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Position: Post-doctoral researcher in Investment Fund Law
Institution: University of Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Duties: Conducting research projects in investment fund law within the scope of the Chair in Investment Fund Law; Publishing articles in scientific reviews and contributions to conferences in investment fund law; Assisting with teaching activities, one to three hours a week and contribute to tutoring students
Requirements: We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in law, preferably with a specialization in banking and financial law (N.B. applications from PhD candidates who will have started their final year of doctoral studies before that date may be considered)
Text: Post-doctoral researcher in Investment Fund Law Conducting research projects in investment fund law within the scope of the Chair in Investment Fund Law; Publishing articles in scientific reviews and contributions to conferences in investment fund law; Assisting with teaching activities, one to three hours a week and contribute to tutoring students We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in law, preferably with a specialization in banking and financial law (N.B. applications from PhD candidates who will have started their final year of doctoral studies before that date may be considered)
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