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lu: Research Associates/Spontaneous Applications

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Carry out novel research works in some of the following domains; Novel communications technologies for Beyond 5G/6G networks and services; Cellular, UAV, IoT, Tactile Internet, MEC, V2X, D2D, M2M, eMBB, mMTC and URLLC; Machine learning/deep learning techniques and Artificial Intelligence for wireles...      A PhD degree in wireless communications, signal processing, machine/deep learning or a closely related field in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Should have published at least 3 journal papers in top 10% international journals of the field, and/or should have strong experimentation background an...

lu: PhD Candidates in Automatic Testing (via computational intelligence) in Continuous Integration Environments

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Under the direction of a professor, the candidate will carry out research activities and write a thesis with the main goal of obtain a PhD in the area of Software Engineering. This includes conducting literature surveys and establishing state-of-the-art; developing necessary experimental and simulat...      Bachelor in Computer Science or related; Master on a subject related to Informatics, or Software Engineering, or Computer Science, or Information Technology; Strong background in software testing and formal methods applied to software engineering, such as, propositional/temporal logic, sat solving, ...

ch: Assistenz Doktorand*in (60%)

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland
Zu den Aufgaben der Assistierenden gehört insbesondere die wissenschaftliche Qualifikation an der Universität Basel durch die Dissertation, die Beteiligung an der Lehre (2 Semesterwochenstunden), die akademische Selbstverwaltung und die Mitarbeit bei der Betreuung der Studierenden sowie den wissen...      Voraussetzung ist ein mit dem Master abgeschlossenes Studium in Alter Geschichte oder einem verwandten Fach sowie die Arbeit an einem eigenen Dissertationsprojekt. Wünschenswert, aber keine Voraussetzung, ist ein Forschungsschwerpunkt zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten des Fachbereichs

ch: Accountant (100%)

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland
In dieser Position arbeiten Sie im Bereich Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen und wirken aktiv beim Auf- und Ausbau der Debitorenbuchhaltung mit. Dazu gehören sowohl die Fakturierung im SAP, die Erfassung der Stammdaten, Verbuchung von manuellen Rechnungen sowie Gutschriften, als auch die V...      Fachausbildung im Rechnungswesen und einschlägige Berufserfahrung; gute MS-Office Kenntnisse; sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse, Englisch von Vorteil; SAP-Kenntnisse

ch: Senior Microscopy Specialist (70%)

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland
Consult researchers for the planning and analysis of their microscopy experiments and support them during the process; Theoretical and practical training of users; First level maintenance and troubleshooting of a variety of instruments including widefield, confocal, spinning disk, 2-photon and high ...      Master or PhD in life sciences with several years of professional experience in biology, physics, biophysics or a related field with a strong focus on microscopy; 3-5 years of work experience in the field of light microscopy including hardware and software; Excellent knowledge of principles and meth...

it: Research Position: The study of brain circuit alterations in stroke patients (2 y)

Università degli Studi di Padova, Medical Sciences; Medicine; Padova, Veneto, Italy
NEMESIS proposes a radically novel approach to understanding the circuit and systems level alterations; produced by focal brain injuries. NEMESIS will develop a mechanistic understanding of structure-function; alterations at multiple spatial and temporal scales, which will allow the development of i...      Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

at: Universitätsassistentin/Universitätsassistent (Postdoc)

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Universitätsklinik für Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin      abgeschlossenes einschlägiges PhD- bzw. Doktoratsstudium; Qualifikation in Lehre und Forschung (mindestens eine ErstautorInnenschaft)

at: Fachärztin/Facharzt

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
ärztliche Tätigkeit; Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Universitätsklinik für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie      abgeschlossenes Medizinstudium; Befugnis zur selbstständigen Ausübung des ärztlichen Berufes als Fachärztin/Facharzt für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie; Qualifikation in Lehre und Forschung (mindestens eine ErstautorInnenschaft); Vorerfahrung im Bereich der Auswertung der retinalen Bildgebung (O...

at: Fachärztin/Facharzt

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
ärztliche Tätigkeit; Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Universitätsklinik für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie      abgeschlossenes Medizinstudium; Befugnis zur selbstständigen Ausübung des ärztlichen Berufes als Fachärztin/Facharzt für Augenheilkunde und Optometrie; Qualifikation in Lehre und Forschung (mindestens eine ErstautorInnenschaft); Erfahrung mit konservativen Retinologie (medical Retina)

at: Fachärztin/Facharzt

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
ärztliche Tätigkeit; Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Universitätsklinik für Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin      abgeschlossenes Medizinstudium; Befugnis zur selbstständigen Ausübung des ärztlichen Berufes als Fachärztin/Facharzt für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin; Qualifikation in Lehre und Forschung (mindestens eine ErstautorInnenschaft)

at: Fachärztin/Facharzt

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
ärztliche Tätigkeit; Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Universitätsklinik für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe      abgeschlossenes Medizinstudium; Befugnis zur selbstständigen Ausübung des ärztlichen Berufes als Fachärztin/Facharzt für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe; Qualifikation in Lehre und Forschung (mindestens eine ErstautorInnenschaft)

at: Ärztin/Arzt in Facharztausbildung

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
ärztliche Tätigkeit; Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie      abgeschlossenes Medizinstudium; Bereitschaft zur Mitwirkung in Forschung und Lehre; ärztliche Vorerfahrung in einer Ausbildung zur Fachärztin/zum Facharzt bzw. Vorkenntnisse im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten

at: Ärztin/Arzt in Facharztausbildung

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
ärztliche Tätigkeit; Forschung, Lehre, Verwaltung; Institut für Klinisch-Funktionelle Anatomie      abgeschlossenes Medizinstudium; Bereitschaft zur Mitwirkung in Forschung und Lehre; ärztliche Vorerfahrung in einer Ausbildung zur Fachärztin/zum Facharzt bzw. Vorkenntnisse im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten

at: Veterinärmedizinerin/Veterinärmediziner

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
veterinärmedizinische Betreuung und Überwachung des Tierwohls und Etablierung einer "Culture of Care"; Beratung von Wissenschaftlerinnen/Wissenschaftlern und interne Begutachtung von Tierversuchsprojekten; Überwachung der Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und internationalen Standards      abgeschlossenes Master- oder Diplomstudium der Veterinärmedizin; Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (mindestens C1 Sprachniveau); Kenntnis der Biologie von Maus, Ratte, Kaninchen und Zebrafisch; Kenntnis der Grundprinzipien wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens

at: SAP Beraterin Inhouse/SAP Berater Inhouse

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
umfassende Beratung und Betreuung der Abteilungen bei der Analyse und Optimierung der Geschäftsprozesse im Rahmen von Projekten mit IT-/SAP-Bezug; Dokumentation von Anforderungen und Erarbeitung von Lösungskonzepten; Implementierung, Testung und Rollout von Change Requests und Customizings; Anspre...      abgeschlossenes Master-/Magister-/Diplom-Studium mit wirtschaftlichem Schwerpunkt oder Nachweis der entsprechenden Berufserfordernisse; Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit SAP und im Support, sowie erste Erfahrungen im Management von SAP-Projekten; sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schri...

at: Juristin/Jurist

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
Prüfung, Erstellung, Verhandlung und Dokumentation von Forschungsverträgen in Deutsch und Englisch      abgeschlossenes Master-, Magister- oder Diplomstudium der Rechtswissenschaften oder des Wirtschaftsrechts; mehrjährige Berufserfahrung; Kenntnisse der universitären Strukturen; sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

at: Biomedizinische Analytikerin/biomedizinischer Analytiker (BMA) oder technische Assistentin/technischer Assistent (TA)

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
mikrobiologisches und immunologisches Arbeiten im wissenschaftlichen Labor; selbstständiges Verwalten und Bestellen von Labormaterialien; statistische Auswertungen; Literaturrecherchen; Einlernen von Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeitern inkl. methodischem Anweisen      BMA: abgeschlossenes Bachelor-Studium der biomedizinischen Analytik oder gleichwertige Ausbildung; Eintragung in das Gesundheitsberuferegister; TA: Abschluss einer naturwissenschaftlichen bzw. technischen Ausbildung auf Bachelor-Niveau; Erfahrungen in immunologischem, mikrobiologischem, molekularb...

at: Radiologietechnologin/Radiologietechnologe

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
Tätigkeit im Bereich Radiologietechnologie; Verwaltung; Studienkoordination      RTA-Diplom oder Bachelorstudium Radiotechnologie; Erfahrungen in der MRT-Technologie und den gängigen IT-Systemen (RIS, PACS, KIS, Teleradiologie); Einarbeitung in neue Systeme zur MRT-Bildgebung und Bildnachverarbeitung

at: Referentin/Referent

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
Assistenz für OE-Leitung bzw. Direktorin/Direktor in organisatorischer und administrativer Hinsicht; Gatekeeper-Funktion; Koordination von Terminen und Aufgaben; Meetingvorbereitung; Unterstützung bei der Beschaffung und Aufbereitung von Informationen; Buchhaltung und Rechnungswesen; Inventur und ...      einschlägige Ausbildung oder einschlägige Berufserfahrung; abgeschlossene Ausbildung (zB LAP, HAK) oder vergleichbare Berufserfahrung; betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse; eigenverantwortliche und genaue Arbeitsweise

at: Referentin/Referent

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
selbstständige administrative Betreuung des Instituts und der Core Facilities am CCB (Personalagenden, Führung des Rechnungs- und Bestellwesens, Budgetverwaltung, Abrechnung der Projektmittel, Mitarbeit bei der Organisation von Kongressen, Administration von Studierenden- und Lehragenden)      einschlägige Ausbildung oder einschlägige Berufserfahrung; Erfahrung im Sekretariatsbereich; gute MS-Office-, SAP- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift; Kenntnisse der universitären Strukturen

at: Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter HR Administration

Medizinische Universität Innsbruck; Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria
Mithilfe bei allen personaladministrativen Agenden von Ein- bis Austritt; Unterstützung bei administrativen Tätigkeiten      einschlägige Ausbildung oder Berufserfahrung; erste Kenntnisse im Bereich Arbeits- und Sozialversicherungsrecht; gute MS-Office-Kenntnisse

at, ch, de, li: Karrierestart für Mathematiker   

Basycon Unternehmensberatung GmbH; Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein
Hervorragende persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten durch umfassende Weiterbildung und abwechslungsreiche, herausfordernde Projektaufgaben, z. B.: Strukturierung und Management komplexer Projektvorhaben; Analytisch anspruchsvolle Geschäftsprozessmodellierung und -optimierung; Konzeption von Steu...      Sehr gut abgeschlossenes Studium in Physik, Mathematik, Informatik oder einem anderen natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengang; Gute IT-Kenntnisse und Spass an der Technik

ch: All positions at Libera AG

Libera AG; Switzerland
Libera is a leading Swiss consulting firm for benefit institutions and companies in Switzerland. Since 1963 we have been advising our clients on occupational benefits, while supporting them with outsourcing services and in all matters of international accounting. We have two locations in Basel and Z...      We crawl all higher jobs at Libera automatically and post them at acad.jobs. Additional jobs can be found by clicking here. Many more institutions are listed in the left frame (online version), see "Search yourself at 8000 institutions"

us: Actuarial Systems Analyst

National Life Group; United States
Assist in identifying areas of the systems requiring modification to support new product designs and functionality; Coordinate tasks associated with creating and modifying life and annuity product plans on administration, new business, illustrations, and other systems; With oversight, read/review pr...      Bachelor’s degree; mathematics, finance, computer science or related degree preferred; Experience 3-5 years in systems or systems support role in financial services industry; Experience with a wide range of life insurance and annuity products with a demonstrated understanding of product mechanics ...

us: Director, Biostatistics - Oncology

Gilead Sciences, Inc.; United States
Provide Statistical leadership to late-stage oncology clinical trials: developing trial design options and providing high quality decision support; Statistical lead for a specific oncology molecule/indication in Health Authority interactions and maintain an accountability thread to TA head; Works c...      12 years + (Bachelors); 10+ years (Masters); 8+ years (PhD); 4+ years (MD) of statistical analysis experience in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry (or at a CRO); Industry experience in the statistical analysis of biomedical data using statistical software; Extensive hands-on experience in...

us: Biostatistician with SAS Programming (Clinical)

Madagoni LLC; United States
Perform tasks under the guidance of project lead or CMS departmental principals on analytic design and statistical analytic planning, coordinate real world database management, and data warehouse construction or maintenance. Develop documentations of analytic plans, prepare for statistical concept c...      Biostatistician; 6-9 years of experience

us: Machine Learning Engineer - Machine Learning Infrastructure

TikTok; United States
Responsible for the design and implementation of a global-scale machine learning system for feeds, ads and search ranking models; Responsible for improving use-ability and flexibility of the machine learning infrastructure; Responsible for improving the workflow of model training and serving, data p...      Proficient in at least one programming language such as Go/Python in Linux environment, with excellent coding skills; Familiar with open source distributed scheduling/orchestration/storage frameworks, such as Kubernetes (K8S), Yarn (Flink, MapReduce), Mesos, Celery, HDFS, Redis, S3, etc., with rich ...

us: AI/ML Software Engineer

Signify Technology; United States
Leveraging Python and TensorFlow/PyTorch in the backend, the AI & Machine Learning Software Engineer; Develop new AI models, build APIs for web services; Mentor the team on deploying containerized AI services to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)      Working closely with a CTO who has over 10 years of software leadership experience, and a team of 10 other brilliantly minded AI & Machine Learning Software Engineers, you will be a pioneer in the ongoing development and support of their software

us: Principal Applied Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer

Rokt; United States
As a Principal Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer you will be able to drive the future direction of new initiatives and push the boundaries on what the world thinks is possible by leveraging the latest advancements in ML. You will join a team of top-tier Machine Learning Engineers and be an inheren...      PhD or Masters's Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Statistics a similar technical field of study with a specialisation in Machine Learning, Data mining, Information Retrieval or Data science. 10+ years of industry experience in building production-grade machine learning systems with all as...

us: Machine Learning Engineer

MoTek Technologies; United States
Seeking an experienced research and engineering professional to lead research and development of new deep learning algorithms for speech recognition and language understanding to join our technology team. Members of the technology team work collaboratively as a group and with colleagues in engineeri...      PhD in relevant discipline is highly desirable, but others with equivalent experience are encouraged to apply; Academic specialization or extensive experience in working on solving problems in speech recognition and NLP

us: Machine Learning Scientist - Content & Media ML Foundations

Netflix; United States
Build ML models that push state-of-the-art either using Netflix’s unique multimodal dataset or algorithmic innovations or both; Design and implement state-of-the-art machine learning models for visual, audio and textual data to enhance content understanding and improve content production and promo...      You have a strong foundation in machine learning and deep learning, including embedding methods, supervised and unsupervised learning, and deep learning architectures; Advanced degree (MS or PhD) in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related technical field with a focus on machine learni...

us: Co-Op, Computational Immunology

Moderna, Inc.; United States
Work on extending single cell analysis pipelines to include QC and analysis of TCR-seq, CITE-seq, and LIBRA-seq data types; Work on benchmarking the best methods for integration of single cell RNA-seq datasets from different sources; Work with the IT teams to establish and maintain an automated work...      Currently enrolled in an advanced degree program in computational biology, bioinformatics, statistics, computer science, or bioengineering; Currently enrolled or recently graduating from a PhD program is a plus; Good coding experience in Python is required, experience with R also beneficial; Experie...

us: Principal Machine Learning Engineer

Oracle; United States
Collaborate with product managers to translate business and product requirements into AI projects; Collaborate with fellow technical leaders to ensure the successful and timely delivery of models and integration of services; Coordinate with global teams to drive projects from research to production;...      PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Linguistics or a related field with a dissertation, thesis or final project centered in Machine Learning and Deep Learning) with 3+ years relevant experience is preferred but not a must

us: Computational Biologist/Senior Computational Biologist, Human Genetics

Calico Life Sciences LLC; United States
Devise, implement and lead research projects focused on identifying and characterizing molecular networks underlying human traits using data from human biobanks and other sources; Use statistical associations, causal inference methods and biological knowledge to generate hypotheses and design experi...      A PhD degree in biology, genetics, computer science, statistics or related fields 5+ years of experience in statistical genetics and/or epidemiology (including PhD). Post-graduate experience (post-doc or industry) is a plus Strong coding skills in Python and/or R

us: Bioinformatics Engineer

Ginkgo Bioworks; United States
Support Ginkgo’s Biosecurity Teams with your technical expertise in bioinformatics; Support data management across biosecurity programs; Support pipeline development & improvement for biosecurity, biosurveillance, and new sequence based tools; Support retrieving, parsing, and processing struct...      BS + minimum 2 years relevant experience, OR Master’s degree in related discipline; Proficient in at least one software programming language (Python); Proficient in workflow management software (Nextflow, Docker); Proficient in distributed computing (AWS/Google Cloud)

ie: Sr. Principal Statistician

Eli Lilly and Company; Cork, Ireland
Operate in collaboration with study personnel to provide input on study protocol, design studies and write protocols for the conduct of each study; Assist in or be accountable for selecting statistical methods for data analysis, authoring the corresponding sections of the protocol and the statistica...      Ph.D., or equivalent or, M.S. with experience, Statistics, Biostatistics, or equivalent of field study; Proficient in statistical programming languages/software such as SAS, R, Spotfire, WinBUG, etc

us: Associate Actuary

Aspida; United States
Develop and price annuity products in AXIS; Maintain pricing model for routine rate setting; Implement new products, assumptions, and features; Sensitivity testing, risk analysis, and product feature evaluation; Work closely with cross functional areas: Actuarial, finance, distribution, strategy, c...      Minimum of 3 years of actuarial experience; Experience with annuity products

us: Senior Robotics Software Engineer

Locus Robotics; United States
Integrate robotic hardware and software systems by creating, augmenting, or developing new APIs; Plan and execute proof of concepts and demonstrations for internal and external consumption; Create predictable behaviors for human-robot and robot interactions; Write and execute test procedures for per...      BS or MS degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or similar field; 3+ years of commercial experience working with C++ or other object-oriented languages; 3 + years experience with API development, hardware and software integration; Knowledgeable regarding robotics s...

au: Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Rokt; Sydney, Australia
As a Senior Machine Learning Engineer, you are someone who has significant expertise in both machine learning and software engineering. You will be working with our engineering and product teams to design, build and productionise proprietary machine learning models to solve different business challe...      Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience; 3+ years of industry experience in building production-grade machine learning systems with all aspects of model training, tuning, deploying, serving and monitoring; 5+ years of industry ex...

in: Senior Machine Learning Engineer

Oracle; Bengaluru, India
Develop new OCI services and features leveraging recent advances in generative AI, machine learning and deep learning; Evaluate and benchmark AI models including LLMs, perform inference testing, optimise models and monitor model performance in production; Collaborate with fellow technical leaders to...      Demonstrated experience in designing and implementing scalable AI models for production; Deep technical understanding of Machine Learning, Deep Learning architectures like Transformers, training methods, and optimizers; Practical experience with the latest technologies in LLM and generative AI, such...

us: AI/ML Engineer - Lead Analyst

Citigroup Inc.; United States
Design, test, deploy and maintain machine learning use cases leveraging IBM Watson SaaS environment and toolset, and integrate with the audit management systems; Enhance existing AI/ML capabilities through ideation, exploration, testing, prioritization, and implementation; Design, test, and refine p...      Bachelor’s degree in Data Science, Computer Science, MIS, or related discipline; 5+ years’ experience in AI, machine learning, and model development and deployment; Extensive experience in machine learning use case design, testing and deployment in IBM SaaS/Watson environment

us: Sr. Deep Learning Scientist - Medical Image Analysis

Siemens; United States
Research, design, and implement algorithms in Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis problems; Close collaboration with clinical customers to define, implement and validate clinical prototypes; Advance the state-of-the-art, including generating patents and publications in top journals and conferen...      Ph.D. in an engineering or science field such as Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Statistics, or Applied Math; Strong background in Deep Learning and/or Medical Image processing; 4+ years of industry experience or post-doctoral studies in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Image Understa...

us: Senior Director Data Science, Responsible Use of AI

Optum, Inc.; United States
Research and develop new methods to build, test and monitor AI consistent with UHG guiding principles for Responsible Use of AI (quality, explainability, fairness, security, accountability, and continuous improvement); Design and build new tools to implement AI performance and fairness testing and m...      Master’s degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, or related STEM discipline; 12+ years of experience in Software Engineering, Data Science, or Analytics with at least 8 years of experience in AI/ML engineering; 8+ years of experience in Python, R, or other programming lan...

us: Senior Applied Scientist, Machine Learning Accelerator

Amazon; United States
The scope of an Applied Scientist III in the Selling Partner Services (SPS) Machine Learning Accelerator (MLA) team is to research and prototype Machine Learning applications that solve strategic business problems across SPS domains. Additionally, the scientist collaborates with engineers and busine...      4+ years of applied research experience; 3+ years of building machine learning models for business application experience; PhD, or Master's degree and 6+ years of applied research experience; Experience programming in Java, C++, Python or related language

us: Senior Machine Learning Engineer/Data Scientist

Oracle; United States
Understand business objectives and develop models that help to achieve them, along with metrics to track their progress; Apply your advanced understanding of machine learning principles, including advanced analytics tools, applied mathematics, ML and Deep Learning frameworks and libraries, and ML te...      Bachelor’s or Master's degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field; Proficiency with a deep learning framework such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, or Keras and and/or natural language processing using NLTK, spaCy, Gensim, etc; Proficiency in Python an...

us: Director, Biostatistics

Moderna, Inc.; United States
Serve as the biostatistics leader in multiple clinical development teams responsible for determining clinical study strategies and manage teams to deliver results with high quality and on time; Champion in bringing innovative statistical thinking and methods to help drive applications of suit-for-pu...      PhD (or equivalent degree) with 9+ (for Director) of relevant work experience in Biotech, Pharma, Regulatory agencies, or Clinical Research Organizations. MS (or equivalent degree) with 12+ years of relevant experience; Excellent statistical knowledge with the ability of applying the knowledge to so...

us: Associate, Machine Learning

Cellarity; United States
Contribute to and lead Flagship model explorations to rapidly assess interesting areas of science, with an AI/ML focus, and develop novel, actionable and high value venture hypotheses; Outline key scientific questions to enable venture hypotheses and develop experimental plans to rapidly create valu...      A PhD or equivalent in Computer Science, Data Science, Machine Learning, or a related field; Experience in biotech, computational biology, or a related industry. Experience in a start up environment and demonstrated passion for entrepreneurship preferred; Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

us: Associate Director, Biostatistics

Moderna, Inc.; United States
Leader in bringing innovative statistical thinking and methods to help drive applications of suit-for-purpose statistical methods that enhance the probability of successes for clinical development programs; Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure effective quantitative approach...      PhD in statistics (or equivalent degree) with 6+ years or master with 9+ years of relevant working experience in Biotech, Pharma, Regulatory agencies, or Clinical Research Organizations; Excellent statistical knowledge with the ability of applying the knowledge to solve scientific and clinical probl...

de: Risk Analytics Vice President

Morgan Stanley; Frankfurt, Germany
In conjunction with the global Risk Analytics team, support in the development of IMM, IRB and IMA risk models and model enhancements specific to the European requirements; Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the performance and compliance of the internal risk models in line with internal and regul...      MSc, PhD or equivalent in a quantitative subject (such as mathematics, physics, finance, economics or engineering); Solid knowledge of regulatory requirements for internal capital models and developments, in particular those emanating from Basel and European regulatory authorities; Strong understand...

us: Senior Machine Learning Operations Engineer

LigaData; United States
As a Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineer at Ligadata, you will play a key role in developing, training, monitoring & refining ML models as well as developing and maintaining the infrastructure and processes necessary for seamless deployment and scaling of machine learning models. You wi...      Bachelor's/Master's in Computer Science, Data Science, or related field; Proven ML model building, training, and MLOps experience; Proficiency in diverse ML models, LLMs, GenAI, and Python automation; Familiarity with Java, Scala, and containerization tools (Docker, Kubernetes)

us: Research Scientist - Machine Learning

Basis AI; United States
Develop and explore computational theories of intelligence, including reasoning, learning, and decision-making; In close collaboration with domain experts inside and especially outside Basis, work as a team member to help solve scientific and societal problems; Distill insights from solving problems...      PhD (or equivalent experience) in technical areas, including: statistics, programming languages, machine learning, computational neuroscience, cognitive science, physics, mathematics

in: Director - Machine Learning Engineering

Warner Bros. Discovery; Bangalore, India
The role will focus on building and leading a team responsible for unlocking machine learning opportunities in media supply chain, captioning services, ad conditioning, metadata extraction and building foundational machine learning training and inference pipelines at scale. You will lead by example ...      PhD or master’s in computer science or related discipline; 18+ years of experience managing Machine Learning teams; years of experience designing, building, deploying, testing, maintaining, monitoring, and owning scalable, resilient, and distributed machine learning algorithms and systems

us: Research Computer Scientist - Research Engineer

Southwest Research Institute; San Antonio, Texas, United States
Identify and pursue new research directions for current and emerging technologies in machine learning, machine vision and robotics; Join project teams to research new AI/ML related objectives for SwRI clients; Find new applications, industries, and clients for novel automation capabilities; Capture ...      Requires a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or directly related with related experience; 2-5 years Related experience and must have completed graduate work related to machine learning, computer vision, and/or robotics; Must have training in perception (com...

us: Actuarial Manager

Optum, Inc.; United States
In joining the Provider Actuarial services you’ll be part of a team that is a leader in health care cost analytics, with a proven track record of supporting hospitals across the country though a diverse staff of Actuaries, Data/Research Analysts, and Business/Technology Consultants. Our consulting...      5+ years of Actuarial experience in healthcare field; Experience with people management and/or project management; Experience collaborating with cross functional partners and presenting analytical findings to non-analytical audiences; Advanced proficiency in MS Excel; Proven intellectual curiosity a...

us: Model/Analysis/Validation Officer

Citigroup Inc.; United States
Develop credit risk models (scorecards) applying statistical analysis, credit life cycle principles, predictive modeling, machine learning and Big Data and using programming languages such as SAS, Python and SQL for international and U.S. business risk management. Develop, enhance, and validate meth...      Requires a Master’s degree (or foreign equivalent), in Mathematics, Statistics, Business Analytics or related field and 3 years of experience as a Senior Specialist, Credit Risk Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Analyst or related position involving credit risk analysis for the financial services in...

us: Co-Op, Bioinformatics

Moderna, Inc.; United States
The Computational Science Co-op program is a 6-month experiential training program for students currently working towards a US-based undergraduate or advanced degree in STEM. Our spring co-op program will run from July 15; December 13, 2024. Co-ops must be available for the entire duration of the pr...      The ideal candidate will have a strong background in bioinformatics, computational biology, or a related field. Experience working with ribosome profiling data analysis and an understanding of mRNA translation processes is a plus but not required

us: Head of Machine Learning

Flagship Pioneering, Inc.; United States
We are seeking a Head of Machine Learning to drive the vision, strategy, and execution across machine learning and data generation efforts      Ph.D. in machine learning, statistics, computer science, mathematical modeling, operations research, or related fields from a recognized higher-education establishment; >10 years of experience of machine learning leadership in the life sciences industry or in academia

ch: Fachperson Gesundheit interdisziplinäre Medizin (50%)

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
Sie sind bei einer Patientengruppe oder auf Delegation für die Durchführung von Pflegeinterventionen verantwortlich; Sie übernehmen die fachgerechte Dokumentation, die Leistungserfassung sowie medizinaltechnische Tätigkeiten; Sie stellen einen effizienten und gezielten Informationsaustausch sich...      Ausbildung als Fachfrau/Fachmann Gesundheit EFZ; Berufserfahrung im Akutspital; Selbständige und eigenverantwortliche Arbeitsweise sowie ausgeprägtes Qualitäts- und Dienstleistungsbewusstsein

ch: Leitende Ärztin/Leitender Arzt Ophthalmologie (100%)

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
In dieser vielseitigen Funktion obliegt Ihnen als Mitglied der Klinikleitung zusammen mit dem Chefarzt und dem Leitungsteam die Leitung des Hauptstandortes Triemlis sowie die Leitung der Spezialsprechstunden und Sie verantworten die Personaleinsatzplanung der 3 Standorte; Sie wirken aktiv am klinisc...      Eidgenössischer oder in der Schweiz anerkannter Facharzttitel in Ophthalmologie und Ophthalmochirurgie; Mehrjährige Erfahrung als Kaderärzt*in an einer grossen Klinik und Kenntnisse des Schweizer Gesundheitswesens; Breite klinische Erfahrung, ausgewiesene Fachkompetenz in allgemeiner Ophthalmolog...

ch: Assistenzärzt*in Medizinischer Onkologie (100%)

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
In dieser vielseitigen Funktion unterstützen Sie unser Team in der Behandlung und Betreuung unserer onkologischen Patient*innen; Sie setzen sich mit Freude und Engagement für qualitativ hochstehende medizinische Dienstleistungen ein; Mit den anderen internen Fachabteilungen und Berufsgruppen pfleg...      Eidgenössisches Arztdiplom oder von der MEBEKO anerkanntes ausländisches Diplom in Humanmedizin; Fundiertes internistisches Wissen; Hohe Selbständigkeit, ausgeprägte Patienten- und Teamorientierung sowie Sozialkompetenz; Gute Deutschkenntnisse

ch: Dipl. Pflegefachperson HF/FH für das NDS HF Intensivpflege Triemli (100%)

Stadtspital Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
Sie pflegen, betreuen und begleiten Patientinnen und Patienten in aussergewöhnlichen und unvorhersehbaren Lebenssituationen; Sie handeln professionell, selbständig und eigenverantwortlich innerhalb ihres Kompetenzrahmens; Sie gewährleisten eine kompetente Auf- und Übernahme sowie eine aktuelle S...      Abschluss zur Dipl. Pflegefachperson HF/FH oder ein vom SRK anerkanntes ausländisches Diplom in Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege; Mindestens 6 Monate Berufserfahrung im Akutpflegebereich

it: Assegno di ricerca

Università degli Studi di Padova; Padova, Veneto, Italy
Bando di selezione n. 1/2024 per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno, tipo A, per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca      Progetto dal titolo "EDP nonlineari evolutive e Fluidodinamica/Nonlinear Evolution PDEs and Fluid-dynamics"

lu: Doctoral researcher in Psychology

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The doctoral researcher will conduct research under the guidance of a supervisory team including local and international experts, with the aim of studying towards a doctoral degree (cumulative; i.e., based on peer-reviewed publications) in Psychology. The doctoral researcher will develop a test batt...      Master in psychology, linguistics, Luxembourgish linguistics or education; Competence in psychometrics and psycholinguistics; Research or professional experience in the fields of educational or psychological assessment is a plus; Excellent oral Luxembourgish language skills are required, good writte...

ch: PhD Opportunity in Biomedical Ethics

Universität Basel; Basel, Switzerland
Coordinating and managing a research project including carrying out qualitative interviews and analyzing a large panel data set, including collaboration with other NCCR Automation researchers; Continuing your education/training (e.g., taking courses on research methods); Mentoring research assistant...      Master's degree in ethics, philosophy, psychology, bioethics, law, AI or other related fields; Very good Master's and Bachelor's academic grades; Excellent language skills in English; Willingness to contribute towards an empirical project; Ability to speak and understand German and/or French.)

de: Aktuar/(Versicherungs-)Mathematikerin/Mathematiker (all genders) für IT Projekte

adesso SE; Germany
Analyse der Produkte und Anforderungen unserer Kunden; Erstellen von Vorgaben für die Abbildung der Versicherungsprodukte und; tarife; Unterstützung bei der Tarifmodellierung und -konfiguration; Beraten der mathematischen Abteilungen unserer Kunden; Unterstützen bei aktuariellen Bestandsanalysen;...      Abgeschlossenes Studium der (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik; In Ausbildung zum/zur Aktuar/-in (DAV) oder Bereitschaft dazu; Erfahrung mit versicherungsmathematischer Softwareentwicklung; Interesse und Affinität zu Themen und Trends der Informationstechnik sowie der Versicherungswirtschaft; Beherrschen ein...

us: Lead Analyst - Lead Scientist - Principal Analyst - Artificial Intelligence Scientist

Southwest Research Institute; San Antonio, Texas, United States
Develop Solutions for AI systems and embedded aerospace/avionics systems and subsystems; Develop Solutions for neuromorphic AI/ML; Develop AI/ML Solutions for Aircraft systems, EW, SIGINT, and/or sensor fusion; Perform Data Science and analytics; Drive the team to meet budgets and schedules      Requires a Masters degree (preferred PhD) in Artificial Intelligence or equivalent; Shift work required; 8+ years: Shown industry AI experience; Preferred experience developing AI and other software while using Python, Tensor Flow, Keras, PyTorch, or other AI development environments

us: Bioinformatics Software Developer

Fulgent Genetics; United States
Architect, develop, test, maintain Bioinformatics Pipeline Systems; Research and develop new algorithms, programs to support and improve Bioinformatics system efficiency; Data management, data maintenance and database administration; Identify, design, and implement process improvements: automating ...      A Bachelors Degree with a major in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, or a related discipline; Knowledge of Java, JavaScript, Python, Bash Scripts; Knowledge of Database, SQL; Knowledge of GIT Source Control, Windows, and Linux; Ability to handle periodic on-call duty as well as out-of-band requests

ca, us: Software Engineer

Waabi Innovation Inc.; Canada, United States
Be part of a team of multidisciplinary Engineers and Researchers using an AI-first approach to enable safe self-driving at scale; Build reliable and scalable tools and frameworks to support Autonomous Vehicle (AV) development; Participate and share ideas in technical and architecture discussions, co...      MS/PhD or Bachelors degree with a Computer Science, Robotics and/or similar technical field(s) of study; Demonstrated software engineering experience through previous internships, work experience, coding competitions, and/or research projects; Some experience in reading and developing production qua...

us: Postdoctoral Research Associate

Wesleyan University; Middletown, Connecticut, United States
Specific areas of research include: (a) Parity-time symmetric circuits; (b) (micro-)electromechanical devices (with emphasis on sensors and energy harvesting); (c ) active topological structures; (d) asymmetric transport; (e) broadband absorbing structures; and (f) Wavefront shaping techniques      PhD in physics, Electrical Engineering or related field; Knowledge of the theory of metamaterials; Knowledge of software packages for structure design (such as COMSOL, SPICE, etc); Experience in analog circuitry design including lump and RF distributed circuits; Demonstrated commitment to work withi...

de: Data Scientist/Versicherungsmathematiker:in/Aktuar:in Pricing (w/m/d)

HUK-Coburg; Coburg, Bayern, Germany
Übersetzung von ökonomischen, vom Geschäft ausgehenden Fragestellungen im Bereich Pricing in datenbasierte/statistische Probleme und Lösung dieser Aufgaben mittels Data Analytics Methoden; Einsatz von aktuellen Machine Learning und Deep Learning Verfahren in einer professionellen DevOps Umgebung...      Sehr guter Studienabschluss mit praktischem Bezug zu Data Science oder Machine Learning; Erfahrung in Programmierung (z.B. Python, R, SAS) und Data Science Methoden (z.B. Machine Learning); Erfahrung im Bereich Tarifierung/Versicherungsmathematik ist von Vorteil

us: Research Associate

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
The successful candidate will work with Drs. Curtis Huttenhower and Wendy Garrett on overall scientific coordination for the Harvard Chan Microbiome in Public Health Center. This individual will be responsible for high-level scientific planning, reporting, outreach, and mentoring for the project, wo...      Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Computational Biology, or related fields, with advanced research skills and at least 5 years of related experience. Combination of molecular biology and computational expertise preferred

de: Praktikant:in Aktuarielle Entwicklung

SV SparkassenVersicherung Holding AG; Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Sie erhalten Einblicke in die Lebensversicherung mit Schwerpunkt aktuarielle Produktentwicklung, Versicherungstechnik und Qualitätsmanagement; Sie modellieren versicherungstechnische Werte von Produkten des Neugeschäfts und des Bestandes im Hinblick auf Qualität, Aktualität und Profitabilität; ...      Sie studieren (Wirtschafts-)Informatik, (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder einen vergleichbaren Studiengang. Sie verfügen ideralerweise über Programmierkenntnisse sowie Vorkenntnisse in den Bereichen Versicherungs-/Finanzmathematik. Sie erkennen Probleme schnell und lösen di...

de: Praktikant:in Aktuarielle Rechnungslegung

SV SparkassenVersicherung Holding AG; Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Sie lernen Methoden der strategischen Bilanzsteuerung und Statistik kennen; Sie begleiten spannenden Projekte des aktuariellen Bestandscontrollings im Bereich der Lebensversicherung; Sie wirken bei der Optimierung von Prozessen mit und übernehmen eigenverantwortlich Aufgaben; Sie haben die Möglich...      Sie studieren (Wirtschafts-)Informatik oder (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik; Sie verfügen ideralerweise über praktische Programmierkenntnisse und Grundkenntnisse im Bereich der Lebensversicherungsmathematik; Sie erkennen Probleme schnell und lösen diese gerne, verantwortungsbewusst und verlässlich; Sie...

us: Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Research Associate Position in Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow or Research Associate position in biostatistics and biomedical informatics is available at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The positions involve developing and applying statistical and computational methods for analysis of electronic health records ( EHR ) d...      Ph.D. in a quantitative field, e.g., statistics or biostatistics, computer sciences, strong quantitative research background, statistical and programming proficiency, as well as good written and oral communication skills; for the Research Associate position two years of postdoctoral experience is pr...

us: Postdoctoral Fellow

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
We are seeking a candidate with expertise in computational and systems biology to work as part of a multidisciplinary team developing methods relevant to the study of genetics, gene regulatory networks, and the use of quantitative imaging data as biomarkers. Our goal is to use these methods to bette...      A PhD in computational biology, biostatistics, applied mathematics, physics, biology, or related fields and demonstrated skill in methods and software development and the analysis of biological data are required

de: Mathematiker/Aktuar (DAV)/IVS Sachverständiger (m/w/d)

compertis Beratungsgesellschaft für betriebliches Vorsorgemanagement mbH; Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany
Bewertung von Pensionsverpflichtungen für grössere Firmenkunden gemäss deutschen und internationalen Bewertungsgrundsätzen; Betreuung der Arbeitgeber bei sämtlichen Fragestellungen der betrieblichen Altersversorgung; Komplexe versicherungsmathematische Bewertungen z. B. bei Auslagerungen und Ve...      Studium der (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik, Finanzmathematik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder einer vergleichbaren Fachrichtung; Interesse an Programmierung; Interesse an der Weiterbildung zum Aktuar (DAV) und zum Versicherungsmathematischen Sachverständigen für Altersversorgung (IVS); Hohe Leistungsbere...

de: Mathematikerin/Mathematiker (all genders) Pensionsmathematik in der bAV

adesso SE; Germany
Berechnungen zum Versorgungsausgleich und zu Renten- und Unverfallbarkeitsansprüchen, Prognoseberechnungen für Planungs- und Entscheidungszwecke; Projektarbeit und Bearbeitung von Fragestellungen wie bspw. Restrukturierung bestehender Versorgungswerke in einem interdisziplinären Team; Unterstütz...      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Mathematikstudium (Bachelor/Master/Diplom) oder mathematisch ausgerichtetes naturwissenschaftliches Studium; Umfangreiches Wissen im deutschen Steuer- und Handelsrecht; Nachweisliche Projekterfahrung bei der Restrukturierung und Ausfinanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen...

de: Softwareentwickler:in Java

zollsoft GmbH; Jena, Thüringen, Germany
Unsere bestehenden und neuen Software-Applikationen werden in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Team aus Software-Entwicklern und -Testern von Dir massgeblich gepflegt und weiterentwickelt; Du bist im kompletten Produktentwicklungszyklus vorne mit dabei und bringst Deine Ideen von der Anforderungsana...      Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Informatik/Mathematik oder eine entsprechende Berufsausbildung im IT-Umfeld; Erste praktische Berufserfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung im Bereich Java/C++ hast Du gesammelt und kannst davon nicht genug kriegen; Gute Kenntnisse im Umfeld der Server-Ent...

lu: Doctoral candidates in Statistics and Probability

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The Mathcoda Doctoral Training Unit is a doctoral program covering a coherent set of themes around the ideation and study of novel mathematical tools for dealing with high-dimensional and complex data structures, with applications ranging from life sciences to engineering and finance. The main ratio...      Master's Degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or related disciplines. (The degree must be obtained before the beginning of the contract but you can apply before); Good command of written and spoken English; Strong dedication to doing mathematics at a research level

lu: Doctoral candidates in Statistics and Probability

University of Luxembourg; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The Mathcoda Doctoral Training Unit is a doctoral program covering a coherent set of themes around the ideation and study of novel mathematical tools for dealing with high-dimensional and complex data structures, with applications ranging from life sciences to engineering and finance. The main ratio...      Master's Degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or related disciplines. (The degree must be obtained before the beginning of the contract but you can apply before); Good command of written and spoken English; Strong dedication to doing mathematics at a research level

de: (Senior) Java/Kotlin Engineer (New Platform) (m/f/x)

Scalable Capital; Germany
Build a new exciting platform to serve our customers using cutting edge technology and modern software development practices; Work alongside a highly motivated team of software engineers and academics implementing change in the financial industry; Translate business challenges into technical solutio...      A university degree in a relevant field of study (e.g. computer science, engineering, sciences, ...) or a comparable qualification; Experience in our tech stack: Java/Kotlin, GraphQL, JWT, Docker, Spring Boot, AWS, Terraform; Experience in modern software development processes (e.g. agile and self-...

ch: Senior Software Engineer/Project Lead (m/w) (80-100%)

Helbling Technik AG; Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland
Consumer Products, Mobilität und anderen Bereichen im B2B- und B2C-Umfeld zum Erfolg. Sie übernehmen die technische und organisatorische Verantwortung für die kundenspezifische Entwicklung von innovativen Lösungen und gestalten die digitale Zukunft der lokalen und internationalen Kunden massgebl...      Sie verfügen über ein abgeschlossenes Studium in Informatik oder eine gleichwertige Ausbildung; Sie sind versiert in den neusten Technologien in mindestens einem der Bereiche Cloud, Web und Desktop und haben eine breite Erfahrung in der System- und Softwarearchitektur; Sie schätzen einen national...

ch: Mobile & Cloud Software Engineer (100%)

Helbling Technik AG; Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland
Sie brauchen vielfältige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und suchen immer wieder technische Herausforderungen? Neue Technologien setzen Sie mit Freude ein? Dann sind Sie in unserem frischen und dynamischen Team genau richtig! In unserem Geschäftszentrum “Software Engineering & IT” in Aarau entwi...      Wir erwarten einen sehr guten Hochschulabschluss (FH, ETH, Uni) in Informatik oder äquivalenter Ausbildung. Sie haben Freude am Kontakt mit Menschen und neuen Herausforderungen, sind kontaktfreudig, engagiert und handeln kundenorientiert; Kenntnisse in der Entwicklung von Web- und Mobile-Applikatio...

us: Post Doctoral Fellow - School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences

Clemson University; Clemson, South Carolina, United States
The Clemson School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences (SMSS) seeks to fill SMSS Postdoctoral positions, starting in the Fall 2023 semester. This is a 9-month position (August 15-May 15) with job duties consisting of teaching two courses per semester, conducting research, and light service du...      PHD in Mathematics or Statistical Sciences

us: Postdoctoral Fellow in Materials Science

Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
The Lewis Lab is seeking a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in one or more of the following areas: nanoparticle synthesis, colloidal science, rheology, or granular media. The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary team of researchers supported under a new ARO MURI award. The goal of t...      Candidates must have a Doctorate degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, or Applied Physics by the time the appointment begins

us: Chief Reserving Actuary

Argo Group; New York City, United States
Lead the analysis of corporate loss and loss expense reserves on a quarterly basis. The resulting analysis and direction are presented quarterly; Communicate reserve analysis and direction to the Board of Directors; Communicate reserve analysis and direction to external parties such as state examine...      15 years of experience in a P&C insurance environment with a strong emphasis on reserving and reinsurance; 10 or more years of prior management/supervision experience; Actuarial Fellow Designation (FCAS) and Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA) required; Bachelor’s degree or equi...

vn: Faculty in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Open rank)

British University Vietnam; Hai Bà Trưng District, Hà Nội, Vietnam
We welcome applications from experienced teachers with specialisms in Data Science, Data visualizations, Natural Language Processing, Big Data, Quantitative analysis and any relevant industry experience is also welcomed      PhD or Doctoral qualifications and Masters degree in a relevant discipline area from an internationally recognized institution; University or postgraduate teaching experience in related fields having taught programmes where instruction is 100% English; Advanced knowledge of Data Science and AI; Prof...

us: Bioinformatic Scientist

bioMérieux; Hazelwood, Missouri, United States
Develops and implements tools and reference databases for genomic analysis of eukaryotic pathogens; Analyzenext-generationsequencing (NGS)datasuch asWGS and targeted sequencingand othermicrobiome data; Construct NGS libraries for the assigned pipeline, which may be whole genomeor amplicon andoperati...      Masters Degree in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Statistics, orarelated field with at least 2 yearsofwork experience in sequencing data analysis; Knowledge of prokaryotic and eukaryotic molecular biology and microbiology

us: Actuarial Methodology Lead

Equitable; United States
Monitoring and interpreting key regulatory developments across the life industry regarding GAAP, Statutory, Tax and RBC valuation frameworks; Defining company methodology and practices around key pieces of new regulatory requirements for new/existing products and transactions, including VM-20, VM-21...      Bachelor's degree in Mathematics or related discipline; FSA Designation; 3+ years of actuarial experience

in: Analyst Actuarial

Sun Life Financial Inc.; India
Work with business users for the preparation of user requirements for new product initiatives and/or new system initiatives on SunSmart (Point of Sale Life insurance application) & PX (Product configurator), including having thorough understanding about the product actuarial worksheets (with exc...      Actuarial talent with 2+ years experience

us: Sr. Data Scientist

BAE Systems; United States
Supports and provides robust interactive data analysis tools (such as ParaView, VisIt and EnSight) which are configured by to run in a client-server mode from HPC systems to local user workstations, and a special home-grown VNC solution called the Secure Remote Desktop; Participates in cross-HPCMP c...      Bachelors and ten (10) years or more experience. The candidate should have a full 4-year course of study in an accredited college or university leading to a bachelor's or higher degree that included a major field of study in professional engineering, computer engineering, software design, or compute...

us: Senior P&C Actuarial Analyst

IAT Insurance Group; United States
Possesses a level of versatility to learn new lines of business, balance multiple projects, and a desire to develop and grow within this role; Ability to cultivate relationships between the actuarial/analytics unit and other functional support units within the organization through collaboration and ...      Requires a Bachelor’s degree and at least five years of actuarial work experience or equivalent; Equivalent is considered nine years of actuarial work experience; Must have a solid background in the P&C commercial insurance space, including familiarity with ISO forms/rules.Eager to learn new l...

us: Manager, Biostatistics

Natera, Inc.; United States
Manage a team of biostatisticians, taking responsibility for their technical and professional development; Oversee and provide technical guidance on the implementation and execution of relevant statistical analyses (e.g., sample size, power, accuracy, precision, LoD) for studies of varying complexit...      Master’s degree in Biostatistics, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Engineering, or equivalent with 4+ years of relevant experience, or PhD in Biostatistics, Statistics, or equivalent with 2+ years of relevant experience; Minimum of 2 years of diagnostic product or medical device development experience;...

us: Sr. Machine Learning Engineer

Veradigm; Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Collaborate with Data Scientists and product experts to evaluate opportunities for applying ML and NLP technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of health care; to scale and optimize efficiency of internal processes; and to find insights latent in the data that may not be discoverable other...      Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. Master’s degree strongly preferred; Minimum of 2 years of experience working with ML and NLP technologies with a focus on applications using regulated data, healthcare preferred. Experience with NLG technologies and/or gener...

us: Associate Director, Bioinformatics

Natera, Inc.; United States
Envision, plan, and execute research strategies in collaboration with other cross-functional stakeholders; Drive the development of innovative algorithms on ultra-deep sequencing data; Lead a team of Bioinformatics Scientists and support their professional growth; Foster a culture of innovation, col...      PhD in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Biostatistics, or related field; Minimum of 6-8 years of working in the bioinformatics field and extensive managerial and cross-functional experience; Track-record of leading and developing state-of-the-art and highly impactful compu...

dk, nl, us: (Associate) Director, Biostatistician

Genmab; Denmark, Netherlands, United States
Act as lead and main point of contact related to Statistics for designated compound/indication; Follow scientific and technical progress within the field of biostatistics in drug development and advise of new methodologies that may support innovation and improve efficiencies; Engage with regulatory ...      Master's or PhD in a statistical field with 8+ (AD) and 12+ years (Director) of experience in relevant technical area; Experience in statistical analysis, modelling and simulation and adaptive trial designs; Experience with drug development in biologics, targeted therapies, and companion diagnostics...

ie: Senior Actuary

MetLife, Inc.; Dublin, Ireland
Performing all aspects of actuarial work, including financial reporting and solvency reporting; Review and analysis of the quarterly reserves and capital requirements, liaising closely with the various stakeholders; Production of quarterly packs for management reporting and presentation of this info...      Strong record of success in leading an Actuarial team and meeting project and regulatory deadlines; Excellent report writing skills with experience preparing reports for Company Executive Committees and Board; A strong desire to ultimately progress to be a HoAF in the medium/long term; An Actuarial ...

us: Senior Algorithm, AI/ML, Integration Engineer

Danaher; United States
The Senior Algorithm, AI/ML, Integration Engineer; (Remote Position) at Beckman Coulter Diagnostics is responsible for designing, developing, troubleshooting, and debugging algorithms and software programs for software enhancements and new products. Develops software tools including operating system...      5+ Years of experience in developing in C/C#/C++ for Windows and Linux; 5+ Years of experience in developing in Python for Machine Learning and Computer Vision applications; 3+ Years of experience in building and troubleshooting Linux-based ML/AI deployment pipelines for edge-devices; 3+ Years of ex...

us: Principal Data Scientist

Veradigm; Chicago, Illinois, United States
Leads and influences teams whose members are seldom direct-reports; Leads, and as needed, directly develops business cases and requirements for advanced analytics supporting new and enhanced products; Leads discovery process with stakeholders to identify analytic needs, important variables that migh...      Bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or in a related field; 10+ years of relevant Data Scientist experience; 5 + years demonstrated achievement with and mastery of quantitative and qualitative research and analytics experience; Solid experience supporting the developmen...

uk: Mechanical Completion Engineer (100%)

Sulzer AG; Leeds, United Kingdom
Review of Mechanical Completion (MC) requirements and specifications defined by the project specific PO; Coordinate all project MC inspection activities including internal and external MC activities; Provide technical support throughout the construction activities, leading up to and during the manuf...      Engineering apprentice or experience; Good computer skills; Rotating equipment or similar package experience; HNC/Equivalent in Mechanical and/or Electrical Engineering; Relevant experience within related industry including knowledge of industry practices & standards; Experience of managing larg...