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Position: Associate professor position in osteology
Institution: University of Bergen
Location: Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Duties: We are seeking a productive and innovative academic who will be a dedicated researcher within the field of osteology and faunal history. The successful applicant has an excellent track record in osteology and vertebrate morphology, and is conducting research on osteology, vertebrate zoology, faunal history, paleoecology or zooarchaeology. We emphasize competence in stable isotope analysis, ZooMS and/or ancient DNA and the application of these methods in research on modern as well as sub-fossil skeletal material. The successful applicant is expected to submit both internal and external grant applications
Requirements: Applicants must have a doctoral degree in osteology or zooarchaeology or equivalent qualifications; Research in osteology or zooarchaeology beyond the PhD level is required: Projects and publications during the last five years are given particular attention; Experience with stable isotope analysis, ZooMS, or ancient DNA (aDNA) is preferred; Curatorial experience and experience working with museum collections will count positively; Knowledge of archaeology is an advantage
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