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Position: Associate Actuary
Institution: Unum Group
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States
Duties: Perform analysis of emerging experience, monitor marketplace and economic trends and review implications; Support development of analysis framework; Recommend updated pricing, valuation or reserving assumptions; Regularly communicate research findings and analysis to management; Effectively work with any number of other cross functional/operational areas (e.g. underwriting, compliance, customer care) on specific initiatives; Depending on area assigned, develop pricing or valuation tools, prepare state filings, financial reports and tax returns
Requirements: Bachelors degree required; A designation of Associate in the Society of Actuaries; Desire to attain FSA status; A minimum of two years hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of business analysis, pricing, valuation, ALM or corporate experience
Text: Associate Actuary Perform analysis of emerging experience, monitor marketplace and economic trends and review implications; Support development of analysis framework; Recommend updated pricing, valuation or reserving assumptions; Regularly communicate research findings and analysis to management; Effectively work with any number of other cross functional/operational areas (e.g. underwriting, compliance, customer care) on specific initiatives; Depending on area assigned, develop pricing or valuation tools, prepare state filings, financial reports and tax returns Bachelors degree required; A designation of Associate in the Society of Actuaries; Desire to attain FSA status; A minimum of two years hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of business analysis, pricing, valuation, ALM or corporate experience
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