-Science-Lifecycle: Von Proof of Concept, über Minimal Viable Product bis hin Deployment in Produktionsumgebungen; Interpretation, Visualisierung und Aufbereitung von Ergebnissen und Lösungen für verschiedene Stakeholder; Zusammenarbeit und Beratung mit Fachabteilung in der Identifikation, Formulierung und Zielsetzung von Data Science Projekten
Requirements: Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Mathematik, der Statistik, der (Wirtschafts-)Informatik, Naturwissenschaften oder eines vergleichbaren Studiengänge; Programmkenntnisse: Python oder eine vergleichbare Programmiersprache; Grundlegende Kenntnisse in SQL; Erfahrungen in der Implementierung und Anwendung von gängigen statistischen Modellen und Machine-Learning-Algorithmen; Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (mindestens C1 Niveau)

Illumina, Inc.; Cambridge, United Kingdom

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:22

Duties: Participate in R&D projects across multiple sites for the design, development and validation of new sequencing products; Support the bioinformatics function within a product development team; Contribute to the design and development of a standardized automated testing infrastructure; Analyze, integrate, model and interpret experimental data; Develop, document, and maintain reusable programming code; Communicate and collaborate in cross-functional multi-site teams
Requirements: Masters/PhD in bioinformatics, computer science, data science, engineering, mathematics or equivalent; Strong programming skills and experience with at least one programming languages, such as Python, R, etc; Experience with data analysis and visualization of next-generation sequencing data and large datasets; Familiarity with common bioinformatics pipelines and data formats; Solid understanding of statistical and biological concepts

ClinChoice; Toronto, Ontario, Canada

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:22

Duties: Annotate Case Report Form (acrf.pdf) following FDA/CDISC or sponsor guidelines; Develop SDTM specifications and generate SDTM datasets using SAS; Develop ADaM, specifications and generate ADaM datasets using SAS based on Statistical Analysis Plan; Develop Tables, Listings, Graphs, Patient Profile in support of the Clinical Study Report, Posters, Manuscripts; Develop ADaM data, Tables, Listings, Figures for Integrated Summary of Safety (ISS) and Integrated Summary of Efficacy (ISE); Create electronic submission package to FDA, e.g., define.xml or define.pdf following FDA guidelines with minimum supervision; Analyze information and develop innovative solutions to programming and data analysis challenges
Requirements: Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology or related scientific disciplines with at least 3 years of clinical programming experience; Proven knowledge and training in high level computing languages such as. SAS, C/C++, Java, R, Python, MATLAB and SQL. Database programming experience is a plus; Proficient in decoding programming logic and assembling programming code based on logic provided and be able to explain to team members; Proficient in applying concepts in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the real world; In-depth knowledge of Good Clinical Practices, Clinical research, Clinical trial process and related regulatory requirements and terminology

AstraZeneca; Gaithersburg, Maryland, Switzerland

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:22

Duties: Undertake design and analysis of complex studies and provide statistical support, making contributions to clinical development plans. Utilize adaptive design and Bayesian methods, including trial simulation, to innovate and improve study design. Execute strategic, statistical thinking and guide the direction to improve the statistical methodology, processes, and delivery activities of study design. Responsible for analyzing, interpreting, summarizing, and presenting results of clinical trials. Develop design options and provide quantitative decision support and will oversee internal and external statisticians in the delivery of analysis and reporting on our clinical program designs
Requirements: Must possess a Master’s or foreign equivalent, in Statistics, Mathematics, or a related field, and five (5) years of experience in the job offered, as a Statistician, or in a related occupation. Must possess five (5) years of experience all of the following: Designing Phase III Oncology clinical trials including adaptive designs or through Bayesian methods; R, R-shiny and SAS programming; Conducting simulations; Performing biomarker analyses; Developing and submitting sNDA and NDA; Developing scientific publications of clinical oncology trials

Citadel; Hong Kong

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:22

Duties: Quantitative Researchers (QRs) specialize in a variety of areas, including but not limited to: using sophisticated data analysis skills to build predictive models, driving construction of a complex multi asset portfolio by utilizing large scale portfolio optimization techniques, and developing sophisticated optimization algorithms. Researchers with an exceptional record of achievement in their respective fields and a drive to apply quantitative techniques to investing are encouraged to apply to GQS
Requirements: Advanced degree in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering or a related field; Proven ability to conduct innovative and impactful research focused on solving real-world problems; Strong mathematical and statistical modeling skills (e.g., time-series and cross-sectional analysis); Proficiency in coding (C++ or Python preferred); Demonstrated passion for financial markets and driven to analyze and model drivers of price formation and risk

bioMérieux; United States

     Published: May 5, 2024   12:22

Duties: Collaborate with leads from other disciplines (embedded software, microbiology, biomathematics, etc.) to provide outstanding application support (Troubleshooting, Issue Resolution, Account Management); Develop novel systems for medical device data analysis, including break/fix, change requests, etc; Install and configure legacy and pre-release instruments in R&D laboratories for data collection and analysis; Monitor/Report issues via ITIL/ITSM
Requirements: Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems, Biology, Microbiology, Biomedical Engineer, Bioinformatics, Clinical Laboratory Science, or equivalent practical experience; 6+ years of experience ineither Software Development, IT Support/Networking, or Clinical Laboratory experience; Experience working through various phases of software development lifecycle, including some or all of the following: feasibility, development, software verification, systems verification, and/or software validation

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