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Paul Olum Postdoctoral Scholar (Mathematics)
University of Oregon
CAS Mathematics
Eugene , Oregon , United States
This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 9-month position for a postdoctoral faculty member (not tenure-related) in the Department of Mathematics. This position is intended to start September 16, 2025, and is renewable for up to three years (first year, plus 2 renewals) based on needs and available funding
PhD in mathematics, statistics, or a closely related field; An outstanding record of research potential in an area of interest to the department; Evidence of teaching ability
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The cover letter should name at least one University of Oregon faculty member who may be interested in the candidate's work. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2024. The University of Oregon Mathematics Department is committed to recruiting and retaining a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates, and strongly encourage women faculty, faculty of color, and faculty with disabilities to apply. We are especially interested in candidates who can support our work in mentoring, research, teaching, and outreach. Department Summary The Department of Mathematics is a diverse and growing department with strengths in Algebraic Geometry, Analysis, Combinatorics, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Biology, Number Theory, Representation Theory, Topology, and Probability. The department has a thriving Ph.D. program with approximately 65 graduate students, 33 tenured and tenure-track faculty, 8 postdocs, and 14 lecturers. Position Summary This postdoctoral position is named in honor of Paul Olum, an influential president of the University of Oregon from 1980 to 1989, known for expanding research institutes and academic programs at the UO. The Paul Olum postdoctoral scholar will have divided job duties between research and teaching. This position will pursue ongoing research in mathematics or statistics in consultation with their advisor. The exact nature of the research will depend upon the individual postdoc and advisor's research interests. In addition, this position will have a teaching load of 4 courses per year, which range from standard subjects like calculus or linear algebra to other more advanced subjects, depending on the needs of the department and the interest and expertise of the instructor. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 9-month position for a postdoctoral faculty member (not tenure-related) in the Department of Mathematics. This position is intended to start September 16, 2025, and is renewable for up to three years (first year, plus 2 renewals) based on needs and available funding. Minimum Requirements • PhD in mathematics, statistics, or a closely related field. • An outstanding record of research potential in an area of interest to the department. • Evidence of teaching ability. All offers of employment are contingent upon successful completion of a background check. The University of Oregon is proud to offer a robust benefits package to eligible employees, including health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. For more information about benefits, visit https://hr.uoregon.edu/about-benefits . The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the ADA. The University encourages all qualified individuals to apply and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected status, including veteran and disability status. The University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities. To request an accommodation in connection with the application process, please contact us at uocareers@uoregon.edu or 541-346-5112. UO prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy (including pregnancy-related conditions), age, physical or mental disability, genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, familial status, citizenship, service in the uniformed services (as defined in federal and state law), veteran status, expunged juvenile record, and/or the use of leave protected by state or federal law in all programs, activities and employment practices as required by Title IX, other applicable laws, and policies. Retaliation is prohibited by UO policy. Questions may be referred to the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance. Contact information, related policies, and complaint procedures are listed here . In compliance with federal law, the University of Oregon prepares an annual report on campus security and fire safety programs and services. The Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at https://clery.uoregon.edu/annual-campus-security-and-fire-safety-report . Advertised: September 20, 2024 Pacific Daylight Time Applications close: Back to search results Apply now Refer a friend Send me jobs like these We will email you new jobs that match this search. Great, we can send you jobs like this, if this is your first time signing up, please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. The email address was invalid, please check for errors. You must agree to the privacy statement Subscribe Recaptcha Privacy agreement Search Results Position Location Closes Paul Olum Postdoctoral Scholar (Mathematics) Eugene, OR The Mathematics Department at the University of Oregon is accepting applications for the Paul Olum Postdoctoral Scholar position. The Paul Olum postdoctoral scholar will have divided job duties between research and teaching. Current Opportunities Position Location Closes Paul Olum Postdoctoral Scholar (Mathematics) Eugene, OR The Mathematics Department at the University of Oregon is accepting applications for the Paul Olum Postdoctoral Scholar position. The Paul Olum postdoctoral scholar will have divided job duties between research and teaching. Loading... 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