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Position: Industrial Doctoral Position in localization and mapping for multi-robots in underground mines, caves and lunar lava tubes
Institution: University of Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Duties: Project: "Localization and mapping for multi-robots in underground mines, caves and lunar lava tubes&#034
Requirements: The candidate should possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Computer Science or Robotics engineering. We expect a candidate who is passionate about robotics and looking forward to developing her/his skills in robotics further in challenging terrestrial and space environments
Text: Industrial Doctoral Position in localization and mapping for multi-robots in underground mines, caves and lunar lava tubes Project: "Localization and mapping for multi-robots in underground mines, caves and lunar lava tubes" The candidate should possess an MSc degree or equivalent in Computer Science or Robotics engineering. We expect a candidate who is passionate about robotics and looking forward to developing her/his skills in robotics further in challenging terrestrial and space environments
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