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Position: Postdoc position in Sustainability Research Group
Institution: Universität Basel
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Duties: The production of agricultural commodities such as coffee, cocoa, or palm oil is associated with persistent environmental and social problems, including deforestation, forced and child labor, and smallholder poverty. Transforming agri-food systems is thus a major sustainable development challenge. European governments currently aim to do so via the introduction of mandatory supply chain sustainability legislation such as due diligence regulations and import restrictions. Such legislation requires companies to provide granular insights on environmental and human rights-related risks in their supply chains, and gives them responsibility for risk mitigation and remediation in production sites. Select laws also prohibit companies from importing products associated with negative impacts such as deforestation or forced labor
Requirements: Applicants should have completed a PhD in a relevant field such as political science, political economy, public policy/administration, global governance, sustainability research, sociology, or another social science discipline. The candidate should have demonstrated experience in the use of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods, and ideally have experience in conducting fieldwork in smallholder producer contexts
Text: Postdoc position in Sustainability Research Group The production of agricultural commodities such as coffee, cocoa, or palm oil is associated with persistent environmental and social problems, including deforestation, forced and child labor, and smallholder poverty. Transforming agri-food systems is thus a major sustainable development challenge. European governments currently aim to do so via the introduction of mandatory supply chain sustainability legislation such as due diligence regulations and import restrictions. Such legislation requires companies to provide granular insights on environmental and human rights-related risks in their supply chains, and gives them responsibility for risk mitigation and remediation in production sites. Select laws also prohibit companies from importing products associated with negative impacts such as deforestation or forced labor Applicants should have completed a PhD in a relevant field such as political science, political economy, public policy/administration, global governance, sustainability research, sociology, or another social science discipline. The candidate should have demonstrated experience in the use of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods, and ideally have experience in conducting fieldwork in smallholder producer contexts
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