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Position: Ph.D. Position in Numerical Analysis
Institution: Universität Basel
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Duties: You will be integrated into the Numerical Analysis research group. Your main task will be to conduct research on the SNSF project "Space-time Adaptive Explicit Time- Stepping for Wave Propagation”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The position also includes a small teaching load (one homework session per week) as a teaching assistant
Requirements: M.Sc. in Mathematics or Applied/Computational Mathematics; strong background in standard numerical methods for ODE's, PDE's; strong background in finite element methods (theory and Matlab programming); good English communication skills
Text: Ph.D. Position in Numerical Analysis You will be integrated into the Numerical Analysis research group. Your main task will be to conduct research on the SNSF project "Space-time Adaptive Explicit Time- Stepping for Wave Propagation”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The position also includes a small teaching load (one homework session per week) as a teaching assistant M.Sc. in Mathematics or Applied/Computational Mathematics; strong background in standard numerical methods for ODE's, PDE's; strong background in finite element methods (theory and Matlab programming); good English communication skills
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