for Institution["Jackson State University"]

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Jackson State University (JSU); Jackson, Mississippi, United States

     Published: May 2, 2024   07:28

Duties: Providing academic and administrative leadership to the Department; Providing leadership for faculty development, program development and assessment, grantsmanship, long-range planning, budgeting, public relations, and recruitment and retention of diverse students and faculty; Supervising and evaluating personnel
Requirements: Doctorate and broad experience in any area of Biological Science

Jackson State University (JSU); Jackson, Mississippi, United States

     Published: April 10, 2024   07:05

Duties: The responsibilities of the Chair are to provide visionary leadership and overall management of the Department of Biology while maintaining collegiality. The Chair, a senior faculty administrator, promotes teaching, research, and service excellence. Therefore, the position demands a high-level commitment and professional duties
Requirements: Must have a doctorate and broad experience in any area of Biological Science; Must have academic credentials that represent teaching, research, and service/outreach excellence

for Institution["Jackson State University"]

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