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Biozentrum PhD Fellowships - Winter Call 2024/25
Universität Basel
Biozentrum - Center for Molecular Life Sciences
Basel , Switzerland
The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its fundamental research embraces a wide range of topics such as biochemistry, biophysics, physics of living systems, structural biology, microbiology, infection biology and immunology, cell and developmental biology, neurobiology, genetics as well as computational and systems biology
We are looking for ambitious and highly motivated young talents from all over the world to join the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program and our scientific community
Biozentrum PhD Fellowships - Winter Call 2024/25 - Biozentrum window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-11503825-1'); gtag('config', 'G-7FXZTJT6GV'); Navigation mit Access Keys Direkt zur Startseite Direkt zur Navigation Direkt zum Inhalt Direkt zur Kontaktseite Direkt zur Sitemap Direkt zur Suche Forschung Back Forschung Forschungsgruppen Jan Pieter Abrahams Markus Affolter Silvia Arber Marek Basler Attila Becskei Dirk Bumann Christoph Dehio Médéric Diard Fiona Doetsch Flavio Donato Knut Drescher Ben Engel Stephan Grzesiek Michael N. Hall Christoph Handschin Sebastian Hiller Maria Hondele Urs Jenal Anissa Kempf Roderick Lim Timm Maier Susan Mango Richard Neher Jean Pieters Markus Rüegg Peter Scheiffele Alex Schier Torsten Schwede Anne Spang Erik van Nimwegen Mihaela Zavolan Research Fields & Publications Forschungsfelder Publications Researchers Forschungsgruppen A-Z Projektleiter A-Z Postdocs PhD Professoren Interviews Women in Science Emeriti Ehemalige Professoren Preise & Ehrungen Highlights Chronology Alumni Technology Ventures Überblick SEAL Therapeutics AG Partner Partner & Kooperationen Wissenschaftliche Netzwerke Titularprofessoren PhD Back Überblick PhD auf einen Blick Überblick PhD Student Office PhD Student Office International PhD Program PhD Program PhD Fellowships Graduate Teaching Program PhD Dokumente PhD Studenten PhD Interviews PhD Studenten Preise PhD Retreat PhD Student Association Leben in Basel PhD at a Glance Postgraduates from around the world choose the opportunity to become part of our interdisciplinary international PhD community and conduct their doctoral studies at the Biozentrum - one of the world-leading institutes in the Life Sciences. More Studium Back Überblick Studiengänge Überblick BSc in Biologie BSc in Computational Sciences MSc in Molekularbiologie MSc in Physics of Life Diplom in Biotechnologie NEW: Master of Science in Physics of Life − training in cutting-edge research at the interface of physics, mathematics, engineering, and life sciences: More Graduate Teaching Program Teaching Cycles Kurs Koordination Kurs Koordination Mitglieder Summer Schools Biozentrum Research Summer Basel Summer Science Academy Praktika Angehende Doktorierende Schülerinnen und Schüler Primarschülerinnen und -schüler Facilities Back Technologieplattformen A-Z Technologieplattformen BioEM Lab Biophysics Facility FACS Core Facility Genomics Facility Basel Imaging Core Facility Proteomics Core Facility Research Instrumentation Facility Research IT sciCORE Swiss High-field NMR Facility Services Kommunikation Zentrale elektronische Werkstatt Zentrale mechanische Werkstatt Kurse & Veranstaltungen Wasch- und Medienküche Sicherheit Zentrallager News Back News News Neueste Nachrichten Pressespiegel News Archiv Media Contact Dr. Katrin Bühler E-Mail katrin.buehler unibas ch Tel. 41 61 207 09 74 Heike Sacher E-Mail heike.sacher unibas ch Tel. 41 61 207 14 49 Events Events Biozentrum Events Life Science Events Basel Biozentrum Public Events Conferences & Symposia Seminar Series Vergangene Events Über uns Back Über uns Biozentrum auf einen Blick Überblick Spenden Highlights 1971 - 2021 Annual Report Broschüren Neubau Community Leben in Basel Organisation Management Organigramm Commissions Advisory Board Administration Floormanager Personal & Finanzen Bibliothek Alumni Willkommen Alumni Portraits Alumni Awards & Honors Mitgliedschaft Benefits en de Home Offene Stellen Medien Personen Kontakt Wegbeschreibung Sitemap Suche Intranet Offene Stellen Home Offene Stellen Medien Personen Kontakt Wegbeschreibung Sitemap Suche Intranet Offene Stellen Home Offene Stellen Medien Personen Kontakt Wegbeschreibung Sitemap Suche Intranet Biozentrum PhD Fellowships - Winter Call 2024/25 The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its fundamental research embraces a wide range of topics such as biochemistry, biophysics, physics of living systems, structural biology, microbiology, infection biology and immunology, cell and developmental biology, neurobiology, genetics as well as computational and systems biology. With over 30 groups , about 150 PhD students and over 500 employees, we are a lively and dynamic international community of researchers who investigate with curiosity biological phenomena ranging from interactions of molecules to growth, development and behavior of organisms. Our research has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Your profile We are looking for ambitious and highly motivated young talents from all over the world to join the Biozentrum Basel International PhD Program and our scientific community. We offer Our long-standing fellowship program offers unique opportunities. As a PhD fellow you can select a Biozentrum research group through rotations and get the chance to learn different skills and techniques needed for modern research. Therefore, our program is particularly well suited for students with broad interests. Our fellowship gives you full and independent funding for your entire PhD and offers other benefits that foster scientific excellence. With this fellowship you could join the 40 fellows who conduct their research at the Biozentrum at the moment. Our selection procedure Our selection procedure is based on in-person interactions on site. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the Biozentrum to present their research, participate in individual interviews with group leaders, visit different labs and get to know current PhD students, the Biozentrum and Basel. More information: https://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/excellence Application Please apply online by October 5, 2024: https://biped2.biozentrum.unibas.ch/excellence Information for Bachelorstudierende Masterstudierende Doktoranden Mitarbeitende Alumni Donatoren Medien Impressum Haftungsausschluss Follow us LinkedIn X Instagram Youtube Go to Open Positions People Contact Directions Search © Universität Basel / Biozentrum Diese Website verwendet Cookies, um Nutzungsdaten zu erheben und die Funktionalität zu verbessern. Durch die weitere Nutzung der Website stimmen Sie dem zu. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. Einverstanden
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