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Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg; Würzburg, Bayern, Germany

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: May 3, 2024   12:52

Duties: Gesucht wird eine Persönlichkeit (m/w/d), die das vorhandene Forschungsprofil des Instituts für Mathematik im Bereich Algebra, Computeralgebra oder Zahlentheorie ergänzt und die Lehre für die Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge sowie die Lehramtsstudiengänge in Mathematik sowie den Service der Mathematik für andere Studiengänge der JMU insbesondere in den zuvor genannten Bereichen unterstützt
Requirements: Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind ein einschlägiges abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium, pädagogische Eignung, besondere Befähigung zu wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, die in der Regel durch die Qualität einer Promotion nachgewiesen wird, sowie zusätzliche wissenschaftliche Leistungen

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   10:45

Duties: Assisting in the development of all the research activities in a predefined topic and producing results; Providing support in setting-up and running experiments; Proposing and implementing real-time solutions; Participating in organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations; Assist on the laboratory setup preparation and experiment configuration
Requirements: A bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related field; Extensive experience working in different industrial domains; Experience working with cross-functional teams of data scientists, user researchers, product managers, designers, and engineers; Experience managing data and AI programs for schools; Strong background in image/signal processing and in particular; Performed analysis on large sets of data to extract impactful insights; Strong programming skills in Python/C/C++

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   10:44

Duties: provide administrative and operational support in relation to Student Life activities; assist in the organisation and co-ordination of student events, workshops, Campus Life programme and related initiatives; respond to enquiries from students and staff, offer information and assistance; support the daily management of student assistants and associated tasks; assist in the marketing and promotion of student life events and activities; maintain and further develop cooperation with student delegation, student associations, main student body as well as other university departments to facilitate student life initiatives; contribute to the development of students’ educational, social and personal growth by developing and delivering activities and projects that focus on student life and engagement
Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or 2 years of relevant working experience in a similar role/environment; Experience in planning and delivering administrative support for programs within an university or similar setting; Organizational and time-management proficiencies; Effective communication and interpersonal abilities; IT aptitude, including proficiency in social media marketing; Fluent in English and French, other languages a plus

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland

     Deadline: May 20, 2024 | Published: May 3, 2024   10:44

Duties: Coordinating and managing a research project including carrying out qualitative interviews and analyzing a large panel data set; Continuing your education/training (e.g., taking courses on research methods); Mentoring research assistants, supervising students and reviewing their contributions; Documenting and presenting research findings in English
Requirements: Master's degree in ethics, philosophy, psychology, bioethics, law, medicine, or other related fields; Very good Master's and Bachelor's academic grades; Excellent language skills in English; Willingness to contribute towards an empirical project; Ability to speak and understand French (highly desired: German and French)

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland

     Published: May 3, 2024   10:43

Duties: The political support of conventional biofuels has illustrated that national legislation (e.g., in the USA or the EU) has global socio-economic as well as environmental implications. Aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, several political institutions have launched strategies to foster the use of sustainable fuels and platform chemicals (SFPCs), i.e. carbon-free fuels (e.g., through hydrogen or ammonia) or carbon-neutral fuels (e.g., fuels containing non-fossil carbon from biomass). Within the framework of the project, sustainable fuels (SF) are defined to be fuels that meet a set of environmental and social sustainability criteria. While most SFPCs are expected to be imported to Switzerland, implications on international markets, social impacts (e.g., food security), and indirect environmental effects (e.g., global land-use change) depend on the technology pathway and are unknown
Requirements: Applicants must possess an academic qualification (MSc/MA) in the social sciences, and should have experience with relevant empirical methods (particularly quantitative research skills are expected and qualitative research skills are desired). A proficient level in English and German, excellent communication skills and a willingness to collaborate are essential

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 3, 2024   10:40

Workload: 80%
Duties: Sie sind für die Operationsvorbereitung, das Instrumentieren und das Zudienen nach bestehenden Richtlinien und Techniken verantwortlich; Sie stellen alle für die OP notwendigen Materialienressourcen, Medizintechnische Geräte unter Berücksichtigung der Effizienz, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit sicher; Sie treffen alle nötigen Massnahmen zur Durchführung des Operationsverlaufes entsprechend der Operationsmethoden/-techniken; Sie sind zuständig für die korrekte Leistungserfassung und Pflegedokumentation sowie für das Protokollieren der Eingriffe; Sie fördern die interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation am Standort Europaallee über die Abteilungsgrenze hinaus
Requirements: Ausbildung zur Dipl. Fachfrau/-mann Operationstechnik HF oder gleichwertige Ausbildung mit mehrjähriger Berufserfahrung; Kenntnisse in diversen Fachbereichen, Ophthalmologie von Vorteil; Vorausschauende, fachlich versierte und speditive Persönlichkeit mit hoher Fach- und Sozialkompetenz; Selbständiges und verantwortungsbewusstes Arbeiten sowie interdisziplinäres Denken und Handeln; Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, gepflegte Umgangsformen

See-Spital; Horgen, Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 3, 2024   10:39

Workload: 50-70%
Duties: Sie sind verantwortlich für die Behandlung von ambulanten und stationären Patienten nach operativer Versorgung oder Erkrankung an der oberen Extremität; Sie sind in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team der Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie; Sie kooperieren mit den zuweisenden Ärzten und Operateur*innen im Spital
Requirements: Sie sind dipl. Ergotherapeut*in FH oder Physiotherapeut*in FH; Sie verfügen über Erfahrung in der Behandlung von Patient*innen mit Verletzungen oder Erkrankungen an der Hand; Ihre flexible, belastbare und organisatorische Persönlichkeit zeichnet Sie aus; Sie sind kommunikativ, verfügen über eine rasche Auffassungsgabe und sind offen gegenüber neuen Herausforderungen

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: May 3, 2024   10:39

Workload: 50%
Duties: aktive Beteiligung an der Beantragung von Drittmittelprojekten Unterstützung der Forschungsaktivitäten der Professur für Zeitgenössische Kunst und Digitale Bildkulturen
Requirements: abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium der Kunstwissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft oder eines vergleichbaren Faches mit Bezug zum Arbeitsbereich (Master, Magister etc. oder äquivalent); weit überdurchschnittlicher Studienabschluss sowie idealerweise eine angestrebte oder erfolgreich abgeschlossene Promotion

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

     Deadline: May 19, 2024 | Published: May 3, 2024   10:38

Workload: 100%
Duties: Semesterplanung und Koordination der curricular eingebundenen autonomen Sprachmodule sowie des Begleitangebots; konzeptionelle Begleitung und Weiterentwicklung des Angebots inkl. begleitender Veranstaltungen und Lehr-/Lernmaterialien; organisatorische und didaktische Betreuung von Lehrbeauftragten
Requirements: abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Magister, Master, Staatsexamen) im Bereich der Sprachlehr-/-lernforschung, Fremdsprachendidaktik, Kommunikations- oder Sprachwissenschaft; Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Autonomes Fremdsprachenlernen und/oder Sprachlernberatung

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

     Deadline: May 30, 2024 | Published: May 3, 2024   10:23

Duties: Systembetreuung LIS MEDAT (IBM AIX) Befundserver; Koordination und Implementierung von Server- und Anwendungs-Updates; Anpassung des Befundlayouts unter Einsatz von Jaspersoft; Management des Befundversands und Betreuung relevanter Schnittstellen; Bewertung und Koordination von Investitionen in Hardware und Software; Management von internen und externen Tickets; Zusammenarbeit mit der Herstellerfirma bei der Durchführung des Funktionsausbaus; Planung und Durchführung des Systemwechsels von AIX auf Linux; Funktion als Hauptansprechpartner für die Herstellerfirma und als Schnittstelle zur Bakteriologie
Requirements: eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung im IT Bereich (Lehre, HTL) bzw. eine vergleichbare Qualifikation durch entsprechende Berufserfahrung; praktisches Wissen in der Systemadministration, idealerweise im Bereich von Laborinformationssystemen; eine selbstständige Arbeitsweise und ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten; eine stark ausgeprägte Kommunikationskompetenz, sicheres Auftreten und Überzeugunskraft; eine strukturierte und problemlösungsorientierte Arbeitsweise; gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Umeå University; Umeå, Västerbotten County, Sweden

     Deadline: May 31, 2024 | Published: May 3, 2024   08:41

Duties: In your PhD studies, you will use molecular biology/biochemistry and analytical chemistry approaches to characterize the glycosylation patterns that are prevalent in surface proteins of one of the major species groups of the human microbiome (species of the Bacteroidota phylum). This will involve using mass spectrometry and NMR based approaches, as well as synthetic biology techniques, to gain molecular insight into this protein modification. You will also identify and characterize the enzymatic pathways responsible for this modification. You will learn how to use advanced bacterial culture conditions to grow the species of the human gut microbiome in the absence of oxygen. You will also learn how to analyze large datasets
Requirements: To be admitted for studies at third-cycle level you are required to have completed a second-cycle level degree, or completed course requirements of at least 240 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits are at second-cycle level or have an equivalent education from abroad, or equivalent qualifications; Basic experience in the lab; Background knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, or related areas; Background knowledge of NMR and mass spectrometry; Good oral and written proficiency in English

Francis Crick Institute; London, United Kingdom

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:41

Duties: A potential project is to understand the interplay between cell division and cell identity during human development, reprogramming and disease using hESC and organoid models. In this project, some of the specific aims include but are not limited to: To use genome editing technologies to perturb the cell cycle-cell identity cross-talk To measure cell cycle dynamics during cellular transitions by state-of-the-art live cell imaging To integrate sequencing (OMICS) and imaging data sets
Requirements: PhD in areas relevant to Cell, Molecular or Developmental Biology (or in the final stages of PhD submission); Passion for and track record in understanding Gene Regulation and fate decisions; Expertise in sequencing/OMICS approaches (any, including, RNAseq, ATACseq, ChIPseq); Good knowledge of genome editing approaches; Extensive expertise with cell culture

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:39

Workload: 50%
Duties: Bearbeitung und Beratung bezüglich aller Fragestellungen aus dem öffentlichen Recht, insbesondere Verwaltungsrecht der Stadt und des Kantons Zürich, inklusive Submissionsrecht, und Ausarbeitung der entsprechenden Entscheidgrundlagen (z.B. Stadtratsanträge); Bearbeitung und Beratung bezüglich weiterer Fragestellungen aus verschiedenen Rechtsgebieten, wie z.B. Gesundheitsrecht, Haftpflichtrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht, Strafrecht; Führungsberatung und -unterstützung der Leitung Verwaltung und Recht, der Leitung des Direktionsstabs, der Spitalleitung und der Bereichs- und Departementsleiter*innen mit Bezug auf rechtliche Fragestellungen
Requirements: Ausbildung Rechtswissenschaft (Niveau Universität Master, Lizentiat); Anwaltspatent bzw. fachlich relevante Zusatzausbildung; Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einer ähnlichen Funktion, vorzugsweise im Gesundheitswesen

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: The GNSS-R Satellite Earth Observation (GLITTER) project harnesses the power of GNSS-R (Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry) for advanced Earth observation. This technique uses the reflections of GNSS signals off various surfaces - land, sea, and ice - to monitor environmental conditions. Our ambitious goal is to pioneer a new generation of experts capable of making significant advancements in this field through doctoral level education and research. At the heart of GLITTER is the development of a synchronized constellation of CubeSats, offering a cost-effective yet powerful approach to Earth observation. This innovative system allows for enhanced resolution and data accuracy through advanced beamforming techniques. Essential to our methodology are ground-truth data and calibration methods derived from near-field radar technology, which will enable comprehensive research across all facets of GNSS-R technology
Requirements: A master’s degree or equivalent in geodesy, geophysics, remote sensing, applied mathematics or physics, computer science, telecommunication engineering with a focus on remote sensing and EO, or similar; Knowledge of remote sensing techniques preferably radar techniques; ideally experience in analyzing GNSS or EO data; Strong programming skills in MATLAB, Python or C++; Highly committed, excellent team-worker, and strong critical thinking; Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: This PhD project aims at the development of an improved distributed control of such formations of small satellites, also using a combination of solar and aerodynamic forces for propellant-less control. This will be ideal to deploy, maintain and reconfigure cost-efficiently a large formation of small satellites but requires the detailed modelling of the satellite dynamics, including the effects of aerodynamic forces (caused by the residual atmosphere in LEO) and the solar radiation pressure. After an analysis of optimal formation geometries for Earth observation, suitable orbital guidance and attitude control approaches will be developed and tested, using advanced simulation tools as well as formation flight experiments on a smaller scale with drones. These flight tests will also provide a better understanding of the level of control needed to achieve satisfactory beamforming
Requirements: The candidate should possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Control/Aerospace/Electrical Engineering, or related fields in Engineering or Computer Engineering. Solid experience/knowledge in the following areas: Mathematical and Control Engineering, especially related to spacecraft guidance; navigation and control; Modeling and simulation of spacecraft dynamics; Spacecraft formations/swarms; Control of drones and flight experiments as well as knowledge in GNSS would be an asset

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: Lead, manage, and motivate a team of over 20 people, including product owners, business analysts, application integrators, and developers. Fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement; Ensure optimum team performance, identify training needs, and provide mentorship to team members; Foster collaboration and effective communication among teams to ensure project success and organizational growth; Define and implement the university's application architecture vision, aligning it with the institution's strategic goals; Develop and maintain architecture policies, standards, and procedures to ensure consistency and scalability across applications; Collaborate closely with the IT management team and CISO in order to guarantee success of university projects
Requirements: Academic background in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field; A minimum of 10 years of experience in application development, with at least 5 years in a leadership role; Extensive experience in delivering hybrid and cloud-native solutions; Proven experience managing teams working on SAP, .NET, and Low-Code/No-Code platforms (including ServiceNow, Microsoft Power Platform, and Azure Logic Apps)

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Niovi Vavoula, Chair in Cyber Policy. The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of cyber policy. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The suggested theme of the PhD is cyber policy, broadly encompassing topics relating to cybersecurity, cyber defence and cyber sovereignty. The candidate is, however, welcome to suggest any other topic within the overarching project theme. The doctoral candidate will contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials
Requirements: A Master’s Degree in Law, particularly on IT/Technology law, Data Protection law or the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI); Have the linguistic skills to evolve in a multilingual environment: fluency in English, good understanding of the second language, French in particular, and possibly a third language, German in particular, will be considered an advantage; Excellent communication and writing skills

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: Conduct research and contributing to other activities falling into the scope of the research projects, in particular: drafting research papers, prepare the scientific materials of project meetings; contributing to project events’ organisation; Conduct own research in the related topics and publication of articles in scientific reviews and contributions to conferences; Assist with teaching activities, one to three hours a week and contribute to tutoring students; Contribute to preparing further research proposals; Offer research assistance and coordinating young researchers working in the same field
Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in Law, preferably with a specialisation in Cybersecurity law/IT law/Law & Technology/Data Protection/Artificial Intelligence; Strong interest in cyber policy, including cyber security, cyber defence and cyber sovereignty, as well as in interdisciplinary research; academic or practical experience in topics linked to the research will be considered an advantage

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: Conduct desk research on the different topics falling into the scope of the research (cyber security, cyber defence, cyber resilience); Disseminate results through scientific publications, workshops and conferences (organizing workshops, seminars and conferences; edit the publication of the research results); Organize interviews with practitioners working in cyber policy at EU level and in EU Member States; Offer research assistance and coordinate young researchers working in the same field
Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with a Master degree in Law, preferably with a specialization in Cybersecurity law/IT law/Law & Technology/Data Protection/Artificial Intelligence. In particular, the following requirements apply: Strong interest in cyber policy, including cyber security, cyber defence and cyber sovereignty, as well as in interdisciplinary research; academic or practical experience in topics linked to the research will be considered an advantage

PickyStory; Germany

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: Develop new capabilities of our engine dealing with complex shopping experiences; Take advantage of the most advanced methodologies in ML and statistics; Design and develop new data-based features aimed at revenue optimization; Participate in the design of our AI solution for e-commerce; Collect, analyze, and sample data to create deep insights for merchants
Requirements: MSc/PhD - advantage; 5 years or more of data science experience working with large-scale data sets; 2 years or more of hands-on ML experience; Full proficiency with SQL/R/Python or similar; Strong mathematical/engineering/statistical or similar background; E-commerce experience - big advantage

singularIT GmbH; Lübeck, Germany

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:37

Duties: Verschiedene Datenquellen verknüpfen; Bei der Durchführung von Datenanalysen und Datenintegrationen unterstützen; Bei der Konzeption und Implementierung von Machine Learning Modellen mitwirken; Die Ergebnisse visuell darstellen
Requirements: Studium in Data Science, Informatik oder vergleichbar; Sprachniveau Deutsch mindestens C1

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:33

Workload: 80-100%
Duties: Sie sind zuständig für die Planung und Durchführung der Pflege anhand des Pflegeprozesses sowie von Richtlinien und Weisungen auf zwei chirurgischen Abteilungen am Standort Waid und Triemli; Sie übernehmen die Verantwortung einer patientenzentrierten Dokumentation des Arbeits- und Pflegeprozesses und die korrekte Leistungserfassung; Sie tragen aktiv zur konstruktiven, interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit bei; Sie wirken bei der Verbesserung der Pflegequalität und -entwicklung mit; Sie sind mitverantwortlich für die Betreuung der Auszubildenden und der Einführung neuer Mitarbeitenden
Requirements: Ausbildung als Pflegefachperson HF/FH Berufserfahrung auf einer chirurgischen Bettenstation in einem Schweizer Akutspital von Vorteil Selbständige und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise sowie ausgeprägtes Qualitäts- und Dienstleistungsbewusstsein

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:32

Duties: Shaping research directions and producing results. Topics include but are not limited to: Deep learning models suitable for deployment on edge devices (e.g., NVIDIA Jetson, FPGA, etc.); Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for minimal deep architectural design; Efficient in-orbit object pose estimation and tracking; Disseminating results through scientific publications; Providing guidance to PhD and MSc students; Providing support in setting up and running experiments in the SnT Computer Vision and the Zero-G labs; Participating in organizing relevant workshops and demonstrations; Participating to teaching activities
Requirements: A PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics or a related field; Competitive research record in Computer Vision, preferably with publications at top-tier CV/ML conferences/journals (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI, etc.); Broad experience with machine learning algorithms and deep learning concepts; Highly experienced in one or more of the following topics: Efficient deep learning; Neural Architecture Search (NAS); Embedded systems; Jetson-Nano and/or FPGA deployment; Object pose estimation and tracking

MoTek Technologies; San Francisco, California, United States

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:32

Duties: You’ll develop creative architectures to address the emerging demands of computer vision and machine learning algorithms; Understand and analyze the interplay between hardware, software, and media processing algorithms; Collaborate with a diverse set of teams across the company, spanning software, research, engineering, and product groups; Publish original research and speak at conferences and events
Requirements: Ph.D. in CE/CS/EE with a strong background in computer architecture, VLSI, parallel processing, and/or HPC. A strong publication, patent and research collaboration history is a huge advantage; Expertise in computer vision or machine learning algorithms; Experience with experimental computer architecture development and evaluation; Experience with C, C++, and scripting languages; Strong communication skills needed. Being a creative and dynamic presenter is a big advantage

InfoGuard AG; Switzerland

     Published: May 3, 2024   08:32

Workload: 80-100%
Duties: In dieser vielfältigen Funktion unterstützt du Kunden verschiedenster Sektoren und Grössen bei der Erarbeitung von Information Security Management-Systemen sowie der Beurteilung ihrer IT-Infrastruktur. Dazu gehört auch die externe Beratung in den Bereichen: Cyber Security, Security Incident Response, Vulnerability Management/Assessment, GRC/ISMS, Information Security Risk Management, Awareness und diverser Audits. Kundenbeziehungen ausbauen und pflegen sind für Dich bei der Arbeit mit Kunden selbstverständlich. Mit Deinem Wissen unterstützt Du zudem in Projekten zum Aufbau von neuen Kundenservices
Requirements: Studium mit Schwerpunkt Informatik (FH/Uni) oder vergleichbare Ausbildung (z.B. MAS Informationssicherheit); Erste Projekterfahrung im Bereich digitale Transformation; Know-how und Erfahrung in mindestens einem der folgenden Themen: Planung, Konzeption und Aufbau von Informationssicherheits-, Datenschutz- und Risikomanagement-Frameworks auf Basis der gängigen Standards, z.B. ISO 27001/2 und/oder NIST Cyber Security Framework

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