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Position: Speech Recognition Engineer
Institution: MoTek Technologies
Location: Mountain View, California, United States
Duties: Participate in the whole scope of our application development where you will be working closely with our team in the design and implementation of algorithms, tools and methodologies in speech research, voice interface design, application prototyping, and development of our proprietary speech recognition engine Take part in extending and improving components of our speech understanding platform
Requirements: PhD in relevant discipline is highly desirable, but others with strong academic backgrounds and equivalent experience are encouraged to apply; A very strong machine learning background with deep structured learning/hierarchical learning and statistical modeling techniques that can be applied to speech; Strong software engineering skills in one or more of the following: Java, Python, and C++; Solid experience with building automatic speech recognition systems that can be integrated in an information retrieval process; Solid experience with Kaldi
Text: Speech Recognition Engineer Participate in the whole scope of our application development where you will be working closely with our team in the design and implementation of algorithms, tools and methodologies in speech research, voice interface design, application prototyping, and development of our proprietary speech recognition engine Take part in extending and improving components of our speech understanding platform PhD in relevant discipline is highly desirable, but others with strong academic backgrounds and equivalent experience are encouraged to apply; A very strong machine learning background with deep structured learning/hierarchical learning and statistical modeling techniques that can be applied to speech; Strong software engineering skills in one or more of the following: Java, Python, and C++; Solid experience with building automatic speech recognition systems that can be integrated in an information retrieval process; Solid experience with Kaldi
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