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Position: PhD student position at the Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics
Institution: Università della Svizzera italiana
Location: Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
Duties: The Institute invites applications for a research and teaching PhD position. The PhD candidate will develop his or her dissertation project within the field of argumentation in the domain of public controversies
Requirements: A Master (or equivalent title) in linguistics, argumentation, rhetoric, discourse analysis, applied linguistics, communication sciences, or related disciplines
Text: Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics PhD student position at the Institute of Argumentation, Linguistics and Semiotics aculty of communication, culture and at USI Università della Svizzera italiana gina The PhD Position The doctoral student will be enrolled in the PhD in Communication Sciences https://www.com.usi.ch/en/study communication/phd doctoral studies/phd communication sciences ) with a specializati on in Discourse and Argumentation. The doctoral student will work under the scientific supervision of Prof. Sara Greco https://search.usi.ch/en/people/28e36cfec1c93ec14e5b0879cd5311e1/greco sara ). The successful candidate will be offered the possibility to wo rk in a dynamic research team and in a multidisciplinary and intern ational scientific environment. The PhD candidate will collaborate to the development of the institute research agenda. He pagina Interest for contributing to teaching and tutoring students. Contract terms Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive. Admission decisions are based on the candidates background, interests, attitude and potential for academic achievement. Successful enrolment in the Ph.D. program and the position as doctoral researcher are not compatible with a further professional activity. The position is internally financed
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