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Position: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Software Engineering (Data format inference, transformation, and verification)
Institution: University of Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Duties: The successful candidate will join the SVV research group headed by Prof. Domenico Bianculli. The team focuses on the development and design of reliable, safe, and secure software systems, carrying out both upstream activities such as requirements quality, as well as downstream verification & validation activities, such as software testing and runtime verification. The candidate will develop novel methods and techniques for data format inference, transformation, and verification in the context of high-speed satellite command data streams
Requirements: The candidate should possess a PhD degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or a related field; The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in the following topics: Runtime verification; Log analysis; Complex event processing; Language Engineering; Data Format Inference; Data Description Languages
Text: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Software Engineering (Data format inference, transformation, and verification) The successful candidate will join the SVV research group headed by Prof. Domenico Bianculli. The team focuses on the development and design of reliable, safe, and secure software systems, carrying out both upstream activities such as requirements quality, as well as downstream verification & validation activities, such as software testing and runtime verification. The candidate will develop novel methods and techniques for data format inference, transformation, and verification in the context of high-speed satellite command data streams The candidate should possess a PhD degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or a related field; The ideal candidate should have some knowledge and experience in the following topics: Runtime verification; Log analysis; Complex event processing; Language Engineering; Data Format Inference; Data Description Languages
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