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Position: PostDoc position at the Institute of Management and Organization
Institution: Università della Svizzera italiana
Location: Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Duties: The Post-doc will contribute to an SNF research project aimed at understanding the relational antecedents and consequences of corporate strategy decisions. In particular, the aim of this project is to study the influence of heterogeneity in the extent to which firms consider non-shareholding stakeholders’ interests on corporate development behavior both pre- and post-acquisition
Requirements: A PhD in business, finance, or informatics; Proficiency in computer-based data analysis, data management and coding
Text: Institute of Management and Organization (IMO) PostDoc position at the Institute of Management and Organization , Faculty of Economics at USI Università della Svizzera italiana gina The PostDoc candidate is expected to present papers at scientific conferences and produce publications in high ranking journals. Candidates profile Ideal candidates should satisfy the following requirements: A PhD in business, finance, or informatics Proficiency i n computer based data analysis data management and coding;
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