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Position: Senior Researcher - Machine Learning/Generative AI
Institution: Microsoft Corporation
Location: United States
Duties: Spearhead research initiatives in Machine Learning and Generative AI that lay the groundwork for advancements across a wide range of scientific and technological domains; Collaborate and foster a culture of innovation with a team of world-class researchers and scientists to explore and solve fundamental problems in AI, with a focus on generating impactful, cross-disciplinary applications; Translate theoretical AI concepts into tangible solutions and methodologies that address complex issues within various fields of study and industry sectors
Requirements: An established background in Machine Learning and Generative AI, evidenced by a PhD in a relevant technical field or equivalent experience; A strong portfolio of Machine Learning research projects, demonstrating a history of impactful contributions
Text: Senior Researcher - Machine Learning/Generative AI Spearhead research initiatives in Machine Learning and Generative AI that lay the groundwork for advancements across a wide range of scientific and technological domains; Collaborate and foster a culture of innovation with a team of world-class researchers and scientists to explore and solve fundamental problems in AI, with a focus on generating impactful, cross-disciplinary applications; Translate theoretical AI concepts into tangible solutions and methodologies that address complex issues within various fields of study and industry sectors An established background in Machine Learning and Generative AI, evidenced by a PhD in a relevant technical field or equivalent experience; A strong portfolio of Machine Learning research projects, demonstrating a history of impactful contributions
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