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Position: PhD Candidate in Forming Effective Code Representations
Institution: University of Luxembourg
Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Duties: The successful candidate will join the Serval research group by working on the MiCE (FNR-funded) project. The subject of the thesis will be “Mutation-based code embeddings” with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations
Requirements: Bachelor in Computer Science or related; Master on a subject related to Informatics, or Software Engineering, or Computer Science, or Information Technology; Strong background in software testing and Artificial Intelligence (e.g., Meta-heuristics, Machine Learning & NLP)
Text: PhD Candidate in Forming Effective Code Representations The successful candidate will join the Serval research group by working on the MiCE (FNR-funded) project. The subject of the thesis will be “Mutation-based code embeddings” with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations Bachelor in Computer Science or related; Master on a subject related to Informatics, or Software Engineering, or Computer Science, or Information Technology; Strong background in software testing and Artificial Intelligence (e.g., Meta-heuristics, Machine Learning & NLP)
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