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Position: Doctoral Research Fellowship
Institution: University of Oslo
Location: Oslo, Østlandet, Norway
Duties: We invite applications for PhD research on any aspect of the history of printing privileges in the period 1500-1800. Potential candidates may wish to focus on a particular period, person, archive, or location. For example, one might consider political alliances and conflicts, but also scientific and commercial networks, media strategies and censorship, or the cultural dynamics of specific places in a globalizing world. Applicants are expected to state in their project proposal why they have chosen a particular approach and what sources they intend to use (e.g. printed literature, engravings, court records, maps, newspapers, chancellery archives, etc.). Preference may be given to projects on France and Scandinavia, and to projects dealing with the (legal) Enlightenment
Requirements: A Master's degree or equivalent in history, legal history, art history, archival studies, or other disciplines relevant for the project
Text: Doctoral Research Fellowship We invite applications for PhD research on any aspect of the history of printing privileges in the period 1500-1800. Potential candidates may wish to focus on a particular period, person, archive, or location. For example, one might consider political alliances and conflicts, but also scientific and commercial networks, media strategies and censorship, or the cultural dynamics of specific places in a globalizing world. Applicants are expected to state in their project proposal why they have chosen a particular approach and what sources they intend to use (e.g. printed literature, engravings, court records, maps, newspapers, chancellery archives, etc.). Preference may be given to projects on France and Scandinavia, and to projects dealing with the (legal) Enlightenment A Master's degree or equivalent in history, legal history, art history, archival studies, or other disciplines relevant for the project
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