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Position: Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Runtime & Optimization, Machine Learning Platform
Institution: Waymo
Location: Mountain View, California, United States
Duties: Collaborate with ML practitioners to understand their models and modify model architectures to run faster on the car; Build tools to benchmark and analyze workloads; Build tools to improve model latency and quality; Build tools to productize deep learning models for onboard and offboard deployment
Requirements: BS in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related field; 5+ years of industry experience; C++ programming skills; Passion for developing and optimizing ML software stacks for modern architectures (framework, runtime library, ML compiler, efficient deep learning)
Text: Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Runtime & Optimization, Machine Learning Platform Collaborate with ML practitioners to understand their models and modify model architectures to run faster on the car; Build tools to benchmark and analyze workloads; Build tools to improve model latency and quality; Build tools to productize deep learning models for onboard and offboard deployment BS in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related field; 5+ years of industry experience; C++ programming skills; Passion for developing and optimizing ML software stacks for modern architectures (framework, runtime library, ML compiler, efficient deep learning)
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