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Position: Two Postdoc positions in Computational Mathematics
Institution: Università della Svizzera italiana
Location: Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Duties: The positions are funded by the SNSF Starting Grant, "Multiresolution Methods for Unstructured Data": Unstructured data, such as social network information, text, audio, photos, videos, scientific measurements, and simulation data, is increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. Efficient processing and analysis of these data types are essential for our society. In the project "Multiresolution Methods for Unstructured Data, "we are developing novel, fully discrete, data-centric multiresolution approaches tailored to unstructured data. The focus is on the analysis and efficient algorithms of such approaches, as well as their implementation
Requirements: PhD in (applied) Mathematics, with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Approximation Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, or Uncertainty Quantification
Text: Euler Institute Two Postdoc position s in Computational Mathematics at the Euler Institute , F aculty of Informatics at USI Universit? della Svizzera italiana Universit? della Svizzera italiana (USI) is a young and lively university, a hub of opportunity open to the world where students are offered a quality interdisciplinary education in which they can be fully engaged and take center stage, and where our researchers can count on having the spa ce to freely pursue their initiative. Established in 1996, USI is in constant evolution, always taking on new challenges while remaining true to its three guiding principles: quality, openness and responsibility. The Euler i nstitute invites applications for two Postdoc position s ( 60 - 100 %, 2 years) in Computational Mathematics. The P roject Unstructured Data": photos, videos, scientific measurements, and simulation data, is increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. Efficient processing and analysis of these data types are essential for our soci discrete, data - centric multiresolution approaches tailored to unstructured data. The focus is on the analysis and efficient algorithms of such approaches, a s well as their implementation . The Postdoc Position s The Postdoc candidate s will work under the scientific supervision of Prof. Michael Multerer ( http://usi.to/3ps ) . The successful candidate s will be offered the possibility to work in a dynamic research team and in a multidisciplinary and intern ational scientific environment. The position s do not include teaching duties, though op portunities for teaching are available if desired. The Postdoc c andidates are expected to publish in high - ranking journals and to present their results at scientific conferences. Candidates’ P rofile Ideal candidates should satisfy the following requireme nts: • PhD in (applied) Mathematics, with expertise in one or more of the following areas: A pproximation T heory, H armonic A nalysis, N umerical L inear A lgebra, or U ncertainty Q uantification . • Programming knowledge with C/C++ or Python. • Fluency in English; fluency in Italian or German is a plus. • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Experience or interest in supervising PhD students. pa g e 2 / 2 General T erms • Workplace is USI Universit? della Svizzera italiana, located in Lugano, Switzerland. • The s tart ing date is as soon as possible, and applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. • The position s are intended for 2 years (extensible). • postdoctoral researchers. The Application Applications may be submitted upon acceptance of the Applicant Personal Data Processing Notice found at the following LINK . In th e online form, you will be asked to declare that you have read and understood our privacy policy. Applications should contain: • A . • A . • C opies of relevan t diplomas and certificates . • A . • C ontact information of 2 scientific references. Applications must be submitted ONLINE by filling out the form accessible through the following link: CANDIDATES . You will also need to upload the documents li sted above. Please send requests for further information to Michael Multerer ( michael.multerer@usi.ch ). As an institution that values diversity, USI particularly encourages applications from women and from all individuals from underrepresented groups. Lugano , 3 July 2024
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