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Position: Assistant Professor in Business Anthropology on the Technological Transformation of Consumption and Markets
Institution: Università della Svizzera italiana
Location: Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Duties: promote research internationally and locally in her/his field of competence, co-ordinate an assistant’s activities, and act in an advisory capacity for PhD candidates. Switzerland provides the opportunity of accessing relevant research funds provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and similar institutions; teach and run courses at all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD) on marketing and the technological transformation of marketing and business-related communication (e.g. Advertising and Consumer Representations, Business Markets, Customer Experience, Digital Corporate Communication, Service Design Marketing) (12 ECTS per year)
Requirements: a PhD in Business Anthropology, Cultural Marketing, Consumer Culture Theory, or related disciplines. Interdisciplinary backgrounds are particularly appreciate; research excellence reflected in a promising track record and a high-quality pipeline in internationally well recognized marketing journals
Text: Institute of Marketing and Communication Management Assistant Professor in Business Anthropology on the Technological Transformation of Consumption ge 2 3 explanat . The activity is scheduled to start in the Spring term 2025. USI, Università della Svizzera italiana, is aware of the various and different backgrounds of its employees and, as an institution that promotes diversity and inclusion, it particularly encourages applications by female candidates and by other under represented groups. e 3 3 Residence Prof essors reside in Ticino, which is part of the Italian speaking area of Switzerland. The new professor is expected to provide consistent participation in the academic activities of the university. The Application The application should contain: https://form.usi.ch/form/view.php?id=293306" title="Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society - IMCA Applications received before 31 May 2024, will be given priority. However, applications will be received until the position is filled. . For further information, please contact: Prof. Jeanne Mengis Dire Lugano, 26 February 2024 e 3 3 Residence Prof essors reside in Ticino, which is part of the Italian speaking area of Switzerland. The new professor is expected to provide consistent participation in the academic activities of the university. he Application The application should contain: lease send your application in electronic form to: rof. Luca M. Visconti Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società Università della Svizzera italiana Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 ing the online platf orm at the following link: https://form.usi.ch/form/view.php?id=293306" title="Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society - IMCA pplications received before 31 May 2024, will be given priority. However, applications will be received until the position is filled. informati on the Institute of
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