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Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the Department of Comparative Politics
Institution: University of Bergen
Location: Bergen, Hordaland, Norway
Duties: The project addresses the impact of demographic change on representative democracy. The growing proportion of senior citizens across European populations increases their influence on elections and policy decisions. How does this affect the political representation of old, young, and future generations ́ interests? To assess the impact of demographic change on Generational Political Pluralism in Norway, Europe, and beyond, the project investigates generational cleavages in two integral parts of policymaking: public opinion and political representation. The empirical analyses draw on a combination of observational, behavioural, and experimental data and will use a range of innovative methods like survey experiments, text analysis, and social network analysis to make descriptive and causal inferences. Read more about the project here. A detailed project plan is available upon request
Requirements: We welcome applicants with a PhD within Political Science, Economics, or a related discipline; Applicants will ideally have experience in the study of generational inequality, political representation, and/or political behavior; certified by journal publications and/or working papers within these subfields
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