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Position: 12 PhD Positions
Institution: Technische Universität Graz
Location: Graz, Steiermark, Austria
Duties: The doc.funds project "Discrete Mathematics in Pairs" offers 12 PhD positions in Graz, Austria. These positions are funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for up to four years and are available from Oct 1, 2024. The gross salary for the position is 34500 Euro per year
Requirements: PhD students are required to hold a master degree in Mathematics or another relevant field when they begin in our graduate school. Applicants who will finish their master degree in 2024 can apply and should report on their progress in their application
Text: Graz School of Discrete Mathematics Contact | Login Home Overview Seminar Courses People Funding doc.funds "Discrete Mathematics in Teams" The doc.funds project "Discrete Mathematics in Pairs" offers 12 PhD positions in Graz, Austria. These positions are funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for up to four years and are available from Oct 1, 2024. The gross salary for the position is 34500 Euro per year. The project has a focus on collaborative research - every PhD project will be supervised by a pair of advisors. The topics of the project range over the research areas of our school, and the PhD students funded by the project will be fully integrated in the school. The list of topics is as follows (click on the topic name to get additional information) Topic 1: Reconfiguration of Plane Spanning Graphs Advisors: Oswin Aichholzer and Cesar Ceballos Topic 2: Distribution of point configurations: theory and applications Advisors: Christoph Aistleitner and Peter Grabner Topic 3: Fabrication-aware algorithms for discrete surfaces Advisor: Johannes Wallner Topic 4: Fairness over time in combinatorial optimization Advisors: Eranda Dragoti-Cela and Bettina Klinz Topic 5: Additive structure in value sets of norm forms Advisors: Christian Elsholtz and Christoper Frei Topic 6: Bootstrap percolation in high-dimensional product graphs Advisors: Joshua Erde and Mihyun Kang Topic 7: Arithmetic and Ideal Theory of Commutative Domains via Additive Combinatorics Advisors: Sophie Frisch and Alfred Geroldinger Topic 8: Expected Complexity of Topological Summaries Advisors: Mihyun Kang and Michael Kerber Topic 9: Topological Methods for Distributed Graph Algorithms Advisors: Michael Kerber and Yannic Maus Topic 10: Combinatorial optimization on graphs and their drawings Advisors: Bettina Klinz and Birgit Vogtenhuber Topic 11: Enumeration of graphs on surfaces Advisors: Philipp Sprüssel and Stephan Wagner Topic 12: Generalized Euclidean Rings (GE-Rings) Advisors: Laura Cossu and Sophie Frisch Requirements PhD students are required to hold a master degree in Mathematics or another relevant field when they begin in our graduate school. Applicants who will finish their master degree in 2024 can apply and should report on their progress in their application. How to apply Applications should include a cover letter, a CV, a student transcript, the master certificate (if available) the master thesis, or a recent draft of it (if available) names and email addresses of at least two references for recommendation letters, including the master thesis supervisor More documents can be sent if appropriate. There is no need to send recommendation letters at the deadline - we will contact the corresponding letter writers on demand. Please notify them that we might ask for a letter with a relatively short deadline after the application was sent. Applications (preferably as a single pdf file) should be sent to: docfunds-applications@math.tugraz.at For easier processing, please add the following information in the body of the application email: name: email: nationality: studies: [what and where you have studied] project: [which topic(s) you apply for, separated by comma] starting: [earliest possible starting date] thesis: [title or topic of thesis] references: [name and email of references] As an example: name: Michael Kerber email: kerber@tugraz.at nationality: German studies: Computer Science at Saarland University, Germany project: 08, 09 starting: 2024-10-01 thesis: Analysis of Real Algebraic Plane Curves references: Johannes Wallner (wallner@tugraz.at), Cesar Ceballos (cesar.ceballos@tugraz.at) For full consideration your application has to arrive by March 31, 2024. Later applications will be considered until the positions are filled. A selection of candidates will be invited for interviews taking place on May 23. Graz school of Discrete Mathematics dk_logo TU & KFU Graz AUSTRIA tu logo kf logo website templates by styleshout XHTML | CSS | not logged in
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